Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 531 531. Harry's dream

Chapter 531 531. Harry's dream

"...In short, after this time, Voldemort and the Death Eaters have all been subdued, but at the same time there are still some hidden dangers."

After listening to Scott's narration, the members of the "Tower of Babel" in the conference room fell into a temporary silence.


Angelina frowned, obviously very worried about Harry's current situation.

"Trust him," Fred said, laughing. "He's the 'Boy Who Lived.'"

"Professor Dumbledore can definitely solve this matter." Alicia was very confident in the old headmaster.

Angelina nodded first, then suddenly lost face again.

"It's over..." She put her head in her hands and wailed in pain, "This year's Quidditch!"


The others looked at her speechlessly.

George said exaggeratedly: "Anthracene, Angelina, I know you have inherited Wood's captaincy, but please don't inherit his madness."

Angelina ignored him, but looked at Scott with burning eyes, "Tell me, can Harry play later?"


Scott can't guarantee it.

"You'd better ask him yourself."

Tuk, Tuk Tuk.

Roger knocked on the table suddenly, "Hey, this is the first official meeting of the 'Babel' organization, not the pre-battle meeting of the Gryffindor Quidditch team!"

"That's right." Eddie agreed, "Let's talk about business."

He coughed a few times to attract everyone's attention.

"Let me talk about my opinion first, what we have to do now is to slowly expand the size of the organization,"

As he spoke, he took out a notebook and flipped through a few pages.

"I think we can start from the following points."

"The first is the expansion of organizational membership."

"Each of us can use words to test the friends around us to see if there are like-minded partners."

"If the other party is suitable, we can introduce our organization."

"Secondly, it is the expansion of organizational influence."

"The way I can think of is to use Scott's influence to start subtly promoting our ideas."

"After the last school year's Triwizard Tournament, Scott has initially gained some influence in the magic world, but this is not enough."

"This time is a great opportunity."

"Since Minister Burns promised to help Scott apply for the Order of Merlin First Class, Scott's contribution will not be missed in the official promotion of the victory this time."

Fred said with a smile: "Oh, after these credits are announced, Scott's admirers will definitely become more."

"That's right." Eddie looked at Scott, "There will definitely be reporters visiting you at that time, and you can take this opportunity to reveal some of our organization's ideas."

Roger reminded, "Of course, it should be more tactful, and you can't say it explicitly."

"I see." Scott nodded.

"As for other propaganda tasks, leave it to me."

Eddie closed his notebook.

"I am a professional in this area, and I also have a pen name that can publish articles in the "Daily Prophet."

"Of course, it's most appropriate to give it to you." Scott agreed very much.

"I can help too," Luna said. "We can also publish articles in my dad's Quibbler."

Scott asked her curiously, "Will Mr. Lovegood be interested in our ideas?"

"Oh, I think so." Luna blinked. "He likes everything new and interesting."

Scott asked, "Have you not spoken to him yet?"

Luna shook her head, "No, I thought it needed to be kept secret."

"Then you can talk to him," Scott said, "you don't need to keep it secret from your family."

"Oh, I'll write to my dad." Luna smiled happily.

Scott smiled, too, and looked at the others.

"Everyone can speak out if they have an idea."

"I..." Milton said, "I think the addition of new members still requires a review ceremony."

Roger said: "Then let the members other than the recommender show their hands to vote, and only the wizards who get the majority of 'consent votes' can be allowed to join our organization."

Milton nodded in agreement, "That's fine."

"But it can only be done in the early days." Scott said, "Our goals are very ambitious, and 'Babel' cannot always be a small organization."

Fred said: "Let's talk about it later, it's fine for now."

"Yes." Scott smiled, "We will improve step by step."

At this moment, Helena spoke.

"I will talk to other ghosts about related topics, maybe some ghosts are interested in our target."

Scott said to her, "Then I'll trouble you."

If there are other ghosts willing to join, he will not refuse.

Although ghosts have great limitations, they can also do many things that living people cannot.

For example, they can come and go anywhere freely regardless of terrain restrictions, and even Hogwarts' protective magic can't stop ghosts from visiting.

They have unique advantages in delivering messages and obtaining intelligence.

"There are more ghosts in the wizarding world than you can imagine." Helena said, "This is because some ghosts don't like to meet living people."

"Oh, aren't they lonely?" George asked curiously.

Helena smiled slightly, "There are often various gatherings among the ghosts."


Fred and George commented in unison.

"Anything else to say?" Scott asked.

All shook their heads.

"Let's adjourn, then," Scott announced.

Seeing everyone standing up, Scott reminded again, "Please pretend not to know anything about Harry, and it's best not to reveal anything in front of him."

"Oh..." Angelina said distressedly, "This is a bit difficult."

Fred took her hand, "Just treat him as usual, he must be under a lot of pressure."

"Don't worry, at least he can have fun on the Quidditch pitch." George also held Alia's hand.

Angelina agreed, "Exactly."

Alicia also said: "The happiest Harry I've ever seen is on the court."

"Especially when Gryffindor wins."

The two girls smiled tacitly, shook off the hands of their boyfriends, and walked towards the door together arm in arm.

Roger smiled and said to the twins who were looking at each other, "You two can also walk together arm in arm."

"Oh, go get your Caccini, Roger."

"I heard that Krum is still writing to Caccini."

The twins took out the Voldemort mask and put it on, gave Roger two funny faces of the Dark Lord, and walked away with their shoulders crossed.

After leaving the Room of Requirement, Scott and his roommates returned to the dormitory.

Before heading to the shower, Scott looked at the ring on his left index finger.

He has not yet confirmed Ymir's status.

At that time, he asked Ymir to resist Voldemort, and then directly closed the space channel of the "Niflheim" secret realm.

Although Ymir can return to the different space where it was originally located, Scott is not sure whether Voldemort has caused damage to it.

Tomorrow, go to the Forbidden Forest and summon Ymir out to have a look.

Thinking of this, Scott took a shower first, and then lay on the bed in his pajamas.

The roommates thought he was tired, so they didn't bother him.

But Scott wasn't in a rush to sleep.

He wanted to try if he could see Merlin again in his dream.

If he could meet Merlin, maybe he could solve Harry's problems.

Otherwise, this kind of feeling that although something has been done, there is still a small tail left that can't be solved...

It's like closing the paper when the last question of the exam is reached.

It's like running 99 meters in [-] meters, and the last meter of the runway collapsed.

It was unbearable.

Anyway, Scott murmured like a magic wand for a while before bed.

Of course, in order to prevent his roommates from thinking he was crazy, he lowered the bed curtain and put a soundproof spell on it.

Finally, he got his wish and saw Merlin in his dream.

Is it so clever?
Still in the boundless sea of ​​flowers, Scott looked at Merlin floating in the air in surprise, appearing in the image of a handsome young man with white hair.

"Don't you want to see me?"

Merlin squinted at Scott.

"Now what are you surprised about?"

"Sorry," Scott said, "I didn't think..."

He really didn't expect Merlin to appear so easily like a summoned beast.

Merlin narrowed his eyes and showed a fox-like smile, "Oh, kid, are you thinking about something impolite?"

"Feel sorry."

Scott bowed his head and apologized bluntly.

Merlin still smiled, "I thought you would argue?"

Hehe, is there any point in lying and making excuses in front of Merlin?

Scott's bachelor thought.

He even suspected that in this dream world, all his thoughts were transparent to Merlin.

"It's not that powerful." Merlin waved his hand, "It's just that I can sense some of your emotions."

This is self-disclosure.

Scott thought again.

If I don't know what I'm thinking, how can I answer so accurately and timely?

Merlin picked up his inner complaint again.

"It's just inferring your thoughts based on your emotions and expressions, it's very simple."

not simple...

Scott held back his own internal rant.

He quickly got down to business, "You must know why I want to see you."

"Yeah, I know."

Merlin folded his arms and looked at him condescendingly.

"You want to help the boy who was made into a Horcrux?"

Scott nodded, "If possible."


Merlin, who was suspended in the air, moved and floated around Scott, as if observing him.

Finally, he floated in front of Scott again and stopped.

"You don't seem like such an enthusiastic person."

"I just want this matter to have a definite conclusion as soon as possible." Scott said truthfully, "It's really not easy for Harry."

"Yes, that is a poor child." Merlin nodded in agreement, "He has experienced ups and downs since he was born."

Despite the sympathetic words, the constant smile on his face made it impossible for Scott to discern his true emotions.

"Do you have a solution?" Scott asked again.

"Let me think about..."

Merlin propped his chin with his hand, seemed to really think for a while, then nodded.


Scott asked, "How do I do that?"

Merlin tilted his head, "I can help, but why should I help?"

"This..." Scott was speechless.

"That boy was special, but not special enough for me."

Merlin said in a joking tone.

"Besides, it's like a novel. I opened it and wanted to see the end without interruption."

"Whether the story turns out to be a tragedy or a comedy, I'm interested."


Scott was still speechless.

Wizards all over the UK, do you know that Merlin, who is often talked about by you, is such a wicked person.

"Are you thinking about something impolite again?"

As Merlin said, the long staff in his hand knocked on Scott's head without warning.

"Feel sorry."

Once again, Scott apologized decisively.

"It's ok."

Merlin still smiled and didn't care about it.

He asked again, "Do you really want to help Harry Potter?"

"Yes." Scott nodded, "but only on the premise of not endangering himself."

"I appreciate your honesty at the moment."

Merlin waved the long staff that looked like an ornament in his hand.

"Just as a reward for you..."

The fragrance of the flowers was refreshing, and countless petals gathered together as he waved the staff, flying up and down, forming an illusory space channel.

"Let's go."

Merlin flew towards that space channel.

"This is the gateway to the boy's dream."

Scott hesitated for two seconds, and followed Merlin into the illusory passage.

In a blink of an eye, Scott found himself sitting in a high-speed train carriage.

Looking at the familiar arrangement in the carriage, he was sure that the train in Harry's dream was based on the Hogwarts Express.

Sitting in his seat, Scott looked left and right, but he didn't see Merlin.

Scott called a few times, but got no response.

He got up and walked out of the compartment, only to find that he was in the last car of the train.

There was no one in the car except Scott.

Scott raised his foot and walked to the carriage ahead.

After passing several carriages in a row, he finally saw Harry in a carriage in the middle of the train.

At the same time, Harry, who was sitting alone in a compartment of this car, also saw him.


Harry looked surprised.

"How will you be here?"

"What do you say?"

Scott walked over to the seat opposite Harry and sat down.

"Going to Hogwarts, of course."

"Go to school? That's right."

Harry nodded, and immediately saw something was wrong.

"No! This is not the Hogwarts Express, this is... this is... my dream?"

He widened his eyes and looked around in surprise.

"I've never experienced such lucid dreams."

As he spoke, he reached out and touched the seat under him and the window next to him.

"Everything is realistic, including touch and temperature."

"Shouldn't the most important thing be why there is me?"

Scott made a joke.

"This is your dream."

(End of this chapter)

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