Chapter 518 518. The end of the last summer vacation

The shopping activities that continued throughout the afternoon almost exhausted all of Scott's physical strength, and he resolutely stayed at home for the next few days without going out.

Of course, he was not idle during the time at home, but continued to study the two super magics in depth.

Because there is [Odin's Eye] space, he does not lack a place to practice magic.

In addition to practicing magic, Scott also called his father Michael to help him, and tried to build a house with local materials in the space.

Within a few days, his cousin Ramiro who came to play with him was also pulled by him.

Of course, most of the work of building a house can be done by Scott with magic spells, and there is no need for manual labor.

In the end, including the design, it only took them five days to build a pure wooden villa.

This time the house was built without Polymorph.

Although the transformation technique can last for a long time, there will still be a day when the mana is exhausted and returned to its original shape.

Since it is a house, it must be stable.

After that, the most interesting thing is to design the "water" and "electricity" parts of the house.

What Scott wanted was a house with a little more magic.

He did not use the Muggle water and electricity system, but flexibly used various rune circuit combinations to provide lighting and water for the house.

It took another five days to design and engrave and install these rune circuits, and finally Scott got the result he wanted.

After the basic construction was completed, he handed over the decoration work to Emilia.

Emilia burst into great enthusiasm for this.

She bought a batch of antique furniture through Michael's channel, and bought various decorations and various plants like wholesale.

Eventually, under her direction, Scott took it upon himself to transform the villa into a very dreamy girly fairytale.

The kind that girls and children will love at a glance.

To this...

Scott had no comment.

As long as it can live in people, isn't it?

In short, after finishing all this, the time has come to the end of August, and the day when Hogwarts starts is approaching again.

This will also be Scott's last year at Hogwarts.

On August 8, Scott received a communication from Professor Flitwick.

"Oh, Scott, you blocked your name again, and the owl can't send you the school opening notice."

"Sorry to trouble you, Professor."

"It's okay, I know you want to hide your parents' address."

"Yes, Professor."

"I'll send you the list of books I'll use for the new school year, but that's not what I'm really talking about. Congratulations, Scott, on Albus's appointment of you as the new Head Boy."

"Thank you, do you know who my partner is?"

"Cacchinistrozzi, the Hufflepuff girl, has been appointed the new Head Girl."


"Yes, oh, Scott, remember to organize all the prefects on the train to patrol the car, I think the lack of the chairman's badge will not affect your direct work."

"I see, thank you for letting me know."

On August 8, Scott returned to the UK by plane.

On August 8, he met some friends and came to Diagon Alley for shopping.

"Oh Mom, we're grown up!"

"That's right, adults should have a taste of drinking!"

Walking into the Leaky Cauldron, Scott heard Fred and George talking.

At a glance, he saw the red-haired family gathered near the bar.

Apparently, the twins are fighting hard for their right to drink.

But Mrs. Weasley clearly wouldn't let them do so.

"Want to drink? Unless you've graduated from Hogwarts, or I'm dead!"

She snarled at the twins, then turned to Ginny and said, "Honey, keep an eye on your two troublesome brothers at school, and if you catch them drinking, write to me right away."

"Got it, Mom."

Ginny's expression was reluctance, but Ron showed an expression of eagerness.

"Good morning, Mrs Weasley."

Scott walked over.

"Oh, Scott, come on, don't you want to try it?"

Fred and George winked at him.

"Fire whiskey."

"Go away, don't spoil other people's good children."

As Mrs. Weasley's loud voice attracted most of the attention in the bar, Scott, who was no longer unknown, was immediately recognized.

More than one person has revealed his identity as the Triwizard Tournament Warrior.

"Oh, here comes our warrior."

Bald Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron, is also very enthusiastic about him.

"Want something to drink? I can give the champion a free drink."

What's even more exaggerated is that there were several children wearing "Warrior" badges and holding a [Magic Crystal Player] screaming around and asking Scott for his autograph.

Scott can only lament that Eddie's business is doing very well, while satisfying the requirements of these lovely children.

"Oh honey, you've become a complete celebrity."

Mrs. Weasley praised him with a smile, then turned her head and looked at the twins with disgust.

But the twins can't wait to get rid of their mother.

"Go, Mom, you go shopping with Ron and Ginny."

"And we're adults."

"We have our own money."

"You can still go home by yourself."

"go quickly!"

The two sang together and waved again and again.

Mrs. Weasley was angry, and there was nothing she could do about them, so she slapped them hard on the back a few times, gave them a few warnings, and led Ron and Ginny out of the bar first.

As soon as she was gone, Fred and George immediately wanted to be demons.

Scott reminded them.

"If you can't determine the amount of alcohol, it's best not to try it now. I don't want to take care of two drunks."

But the twins still couldn't hold back their eagerness to move. Although they didn't choose Flame Whiskey, they still ordered two glasses of drinks with a lower alcohol concentration to taste the early adopters.

They sat in the bar for a while, and Scott's three roommates walked in through the bar door together.

"Oh, Scott!"

Milton looked extremely excited today, and ran over immediately.

"You're right!"

He lowered his voice and couldn't hide his excitement.

"Music is indeed a kind of magic!"

Scott looked at him in shock.

"what do you mean……"

"Yes, I did it."

Milton nodded desperately.

"We can prove it." Roger said with a complicated expression.

Eddie also shrugged, "Although I don't think it's scientific or magical."

It took Scott a while to digest the fact.

Although he said that to Milton, it was more of an encouragement!

Using music to work its magic, it just gives Milton a way forward that suits him.

As far as Scott is concerned, this has no clue at all.

Who would have thought that Milton could really succeed in such a short period of time!


"Milton, you are a genius!"

Scott patted Milton on the shoulder vigorously.

"True genius!"

Milton just smiled shyly.

The twins also gave Milton a thumbs up.



"how did you do it?"

"Can you demonstrate it to us?"

Milton looked around, "It's not convenient here, I'll show you when I get back to Hogwarts. Of course, the effect is still very weak."

"But you have already taken the hardest first step." Scott said, "In short, I will believe you, no one is more suitable for this kind of magic than you."

While chatting and laughing, a few people walked out of the Leaky Cauldron and entered Diagon Alley, where people come and go.

Here, Scott elicited more screams.

On the way to Gringotts Bank, strange wizards greeted him from time to time.

Of course, the most enthusiastic ones are the children. There are always children who look at him with admiration, and those who are more courageous even call out the warriors and gather around to ask for autographs.

Scott's friends are teasing him, saying that he has become a bigger star in the wizarding world than Lockhart.

Scott is not very willing to accept such a comparison object.

Once inside Gringotts, Scott cashed a check from his Triwizard Tournament win.

The goblin clerk at the bank didn't look very happy to see the 1000 Galleon denomination on the check.

Especially after Scott rejected its offer to open the vault.

Scott didn't care.

Everyone knew that these greedy goblins didn't want a single Galleon to leave Gringotts.

But Scott doesn't need to open the vault at all, there is no safer place to store gold than the [Odin's Eye] space.

"Please hurry up."

Scott tapped on the counter, urging the dawdling bank clerk.

The goblin staff said reluctantly, "Sorry, your withdrawal amount is huge and must be approved by the bank supervisor."

"Very good." Scott raised his eyebrows, "Then let the bank supervisor come over."

He was getting impatient.

At this time, several other people who had finished withdrawing the money also gathered around, stood behind Scott, looked at the goblin staff on the counter, and put pressure on it.

The goblin employee named Kag shrunk his neck and reached out to guide Scott, "Please follow me."

Scott and the others followed it to the side room and met the goblin supervisor, Prager.

Karg leaned over to the goblin executive's long ear and murmured something. Prager's face changed, and he immediately responded to Scott with exaggerated enthusiasm.

"Oh, welcome, Mr. Trollope the Brave, and welcome to Gringotts."

Scott didn't want to talk to it, but shook the check in his hand, and directly stated his intentions.

"Here is the check, a total of 1000 Galleons, give it to me immediately."

While speaking, he also mobilized his whole body's magic power to form an aura to press on Prager's head.

As soon as Scott got angry, even several of his friends couldn't help taking a step back, let alone the two goblins.

They sat down on the ground directly, looking up at him in horror.

"I don't want to hear any more bullshit."

Scott backed off.


Prager rubbed the sweat on his brow, then gave Karg another look.

It rubbed its hands and flattered Scott, "We'll prepare 1000 Galleons for you."

But when facing its own subordinates, it immediately changed its face.

"Hurry up, lazy bastard!" it yelled at Karg, "Go and get the Galleons ready for our guests!"

"Yes, Director!"

Kag quickly got up from the ground, staggered and ran out of the room.

Even when being pushed into a hurry, the goblin moves very quickly.

In less than 10 minutes, a total of 1000 Galleons were piled up in front of Scott.

I don't know if it was because they didn't want to hurt Scott, but these goblins didn't use any bags to pack Galleons, but piled them directly on the ground.

"Dear guest, please count the number."

The goblin supervisor Prager kept wiping the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

"Oh, let's help!"

Fred and George are eager to try.

"We've never counted so many Galleons before!"

"no need."

Scott smiled, drew his wand and tapped.

Countless golden lights made up numbers dancing in the air, and then disappeared quickly, leaving behind a neat line of [1000].

"This is?"

"It's just a simple application of the calculation part of arithmetic divination."

Scott nodded.

"Very well, neither one more nor one less."

While the fairies watched, he took off the pendant on his chest and put all the gold coins into the space.

Finally, the group of them left Gringotts under the disappointed eyes of the goblins.

"Go to Lihen Bookstore to buy new textbooks first."

So they walked to the other side of Diagon Alley.

In Lihen Bookstore, they met many acquaintances.

It seems that most of the Hogwarts students choose to shop in Diagon Alley on the day before school starts.

Mrs. Weasley, Ron, and Ginny were also here, and Harry and Hermione joined their little friend Ron.

Scott finished buying the books as quickly as possible, and couldn't wait to leave the crowded bookstore.

When passing the entrance of Knockturn Alley, Scott stopped suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Eddie urged. "Come on, I have to buy a new cauldron."

Scott didn't move, and turned to look at the dark Knockdown Alley.

The narrow alley was crowded with people coming and going, but everyone wore a black hood to hide their faces.

"You want to go in and have a look? Good idea!"

Fred became interested.

"We haven't been there either, our parents won't let us go."

"Now is the time," George said. "We're adults after all."

"It's a good reason to be an adult," Roger complained.

Scott shook his head.

"Just now I sensed a familiar wave of magic power." He said, "It's Malfoy."

"Malfoy? Old or young?" Fred asked.


"Little Malfoy dared to enter Knockturn Alley alone? He is a coward!" George was a little surprised, "Where did he go?"

Scott shook his head, "There are too many people. I didn't confirm his location, so he disappeared."

Roger asked, "Is it beyond perception?"

"It disappeared." Scott said, "It should have left through the fireplace."

"What is he doing here?" Fred rubbed his chin. "It would be great if he could be caught. Old Malfoy is still wanted."

"It's not that easy, let's go."

Scott didn't stop.

But he's decided to send the crows to scout Knockturn Alley.

(End of this chapter)

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