Chapter 537

In the middle of the night, Scott stood by the deserted sea.

Rimbaud, who was covered in black, stood on his shoulders, and Helena, whose body was translucent, floated beside him.

"I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to come to the other side of the earth."

Helena looked at the rough sea, her tone was a little excited.

Scott also said with a smile: "My original plan was to travel around the world after graduation."

While speaking, he casually threw four small metal balls.

[Magic Barrier Ball] landed with a slight buzzing sound.

Soon, a cube-shaped magic barrier unfolded.

"It's time to go."

Scott sat down casually, took out a magic lamp and put it beside him, and took out the [small blank picture frame].

At this moment, a huge wave surged up, wrapping the magic barrier like a big hand, and dragging them into the sea.

The magnified body of Sirene appears and disappears in the sea water.Swimming into the distance with the magic barrier.

Despite the turbulent dark tide in the sea, Scott, who was sitting in the magic barrier, didn't feel too much ups and downs under the control of Siren.

This is even more comfortable than taking a large cruise ship.

In the mouth of Muggles, Drake Passage is always accompanied by names such as "the widest, deepest and most dangerous strait in the world" and "the murderous devil Westerly Belt".

To put it concretely, the Drake Passage is 10 kilometers long, and there are waves 20 to 100 meters high, and winds that are said to reach speeds of more than [-] kilometers per hour.

"We'll go across the Drake Passage to the South Shetland Islands."

Scott unfolded the map.

"Although the archipelago is a barren land, there are many scientific research stations set up by countries on the island. We need to avoid the Muggles on the island."

Helena didn't understand, "Why do Muggles live in this kind of place?"

Ravenclaw in the painting says: "Muggles explore the world the Muggle way."

Scott said: "Antarctica is still a pure land for human beings, and there are many useful resources there..."

During the conversation, time passed slowly.

It took them a whole day to cross the Drake Passage, since Sirayn didn't use the fastest speed this time.

It was another late night.

The seawater full of ice floes rushed ashore, sending the magic barrier to the land.


Through the magic barrier, Scott felt the temperature and added another piece of clothing to himself.

Looking around, Scott temporarily put away the [Magic Barrier Ball].

He asked Sirene to go back into the [Eye of Odin] space and let Horus out.

"Quickly zoom in."

Casting a spell turned the palm-sized Horus into a giant, and Scott climbed up its broad back with Rimbaud and the picture frame.

"Next we'll walk through the air."

After Helena also came up, Scott opened the magic barrier again, and cast a disillusionment spell on Horus, himself, and Rimbaud.

"take off!"

At Scott's command, Horus took flight.

It's still a boring journey.

Especially after entering the Antarctic continent, the eyes are full of white glaciers and snowfields. At first, I felt that there were spectacular wonders everywhere, but after a long time, I felt that time passed too slowly.

Although there was no live broadcast, Scott still used [Magic Mirror] to record the experience along the way.

Horus flew over the Weddell Sea with the wind, crossed the Ronnie Ice Shelf and the Ellsworth Mountains, crossed the Antarctic Mountains, and finally approached the ice sheet where the South Pole is located.

Even with the Lace map in his hand, it took Scott more than half a day to find the location marked on the map.

That is, the entrance to the secret realm of "Jortunheim".

"Fly straight down, Horus."

Looking at the huge glacier crevasse below, Scott ordered.

Horus uttered a cry, steered the strong wind, and flew down the bottomless crack.

As it went deeper and the light dimmed, Scott took out the magic lamp again.

He constantly perceives the surrounding environment, and at the same time directs the direction of Horus.

"Turn left ahead!"

"Continue down!"

"Turn right, I feel the magic power fluctuate!"

"It's there!"

Scott pointed to a seemingly natural platform in the ice wall.

Under his command, Horus landed on the platform and slowly folded his wings.

"Thank you, Horus."

Scott broke the illusion spell, allowing Horus to return to the [Odin's Eye] space.

"The sky can no longer be seen here." Helena raised her head and looked up.

Scott took a few steps forward, sensing the magic fluctuations hidden on the ice wall in front of him, and raised his wand.

As he recited a difficult incantation, one after another rune runes emerged on the ice wall, opening a circular space passage.

"You can go in."

He greeted and walked into the passage.

With a flash in front of his eyes, he came to a vast wasteland.

This place is not full of thick glaciers like the outside world. As far as the eye can see, there are many rocks that are not covered by ice and snow.

These chaotic rocks are huge, like hills.

Being here, Scott only felt that he had become extraordinarily small.

"This different space seems to be extraordinarily large."

Helena floated higher, trying to see further.

"I can't see the border of the wilderness. I don't know whether it is really boundless or an illusion caused by false scenery."

Scott understood what she meant.

One possibility is that the wasteland is really big.

Another possibility is that it is actually not that big, just like the perspective map in the game, it is a visual illusion.

Scott also turned into a peregrine falcon and flew into the sky with Rimbaud.

They flew around, but didn't see any buildings.

Re-landing into a human form, he said to Helena and Ravenclaw in the painting: "This is not like the 'Niflheim' secret realm with some clear goals. The first thing to do is to investigate."

Rimbaud asked, "Should the crows be summoned?"

Scott shook his head, "The crows may not be able to adapt to the climate here, nor can they get food here."

It is impossible for him to take out his own rations to feed a large group of crows.

He waved his wand at the boulders beside him.

"Smashed to pieces!"

The two-person-tall rock crumbled to pieces.

Afterwards, the light of the Transformation Curse flashed, and all the rubble turned into crows.

"I leave it to you to command, Rimbaud."

Scott handed over command of the crows to Rimbaud.

"Let them find out the general situation of this secret realm as soon as possible."

"give it to me."

Rimbaud responded, and "quacked" several times to the crows.

When the crows dispersed, Scott took the ravens, picture frames, and ghosts into the [Odin's Eye] space.

Under the false sunlight in the different space, Scott took off his thick down jacket and couldn't help stretching.

"Go and rest for a while."

The Ravenclaw mentor in the painting said with a smile.

"You haven't had a good night's sleep in days."

Scott nodded.

Indeed, under the warm "sunshine" at this time, he felt exhausted coming in waves.

Back in the wooden villa built in a different space, Scott hung Ravenclaw's picture frame in the living room.

"Then, I'm going to rest, Helena, please do yourself a favor."


Helena was obviously interested in the furnishings and decorations in the house, and did not look at Scott.

Scott went back to the bedroom alone, suppressed his drowsiness, took a shower, put on his pajamas, and couldn't wait to fall on the bed and fall asleep.

This time he slept very soundly and slept for more than ten hours.

After waking up, he made another table of sumptuous food for himself.

Of course, they are all semi-finished products.

After a full meal, Scott sat lazily on the sofa in the garden of the villa, not wanting to move.

"Aren't you going to have a look?"

Helena floated over.

"Perhaps the crows have returned?"


Scott remained motionless.

"They are the products of my Transfiguration, and I can roughly sense their state."

Helena was a little surprised, "Could it be that the area of ​​the secret realm is really huge?"

"Maybe." Scott didn't know the specific situation.

"Let me go out and have a look," said Rimbaud who was standing on a branch beside him.


Scott raised his hand to hold the [Odin's Eye], the gem shimmered, and Rimbaud's figure disappeared.

Helena said: "This time it may be like in the 'Niflheim' secret realm, you have to face multiple tests to get what you want."

"I'm not afraid of the test." Scott said with a smile, "The test in the secret realm will not be more dangerous than 'Avalon'."

"I'm also curious about 'Avalon.'"

Helena seems to be completely ambitious, wanting to get involved in everything.

"I asked some more ancient ghosts, but unfortunately, no one can tell what's going on with 'Avalon'."

"Maybe that is also a different space opened up by ancient wizards, just like the secret realm opened up by the 'Agasd' school."

Scott's not-so-serious guesses.

"Who said that only the wizards of the 'Agasd' school can invent stable space super magic?"

"That's true." Helena nodded, "After all, there are many modern magics that involve space, and there are traces of the development of magic..."

Having said that, she asked Scott, "Since you have met Archmage Merlin, why don't you just ask him?"


Scott's expression was a little indescribable.

"He won't tell me."

He was sure of it.

Merlin didn't mind offering him some help, but he wouldn't give him a winning chip.

After all, the archmage hated the certainty of the future the most, and what he feared most was the boredom of seeing the head at a glance.

Thank goodness he doesn't mess around to "make the story more exciting."

Hearing Scott's affirmative tone, Helena froze for a moment, but believed in his judgment.

"Then it's up to you."

"There's nothing wrong with relying on yourself." Scott smiled, "It's better to say that it will be more practical."

He stood up.

"The rest ends here."

He returned to the living room, took down Ravenclaw's picture frame, and then went to the alchemy laboratory to refine his alchemy under the guidance of Ravenclaw's mentor.

Another day passed, and Scott sensed that the crows exploring the secret realm had reunited, so he left the [Odin's Eye] space and returned to the secret realm.


Rimbaud stands on top of a huge rock.


The crows were flying up and down around it, reporting to it in turn.

Scott stood under the rock and looked up without making a sound.

After a while, the crows finally stopped reporting.

Scott couldn't help rubbing his ears.


Rimbaud flew down from the boulder.

"It has been roughly investigated, and this secret realm has boundaries."

"I guess so." Scott was not surprised. "If it is really boundless, wouldn't the new world that the 'Agasd' school wants to create have been successful?"

"That direction."

Rimbaud pointed aside with his wings.

"At the border of the map in that direction, there is a large entrance to the underground palace. Of course, it cannot be seen from here."


Scott's eyes lit up.

"Anything found in other directions?"

Rimbaud shook his head.

Scott made a decision, "Then let's go to the underground palace over there."

Scott, who didn't want to act on his own, pulled out his wand again, and tapped it on the boulder beside him.

The boulder quickly turned into a small house.

The rune circuits on the surface of the house flickered, and the heavy little house floated in the air like a balloon.

Scott kept waving his wand again, making the crows bigger.

Finally, he puts on the reins for the giant crows, and the long ropes are connected to the small floating houses.

"A new journey begins!"

With a light leap, he jumped into the door of the small house under the blessing of the floating cloak.

[Magic Mirror] and Ravenclaw's picture frame, which has been running video work, also floated into the small house with him.

Finally Helena and Rimbaud.

"Let's go! Ga!"

Rimbaud yelled, and the crows dragged the little house and flew forward.

"You can always think of ways to be lazy." Helena looked at the bleak scenery outside the window.

Sitting on the soft single sofa, Scott said confidently: "Laziness is the ladder of human progress."

Helena smiled and did not continue the topic.

After a while, she spoke again, "If we want to create a new world, an environment like the Secret Realm will definitely not work."

"I know." Scott nodded in agreement.

Whether it is the "Niflheim" secret realm or the "Jortunheim" secret realm where they are now, the environment is very harsh.

Whether it is a world of ice and snow or a pile of rocks, no living things can survive for a long time, not even plants.

Helena added: "The [Odin's Eye] space meets the requirements, but the area there is too small."

"Maybe they are facing a problem of trade-offs?" Scott guessed, "A large space will lose the possibility of building an ecology."

Helena said: "This shows that you must completely surpass the wizards of the 'Agasd' school in the attainment of space super magic, in order to have the possibility of creating a new world."

"That's why I said, this is not a goal that can be accomplished in the short term."

Scott knows that ideals have a long way to go.

The different space he can open up now is not only small in size, but also has nothing.

as well as……

"That's not a one-man feat."

(End of this chapter)

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