Chapter 571 571. Scott's Keeping Hand


Edgar flapped his fiery red wings and flew back and forth in the flames.

Under its disturbance, the pillar of fire swirling around Scott tended to invert inwards.

With a flick of the wand in Scott's hand, a black spear hovering beside him flickered away and pierced into Edgar's chest.

The spear continued unabated, and flew with Edgar's huge body into the sky where the evil spirits were densely populated, and then exploded.

The water element erupting from the black spear and the fire element erupting from Edgar's body repel each other, and the power of the explosion is quite terrifying.

Accompanied by a deafening bang, the black and red energy formed a spiral shape, and then spread out.

Where the energy explosion touched, the howling evil spirits turned into wisps of light smoke and dissipated directly.

After the explosion ended, a large area of ​​the sky that was filled with darkness and filled with evil spirits was emptied.

Seeing this, Scott breathed a sigh of relief.

This at least proves that these evil spirits can still be eliminated.

But at this moment, several frost giants had approached, spitting ice-blue cold air at the burning pillar of fire at close range, and at the same time piercing towards the center of the pillar of fire with long-handled weapons made of ice.

The flames were extinguished rapidly, and the ice weapon, which was larger than Scott himself, passed through the flames, and the edge was very close at hand.

At this time, Horus also flew directly above the pillar of fire, and spit out a series of wind blades towards the hollow in the center of the flame, like machine gun fire.

Not only that, but there were more evil spirits passing through the gap of the flames that were extinguished by the cold air, and while screaming piercingly, they rushed towards Scott baring their teeth and claws.

"Armor protection!"

Scott raised his arms forward, and the magic barrier formed instantly.

The next moment, the ice weapon, wind blade, and evil spirit hit the surface of the magic barrier almost simultaneously, making a series of jingling sounds.

Soon, cracks appeared on the surface of the transparent magic barrier like glass hit by a stone.

The wand in Scott's hand spewed out white magic power, and he repaired the magic barrier with some difficulty, barely resisting the successive attacks.

"Is that all there is to it?"

Slytherin's voice came erratically from the mouths of those evil spirits.

"Can't you even handle your own tools?"

He was quite leisurely instructing Scott on how to deal with it.

"The portrait of Rowena really didn't teach you how to fight. This fighting method has too many flaws!"

The flames have all been extinguished.

The remaining three "summoned beasts", nine frost giants, and countless evil spirits were surrounded by the magic barrier, attacking uninterruptedly.

And Slytherin was still sarcastic.

"What's the use of such a simple defense besides the uninterrupted consumption of mana?"

Soon, all the evil spirits hit the outside of the magic barrier, turning into a dark cloud composed of countless hideous faces.

The next moment, all the evil spirits opened their mouths wide and began to nibble on the magic barrier.

Scott quickly increased the output of magic power, and in an instant, the consumption reached several times that of the previous one.

"Of course it works."

He said something, smiled, and the figure disappeared directly in place.

Under the towering golden oak tree, Savannah stood on the grass holding a long wooden staff, looking at the translucent sphere suspended in mid-air in front of her.

What is displayed in the sphere is exactly the current situation in the different space.

Scott's figure suddenly appeared beside Savannah.

He murmured, "At least, it brings you all together."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

In the different space, all the Transfiguration products and all the "Gungnir" spears exploded together.

Scott and Savannah couldn't hear the sound, and could only see the scene in the different space through the phantom.

At the moment of the explosion, countless lights and shadows were confused, various energies were intertwined, and lights of different colors converged, and finally turned into pure white.

The dazzling pure white almost filled the entire different space, including the sky and the ground.

At this moment, the spherical phantom suspended in mid-air is like a gigantic incandescent lamp, much brighter than the warm golden color of the oak tree.


It may be that the sudden burst of white light stimulated the red dragon in the sky, and an angry dragon roar came again.

It was still an oak tree, and the canopy covering the sky and the sun was like a protective umbrella, almost silently resisting the terrifying dragon's roar.

Under the protection of the oaks, not even the weeds quivered at Scott's feet.

However, outside the area covered by the oak trees, there was a terrifying scene of the forest falling on a large scale, and countless beasts fell to the ground and died.

The dazzling white light gradually extinguished, and the phantom showing the internal situation of the different space became clear again.

At this time, the entire different space has become a wilderness with bare rocks, the entire land has been turned upside down, and no plants can be seen anymore.

Everything in the space disappeared.

There were no evil spirits, no "summoned beasts" and frost giants, and no Slytherin.

"Has Slytherin been wiped out?"

Savannah couldn't help but took a step forward, wanting to get a closer look.

"I don't know."

Scott came to her side, also watching carefully.

"Just wait."


Savannah nodded.

"I didn't expect you to have such a hand." She said with a smile, "In the situation just now, I thought you would be very dangerous."

"I have encountered some lessons in the past and told me to keep a hand at all times."

He knelt down and held out his hand.

A palm-sized chameleon crawled out of the ground and onto his hand.

"Is this what you kept?"

Savannah looked at the chameleon in his hand with some surprise.

"Still using contract summoning?"

Scott nodded and stood up again.

"And the self-destruction of those Transfiguration products."

He touched the chameleon in his hand.

"That's the experience I gained after the experiment failed when I upgraded the 'summoned beast'."

Although it usually only takes him a moment to create those transfiguration products, it doesn't mean that they are not complicated.

On the contrary, the superimposed rune circuit is an extremely complex structure, and the magic power carried in it is more like an unstable explosive.

As long as the rune circuit is unstable, those Transfiguration products will self-destruct.

Of course, it takes a lot of tricks to maximize their self-destruct power.

And the failure of the experiment will not make people gain nothing.

"It's just that the self-explosion of the Transfiguration product can't achieve such an effect." Savanna said.

Scott said: "There is still 'Gungnir' left. In short, the evil spirits controlled by Slytherin are removed. Even if he is not dead, his power will be much lower than before."

"Really?" Savannah was still a little uncertain.

"He said it himself," Scott said.

"You shouldn't believe what he said too much." Savannah obviously had doubts about Slytherin's words.


Scott didn't argue.

Indeed, Slytherin's words were not to be trusted.

He looked at the always peaceful different space and smiled slightly.

"But it doesn't matter."

He has made up his mind, so be cautious.

"I will not enter this different space again, nor will I open it, but will choose to seal it up."

In this way, no matter whether Slytherin disappears or hibernates, he will be sealed in this different space forever.

"Is that so?" Savannah nodded in agreement, "This is indeed a good idea."

Scott took a few steps forward, pointing his wand at the ground.

The soil surged, and a bright white gemstone was exposed from the ground.

Scott bent down and picked up the gem.

"This is the gem that carries the different space."

He said to Savannah.

"But if the magic power is not replenished all the time, this different space can only exist for seven days. Of course, if Slytherin is destroyed inside, it will exist for a shorter time."

Savannah said immediately; "After going out, I can seal it in the holy tree, and use the magic power of the holy tree to circulate, so that the different space will not be damaged."

Scott tossed the middle gem and showed a gentle smile.

"You say, what would happen if I sent him into space?"

"Space?" Savannah was a little dazed.

"Yeah," said Scott. "Space away from Earth."

Savannah laughed, "Is it necessary?"

Scott laughed again, "That's the safest way."

"no need."

Another voice came.

This time, even Savannah heard it.


She looked up with Scott.

A handsome white-haired young man in a white robe and a long wand was sitting on the branch of an oak tree, looking at them with a smile.

"who are you?"

Savanna looked at him warily, and raised the long wooden staff in her hand.

"Don't be nervous."

Merlin waved his hand, and lightly jumped off the branch.

He did not land, but floated in front of the two of them.

But it may be because he was too close to Savannah, so she ushered in her attack.

A few green vines broke through the ground, but they just passed through his body without any impact.


Savannah took a step back.

"No, not like a ghost."

"Don't you tell this little girl?"

Merlin flew through the tangle of vines and flew up to Scott to stare at him.

"What a wicked boy, Scott."

"Scott? You know him?"

Savannah looked at Scott and lowered her hand holding the long wooden staff.

Scott introduced in a tone without any emotional ups and downs, "This is the greatest wizard in Britain, Merlin."

Merlin smiled and waved at Savannah.

"Hi, I'm Merlin."

"Merlin?" Savanna turned pale with shock, "Impossible!"

"Why not?"

Merlin held his wand, put his hands into his wide sleeves, and tilted his head.

Savanna looked Merlin up and down, as if she couldn't accept his two-dimensional painting style at the moment, she shook her head hastily.

"My ancestors met Merlin. Merlin was an old wizard with a long beard and wrinkled face!"

"Is that right?"

Merlin's voice became old, and his appearance changed into an old wizard with a long beard and wrinkled face.


Savannah took another step back.

Scott put his hand on her shoulder and patted her.

"He is indeed Merlin."

He said it with the utmost certainty.

"Yes... is it?"

Savannah looked at Scott eagerly.

Scott nodded seriously.

Then, he seemed to see the moment when a girl's dream was disillusioned.

The light in Savannah's eyes disappeared.


But Scott temporarily ignored Savannah who was deeply shocked, he coughed lightly, and then asked Merlin——

"You just said that it's unnecessary?"

Merlin pointed to the gemstone in Scott's hand, and then to the sky.

"I mean, you can give this gem to it."

"It?" Scott was surprised, "You mean the red dragon?"

Merlin nodded.


Scott wanted to ask.

Otherwise, if Slytherin was allowed to escape, all his efforts would be wasted.

But Merlin didn't say why.

He turned into a handsome white-haired young man again, squinting his eyes and smiling.

"If you take my word for it, do it."

Scott hesitated.

Holding the gem, he raised his head again.

It's just that the lush branches and leaves of the oak tree covered the sky, and he didn't see the red dragon's current appearance.

Merlin didn't try to persuade him anymore, he just floated in front of him with a smile, as if waiting for his decision.


Savannah reached out and took Scott's arm.

At this time, she has come back to her senses.

"Are you really Merlin?"

She looked directly into Merlin's eyes.

Merlin still smiled and nodded slightly.

Savannah took a deep breath, "Since you have been in Avalon, you must know what happened here."

"I haven't been in Avalon all the time, even now, at this moment, I'm not in Avalon."

Merlin answered slowly.

"Of course, I do know what happened here."

Savannah looked at him a little confused.

Obviously, she didn't understand the meaning of the first half of Merlin's words.

But at the moment she didn't care so much, she just asked, "Do you know where the fairies who used to be in charge of Avalon have gone?"

"Fairy? You mean Morgan and the others?" Merlin asked.

"Yes." Savannah nodded heavily.

Merlin replied, "Of course they aged and died."

Savannah murmured, "It turns out that fairies also grow old and die..."


Merlin laughed a few times.

"Fairy is what people call them respectfully, and they are just a few more powerful witches."

"And what about you?"

Savannah quickly grasped the point.

"Why do you still exist?"

"Merlin's existence is very special."

Scott patted Savannah on the shoulder again.

"He can only exist in dreams. Even now, at this moment, he is not in Avalon, but in dreams woven with our consciousness."


Regardless of the surprise on Savannah's face, Merlin clapped his hands directly.

"It's time for you to make up your mind, Scott."

Scott nodded.

"I decided……"

He spread his palms and looked at the gemstone in his palm.

"Trust your words and give it to the Red Dragon."

Merlin smiled and said, "You have to deliver it yourself, fly high into the sky, and deliver the gem to the red dragon at close range."

"No!" Savannah immediately objected, "I will die!"

Merlin smiled and said nothing, just looked at Scott.

Scott stared at him for a few seconds.

"I'm going right now."

He broke away from Savannah's hand, turned and walked out of the oak tree.

(End of this chapter)

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