Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 538 538. Ghost Mr. Jeffrey

Chapter 538 538. Ghost Mr. Jeffrey

Although the secret realm of "Jortunheim" is not boundless, it is also vast enough.

It took Scott about ten hours to reach the edge of the secret realm in the "flying house" pulled by the crows.

After "Flying House" stopped, Scott got up and walked to the door and jumped off. The cloak behind him fluttered, bringing him to the ground lightly.

The front is still the same barren scenery, and it seems that it can continue to move forward.

But when he stretched out his hand, he immediately touched an invisible wall.


A crow among the crows yelled a few times.

Rimbaud acted as an interpreter, "It said that the entrance to the underground palace is over there."

Scott nodded and looked in the direction Rimbaud indicated with his wings.

Over there, countless rocks with strange shapes stand tall, looking from a distance, it looks like a rock forest.

Scott drew his wand.

First he let the hut fall to the ground, and then he unleashed the crows.


The crow flew directly over the stone forest.

"Come on, let's go and see."

Helena floated after the crow.

Scott waved his wand again, letting Ravenclaw's frame and [mirror] float beside him, and followed.

After entering the stone forest, the light suddenly dimmed a lot.

Scott took out the magic lamp and continued walking after holding it in his hand.

Under the feet is the ice and snow that has not melted for many years, and it will make a creaking sound after stepping on it.

After walking for about 10 minutes, he saw Helena's back.

Scott quickened his pace and walked to Helena's side, suddenly a bright light appeared in front of him.

In front of them was a huge circular pit, and a broken pyramid stood at the bottom of the pit.

Looking at the pile of broken walls and ruins, an ancient and desolate atmosphere rushed over.

Scott looked around and saw a stone step leading directly to the bottom of the pit.

The stone steps are very long, and most of them are hidden in the shadows.

Helena said, "Let me go down and have a look first."

"It's okay." Scott walked towards the stone steps, "Let's go down together, let's have a look first."

He walked for a few minutes around the edge of the crater, then up the stone steps that descended.

Observing closely, Scott found that the stone steps were crude and narrow, barely allowing one person to pass.

Fortunately, Helena doesn't need to take up space.

As Scott continued to descend, he gradually entered the shadow where the light could not be directed.

Once here, the stone steps below began to show more damage and fractures.

"There seems to be traces of battle here."

Scott squatted down holding the magic lamp, carefully observing the traces on the stone steps.

"But it's too old, and I can't be sure."

He turned to look at Ravenclaw in the painting.

"What do you say, mentor."

"It is indeed a trace of battle." Ravenclaw said, "It seems that something happened here."

Helena also said: "It's indeed a bit abnormal. The ice palace in the 'Niflheim' secret realm is intact, but here it is very dilapidated."

"Hopefully what I'm looking for is still there."

Scott stood up and continued walking down.

After reaching the bottom of the giant pit, Scott confirmed their guess even more.

"These buildings don't weather and decay naturally."

He stood on the main road paved with stone slabs, looking at the ruins of buildings and broken statues of giants on both sides of the road.

Only man-made destruction can make this place like this.

Apparently, there's been a fight here, and it's been intense, and a lot of things have been badly damaged.

Scott did not stop on the road, and continued to move forward, came to the bottom of the pyramid, and looked at the collapsed stone gate at the entrance of the pyramid.

Although there was no door to block it, he could only see darkness because the light could not reach the inside of the tower.

Helena suggested again, "I'll go in and have a look first, and you can act after making sure there is no danger."

This time Scott didn't refuse.

"Then trouble you."

Helena nodded, and floated directly into the gate, disappearing into the darkness.

Scott did not stand still and wait, but went to the ruins on the other side to check carefully, hoping to find some clues.

But after looking around, he couldn't see anything with text symbols, so he was a little disappointed.

He stands on top of the ruins, talking to Ravenclaw in the painting.

"Not mentioning the battles that took place, I don't understand, what's the point of them building these buildings and statues?"

Although those statues are dilapidated, it can be seen that the sculptures are not statues of gods, but some giants.

The appearance of these giant statues is much rougher and more ferocious than Ymir, but it fits the description of "Jortunheim" in the myths and legends.

Other than that, it doesn't seem to make much sense.

But Scott doesn't quite believe that the wizards of the "Agasd" school will do some meaningless things.

"Perhaps the answer can only be found in that pyramid." Ravenclaw said.

There are no text symbols that can be referred to inside the ruins, and even Ravenclaw cannot answer Scott's question at this time.

Scott turned his head to look over to the pyramid, just in time to see Helena coming out of the door.

He quickly jumped off the ruins and went up to meet them.

At this moment, another translucent white figure floated out from the shadow behind Helena.

"Mother, Scott." Helena introduced, "This is Mr. Jeffrey."


Mr. Geoffrey greeted them gently.

He is a middle-aged ghost, dressed in ancient wizard clothing, with a curly beard on his chin.

"Hello, Mr. Jeffrey."

Scott performed a wizarding salute.

Mr. Geoffrey observed Scott with a direct eye.

"Your name? Age?"

"My name is Scott Trollope, 17 years old, sir."

"I heard from this lady that you have inherited our 'Agasd' ideal?"

Scott nodded, "Yes, I have already been to the 'Tower of Gungnir' and 'Niflheim' secret realms, and obtained the things you left there."

While speaking, he showed Mr. Jeffrey the [Odin's Eye] pendant on his neck and the [Hvagmir Ring] on his left index finger.

"Do you really agree with our ideals?"

Mr. Geoffrey looked a little agitated.

"Are you going to go straight down the road we once dreamed of?"


Scott nodded again.

"I have found some like-minded partners, and we will work together to unite more wizards and create a new world with only wizards and magic."

"good very good."

Mr. Geoffrey laughed happily.

"I can see that you are serious!"

At this moment, tears even flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"I've been waiting for this moment for too long."

Scott didn't bother, and waited until Mr. Jeffrey calmed down before asking, "Mr. Jeffrey, can I ask what happened here?"


Mr. Jeffrey looked at the large ruins outside the pyramid with a complicated expression.

"This used to be our last hiding place."

"Hiding place?" Scott was puzzled, "If it's a hiding place..."

He pointed to the [Eye of Odin] pendant on his chest.

"Isn't this a better choice?"

At least there are mountains and water, plants can be grown, and animals can be raised, which is better than the barren land of "Jötunheim".

"[The Eye of Odin]? There is not only one such different space."

Mr. Geoffrey smiled.

"We can hide in this secret realm, and then let these different spaces produce food."


Scott nodded in understanding.

Mr. Geoffrey began to tell what happened more than 1000 years ago.

When traitors appeared in "Argasd", he was one of several young wizards who fled with the school's research materials.

"...The others desperately stopped the pursuers and killed the traitors. We five young men escaped from the 'Golden Palace' under the cover of our elders."

"We first went to Niflheim, where we left the legacy stele and guards as planned."

"Finally, we crossed the ocean again, came to this frozen continent, and found Jotunheim."

"The Holy See will never find this place."

"We plan to continue our research here and look forward to making a comeback one day to fulfill our ideals."

"After that, we lived here for more than ten years."

"But in the end, there was a disagreement between us."

Ravenclaw in the painting said: "Some people want to go back and fulfill their dreams by themselves, while others hope for an uncertain future."

"You are right, lady." Mr. Jeffrey said with admiration, "You are really sharp."

Scott asked him, "So, which side are you on?"

"Me?" Mr. Jeffrey smiled, "I chose the future."

Scott glanced at the ruins again, "Because of differences of opinion, did you have a conflict?"

Mr. Geoffrey was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly.

"Yes, there was a conflict between me and my partners."

He looked at Scott and spoke in a heavy tone.

"At that time, some people felt that after more than ten years, the outside world must have been safe."

"They want to change their plans, they can't wait to get out of here and get back into the crowd."

"They want to make 'Agasd' grow stronger again, and they want to fulfill the school's long-standing aspirations."

"But I don't agree."

"A colossus like the Holy See cannot make any changes in more than ten years."

"We don't have the strength to compete with the Holy See, we can only pin our hopes on the future."

"But among the five people, only I chose the future."

Hearing this, Scott understood something.

He looked at Mr. Jeffrey in surprise, "You..."

"Yes." Mr. Jeffrey confirmed his guess, "I killed them."


Helena let out a small exclamation.

Mr. Geoffrey floated up to the wreckage.

"Because of the fighting between us, this place was destroyed."

"Why?" Helena couldn't help asking.

"Why kill them?"

Mr. Geoffrey turned his head.

"At that time, their desire to leave here was already unstoppable."

"I can't watch them all the time and stop them from leaving."

"And once they leave, they may be caught by the Holy See."

"In that case, all the arrangements of our 'Agasd' school may be exposed to the guys of the Holy See."

"Killing them is the best option."

Helena said: "You can't be sure, someone will succeed in inheriting your ideals in the future."

"Yeah, I'm not sure."

Mr. Geoffrey's tone was calm.

"But even so, I don't want to let the knowledge belonging to 'Agasd' fall into the hands of the Holy See."

Having said that, a sarcastic smile appeared on his face.

"Maybe they'll use 'Yuktra Hill' to create a false paradise."

"That would make me want to gag!"

Scott said, "From your current appearance, you also died in that battle with your companions."

"Yes, I killed four of them, but I couldn't last longer."

Mr. Geoffrey nodded in acknowledgment.

"Because I wanted to see the future, I chose to become a ghost after I died and waited here for more than 1000 years."

"So it is."

Scott did not comment on the stories of the past that Mr. Jeffrey put into his mouth.

It was already more than 1000 years ago, and whether it was true or not, it didn't mean anything to him.

All he wanted was that knowledge, and that might require Mr. Geoffrey to lead the way.

"So, is that knowledge still there?" He asked directly, "Am I entitled to that knowledge?"

"Show it to me, Scott."

Mr Jeffrey said to Scott.

"Show what you've learned about 'Yuktra Hill', and 'Gungnir'!"

Scott nodded and raised his wand.

"Yuktra Hill!"

The white initial runes form a tree pattern, covering Mr. Jeffrey's head.

Mr. Geoffrey looked up at the runes and didn't look away.

Following a burst of white light, his figure and the runes disappeared together.

After a while, Scott waved his wand again.


The black initial runes form the image of a dragon.

The "Black Dragon" opened its mouth and gnawed, breaking open the different space Scott had just created.

Mr. Geoffrey reappears.


He smiled and clapped his hands.

"Whether it's 'Yuktra Hill' or the counter-curse 'Ned Hogg', they are well mastered."

Scott raised his wand again.


The golden light flashed away.

A fist-sized cavity appeared on the skull of the giant statue on the side.

"Burning flames!"


"The wind whirls suddenly!"


"Clear water is like a spring!"


"The house collapsed and the ground collapsed!"


Scott demonstrated the "Gungnir" with the four elements of fire, wind, water, and earth as the main body in turn, causing huge secondary damage to the surrounding ruins.

Then, he put away his wand and looked at Mr. Geoffrey.

"Oh, you pass, Scott."

Mr Geoffrey looked perfectly satisfied.

"However, you still have to be careful of the Holy See."

"There is no Holy See anymore." Scott said with a smile.

Mr. Jeffrey's eyes widened, "Is what you said true?"

Scott nodded, "To be more precise, the Holy See has long lost its extraordinary power, and there are no records of wizards and magic."

"What are you waiting for?"

Mr. Jeffrey turned around directly and drifted into the pyramid.

"Come with me, and I'll give you everything."

Scott and the Ravenclaw mentor in the painting glanced at each other, and followed behind Mr. Geoffrey.

(End of this chapter)

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