Chapter 541
Scott comes across as confident, but Mr. Geoffrey is right.

He spoke through the silver colossus—

"Even the real Ymir can't beat my soldiers!"

As soon as his words fell, the silver giants moved together.

Fifteen giant statues spread out one after another, forming a semi-surrounding shape, and gathered towards Scott's five ice giants.

While running, their arms deformed again.

Some elongated into long spears, some thinned into blades, and some enlarged into heavy hammers.

The five ice giants opened their mouths and roared at the same time, exhaling light blue cold air from their mouths.

The cold air spread, and a layer of frost quickly formed on the surface of the silver colossus.

Their running slowed down.

At the same time, the five ice giants stretched out their hands together.

The invisible cold condensed into tangible ice blades in their hands.

Soon, holding shields and broadswords made of ice, they stepped forward and greeted the silver giant statue.

Countless sharp blades sprouted from the smooth surface of the silver colossus, and the frost covering them was removed between rotations.

At this time, the huge long knife in the ice giant's hand has been raised.

The huge creations belonging to two formations fought into a group in the next second.

The silver light flashed randomly, and the cold air flowed.

Mercury poured down, and ice shards flew.

"They can't break through the ice giant's defense!"

Helena looked at the battle below with surprise in her voice.

Indeed, all the weapons transformed from the body of the silver colossus were blocked by the ice shield in the hands of the ice giant and the ice armor on his body.

Although their attacks could leave some traces, they still failed to completely defeat the ice giant's defense.

However, the ice giant's ice shield and ice armor have been repairing automatically.

On the contrary, the body of the silver colossus, which can flow like mercury, can't stop the big knife in the hands of the ice giant.

When they are cut into several pieces, they will also be eroded by cold air.

The almost pervasive frost hinders their movements all the time.

"how is this possible?"

Mr. Jeffrey could not accept such a result.

"It's not impossible."

Scott talks to him.

"Time moves forward, and so does the magic of wizards, but the general trend of things is always moving forward anyway."


Mr Geoffrey retorted loudly.

"Could it be that the puppet you conjured up has surpassed the Ymir carefully crafted by our 'Agasd' alchemist?"

"As I said, they are just low-end imitations of Ymir."

Scott spoke calmly.

"Whether it's pure physical strength or the use of magic, they are far inferior to Ymir."

"There is only one thing, and that is their defense."

"I am very confident in this point. Their defense has surpassed their prototype Ymir."

Mr. Geoffrey was silent.

Helena said: "To deal with these puppets, you don't need a powerful attack like Ymir's."

Scott nodded, "It must be because their bodies can separate, gather, and recover, so Mr. Jeffrey has hardly added defense capabilities to them."

"I haven't lost yet."

Mr. Geoffrey's voice came again.

"My soldiers will never be destroyed, even if their bodies are divided into multiple parts, they will automatically recover!"


Scott looked down at the battlefield.

The silver colossus is being separated, gathered, and restored again and again under the attack of the ice giant.

The ice giants try to freeze parts of them, but the silver colossi always break free when the frost begins to set.

Judging from the scene, the five ice giants are crushing and beating the fifteen silver giants, which can be called crushing.

But judging from the actual effect, neither side can eliminate the other.

"Don't forget, I haven't joined the war yet."

Scott drew his wand.

"You still have magical powers?"

Mr. Geoffrey was even more surprised.

"You should be very clear about the arrangement in the 'Tower of Gungnir'."

Scott wasn't hiding either.

"I got a lot of pure magic power there, and after making it [magic crystal], I completed the 'super magic promotion' ceremony by the way."

"It turns out that they actually succeeded."

Mr. Geoffrey's voice suddenly became very decadent.

At the same time, all the silver colossi stopped fighting.

Their bodies suddenly lost their shape, spreading out on the ground like ordinary mercury.

Scott also lowered his wand-holding hand.

Next, the soul of Mr. Jeffrey flew out from the dark place inside the pyramid.

Stopped in mid-air, facing Scott far away.

Without Scott asking, he spoke on his own.

"'Tower of Gungnir' is the masterpiece of some of the most outstanding alchemists in the 'Agasd' school."

"It has always assumed the duty of guarding, protecting our base camp 'Golden Palace' from being invaded."

"If there were no damned traitors, the 'Golden Palace' hidden at the bottom of the tower would be the safest place in the world."

"The safest place?"

Helena couldn't help but question.

"Scott broke through the upside-down tower by his own strength and entered the 'Golden Palace'."

Mr. Jeffrey was not angry, but explained patiently.

"That's because they modified it."

"Since the prophecy related to the successor appeared, that tower has two sets of operating mechanisms."

Scott immediately thought, "The extraordinary armed forces aimed at the Holy See, and ordinary wizards?"


Mr. Geoffrey confirmed his guess.

"It is absolutely impossible for the members of the Holy See to survive after entering. What other wizards have to face is just a test."

Helena asked, "What if the Holy See forces other wizards to enter and take the treasure for them?"


Mr Geoffrey decided.

"Wizards and the Holy See are mortal enemies, and those wizards who will take refuge in the Holy See will not have the ability to enter the 'Golden Palace'."

"It was really hard," Scott said.

If it wasn't for his special talent for transfiguration and the creation of a few powerful "summoned beasts", he would never have passed those checkpoints.

Not to mention the shadowy curse in the tower is also deadly.

Scott was able to pass because he had several treasures that could resist the curse.

If not, the "Tower Extending to the Center of the Earth" would not become the forbidden place of death in the story.

However, Scott was a little curious.

"That tower can distinguish the extraordinary armed forces of the Holy See? Are they different from other wizards?"

"Because of faith."

Mister Geoffrey and Ravenclaw said the same answer.

"I see."

Scott immediately understood what they meant.


Magic is the power to believe.

The same is magic power, but the fluctuation of magic power of different people will be very different.

Not to mention the inheritance of different magic power users.

Compared with wizards, the magic power of druids is extraordinarily pure and closer to nature.

And the extraordinary armed forces of the Holy See who have been brainwashed by the Holy See must have the firmest beliefs.

Unwavering faith is enough to change their hearts, and thus the nature of their magic.

"Absolutely pure magic power, back then, it was just a guess."

Mr. Jeffrey spoke again, full of emotion.

"No one can be sure that their conversion device is actually useful."

"It now appears that they did succeed."

"Lucky, Scott."

"It's the pure magic of continuous conversion over 1000 years."

"It is also the most precious gift for the heirs."

Scott smiled.

"I should be grateful, thanks to the ancient wizards of the 'Agasd' school, so I have inherited your original ideals."

"That's not my ideal anymore."

Mr. Geoffrey was a little downcast.

Scott said: "At least it was your ideal."

"That's right."

Mr. Geoffrey laughed.

"But now, I just want to be reborn!"

As he said that, his soul turned into a puff of gray smoke, tumbling, and rushed towards Scott.

Sensing the disgusting evil magic in the gray mist, Scott raised his wand just in time.

"Call God Guard!"

The silver brilliance suddenly bloomed, like the moonlight shining on the world at night.

A vigorous peregrine falcon appeared from the silver light and flew towards the gray fog.

Wherever he went, the gray mist receded one after another.

Peregrine falcons circled and danced in the tumbling gray fog, and under the silver light, the fog gradually became thinner.

There was a scream through the fog.

Immediately afterwards, all the fog dissipated invisible.

"Is he dead?" Helena asked.

"We didn't destroy his Horcrux, so he wouldn't die."

Scott retracted his wand.

"But I guess he's gotten pretty weak."

Rimbaud asked, "Why didn't he hide first? Scott might never find him if he did."

Scott shrugged. "He knows he has no chance. Maybe this is the last chance?"

He was not interested in delving into Mr. Jeffrey's real thoughts, but acted directly, jumping forward directly.

With the cry of an eagle, Horus flew over.

It happened to catch Scott who was falling, and carried him towards the pyramid.

After approaching the pyramid, Scott jumped off Horus's back, passed through the large hole in the wall, and entered the pyramid again.

He stood at the entrance of the cave and waited for a while.

Not long after, [magic mirror], the small picture frame, and Helena all floated over.

Scott walked into the studio where the animal skin scroll was stored again.

The magic perception is expanded to the maximum.

It didn't take long for Scott to find the most special volume among countless animal skin volumes.

"This should be a Horcrux..."

He walked to the stone shelf and stretched out his hand, wanting to take out the animal skin scroll.

"What do you want to do……"

Mr. Geoffrey reappeared.


His soul body has become almost completely transparent, and the tone of his speech has become a bit sluggish.

Obviously, he was extremely weak.

Scott ignored his obstruction and took out the animal skin scroll directly.

After getting it, he was even more sure of his judgment.

This is the Horcrux.


After finding the Horcrux, he was in a bit of trouble.

"How to destroy it?"

In the "Original Book", the Horcruxes that have been destroyed include the Fiercefire Curse, the Sword of Gryffindor, and the fangs of the Basilisk.

But Scott doesn't know the Fierce Curse, nor does he have a sword or fangs.

He put the scroll on the ground and tried "Gungnir".

Not only the original version of "Gungnir", but also the "Gungnir" fused with the four elements, he tried again and again, but he still failed to destroy the seemingly fragile scroll.

Ravenclaw in the painting said: "You have only two choices, learn the Fiendfyre spell, or find the advanced knowledge of 'Gungnir'."

"I'll take the second," Scott said.

At this time, the animal skin scroll that was attacked repeatedly unfolded automatically.

"Congratulations, successor."

Scott heard Mr. Geoffrey's voice again in his head.

"You are already qualified to inherit all our knowledge and wealth..."

"Thanks, I know."

Scott decisively started running Occlumency.

Then, he ordered Rimbaud to grab the scroll and fly out of the pyramid, and asked the ice giant to create a huge piece of ice, freezing the scroll in the center of the ice.

Mr. Jeffrey's remnant soul also flew out with the Horcrux, guarding near the big ice cube.

Scott paid no attention to his whereabouts.

"It's a pity that 'Yuktra Hill' was disabled just now."

He tried waving his wand, but it didn't work.

"Otherwise, exile to a different space is the best seal."

"That's enough."

Ravenclaw smiled.

"As long as you don't come into close contact, the Horcrux will never affect you. Even if you come into close contact, it will have very little effect on you."

"That thing really doesn't affect me."

Scott turned around again and looked at the stone shelf where countless animal skin scrolls were piled up.

"But that evil magic wave made me not want to get too close."

Ravenclaw nodded. "Horcruxes are indeed the most evil inventions."

Scott has already taken out several volumes of animal skins and opened them to browse.

"This records a method of alchemy that has never been seen before."

"Huh? This is a lost potion formula!"

"Several improved spells, ancient versions."

"Oh! There is actually a complete magic planting plan!"

At this moment, Scott is like a mouse that fell into a rice bowl, and he is so happy.

He didn't rush to find the advanced knowledge of "Gungnir", nor did he immediately research and learn other new knowledge, but started to classify all the animal skin scrolls.

It took him two full days.

After sorting, registering, and numbering, Scott moved all the animal skin scrolls out of the pyramid.

Then, enter the [Eye of Odin] space outside the scope of the giant pit, and put them in your study.

Looking at the overstuffed bookshelves that occupied two entire walls, Scott smiled with satisfaction.

"241 pieces of alchemy-related knowledge, including 68 pieces of knowledge with great reference value."

"There are 196 potion formulas, of which 18 are lost formulas that can still be used."

"There are 283 pieces of knowledge about space magic, of which 91 pieces are inspiring to me."

"164 pieces of knowledge about black magic."

"There are 573 pieces of knowledge about spells, of which there are 39 spells that are still practical."

"Others are astronomy, divination, magical animals and other knowledge, a total of 1637."

"Anyway, it's a bumper harvest this time!"

"Congratulations, Scott."

Ravenclaw's picture frame was hung on the wall, and she looked a little excited in the picture at the moment.

"Inheriting all the knowledge of an ancient school, you can create a wizard family with a deep foundation, the top one."

"This one……"

Scott scratched his head and changed the subject.

"But I still haven't found the advanced knowledge of 'Gungnir', nor have I found any hidden chambers in the pyramid."

"Perhaps you should ask Mr. Geoffrey," Helena suggested.

"let me think again."

if you can.Scott didn't want to communicate with Mr. Jeffrey, who was in a remnant state.

(End of this chapter)

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