Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 81 081. The ancient mysterious oath

Chapter 81 081. The ancient mysterious oath
After listening to Professor Flitwick's remarks, Scott was very interested in the oath he said.

He asked Professor Flitwick, "Professor, can you tell us the details of that oath?"

But Professor Flitwick shook his head.

"Sorry, Scott," he said helplessly. "Unfortunately, that's all I know."

Scott confirms to him again, "So, the only thing you can be sure of is that the oath won't cause them irreparable harm?"

Professor Flitwick nodded, "Only Dumbledore and the deans of the four academies knew about this matter at first. Under the witness of Hogwarts Castle, the conditions of the oath cannot be violated."

He sighed, "But that's just to stop the irreparable damage. In fact, the students are already hurt now."

"And sure enough, their haggard state wasn't just a result of burnout," Scott said.

Professor Flitwick nodded with a worried expression, "They gave some life."

He added: "While Madam Pomfrey can restore them, the damage has already been done."

Scott asked, "Can't you ban them from club activities?"

Professor Flitwick shook his head again.

Scott understands that this is also a limitation of the oath.

"We didn't want to agree to that oath running at first."

Professor Flitwick clenched his fist.

"It's just... it's a very old oath, and it's destined to take effect one day from the date it was signed so far away."

Scott asked curiously, "Then do you know who both parties signed the oath?"

Professor Flitwick's expression was a little confused.

But in the curious eyes of Scott and Eddie, he still said the answer, "The other party to the oath hides his real name, but it was Royna Ravenclaw who signed the oath on behalf of Hogwarts."

When Scott heard this, he was so surprised that he was speechless for a moment.


Eddie couldn't help but exclaimed.

Professor Flitwick nodded affirmatively.

Scott can only say that he didn't expect such a thing at all.

He sighed to himself.

Sure enough, a real world is far more complex than what is depicted in the "original" novel.

The "Original" is an adventure story about the "Boy Who Lived" from the perspective of Harry Potter.

But in places not described in the "original book", outside Harry's perspective and knowledge, there are countless events in this real world that are happening simultaneously, or have happened.

Professor Flitwick added: "Because it's Ravenclaw, the great wizard who founded Hogwarts with a friend, so we can choose to trust her."

Scott pondered for a moment, digesting the information he had received.

"Milton and the others are now facing a trade-off between their own safety and the pursuit of music?"

His tone was weird.

"But now the situation is... You must have warned them, but they know that it will not cause irreparable damage, so they continue to indulge without caring?"

He was still very puzzled, "What is the purpose of that oath? Just to absorb the vitality of some students?"

He always felt that there was something hidden in it.

But Professor Flitwick knew only so much.

He looked at Scott and Eddie kindly: "The oath conditions prevent the professors from exploring the truth, but not the students. In short, what to do is up to you, and this is your choice."

Scott felt he needed to think about it.

After he thanked Professor Flitwick, he left the professor's office with Eddie.

After leaving the office, he couldn't help but fall into thinking, which caused him to walk slower and slower.

At this moment, even Eddie, who is usually too talkative, remained silent.

Scott walked on, past an open window.

Cold wind poured into the corridor from outside the window, making him shudder and come back to his senses.

He reached out to tighten the thick cloak he was wearing, and turned to look at Eddie.

"What do you think about this?" he asked.

Eddie said hesitantly: "Since Professor Flitwick said that there will be no irreparable danger... can we just leave it alone?"

Scott said: "If it's really just that..."

Eddie laughed suddenly, "I know you're going to say this next..."

He began to deliberately imitate Scott's tone of voice - lowered his voice and said slowly: "Since the risk is not too high, as long as it is Milton's own choice, we should not interfere."


Scott gave him a smirk.

At this moment, another gust of cold wind passed through the corridor, and the two of them shrank their necks at the same time.

Feeling that the temperature was getting colder, they decided to go back to the common room with the fireplace as soon as possible.

They quickened their pace and climbed from the eighth floor of the castle's main building to the first floor, and after reaching Ravenclaw Tower, they climbed the eighth floor of the tower again.

When the two stood outside the door of the common room, Eddie, who was "exercising too much", had begun to gasp for breath.

"What will fit together naturally after being broken?"

The bronze knocker on the door dutifully asked the two of them questions.

"Water... face." Eddie, panting, hurriedly replied.

"Correct," said the knocker.

The door opened and the two entered the common room.

At this time, the common room was very lively.

Many Ravenclaw students still regret the narrow loss of today's Quidditch match.

They all gathered around several team members, and actively offered advice for them.

This may be the time when Ravenclaws, who usually only focus on their own affairs, look the most enthusiastic, and Scott has to sigh again about the charm of Quidditch.


Scott waved to Roger, who was sitting on the couch in the crowd.

"Oh! You are back!"

Roger stood up and squeezed out of the crowd.

He was still carrying a broomstick in his hand, and he was also wearing a dirty team uniform and protective gear.

"It doesn't look like you're too upset?" Scott gave him a deliberate look.

"We've played well." Roger said optimistically, "Bruce believes that Qiu will try his best to grow up and let everyone not put too much pressure on her. Of course, I think so too."

"Come on, go back to the bedroom. We need to talk about the classical music club."

Scott was the first to walk towards the stairs leading to the bedroom.

After the three returned to the dormitory, Roger changed his clothes while listening to Eddie talk about what he and Scott had gone through today.

"Yes, I've asked Professor Flitwick before this," Roger said. "He made me not worry too much."

"But you didn't tell us!" Eddie said angrily.

Roger said, "I was just trying to persuade Milton out of a well-meaning fear that they might have an accident, but you didn't stand by me."

He clearly did it on purpose.

Eddie couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Scott walked over to the bed and sat down. He said to the other two: "Professor Flitwick has warned them, but maybe the music confused them."

Roger spread his hands: "Since they have never given up, I am afraid they are ready to bear the price."

Eddie said with a smile: "If that's the case, let them go crazy. The worst consequence is just a week or two in the school hospital."

Scott felt that there must be something hidden in that mysterious oath.

He had a lot of doubts about it.

Who was the one who signed the oath with Ravenclaw?
Why is the other party hiding his real name?

What is the purpose of the oath that has taken so much trouble to run over a thousand years?

Is it just some life force?
It is impossible to think.

Also, are these doubts only he can think of?

Of course not.

None of the professors acted, seemingly restrained by the conditions attached to the oath.

Is this restriction really constraining?
The point is, can Dumbledore be restrained?
Scott is also skeptical.

He also knew that Roger and Eddie must have sensed something was wrong, but because the professors were there, they chose to ignore it.

To be honest, if Milton was not involved in the incident, Scott would not be interested in thinking about this incomparably bizarre thing here.

Sounds like a hole.

In short, after thinking for a while, he finally decided—

Wait and see for a while.


Ask for a recommendation ticket
(End of this chapter)

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