Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 52 052. Rumors of the Slytherin Chamber

Chapter 52 052. Rumors of the Slytherin Chamber
Maybe it was because he couldn't bear to see Eddie in the limelight, Malfoy sneered in disdain, "What do you know!"

He looked at Eddie contemptuously.

"You guys don't know anything."

He held his head proudly, revealing a mean jawline.

A girl with a face like a poodle pretended to cheer for Malfoy, "Oh! Draco! If you know something, please tell everyone!"

"Of course I do, Pansy." Malfoy was even more proud.

He glanced at the others around him with malicious eyes, especially Eddie, who had just talked about it.

"The heir to Slytherin has appeared! He has opened the legendary Slytherin Chamber of Secrets!" he said in a tone of great news. "All Mudbloods will..."


A black raven flew over everyone's heads, flying in front of Malfoy like a black shadow.


The raven yelped again, flapping its wings hard against Malfoy's mouth.


Malfoy let out a scream, waving his arms to slap the raven away.

The raven made an unpleasant cry, while nimbly dodging Malfoy's attack, it pecked his face several times with its beak.

Malfoy quickly lowered his head and covered his face with his hands.

"Go away!"

His girlfriend Pansy Parkinson waved his wand in vain.

At this moment, two of Malfoy's big men rushed over.

They took off their robes to cover the raven, but the clever bird spread its wings again and quickly disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"Don't let me know whose pet that damn bird is!" Malfoy screamed, covering his face. "I'll tell my dad!"

From the crowd came Fred's yin-yang voice, "Oh! I think old Malfoy must be very proud that his precious son dared to duel a fierce raven!"

George immediately answered, "After a tough battle, he finally drove away the animal that was even more dangerous than a fire dragon!"

The onlookers burst into laughter.

Scott winked at Milton and Eddie, and the three quietly retreated from the crowd.

Eddie looked at Scott excitedly, "Oh! Scott! You're amazing! That's you..."

Scott shook his head, motioning Eddie not to talk about the subject.

He said to the two: "I have something to discuss with the Weasley twins, you go back first."

After speaking, he walked to the other side of the crowd and reached out and patted Fred on the shoulder.

Fred turned his head and immediately blinked mischievously when he saw Scott, "Hey!"

"Is something wrong, Scott." George also turned around. "Don't you see that we are singing the proud record of Master Malfoy?"

"follow me."

Scott said something to them and turned away.

The three came to an empty classroom, and Scott closed the door of the classroom.

Fred grinned and put his hand on Scott's shoulder, "All I can say is, great job just now, Scott!"

He said regretfully: "It's a pity that we couldn't use the camera to record the wonderful scene of Malfoy and a raven duel!"

George also felt sorry, "You're right, I think we can sell the photos to the Daily Prophet, which is enough for them to write a good report and make us a fortune by the way."

Scott smiled and shook his head, "Don't worry about that coward Malfoy, George, Fred, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" George asked curiously. "Do you want to officially return to our adventure team this Halloween, Scott?"

"Although it's a bit late, we'll welcome you." Fred pretended to be reluctant.

"It's not about this." Scott couldn't help laughing. "It's the thing that happened just now. It's a little unusual."

"You mean... Filch's cat?"

"And the words left on the wall?"

The twins suddenly understood something.

Scott nodded, "I noticed that neither the petrified cat nor the writing on the wall is simple magic."

He said solemnly, "I suspect that what Malfoy said may be the truth."

"The truth? Isn't that cat dead?" Fred thought for a while, "Slytherin's back room, and Slytherin's heir?"

"That cat isn't dead? But what's the matter with that old Slytherin monkey?" George said to Fred. "We seem to have heard rumors about the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets?"

"Did my grandfather tell us when he was alive?" Fred asked uncertainly.

Scott said: "It's true that the cat isn't dead. As for the Chamber of Secrets, I remember an ambiguous account of the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets in the book Hogwarts (a school history)."

George shook his head. "Oh, you know, we don't usually read this kind of book."

"There's another rumor that was widely circulated, indeed," Scott said. "Of course, I heard it from Eddie."

Eddie was always keen to inquire about everything, and he did say a lot of these rumors, true or false, in his dorm room.

"What?" Fred asked curiously.

Scott said: "The legend has it that Salazar Slytherin was always very opposed to Hogwarts admitting Muggle-born wizards. Eventually he parted ways with the three other fellows who founded Hogwarts because of a different philosophy. He was rumored to leave. He left a secret room at Hogwarts."

"Could it be the treasure left by that old monkey in Slytherin?" Fred guessed enthusiastically.

"No, the rumored stuff in the secret room isn't a treasure."

Scott said quietly.

"Once upon a time, people believed that Slytherin had sealed the Chamber of Secrets until his true heir came to the school to open it. The heir would release the horrors in the Chamber of Secrets, and let it follow Slytherin's will to purify the school of all unworthy learning. Magical people."

"That is to eliminate Muggle-born students?" Fred thought for a while, and felt that the rumors were not credible. "But Slytherin is a wizard from 1000 years ago. What can live for such a long time?"

George guessed, "Maybe some kind of powerful black magic?"

Fred shook his head, "You idiot! No matter what magic it is, it can't last this long without maintenance!"

"Let's just listen to this rumor." Scott analyzed seriously, "What happened tonight, I think the biggest possibility is that someone wants to do something with this rumor."

Fred agreed with him. "Maybe there really is a so-called 'Slytherin heir'? Of course, that title may have been self-proclaimed by the troublemaker."

"We don't need to care whether the rumors are true or not, but this is definitely not a prank by ordinary students. I can sense from the state of the cat being petrified."

Scott said confidently, extending a hand to the twins.

He smiled at the two of them, "So I want to invite you two together, two adventure experts, to help find out that so-called 'Slytherin heir'. How about the idea?"

"Oh! I think this is funny!"

Fred took Scott's hand without hesitation.

"I think so!"

George excitedly put his hand on the hand they were holding.


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(End of this chapter)

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