Chapter 540 540. I Must Be the Winner


Mr. Geoffrey lingered at the door.


Then, he flew to the top of the stairs again.

"where is it?"

He looked for Scott like crazy.

At this moment, accompanied by a loud explosion, a huge hole appeared in the wall on one side of the pyramid.

The walls were destroyed, and Mr. Geoffrey's magic ritual was immediately invalidated.

The red lights all over the place flickered and finally went out.

"it's here."

Outside the hollow, Scott, who was sitting on the back of a huge golden eagle, waved at Mr. Jeffrey.

Mr. Geoffrey turned slowly.

"Ah, so you have already run out."

On his distorted and blurred face, only those pure white eyes without pupils were exceptionally bright and clear.

Scott waved again.

The [Magic Mirror] and the small picture frame floating in the studio moved, passing through the hole in the wall at an extremely fast speed and flying to his side.

"Wait for me!"

Helena also flew out at the fastest speed.

At the same time, Scott's phantom completely disappeared.

"How on earth did you do it?"

After coming to Scott, Helena asked curiously.

Scott pointed to the door of the studio.

"See that magic lamp?"

"When I squatted down to put down the lamp, I used the rune circuit to create an illusion."

"One is to use the illusion to create a phantom clone to enter the room instead of me."

"The second is to use illusions to cover up the fact that I left."

Helena was stunned, "So you used Apparition to leave at that time?"

"Not Apparating."

Scott smiled.

"There's too much movement, and, besides, Apparition is supposed to be forbidden here."

He smiled and looked down.

At this moment, Gorzan's huge head protruded from the ground below.

"I hid in Gorzan's mouth, which can penetrate walls and floors."

Hearing this, Mr. Jeffrey slowly floated forward for a while, and looked at Scott through the hole in the wall.

He sighed softly.

"I didn't expect that the trap I had carefully prepared before my death still failed in the end."

"Maybe you shouldn't have told me the story in the first place," Scott said.

Mr. Geoffrey laughed.

"You are such a smart kid, and you are also very talented."

"I'm getting more and more satisfied with you, Scott."

"So it's not over yet?"

Although Scott had expected it, he was also a little unhappy.

"Is there anything else you have in store for me, Mr. Geoffrey?"

Mr Geoffrey said in a husky voice: "I have lived here alone for 70 years and spent more than half of that time perfecting my plan."

Scott continued, "So even if it fails, there is a backup plan?"

Mr. Geoffrey nodded.

"It's okay to tell you, because what follows will not be traps and conspiracies, but a competition of hard power."

"Oh?" Scott smiled slightly, "That's fine."

Helena asked, "He's not a ghost, why didn't he just attack him?"

Ravenclaw in the painting said: "The most direct way to hurt a wandering soul is to use the Killing Curse."

Scott shrugged, "I don't know how to kill, and I don't want to use it."

He didn't learn at all.

Since killing people with the Killing Curse would have a negative impact on his own soul, he was not interested in learning it.

"That's not a pity." Ravenclaw also said, "There is a price to pay for some cutting-edge dark magic."

Scott said: "And Mr. Jeffrey has a horcrux, unless I can find his horcrux and destroy it, there is not much point in attacking his horcrux."

"You are right. For you, the best choice is to clear all my power."

said Mr. Geoffrey in a tone of appreciation.

Scott responded, "Thanks for the suggestion."


Mr. Geoffrey began to chant an unintelligible incantation.

As the mantra was chanted, his soul began to glow.

Soon, there was a sound from the ruins around the pyramid.

Scott followed the prestige and saw the destroyed statues of giants in the ruined walls moving.

The scattered fragments of the statue pieced together by themselves to form a complete colossus.

As Mr. Geoffrey's incantation was finished, the cracks in the patchwork disappeared.

Rumbling footsteps sounded, and the giant statue began to move.

Apparently, the direction they're headed is exactly where Scott is.

"Just relying on these stone statues? Did he underestimate you too much?"

There was disapproval in Helena's tone.

"That shouldn't be a simple stone statue?"

Scott looked at Mr. Jeffrey whose soul and body had become much thinner.

"I know you got [Hvagmir's Ring], Scott."

Mr. Geoffrey's voice also sounded distant.

"Ymir is powerful, isn't he?"

"Yes." Scott said.

Helena asked in surprise, "Are these works of Ymir's level?"

"Although not as strong as Ymir."

Scott looked at the approaching colossi and made a calm evaluation.

"But it's already a very good work."

At this point, Mr. Geoffrey began to laugh at Scott's calmness.

"Oh, are you going to summon Ymir to resolve the crisis? Sorry, you can't summon Ymir here."

Scott was not surprised.

"That's normal, after all [the Ring of Hevagmir] comes from 'Argasd', and you will of course be wary of everything I can get from 'Argasd'."

Mr. Geoffrey said with a smile: "So you are going to use your strength to defeat my soldiers? What a brave boy."

As soon as he finished speaking, cracks appeared on the surface of the walking giants again.

As they moved forward, the rock shells on their bodies began to peel off piece by piece, revealing the real skin with a metallic luster inside.

Not long after, the fifteen giant statues all turned into a shining bright silver.

The surface of their bodies is extremely smooth, without any gaps, like a mass of flowing human-shaped mercury.

"This is my work, another alchemy technique different from Ymir's."

Mr. Geoffrey is a bit talkative.

"They are not afraid of enchanted attacks of any kind, not even 'Gungnir'."

Hearing what he said, Scott immediately raised his hand and cast a "Gungnir".

The golden light stabbed forward fiercely, flashed past, and retracted into the wand instantly.

A hole appeared in the head of a silver colossus.

But that didn't stop it from continuing to act in the slightest.

As it continued to take two steps forward, the hole in its head had been filled again with the flow of silver metal.

Mr. Jeffrey's voice sounded again, "Of course, don't worry, I won't let them hurt you, you will be completely handed over to me."

Scott ignored his words, and let Horus, who was carrying him, flap his wings forward, fanning out countless transparent wind blades.

The scattered wind blades easily cut off the hands and feet of several giant statues.

But the next moment, the severed parts merged with their bodies like flowing liquid.

New limbs grew out immediately.

"It's no use," said Mr. Geoffrey. "Now they're going to speed up!"

The colossi no longer walked, but ran faster.

At the same time, their arms were stretched like dough, and they moved towards Scott with a whistling sound of breaking wind.

Horus uttered a cry, and countless transparent wind blades burst out again, cutting the "long whips" that hit into several pieces.

Then it spread its wings and flew towards the sky, flying higher and higher.

"They're coming!" cried Helena.

All the silver colossi held their hands high, and their limbs and bodies were stretched longer and longer like noodles.

The colossus surrounding Scott and the others has become a long strip like ramen.

Instead of attacking Scott, they converged towards the same point in the sky.

Scott could see clearly that once their hands came together, they would form a huge birdcage and completely trap him.

Probably to guard against Gorzan hiding in the ground, the legs of the giant statues are also elongated, and they also converge towards the center, trying to form the bottom of the birdcage.

Helena said anxiously: "Jump down quickly, it's too late, it's too late!"

"In time."

Scott's body suddenly shrank.

He had turned into a peregrine falcon, swooped down like a bolt of lightning, and flew towards the gap between the two giant statues below.

But Mr. Geoffrey seems to have been prepared.

The elongated legs of the colossus grew staggered "branches", forming a large net, which blocked the peregrine falcon in front of it.

But the peregrine falcon didn't seem to have time to stop or change direction, heading straight for the newborn net.


Helena screamed from above.


In the distance Mr. Geoffrey laughed.


The laughter stopped abruptly.

The peregrine falcon directly penetrated the silver net and flew out of the cage unscathed.

At the same time, another peregrine falcon suddenly appeared in another unobstructed gap, flew out of the cage smoothly, and flew farther and farther.

"It's an illusion again!"

Mr. Geoffrey growled.

The almost completed birdcage collapsed in an instant.

The infinitely elongated silver giant shortened rapidly like a loose rubber band, chasing after Scott's real body.

While running, their hands stretched forward and stretched again, like countless sharp spears, stabbing towards Scott.

Scott quickly judged that his flying speed could not match the speed of those arms extending.

He stopped decisively, turned back into a human form, and floated in mid-air with the help of his cloak.

"Armor protection!"

The spherical magic barrier was completed instantly, enveloping his entire body.

In the next second, countless silver "spears" arrived and pierced the magic barrier, making a crisp clanging sound.

The wand in Scott's hand was always raised forward, and the white magic power was connected to the magic barrier like a bunch of transparent silk threads, replenishing energy for the magic barrier.

Because of this, the magic barrier remains intact until all arms have completed their attacks.

Then, the elongated arms of the colossus retracted again like rubber bands.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Scott once again turned into a peregrine falcon and swooped down at the fastest speed.

Just when he was about to touch the ground, Gorzan poked his head out from the ground again and opened his mouth wide open.

Scott's transformed peregrine fell into Gorzan's mouth.

Gorzan closed his mouth, like a fish sinking into the water, he turned his head and burrowed into the ground.


The body of the colossus turned into a sharp sword, stabbing at the ground one after another.

But Gorzan, who was active underground, was like a slippery loach, and quickly escaped the pursuit.

When it drilled out of the ground again, it had already reached the top of the entire giant pit.

Scott flew out of Gorzan's mouth, turned back into a human form, and stood on the cliff overlooking the bottom of the pit.

The silver giants Qi Qi turned to look at him, but did not attack again.

Scott said: "Here, it seems like I can leave at any time?"


A certain colossus opened its mouth, and Mr. Geoffrey's voice came from the mouth.

"But that also means that you give up inheriting the most precious part of knowledge that belongs to 'Agasd'."

Scott laughed, "You know I'm not going to give up."

"Of course, who would give up halfway."

Mr. Jeffrey's tone was very firm.

"I can see that you are extremely eager for that knowledge."

At this time, the [Magic Mirror] and the small picture frame slowly descended to Scott's side.


Scott smiled at the Ravenclaw mentor in the painting.

"I am a Ravenclaw, and my greed for knowledge has been deeply rooted in my bones."

"Using fire seemed like a good idea, but you didn't use it."

Helena floated over.

"Is it worried that if it gets out of control, those animal skin books in the pyramid will be burned?"

Scott shook his head, "Ordinary flames probably won't work, unless you use the Diefort Curse, and I didn't learn the Dieval Fyre Curse."

"Where's Edgar?" Rimbaud asked.

Scott said: "Edgar is only controlling ordinary flames."

"How to do?"

Helena frowned.

"He knows that you won't give up, so you just need to wait there. And you need to destroy all these giant statues in order to successfully obtain the inherited knowledge."

"Then destroy them."

Scott narrowed his eyes.

Helena looked at him curiously, "What are you going to do?"

"It's just a wandering soul that forcibly stays in the human world, and a dozen puppets controlled by the wandering soul."

Ravenclaw's tone in the painting is flat, even contemptuous.

"If he wants to, he can do it."

"Of course I use my best skills..."

Scott added with a smile.

As he spoke, he touched the ground with one knee, and thrust his wand into the soil with his backhand.

As he chanted the mantra, the magic power on the surface of his body flowed brilliantly.

On the smooth cliff below, one tall figure after another slowly emerged.

No more, no less, exactly five.

Soon, the five giants broke away from the cliff and landed on both feet.

Their bodies quickly changed from the brown of the rock to the blue of the glacier, and their appearance became exactly the same as Ymir.

"Crack" sounded, and the giant's body was covered with a thick layer of ice armor.

"Do you think I haven't studied it after I got Ymir?"

Scott stood up slowly, looking at the five ice giants facing the silver giant statue below.

"The imitation is not too good, but it is enough."

Helena asked, "Five against fifteen?"

"Believe me."

Scott smiled confidently.

"Although there are only five low-configuration imitations of Ymir, I must be the one who wins."

(End of this chapter)

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