Chapter 517
"it is finally over."

Scott stretched.

His most urgent wish now is to take a good bath and sleep on a soft bed.

Sleep until full!
"Go, go back!"

They returned the same way and walked out of the ice palace all the way.

Afterwards, we took a sleigh ride to the exit of the secret realm of "Niflheim".

Before going out, Scott let everyone else enter the [Odin's Eye] space.

"After leaving the secret realm, I will use the Portkey to go back directly."

But the Portkey cannot bring Helena.

Once Scott was alone, he flicked his wand to turn the sled dogs and sled cars back into ice.

"Armor protection!"

Then, he wrapped his whole body with the Iron Armor Curse, and then returned to the bottom of the sea from the space passage.

Above the sunken ship, Scott closed the space channel according to the secret orders and methods left by the wizards of the [Asgard] school.

After doing this, he couldn't wait to activate the door key and returned to the crow's territory.

"Finally home!"

Rimbaud, who came out of the [Odin's Eye] space, shouted excitedly and flew quickly in the territory.


Its crow people also responded to it excitedly.

"very noisy."

Although Scott complained in his mouth, he had a smile on his face.

"Mother has returned to the painting in the back and forth room."

Helena floated in mid-air.

"Have a good rest, Scott, and you must notify me of your next adventure."

Scott counted the time.

"Unfortunately, today is August 8th, maybe this summer vacation is not enough time for the next adventure."

After all, the next adventure location is in the distant Antarctic continent.

The knowledge gained from the "Niflheim" secret realm also took him a lot of time to digest.

Helena smiled slightly.

"Of course, you are the leader of the 'Tower of Babel', and everything is arranged by you."

"Then, see you at the beginning of school."

After finishing speaking, she turned and floated in the direction of Hogwarts Castle.

"See you at the beginning of school."

Scott waved at her drifting back.

When Helena's transparent figure disappeared into the forest, Scott quickly turned into a peregrine falcon and returned to the oak hut, took a bath as fast as he could, and then slept until the sky was dark.

He slept for more than 20 hours this time, and finally woke up from hunger.

After waking up, he discovered that [Magic Mirror] had stored many messages from his friends.

Scott stretched his waist, and sent a call invitation to all members of the "Tower of Babel" at once.

The mirror surface was divided into several grids, and soon, these grids were lit up one by one.

Eddie, Roger, Milton, Fred, George, Luna, everyone connected one after another.

Eddie, "Oh Scott, I thought you had an accident! I've tried to contact you so many times."

Fred, "Damn guy, you should contact us as soon as the adventure is over!"

George, "We haven't settled with you yet for your snitching on Charlie!"

Milton, "As long as you're all right, Scott."

Luna, "It seems that this adventure is going well again."

"Feel sorry."

Scott, still in his pajamas, scratched at his tangled hair.

"I was too tired after coming out of the secret realm, and all I could think about was sleeping."

Fred, "Tell us about this adventure!"

George, "We can't wait to hear it!"


Scott rubbed his already hungry belly.

"I think what I need most right now is a good meal."

Fred immediately invited, "Come to my house."

George also said, "As long as you come, my mother will be happy to prepare food for you."

Roger, "My mother welcomes you, too."

Eddie, "Scott, you haven't been to my house yet!"

Luna, "You are welcome to come as a guest, and my father will welcome you too."

"I..." Milton lowered his head, "Sorry, I'm here in Vienna..."

"Am I that popular?"

Scott was amused.

Several people in the mirror nodded in unison.

But Scott knew that these guys just wanted to hear his adventures when they invited him so enthusiastically!

Besides, he didn't think Luna's father would be really happy for him to be a guest.

"I'd better bother Mrs. Weasley."

He made his choice quickly.

"The most important thing is that you can apparate directly."

Now that he is 17 years old, the traces of the Ministry of Magic's supervision of underage wizards have disappeared, and he can use magic without any scruples.

Of course, it is limited to the scope of the wizarding world. If you go to the Muggle world, you still have to avoid being seen by Muggles to cast spells.


Fred and George high-five each other, as if celebrating victory.

"excuse me."

Scott laughed.

"Anyway, when I've had my fill, I'll tell you all about this adventure."

After speaking, he hung up the communication and began to wash and change clothes.

After taking care of his personal image, Scott walked out of the room.

He didn't take Rimbaud with him, and he apparated to the gate of the Burrow alone.

Fred and George were already waiting at the door.

As soon as they saw Scott, the two rushed up enthusiastically like two huskies...

He rubbed him hard.

"You ruined our perfect plan!"

"This is all for revenge on you, an unscrupulous guy!"

"Go away! Fred, George!"

Mrs Weasley rushed out of the house to rescue him.

She pulled the twins apart and hugged ex-Scott passionately.

"Oh, you are welcome to come as a guest, my dear, I watched the video of the Triwizard Tournament, and you performed very well!"


"Welcome the great Mr. Champion!"

Fred and George lined up on both sides of the gate, pretending to clap desperately.

At this time, Ron and Ginny also ran out of the house.

Seeing this scene, Ron chuckled happily.

"go with!"

Mrs. Weasley waved away the twins, then dragged Scott into the house, and served him a sumptuous meal.

After thanking Scott, he was not polite, and started to eat hungrily.

When he finished eating, the twins couldn't wait to drag him upstairs and forcefully shut Ron and Ginny out of the room.

"Hurry up and open the door!"

Ron hopped outside and slammed the door.

"What are you trying to hide from us?"

"It's a grown-ups' secret!" Fred yelled.

George added, "Children can't listen!"

"I'm not a child!"

"The truth is you're underage."

"Stupid Ronald!"

"You must have done nothing good, I want to tell mom!"

"Damn Ronald!"

"You should change your name to Percy II!"

Scott waved his wand directly and cast an anti-disturbance spell on the door of the room, and the sound outside the door disappeared.

"Good job!"

Fred couldn't wait to sit on the floor, ready to listen to the story.

"Hurry up and talk about it." George was also urging, "We've had a boring summer vacation, and we're desperate for some excitement."

"and many more."

Scott took out the [Magic Mirror] and connected with several other friends again.

After confirming that everyone was alone, Scott began to describe the process of this adventure.

"This time we went to the Norwegian Sea first..."

It doesn't take too long to tell the whole adventure.

Because Scott did not explain the process in great detail, many of them were mentioned casually.

But even so, the others still listened with gusto and envy.

Especially Fred and George who listened in person, they are still brooding about the things they failed to participate in.

Although Scott didn't say it clearly, Fred and George also understood why Scott didn't take them on an adventure.

"We will become stronger as quickly as possible!"

"Strong enough to impress you!"

The two looked very determined.

"We just weren't serious before!"

"If we get serious, we'll scare even ourselves!"

Scott laughed and said, "I'll see."

The twins' manifesto seems to have succeeded in setting others ablaze, too.

"It seems that I have to work hard, and I can't be left too far!"

"Agreed, this feeling of not being able to participate is too uncomfortable!"

Eddie and Roger also expressed their views.

Only Milton's anxious face and Luna's condition were left.

"Don't force yourself, everyone has their own strengths."

Scott said softly.

"We are not a combat organization, let alone an adventure team."

"Don't forget, our ultimate goal is to create a new world with only wizards and magic."

"I am confident that each of you will play an irreplaceable role in this long endeavour."

"But..." Milton said hesitantly, "I don't know what I can do..."

He looked very insecure, as if he thought he couldn't help with any of these things.

But Scott doesn't think so.

"Become the most outstanding musician in the wizarding world and in the whole world, Milton."

He said in an encouraging tone.

"I believe that music is also a kind of magic. Your music must inspire people, convey ideas, and save souls."


Milton raised his head that had been lowered all the time, and his eyes shone unconsciously.

"Can I... really do it?"

"Oh, of course you can!" Eddie said immediately, "You're a genius, Milton!"

Roger, "I've always believed that too."

Luna, "I like your music, Milton."

Fred, "Great music, although you never wrote one for Gryffindor."

George, "But everyone at Hogwarts knows that you are a true musical genius."

Scott, "Remember, Medea can do some weird magic with music, and I'm sure you can too!"


Faced with everyone's encouragement, Milton blushed with excitement.

"I will work hard!"

Perhaps because of his emotions, he yelled loudly at an unprecedented volume.


Everyone applauds together.

After that, Scott and they chatted for a while before ending the communication.

Fred opened the door of the room and found Ron still standing outside the door.

Seeing the three of them coming out, he quickly took a few steps back and looked them up and down.

"Give it up, Ronald."

Fred walked past him.

George followed.

"We won't tell you any secrets!"

Finally there was Scott, who gave Ron a friendly smile.

"Have you finished your summer homework?"

"Bloody Hell!"

Ron wrinkled his face in pain, turned and ran back to his room.

The twins and Scott came together on Ferret Hill, outside the village of Ottery St. Catchpole.

They wanted to see and see what Scott's adventures paid off.

Scott disagreed with putting "Ymir" out because it was too compelling.

But he still agreed to show them "Yuktra Hill" and "Gungnir".

But Scott soon regretted it.

Because after watching the demo, Fred and George predicted that Scott's nickname of "The Impaler of England" would eventually become more worthy of the name.

Scott was a little speechless.

Back at the Burrow, Scott bid farewell and thanked Mrs. Weasley before apparating away.

He returned to the crow's territory to organize his things, and then directly apparated back to his home in Madrid, Spain.

The place where he appeared was in his room.

It was the first time to try this kind of ultra-long-distance apparition, and even Scott was dizzy for a while before he recovered.

"It seems that we can't try more for the time being."

Feeling that most of the magic power in his body was used up, Scott muttered to himself.

Fortunately, no split accident occurred.

No wonder Dumbledore relied on Phoenix Fox's ability to travel between England and France in the past few months.

Perhaps, after he studies "Yuktrazil" more deeply and has a deeper understanding of space magic, he can be more sure about the ultra-long-distance apparition.

Gathering his mind, Scott opened the door and walked out of the room.

Father Michael was not at home, and his presence startled mother Emilia.

"Oh... I thought it was a burglary!"

Emilia reached out and patted his head hard.

"Boy, since you are coming back, why didn't you call me in advance? I almost went to the room to find my gun!"

Shouldn't you honestly surrender, and then go bankrupt and avoid disaster?
How come the first reaction when encountering gangsters is to fight with guns?
Scott groaned.

But on the surface, he immediately flattered and behaved.

"Oh, sorry, Mom, I just wanted to surprise you."

"Thanks, I wasn't surprised."

Emilia looked at him with a disgusted expression, but she couldn't hide the joy in her eyes.

"Come on, I've asked your Aunt Flora to go shopping together, and you should also accompany us."

She picked up her bag excitedly.

"Just right, school is about to start, I have to buy you some new autumn and winter clothes!"

Scott immediately put on the pain mask.

He cautiously proposed, "Can I not go?"

Emilia raised an eyebrow.

Scott added: "Look, your taste has always been so good. The clothes you choose for me must be the most perfect. I don't need to try them on myself at all."

"So, can I not go?"

"What do you say?"

Emilia smiled.

"Well, I'll go."

Scott stood up and obediently followed his mother to go out.

(End of this chapter)

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