Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 74 074. Scott's "friend" Rimbaud

Chapter 74 074. Scott's "friend" Rimbaud

The weather didn't look good that day, and even the sky was leaden grey.

But the bad weather didn't dampen wizards' enthusiasm for Quidditch.

The Quidditch pitch in the distance was very lively, and Scott, who was in the bedroom, could hear cheers from time to time.

Even the high-pitched commentary of the game commentator, Li Jordan, faintly came in from the window.

I don't know when it started, it started to rain.

Scott stopped writing, walked to the window and closed the glass window, and sat on the sofa under the window to read back the "biography" he wrote to the raven.

This is the life course of a common raven from breaking out of its shell to adulthood.

Scott details every aspect of his upbringing, from changing the fur on his body to learning to fly for the first time, and even his life in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts.

He read the text he had written several times over and over again, making himself believe for a short while that there really was such a raven in the Forbidden Forest.

Then he stood up again, picked up his wand, and waved it firmly towards the silent raven on the table.

The magic light lit up, and along with a fairly violent magic fluctuation, the raven came to life again.


It made a panicked cry, flapped its wings and flew, dodging Scott's outstretched hand, slammed its head into the glass window, and dropped a few black feathers.

The wand in Scott's hand twitched and the window opened again.

"Gah! Gah! Gah!"

The raven flew again and plunged into the wind and rain outside the window.

Scott walked to the window and stood still, letting the rapid rain hit his face.

He watched intently as the raven flew higher and farther, passed through the heavy rain curtain, and finally plunged into the dark forbidden forest and lost its trace.

Reaching out to wipe the rain off his face, Scott couldn't help grinning.

It became.

The raven really became the one he had set in detail.

It's just... when it returns to the Forbidden Forest, it shouldn't be able to find its nest that doesn't actually exist.

And, Scott just made a mistake.

Although he set the memory of the raven in detail, there was no himself in that memory.

So after the raven "wakes up", it panics and tries to escape.

But this is just a try.

At this moment, Scott did not care about this mistake, he was immersed in the joy of his own success.

Although the raven he transformed with Transfiguration was just the same as the real wild raven, it was difficult for him to use it, but he had undoubtedly mastered the correct method!

Next... just make the new raven your helper!
Scott closed the window excitedly, and before he had time to dry his hair and clothes, he sat down at the table again and picked up the quill.

What kind of raven is good to design?
Scott started out with a list of needs on the parchment.

First, the raven had better be able to talk.

Second, it is much smarter than the average wild raven.

In the end, it had better have some combat capability.

After listing the needs, Scott gave the raven another name - Rimbaud.

It has the same name as the great French poet because he wrote a poem called "The Raven".

Next, Scott started writing about himself and Rimbaud.

Yes, he wanted to add a raven named Rimbaud out of nothing in his past life.

[Rimbo is a talking raven.

It's smart, smarter than all of its kind.It makes it feel different.

Rimbaud's day-to-day life was just like any other raven, but he wasn't happy.

It wants to talk to others, but its fellows just quack horribly.

It tries to talk to humans, but humans only scream and call it a demon when they hear it.

Rimbaud is sad, he wants a good friend.

"Maybe you can find a wizard as a friend," said a passing owl. "Wizards don't always make a fuss like Muggles."

The owl also only cooed, but Rimbaud could understand what it meant.

For the sake of providing himself a good idea, Rimbaud didn't dislike it.

It followed the owl to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, hoping to find a destined good friend here.

It was the autumn of 1989, when it flew over the night sky of Hogwarts Castle and saw a handsome little wizard standing on the astronomy tower waving to it.

"He looks really friendly, maybe I can try to be friends with him."

Rimbaud flew over curiously...]
Scott Vance, like a spring, began to describe in detail the process of acquaintance and companionship with Rimbaud.

By the end, he was about to believe that it was true—

He met a special raven in his year at Hogwarts, and they became good friends...

They explore the castle together and Rimbaud helps him a lot...

In short, he has fallen in love with this "friend"!

"Wonderful, maybe I can become a successful fairy tale writer." Scott said to himself confidently.

When the whistle blew for the end of the Quidditch match, Scott had written a whole page of parchment.

He picked up the wand at hand to try it, but put it down again.

He decided to think it over again to see if there was anything that needed to be changed.

He decided to give his "good friend" a perfect "birth"!
Scott took that page of parchment and read it carefully several times, thinking about what else needed to be revised and improved.

It was not until the sound of footsteps outside the bedroom door that he rolled up the parchment and placed it on the bookshelf beside the bed as if nothing had happened.

"Scott!" Eddie yelled as he pushed open the door. "It's a shame you didn't go to today's game!"

"Did something interesting happen?"

Scott turned to look at the two wet roommates.

"Oh! Terrible!"

Roger's reaction was the opposite of Eddie's.

He walked into the bedroom, took off his wet robe, and said dissatisfiedly: "I thought it would be a wonderful game, after all, the Slytherins who rode on Nimbus 2001 were as fast as blurred shadows! "

He tossed the robe on the trunk.

"Guess what? Those Slytherins can't play without cheating?" he said indignantly.

"In the end what happened?"

Scott turned to look at Eddie.

Eddie shrugged. "I think it's great, whether it's a game or something."

He said excitedly: "A Bludger suddenly went crazy during the game. It has been chasing Potter, and it seems that it wants to knock his head off!"

"What?" Scott was a little surprised.

Haven't all the "Secret Room Incidents" been resolved?Why is Dobby still doing things during Quidditch matches?
"Of course, we suspect that it was Slytherin! But Potter managed to catch the Snitch after paying the price of a broken hand, and he won against his nemesis Malfoy! Oh! And, Luo Hart is even more wonderful, you can't think of it!"

Eddie couldn't help laughing as he spoke.

"Lockhart he...ha! He volunteered to treat Potter's arm, and he lost half of Potter's bones! Now Potter is half a rubber tube man!"

Eddie's brows twitched and his mouth froze, but Scott frowned tightly.

What the hell happened to Dobby?

Is it because there is no message that the incident is resolved?

After all, it's still serving the Malfoys, so it's impossible to run out of time to spare.

However, Scott couldn't believe that little Malfoy didn't write to his dad about what happened at school.

Of course, it could also be that old Malfoy knew his plan had failed, but he didn't mention it.

What's more, the status of the house elf is extremely low, unless Dobby deliberately eavesdrops, or it has no source of intelligence at all.

Thinking of this, Scott breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, he felt scared.

He is afraid that the "original" plot has the so-called plot inertia, and that the world will correct the changes and bring the changed plot back to the "right track".

If that's the case, what's the point of his life as an outsider?
So, although it makes sense logically that Dobby is still doing things on Quidditch, Scott is still a little uneasy.

He decided to go to the school hospital at night.


Ask for a recommendation ticket
(End of this chapter)

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