Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 575 The final chapter of 575.

Chapter 575 575. The Final Chapter of the Text

"The five fairies headed by Teton and Taito finally launched a counterattack, using their own management authority over Avalon to drive the mighty power of the entire secret realm, turning King Arthur's soul into a red dragon and imprisoning it in the sky."

"When Morgan found out about their actions, the two sides fought again."

"Originally, the fairies all had some bloodlines of magical creatures, and their lifespan was much longer than that of ordinary wizards, but this internal war greatly depleted the strength of the fairies, causing them to die soon afterward."

Having said that, Scott stopped and took a sip of the dew from the flower cup.

Savannah blinked, questioning Scott's story.

"But... [Clairvoyance] has always been here, hasn't it?"

She put down the flower cup in her hand.

"So, Merlin should know about all the subsequent developments."

Scott nodded.

Savannah continued, "Why didn't he stop it? And... didn't the fairies read their own future through [clairvoyance]?"

"I don't know what Merlin is thinking."

Scott shrugged.

"As for the fairies, I think maybe it's because they're too arrogant."

Savannah raised her eyebrows in surprise, "You mean...they knew that [Clairvoyance Eye] is a magical device for observing the future, but they didn't witness it with their own eyes?"

"They don't know." Scott said with a smile, "Merlin told them that it is a device to regulate the magic cycle of the entire secret realm, and its function is to better maintain the operation of Avalon."

Savanna's eyes widened in surprise, "You mean... Merlin lied to the fairies, and the fairies never verified it?"

"We cannot understand the minds of fairies."

Scott actually felt that things sounded a little ridiculous.

With the magical attainments of the fairies, even if Merlin set up obstacles for them, as long as they carefully verified, they would definitely be able to come up with the correct answer.

Especially Morgan, she also took the initiative to use the huge magic power stored in the [Clairvoyance] device, trying to repair King Arthur's body and soul.

But during the whole process, she didn't think much about it at all.

Scott said with a sigh: "The fairies are half-blood witches with the blood of magical creatures. They are born with powerful magic power and a long lifespan. Their thoughts are not connected with us short-lived humans. Perhaps, they are so arrogant that even Merlin I don't even care about it."

"Of course, so does Merlin." He smiled. "I have no idea why he does these things."

"I said..."

Merlin's voice sounded suddenly, and he appeared next to the two of them like a dream.

Afterwards, the flowers and plants under the feet grew rapidly, forming a new rattan chair.

Merlin sat down lightly, resting his chin with his hands, with a constant smile on his face.

Scott wasn't surprised by his presence.

He answered naturally, "You just said that you don't want to see an unchanging future."

Merlin tapped his jaw.

Savannah couldn't help asking, "In this case, why don't you change the future of King Arthur, after all...after all..."

Merlin smiled and said, "His soul was turned into a red dragon and imprisoned in the sky, and he died with Salazar. Does it look miserable?"

Savannah nodded in agreement.

Merlin asked her back, "Why don't you know, this is what he wants?"

"Ah?" Savanna's eyes widened again in disbelief, "Why?"

"Because he wants to be a hero." Merlin replied with a smile.

"Hero?" Scott's eyes flashed, "Could it be..."

Merlin nodded at him, "That's right, it's exactly what you think."

"What?" Savannah looked puzzled.

"I think Merlin told King Arthur all his endings before he was alive."

Scott's expression was a little complicated.

"But King Arthur ultimately chose his own destiny."


Merlin's tone was calm.

"I could have saved him, and, with the beliefs he held in England, he could have even achieved alternative immortality, but he refused."

"Why?" Savannah was even more puzzled, "He is the king, why doesn't he mind his own death, or the kingdom's demise?"

Merlin said: "Because Arthur is such a boring person, he hasn't changed since childhood."

But Scott said: "I think there should be more important things worth sacrificing, such as... maintaining the existence of Avalon."

"You are really sharp, Scott." The smile on Merlin's face widened, "This is indeed the main reason."

"Why?" Savannah curiously asked why again, "Is there any significance to the existence of Avalon?"

Scott laughed immediately when he heard the words, "It's a bit strange for you to ask like this, Savannah, Avalon is the holy place for your druids."

Savannah glanced at him, "For us Druids, it is true. But I don't believe that King Arthur would sacrifice himself for such a reason, and by the way, he also sacrificed his kingdom and the nine fairies."

Scott and Savannah looked at Merlin together, only he knew the real reason.

Merlin said: "My [clairvoyance] not only sees the present from the past thousands of years ago, but also sees a farther future starting from the present."

Having said that, he was silent for two seconds, and then continued: "The future where magic completely disappears."

"Magic disappears?" Savannah was shocked again, "Why does magic disappear, could it be..."

Her face turned pale, and she turned to look at Scott, as if she wanted to get a negative answer from him.

But Scott wasn't as excited as she was.

"I had such a guess."

He said calmly.

"When Muggles' technology develops faster and faster, and the development of this planet becomes more and more in-depth, it will gradually crowd out the few living spaces of wizards."

Having said that, he shrugged his shoulders.

"Wizards who have to hide in the cracks of the world will find it increasingly difficult to survive, and may even be discovered by Muggles."

Savannah asked him, "Do you think wizards will be destroyed after being discovered by Muggles? Do Muggles have power that wizards cannot match?"

Obviously, she disagrees with such a conclusion.

Scott asked her back, "Have you ever thought about how many Muggle-born wizards like me are in the wizarding world?"

Savannah's expression changed.

"It's impossible for a wizard of my origin to agree to go to war with Muggles, at least I won't." Scott continued, "Obviously, if I agree to kill other Muggles today, there may be another Muggle tomorrow." Other wizards raised their wands at my parents."

Speaking of this, he looked at Merlin, "That's why I founded the 'Tower of Babel' organization, trying to build a world that only belongs to magic, and completely separate wizards and Muggles."

Merlin smiled without saying a word, but Savannah shook her head slightly.

"Wait," she said, "What do you say, does this have anything to do with King Arthur's choices more than 1000 years ago?"

Scott laughed, "Don't you understand? Avalon is the key to this matter. The existence of this huge secret realm can become the foundation of the 'magic world' I imagined. It can save me a lot of time in achieving my final goal. .”

Savanna nodded half understanding, "What does this have to do with King Arthur? He is not a wizard, but a king."

Merlin spoke at this moment.

He said: "Of course King Arthur was also a wizard, but he chose to become a knight, a king."

Savannah still finds it incredible, "King Arthur knows what Scott wants to do..."

Scott shook his head, "Maybe he just wants to keep Avalon as a retreat for all wizards in England."

"No..." Savannah was completely confused, "Merlin said they saw a future where magic disappears, is it because Scott didn't succeed?"

"No." Merlin smiled mysteriously, "Scott is the only exception. He has not been observed by [Clairvoyance]. All we know is a future without him."

Savannah also thought of the prophecy about Scott at this time.

"Yes, he is [the one who does not survive]."

"[Clairvoyant Eye] has lost the function of observing the future. No one knows what the future will be like now."

Merlin looked at Scott and said.

"I'm looking forward to what kind of wonderful future you young people will create. Whether you live or die, it's better than staying the same."

"I'll keep an eye on you, Scott."

After speaking, his figure dissipated like a dream bubble.

"I still don't quite understand." Savannah ruffled her hair. "Isn't Merlin King Arthur's teacher? Why is he indifferent to all this? Also, what happened after Slytherin entered Avalon?"

"Maybe Merlin just respects King Arthur's own choice."

Scott stood up.

What he didn't say was that maybe it was because of this that Merlin hated a future that could be seen through and never changed.

He even summoned Scott to try to change the future where the magic disappeared.

"As for Slytherin, it's very simple. The King Arthur's soul he saw was fake, and his wish was just an illusion after all."

King Arthur's soul has turned into a red dragon. Even if he occupies the king's body, he cannot inherit everything from the king.

"I think we should go out."

"Can I go out?"

Savannah also stood up, stretching out her hand to straighten her hair.

"Don't you need to do anything else?" She asked, "Didn't you say that the entire Avalon Secret Realm is the foundation of your creation of the 'magic world'?"

Scott said: "Through the 'communication' with [Clairvoyance], I have initially taken control of this place, and the remaining work will take a lot of time."

He turned around and held out his hand to Savannah.

"And now, we need to go out and tell everyone what happened here, now, hold my hand."

Savannah nodded, picked up the long wooden stick, walked to Scott's side, and held Scott's outstretched hand.


In a blink of an eye, the two of them left the Flower Sea Secret Realm, came to the edge of Avalon, and stood under the huge oak tree.

"Go out."

Scott let go of Savannah's hand.

The invisible wind swirled around the two of them, carrying their bodies into mid-air.

Savannah raised the long wooden stick in her hand, the green light shone, and the tightly wrapped branches stretched out, revealing the dark passage within.

The two entered the passage together.

After a period of darkness, when the eyes lighted up again, they heard a cry.


"They're out!"

Scott looked down at the druids looking up at them, smiled at the leader, old Mr. Doherty, and brought Savannah to the ground gently.

Old Doherty stepped forward to look at the two, and the wrinkles on his face instantly stretched out.

"Since you came out intact, it means that you defeated Slytherin."

"Grandfather..." Savannah's eyes turned red instantly, and her voice trembled, "Aaron...has returned to nature..."

Old Doherty was stunned for two seconds.

"I see." He said calmly, "Back to nature, this is the most correct destination for all of us."

After speaking, he turned to look at Scott.

"I think you must have experienced a lot in the past few days. If possible, the old man would also like to know what happened in Avalon."

Scott nodded.

"Sawannah will tell you."

With that, he turned around.

"And now..."

He looked towards the dark passage in midair.

Under his gaze, the passage gradually narrowed and finally disappeared.

He turned around again and said to the druids: "From now on, Avalon is under my control, and you no longer have a way to open the channel."


The druids all showed disbelief on their faces, and some of them even showed faint signs of anger.

Just when they were about to question Scott, old Doherty raised his right hand to stop them.

"and many more……"

His old eyes stared at Scott.

"I think you should give us a reasonable argument."

"Of course." Scott nodded with a smile.

A few hours later, Scott left "Sea of ​​Oaks" directly.

And the druids also became the first residents of Avalon's secret land after a thousand years.

Scott skillfully broke through the space and came to his home in Madrid.

Waiting for him here is the warm embrace of his mother Emilia.

Scott patted his mother's back comfortingly, and at the same time saw his father Michael's questioning eyes.

With a bright smile on his face, he silently said to his father, "Everything is settled."

Michael nodded, with a relieved smile on his face despite his restraint.

He walked over directly and stretched out his hands, hugging Scott and Emilia together.

At night, Scott sat alone in his room.

There are [Magic Mirror] and [Blank Small Picture Frame] on the desk by the window.

On the mirror of [Magic Mirror], familiar figures appeared one after another, and at the same time, Ravenclaw's portrait also appeared in the frame.

"good evening!"

Scott smiled at the crowd.

"Master Ravenclaw."

"Professor Dumbledore."

"Professor Flitwick."








"good evening……"

Everyone also opened their mouths to respond.

"After this adventurous journey, I have a lot to share with you..."

Scott chatted enthusiastically with everyone.

Outside the window, under the quiet moonlight, the already fat owl Shay squinted his eyes, as if dozing off.

 I am so sorry.

  Too many things have happened in the past few months, which caused the last point of this article to be delayed again and again.

  I am very sorry to the readers who have been supporting me.

  Anyway, I'm very sorry.


  The main text of this article is over here, and the extra part will be updated from tomorrow.

  There are still a lot of content that has not been explained clearly and will meet with you in the form of extra episodes.

(End of this chapter)

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