Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 532 532. Tom Riddle

Chapter 532 532. Tom Riddle

Facing Scott's teasing, Harry scratched his messy hair even more.

"How do I know?" He said in distress.

"It's interesting." Scott looked around, "It seems that there are only two of us on this moving train."

Harry laughed twice, "Dreams... aren't all weird?"

Then, he completely ignored Scott who was sitting across from him, lowered his head and muttered, "Damn, what kind of dream is this, how should I leave..."

Scott laughed and said: "You can't wake up from this dream, unless someone in reality wakes you up at this moment."

"What?" Harry looked up.

"Let's go." Scott stood up, "Let's take a look around the carriage, but I only saw half of the carriage just now."

"Huh?" Harry was still a little taken aback.


Scott smiled mysteriously.

"Don't you just think that this is just your dream?"

Harry looked at him in surprise, "What do you mean?"

"If it's just your dream, then you should be able to control everything in your dream if you want," Scott said.


Harry suddenly realized.

Then he pointed at Scott.

"Then, disappear quickly, Scott! I want to dream of Qiu more than you!"

one second.

two seconds.

three seconds.

Scott still stood where he was, looking at him intently.

Harry's eyes wandered, his face flushed.

Scott raised his eyebrows with a pun, "You really don't give up, Harry."

"What... what?" Harry braced himself.

"Oh, I just want to remind you." Scott said slowly, "Cho is Cedric's girlfriend."

"I know!"

Harry got a little irritable and tugged at his hair again.

"But I just like her!"

He blurted out.

"She is so beautiful, so gentle, and so powerful, why can't I like her!"

"Yes." Scott smiled, "Of course you can have a crush on her, she probably doesn't know anyway."

Harry broke down a bit, "Ah! Why would I have a dream that makes people laugh at me!"

"I said, this is not just your dream."

Scott emphasized again.

"You should almost understand it. If you haven't understood it, just pinch yourself."

Harry didn't understand, "What's the use of pinching yourself?"

"If you're just dreaming, you can pinch yourself without pain," Scott said.

Harry immediately pinched his thigh.

"It will hurt!"

He looked at Scott in surprise.

"what happened?"

"it means……"

Scott leaned against the cubicle door frame, smiling playfully.

"I am me, I am Scott himself, not a phantom created by your dreams."

"you are you……"

Harry was completely stunned, unable to recover for a moment, just repeating Scott's words.

"Are you Scott himself?"

"That's right." Scott nodded affirmatively, "I came here suddenly after I fell asleep in the dormitory."

Harry's eyes widened, "You must be joking!"

"Sorry." Scott shrugged.

"How is it possible..." Harry stood up excitedly, "How could this happen..."

He paced back and forth unconsciously.

"Are we kidnapped? Who did it?"

Scott pierced his imagination, "You can feel it, this is not the real world."


Harry obviously found it difficult to accept the status quo for a while.

"It does not matter."

Scott waved his hand, then gave Harry another thumbs up.

"Compared to this, I think your secret love declaration just now is very imposing."


Harry remained motionless for a moment, as if turned into a stone sculpture.


He turned his head inch by inch.

"Will you still remember when you wake up?"

Scott laughed. "I think I remember it well."

"I..." Harry's face flushed instantly, and he spoke incoherently, "I...that's..."

"Are you kidding?" Scott reminded "kindly".

"Yes! That's right!"

Harry's eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, I was just joking, don't take it seriously!"

Scott almost laughed out loud, "Do you think I will believe it?"


"Wonderful" is not enough to describe Harry's expression at the moment.

"All right."

Scott puts the smile back on his face.

"The joke is over, we should get down to business."

Before Harry could react, he left the compartment and walked towards the front of the car.

Soon, he heard Harry following footsteps.

Next, they passed several empty carriages, and finally stopped in front of the door of the prefect's carriage.

Scott reached out and pushed open the car door.

In the compartment sat a boy about Scott's age.

Black hair and black eyes.


Wearing old-fashioned school uniform robes.

"Who are you?" Harry asked.


The boy stood up and saluted gracefully.

"I'm Tom Riddle."

"Tom Riddle?" Harry muttered. "It sounds familiar."

Scott laughed. "Hello, Voldemort."

"What?" Harry took a step back in surprise.

Riddle laughed too.

"Hello, Trollope."

His hands drooped, a wand fell from the sleeve, and he held it naturally in his hand.

He raised his hand and pointed his wand at Scott.

"I didn't expect there to be such an outstanding child as you among the mudblood wizards."

"I'm good because I am me."

Scott also raised his wand.

"It has nothing to do with my origin."

"Really, you think so?"

Riddle's black eyes instantly turned blood red, and he grinned.

"You seem even more arrogant than I am, Trollope."

"Wait!" said Harry loudly, "what the hell is going on here?"


Riddle suddenly burst out laughing.

"How stupid, is this the so-called 'savior', is this the 'Boy Who Lived'?"

Harry said angrily, "I never gave a fuck about titles like that!"

"Harry," Scott reminded, "he is Voldemort lurking in your body, as long as you can get rid of him here, you can get rid of him completely."


Riddle's body instantly became a little shorter.

"...Harry and I are one."

He turned directly into Harry's appearance.

Except for the red eyes, everything else is exactly the same as Harry himself.

"We're one, Harry."

He gave Harry an eerie grin on his face.

"Killing me is equivalent to killing him."

"You are talking nonsense!"

Harry's face became ugly, and he quickly drew out his wand, also pointing at Voldemort.

Voldemort was still smiling, his red eyes fixed on Harry, "You can feel the close connection between us."

"You're talking nonsense!"

Harry retorted without confidence, and at the same time couldn't help but took another step back.

Scott's calm voice sounded, "If it is aimed at the soul, your words are indeed true, but unfortunately, you are not the embodiment of soul power now."

Voldemort's face changed slightly.

He stared at Scott, "What did you do?"

Scott continued: "Think about it, if that piece of soul materialized, what kind of image would you appear in."

Now it was Voldemort's turn to be surprised.

But the astonished expression only appeared for a moment on the same face as Harry's, and he calmed down quickly.

He even started to speak calmly again, "You know a lot."

Scott nodded, "A lot."

Voldemort said: "Since it is not the manifestation of soul power, what appears here is consciousness."


Scott nodded affirmatively.

"As long as the consciousness dissipates, the piece of soul you left in Harry's body will automatically dissolve and become the nourishment for his soul to grow."

Harry said immediately, "I don't want that kind of nourishment."

Voldemort snorted and ignored Harry.

He was still staring at Scott closely.

"I'm curious how you did all this."

"I'm not going to satisfy your curiosity... armor protection!"

Scott used the Iron Armor Curse to build a magic barrier in time to block Voldemort's sneak attack on Harry.

Before Harry could react, Voldemort's spell collided violently with the magic barrier that suddenly appeared in front of him.

Voldemort laughed, a good laugh.

"Although I don't know how you did all this, maybe someone helped you, but you know, this is a double-edged sword."

"I know." Scott nodded calmly.

Voldemort looked at Harry. "If I can severely damage his conscious body here, I can occupy his body as soon as possible."

Scott knew that because the current Voldemort was a soul fragment, and Harry still had a complete soul, he could not completely destroy Harry's consciousness.

Voldemort knew this too, so he used the word "matter".

But what he said was true.

If Harry's consciousness was traumatized, it would indeed be beneficial for Voldemort to take advantage of it.

Scott had expected this.

As a fun person, Merlin will not create conditions that are completely beneficial to him and Harry.

He doesn't like watching one-sided plots.

"Be safe," Scott reminded Harry, "He's not lying."

Harry nodded, "This is the best chance for me and him, isn't it?"

"You're right in saying that."

Scott flicked his wand lightly, and the seat behind Voldemort instantly turned into a big hand and grabbed him.

Voldemort's figure flickered and appeared on the other side of the carriage.

He flicked his wand as he flashed, and the big hand turned back into the seat.

"I want to thank you, Trollope, for reminding me."

The pupils of Voldemort's red eyes became elongated, like some bloodthirsty snake.

"Since I am a conscious body now, I don't have to follow the laws of the real world."

Then, he disappeared without a trace like a gust of wind.

"Yuktra Hill!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

The two voices sounded almost simultaneously.

Green lightning pierced Harry's chest.

Voldemort appeared behind them, his wand connected to the green lightning.

Harry looked down at the green lightning passing through his chest, and smiled strangely.

"This is really amazing..."

Scott maintained the space magic without changing his expression.

He put himself and Harry into a temporarily constructed different space, and achieved a result similar to "blurring".

"It's this space magic again."

Voldemort stopped casting and spoke to Scott.

"The main body's failure seems to be because you have mastered this magic."


Scott made the temporarily constructed different space disappear invisibly, and raised his hand to give Voldemort a shattering curse.

"Except your weapons!"

Harry also cast his best spell at the same time.

Two red lightning bolts crossed.

Voldemort was no longer there.

"Yuktra Hill."

Scott quickly put himself and Harry into a "blinking" state again.

Sure enough, Voldemort cast another killing curse on Harry.

"Use your imagination, Harry." Scott reminded, "We are conscious bodies in the dream world, don't be so 'down-to-earth'."

Harry's eyes lit up, and then flew straight up.

Although it doesn't come and go like the wind like Voldemort, it is also very flexible.

Scott recognized Harry's flying talent very much, so he moderately let go of some protections for him.

He put more energy into the confrontation with Voldemort.


"Drill the heart and gouge out the bone!"

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

"The house collapsed and the ground collapsed!"

"Flying sand and stone!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

...In the blink of an eye, the two threw multiple spells at each other, back and forth.

The spells that recite the spells are not all, and there are also confrontations of silent spells.

But neither of them had the upper hand.

The spells ricocheted around completely destroying the carriage they were in.

All three flew up and left the train.

But when they landed, they found that they came to a familiar platform from the field where the train passed.

It's platform 9 at King's Cross Station.

The train just now was still intact and parked next to the platform.

"Except your weapons!"

This time, Harry took the initiative to attack.

Voldemort dodged calmly.


At this moment, the golden light of the wand in Scott's hand flashed.

Almost instantly.

Jin Guang stretched his forward thrust, then retracted it with a blink of an eye.

A fist-sized cavity appeared in Voldemort's chest.

And Voldemort's face was full of astonishment.

"I didn't expect... you still hide such a magic spell..."

"It's easier to win by surprise..."

"Avada Kedavra!"

Voldemort, who had begun to weaken, still had a soft spot for the Killing Curse.

Scott Apparates out of place.

Voldemort waved his wand again at Harry.

"Avada Kedavra!"

This time Scott didn't give Harry any help, and Harry dodged with his fairly flexible body.


The golden light shines again.

When the spear made of golden light appeared, Voldemort disappeared completely as if he had the ability to predict.

But before Voldemort could open his mouth, a golden light had already arrived in front of him.

Voldemort disappeared again.

Then, no matter where he appeared, the golden light always followed him.

"This is an attack magic that claims to never fail and cannot be dodged."

Scott explained a few sentences with great interest.

(End of this chapter)

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