Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 572 572. What would you choose?

Chapter 572 572. What would you choose?

Savannah yelled again.

Scott stopped and smiled back at her.

"don’t worry."

Savannah opened her mouth and said, "Then be careful."

Scott nodded, strode out of the area covered by the oak tree, and looked up at the sky.

At this moment, he looked at the red dragon.

The golden pupil of the red dragon shrank, and the neck entangled by the golden chain stretched, and looked at Scott for a while.


It opened its mouth wide, spewing out circles of visible sound waves and endless frenzied storms.

Before the storm came, Scott felt a harmless gust of wind.

He still raised his head, squinted his eyes, and his curly black hair became messy in the wind.

His cloak fluttered like a banner as the sound and the storm drew nearer.

Scott held up his right hand holding his wand.

In his hand, the short ebony wand instantly shone brightly, like a lighthouse in the mist.

The sound waves that could easily destroy a forest came into contact with the storm and the light emitted by the magic wand, and an instant change occurred.

The terrible storm becomes a gentle breeze, and the deafening sound waves become a passionate music.

Under the doomsday-like storm, the gentle breeze never disperses, wrapping Scott, and slowly flying towards the sky with the passionate music.


Merlin suddenly appeared beside Scott.

His body was light and fluffy, like a leaf, also riding the breeze, floating upwards with Scott.

But Scott knows that this is just an illusion.

Merlin did not appear in the real material world, the Merlin he saw was just an illusion seen by his own consciousness.

"Congratulations on getting out of the shackles!"

Merlin smiled and clapped his hands.

"The ability to manipulate the changes of all things can be called a perfect transfiguration."

Scott nodded, realizing what he meant.

"The sound waves and storms spit out of the red dragon's mouth are all formed by magic power."

He speaks the truth.

Wind is the movement of air, and sound is the vibration of air.

If this is just a natural phenomenon in nature that has nothing to do with magic, he doesn't have much confidence in transforming this invisible energy.

Merlin said, "You've already taken the first step."


The red dragon's roar interrupted their conversation again.

Another round of sound waves and storms is coming.

Scott's response was still just holding up his magic wand, non-stop casting Transfiguration around him——

Turn the storm that could tear his body apart in an instant into a breeze that lifts him upwards.

Turn the sound waves that can instantly shatter his body into music that accompanies him upwards.

Until the endless sound waves and storms cease.

Scott no longer went up, the fluttering cloak kept him suspended in the air.

He kept his head up, looking at the red dragon.

At this moment, the red dragon closed his mouth, and a long white smoke spewed out from his nostrils.

Scott knew that the dragon's breath was coming.

The wand in his hand shook slightly, and the invisible air condensed into a huge, transparent crow, which flew to his feet.


With the crow's cry, its body became a reality.

"Look, it's not done!"

Merlin applauded again.

Scott didn't respond, he put on his sunglasses silently and stood ready.

Under the black clouds, the red dragon opened its mouth again.

In an instant, golden dragon flames covered the sky, covering all vision.

As if several suns were shining at the same time, the endless, brilliant and hot light was dangerous and addictive.

Scott raised the wand in his hand again, stood firmly on the crow's back, and went upwards facing the endless dragon flames.

As he got closer, he felt the scalding heat, and it became difficult to breathe.

He quickly made a judgment——

Even without direct contact, just getting close to that piece of dragon flame can turn his body into ashes.

But he didn't stop going up.

The wand in his hand lit up again.

This time, the light from the ebony wand was brighter than before.

The light is white.

It is almost comparable to the golden dragon flame descending from the top of the head.

Almost in the blink of an eye, gold and white collide with each other.

Silent contest.

They passed by in an instant.

The golden dragon flame continued to fall.

And Scott still held his wand and continued to rise.

Although there were a few scorched black marks on his face, a few pieces of hair missing, and a few big holes in the cloak on his body.

Although he was panting, he had a smile on his face.


Merlin applauded again.

"Wonderful, so wonderful, you have completed the transformation of Longyan, which is full of violent magic power!"

"I never thought I could do it."

Scott sat on the back of the crow and glanced at the red dragon who was also panting in the sky.

"Before this, I rarely took life-threatening risks."

"Of course, I know."

Merlin stood on top of the crow.

"You are too stable, Scott, which is not conducive to your full potential."

"There's nothing wrong with going steadily."

Scott laughed, he still didn't mean to change his mind.

Merlin also smiled and said nothing.

After breathing out the dragon's breath, the red dragon calmed down and did not attack again.

The crow was slowly approaching it with Scott on its back.

The closer the distance, the more clearly Scott can understand the size of the Red Dragon.

Even a single scale was bigger than his whole body.

When he was still a thousand meters away from the red dragon, he stopped the crow.

This distance is already very close to the red dragon.

Maybe he was trying to stretch his neck a little so he could open his mouth and swallow Scott.

Under the gaze of its huge eyes, Scott took out the gem that carried the different space and threw it upwards.

Of course, he couldn't throw it that far with his arm strength.

After waving the wand in his hand, the gem speeded up to the red dragon.

Compared with the size of the red dragon, a gem that is only half the length of Scott's finger is too small.

Like a speck of dust.

But the Red Dragon did see the gem.

A white gem is suspended in front of its right eye, exuding radiance.

The red dragon closed his left eye, and stared at the gem with his right eye.

Suddenly, its body became transparent.

The black clouds covering the entire sky also began to dissipate.

Scott reached up and took off his sunglasses.

When the dark clouds that blocked his vision gradually dispersed, he finally managed to see the whole picture of the red dragon clearly.

Its volume is almost equal to the sky, giving people infinite pressure.

The pair of wings that can cover the sky are spread out, but they are nailed to the colorless and transparent sky by a few thick golden pillars.

In addition, there are countless golden chains binding its neck, limbs and body.

The other end of the chain seems to come from the four corners of the distant sky.

"This is……"

Scott was overwhelmed by the scene.

Merlin said: "This is the masterpiece of nine fairies including Morgan, but now, he is going to get out of trouble."

Scott raised his eyebrows, "Him?"


Merlin gestured for Scott to watch quietly with a finger.

The red dragon's body became more and more transparent, and finally turned into an invisible red light.

The light naturally broke free from the chains and pillars and began to flow.

At this moment, the white gem thrown by Scott began to shine.

The red light surged, like red clouds covering the entire sky, pouring into the gem as small as dust.

"It can actually enter a different space by itself?"

Scott watched this spectacular scene in amazement.

"Why does it go in?"

Merlin kept smiling and didn't answer his question.

Scott reached out and stroked the air.

Following his movements, a huge spherical phantom soon appeared in front of him, presenting a scene in a different space.

In the different space, the ground was still barren and empty, and Scott could not see the appearance of Slytherin.

But in the sky, just like the outside world, there are endless red clouds surging.

Unable to get an answer from Merlin, Scott could only wait quietly and watch what happened.

When I feel hungry, I take out a delicious apple picked from a small island in the middle of the lake and eat it.

Merlin stared at Scott, whose cheeks swelled from eating.

"I planted those apples."

"Thank you!"

Scott grinned brightly and took another bite.

Merlin stretched out his hand, and an apple appeared out of thin air in his hand.

But he just took a bite and threw it away.

The apple he threw dissipated in the air.


Merlin spat out the apple in his mouth.

"This is the tastiest apple I can remember."

He said a little listlessly.

"But I've eaten it 10,000+ times and I'm tired of the taste."

Scott asked, "Do you only remember the taste of an apple?"

"I was also impressed by the most unpalatable one."

Merlin stretched out his hand again, holding a withered apple.

"But this one, I've eaten it 10,000+ times."

He threw away the withered apple.

Scott said, "You can use my memory to materialize this ordinary apple in my hand."

As he spoke, he concentrated his feelings about the apple on the surface of his memory.

"Let me try!"

An apple exactly in Scott's hand appeared in Merlin's hand.


He took a bite and still spat it out.

"never mind."

He dropped the apple and stuffed his hands into his sleeves.

"Although it is slightly different, it is still an apple. I have eaten too many apples."

"Is this the disadvantage of eternal life?"

Scott rested his chin on his hand and looked at him curiously.

"It's been too long, I've seen too much, there are no surprises, and I can't even find a fresh apple."

"You are right."

Merlin laughed and floated around him.

"So, what would you choose, Scott."

Scott was surprised, "You mean, I have a choice?"

"It's a secret."

Merlin blinked and didn't say anything else.

Scott began to think.

If given a choice, would he choose Merlin's eternal life?

To be honest, maybe it's because he is still young at this moment, and his life is still long, so he can't make a choice.

If he couldn't figure it out, he stopped thinking about it.

Maybe Merlin was just joking.

At this time, the red light in the sky has gradually thinned out, and most of the red light has entered the gem, turning into a red cloud above the sky in a different space.

When the last piece of red light entered the gemstone, the colorless sky with golden pillars and chains gradually disappeared, replaced by a realistic blue sky and white clouds.

However, in the different space, there was a sudden surge of wind and clouds.

The red clouds covering the entire sky surged, setting off countless storms.

Those red lights gathered together to form a red dragon.

Although the red dragon is many times smaller than when it was outside, it is free at this time.

The red dragon opened its mouth and roared at the small land in the different space at close range.

Circles of sound waves and endless storms collided with the ground, turning the entire land back and forth several times.

But the red dragon never stopped roaring.

The ground rolled back and forth like mashed potatoes on a plate.

Suddenly, a stream of black smoke spewed out from the soil, forming a phantom in midair.

"Slytherin, it really hasn't disappeared yet."

Scott, who saw this scene, was not surprised.


At this moment, the red dragon spoke.

Oddly enough, Scott heard it too.

He glanced at Merlin and confirmed that it was his fault.

When the red dragon opened his mouth, his body shrank rapidly, and finally changed into a human form.

"King Arthur?"

Scott looked in surprise at the phantom that the red dragon turned into.

Although it was just a phantom, it could still be seen that his appearance was exactly the same as King Arthur's body.

"King Arthur."

Even though Slytherin had turned into a phantom wrapped in black mist, he still performed a wizard salute gracefully.

"The red dragon is the soul of King Arthur?"

Scott looked at Merlin.

"Didn't Slytherin say that he had destroyed King Arthur's soul?"

"He thinks so," Merlin said.

He didn't say much, Scott could only continue to watch the live drama in the different space.

"Long time no see, Slytherin."

King Arthur's voice was sonorous and powerful, with a firm will.

"Or, I finally waited for this day."


Slytherin looked up.

"I didn't expect that things would turn around at this point."


King Arthur shook his head.

"Don't be so arrogant, wizard."

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand.

The golden light gathered in his hands, forming a translucent golden sword.

"Excalibur?" Scott asked.

Merlin shook his head, "It's just a phantom condensed with the help of memory and magic power."

Scott looked at the two confronting each other in the different space, "Then can he defeat Slytherin?"

Merlin smiled, "He's King Arthur."

As soon as his words fell, the battle in the different space immediately started.

King Arthur, holding swords in both hands, showed endless martial arts.

Even when Slytherin occupied King Arthur's body, he used that body to demonstrate impressive martial arts.

But compared with King Arthur himself at this moment, it is not the same.

Facing King Arthur's attack, Slytherin could barely react.

In the blink of an eye, he hit several swords in a row.

Although it seemed that it was only a "skin trauma", at this moment he had already lost his body, and those few sword wounds left golden scars on his illusory body.

Slytherin used the black mist to disperse the golden sword wound, while manipulating the black mist to attack.

Although he has not completely revealed his defeat, he is undoubtedly at a disadvantage at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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