Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 576 Fanwai 001.2 Years Later

Chapter 576 Fanwai 001.20 Years Later
2016, fall.

September 9st is the day when little wizards enter the Magic Academy once a year.

A brand-new three-decker red bus stopped by the side of the road. Harry got out of the bus briskly and held Ginny's hand.

Three children followed behind them.

The little red-haired girl pouted and tearfully followed behind her two older brothers.

"You'll be going to school there soon too, Lily." Harry turned to comfort his little daughter.

"Two more years." Lily said dejectedly, "I want to go now."

"Hey, you haven't finished elementary school yet," said her brother James, who was a head taller than her.

Lily looked at Ginny a little unconvinced, "Mom never went to elementary school when she was a child."

Ginny laughed.

"I think it's a wise decision for the Ministry of Education to offer magic pre-school education for little wizards."

She turned to look at Harry.

"What do you say, dear?"

Harry shrugged. "Oh, our Education Minister, Ms. Granger, will be delighted."

Ginny couldn't help laughing.


At this time, James shouted, and took the lead to rush to the brand-new station ahead, and his younger siblings hurriedly ran behind him.

"Slow down!" Ginny snapped.

The family walked into the station and walked in the spacious and bright hall.

On the front of the hall, a huge mirror that occupies the entire wall is playing train schedules and some advertisements in a loop.


Ron hurried over with the two children.

"Why are you alone?" Harry asked with a smile.

"Hermione is going crazy!" Ron shrugged his shoulders. "Those Yankees have agreed to enter the wizarding world, and their Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will also move in."

Ginny's eyes lit up, "In this way, there will be four magic schools in the wizarding world! When they move in, I'm going to interview them."

"You should ask Hermione." Ron curled his lips.


The younger daughter, Lily, ran over and hugged Harry's leg, looking up at him with green eyes.

"Rose and Hugo went to play in the Muggle world. What's it like there? Can we go and play?"

"We want to go too!"

Her two brothers also said in unison.

Harry and Ginny looked at Ron.

"It's George and Fred." Ron said angrily, "Two days ago, the two of them took the children to the Muggle world."

"Oh, speaking of it, I haven't been to the Muggle world for several years because the procedures for entering and leaving the wizarding world are a bit troublesome." Harry had a nostalgic expression on his face.

"We want to go!"

The three children emphasized it loudly again.

"Look at your performance!" Ginny said with a grimace. "If you do well enough in school, I will consider taking you there at Christmas!"

Harry lowered his head, showing a helpless expression to the aggrieved Lily.

"Okay, it's time for us to pull in."

Ron reminded, and a group of people walked towards the waiting room lively.


It was a heavy oak door with a brass-coloured number plate.

[Office of the British Minister for Magic]

Hermione came hurriedly from the other side of the corridor and knocked on the door.

The door opened.

"Minister Diggory!"

"Oh, Hermione."

Cedric, who was working hard, raised his head.

"As I said, just call me Cedric."

"This is a workplace, Minister Diggory." Hermione refused sternly.

Cedric smiled helplessly and nodded kindly, "Okay, Minister Granger."

"Here is a notice from the 'Supreme Council of Magic'."

He pulled out a document and handed it to Hermione.

"It is an explanatory document on the establishment of a magic university."

"the University?"

Hermione took the document with interest and began to read it.

"For outstanding graduates of all magic schools who intend to further their studies... the headmaster is... Scott Trollope? He wants to be the headmaster of this university himself?"

Cedric said: "Look at the lineup of professors. He almost poached the best professors from those magic schools, including Hogwarts."

Hermione glanced at the lineup of teachers, and saw several familiar names as expected.

"That's true!" She couldn't help frowning tightly, "It's so hateful!"

Cedric quickly appeased the Minister of Education who seemed very angry.

"I know that this is equivalent to weakening the teachers of our British Ministry of Education, but there is no way..."


Hermione yelled again!
"Why! Why wasn't there this magical university when I graduated from Hogwarts!"

She tightly squeezed the document in her hand, obviously very unwilling.

"...So that's how it is..."

Cedric looked at her in surprise and laughed twice.

Hermione stepped forward and slapped the document on the table.

"Ask that guy Scott for me!" she said. "Can people who are already working go to college? Like me!"

"It's not are already the Minister of Education..." Cedric said weakly.

"It's the Minister of Education of the British Ministry of Magic!" Hermione emphasized, "and my goal is to enter the 'Supreme Council of Magic'!"

Cedric nodded again and again, "Okay, I will ask for you."


This is a secret place where the sun is always shining in the sea of ​​flowers. The pure white tower stands on the lakeside in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, surrounded by water.

Scott is entertaining his guests in the room at the top of the tower.

Twenty years on, Scott looks a lot more mature and stable.

Although there are no wrinkles on the face yet, it is no longer immature and vigorous as when he was young.

"Welcome, long time no see."

He hugged several guests one by one.

"Professor Dumbledore."

"Professor Flitwick."

"Professor Russell."

When it was Snape's turn in black, the potions professor refused to hug him with a look of disgust, but shook hands with him reservedly.

"I appreciate your proposal for a university."

said Professor Snape in his usual silky tone.

"But I hope you can strictly control it, and don't always recruit a group of students who are not much smarter than trolls like the tradition of magic schools."

"Of course." Scott assured, "We will only recruit outstanding graduates from magic schools."

Professor Flitwick said, "Oh, don't worry, Severus, only those students who are smart and curious will choose to study in universities."

Scott greeted everyone to sit down, and said with some regret: "Unfortunately, Professor McGonagall rejected my invitation."

Professor Dumbledore said helplessly: "Okay, Scott, Hogwarts is about to be hollowed out by you. Minerva is the headmaster of Hogwarts, and she said that your attainments in Transfiguration have already surpassed her."

"But I don't necessarily know how to teach." Scott said with a smile.

Next, they began to discuss the curriculum of the university.

(End of this chapter)

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