Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 506 506. You have completed this round

Chapter 506 506. You have completed this round
Scott stood in the circular stone room, with countless huge pure white arms staggered, attacking from all directions, which looked extremely terrifying.

Faced with an attack with almost no dead ends, Scott instead cracked the spherical magic barrier that originally wrapped his whole body with a wave of his hand, only protecting his side and back.

At the same time, he waved his wand forward.


Cutting Charms Bright pink light emanates from the wand tip.

As Scott flipped his wrist, the light beam was like an extremely sharp and long lightsaber, like a hot knife cutting butter, instantly cutting off countless white giant hands in front of him.

On his side and behind him, the sound of collisions continued to resound.

The giant white hands kept hitting the magic barrier alternately, but they were still unable to shake the transparent and thin layer of magic barrier.

Scott turned his body, and the cutting curse "light saber" in his hand and the magic barrier protecting his side and behind moved accordingly.

When his body turned around completely, all the giant white hands growing on the wall of the stone room were cut into several pieces and fell to the ground.

Then he flicked his wand, and the "light saber" disappeared.

Just as he raised his feet and walked forward, the "residual limbs" that fell on the ground suddenly melted like butter in a pan and disappeared without a trace.

Immediately afterwards, directly in front of him, at the exit of the stone chamber, the walls on the left and right of the doorway bulged again.

Two larger arms grew instantly.

The volume of these two arms is like the sum of all the previous arms fused together.

If they were stretched straight, the length would cover the entire stone chamber.

Scott stopped again.

He watched the two huge arms raised high, the palms much bigger than his whole body crossed their fingers, clenched into fists, and hammered down towards where he was.

"To pieces."

The wand in Scott's hand was lifted up, and the blue light expanded instantly, covering the two giant arms.

Silently, the two arms hammered down for a while, and then turned into countless fine powders and scattered in all directions.

The magic barrier behind Scott extended again, changing into a spherical shape to cover his body, and also blocked the powder dust.

He still walked forward with a clean body.

Walking out of the circular stone room and passing through a short, harmless corridor, what appeared before him was an abyss.

There is no road ahead of him, and the bottom is shrouded in fog, bottomless.

On the other side of the abyss is a high platform, far away, with lights on.

Scott said as if talking to himself: "If I remember correctly, Animagus is not banned this round, is it?"

As he spoke, he turned into a peregrine falcon, flew lightly over the abyss below, and landed on the high platform on the opposite bank.

At the moment of landing, he changed back to human form.

Next, he walked through several corridors with winding routes and different widths without slowing down.

Those checkpoint settings in the corridor did not pose any threat to him at all.

He just used the Iron Armor Curse to expand the magic barrier with no dead ends, and then went all the way to the next level unimpeded.

In front of him was another round stone chamber.

However, this room is several times larger than the previous stone room with arms growing out.

Scott kept walking.

When he walked to the center of the stone room, around his position, huge, glowing alchemy formations emerged on the ground around him.

Afterwards, one huge figure after another slowly rose from the alchemy array.

Scott looked around, and all the alchemy dolls appeared in the alchemy formation.

They are about three meters high, covered in hideous armor, and hold various weapons in their hands.

Directly in front of Scott, there was another figure riding a tall horse and carrying a huge knight's gun.

This time, Scott took the initiative to attack without waiting for these alchemy puppets to move.

The magic barrier surrounding him cracked, and Scott swung his wand.


The bright pink "light saber" formed by the cutting spell reappeared, and Scott swept with his staff.

A crisp collision sounded.

The alchemy puppet holding the shield blocked the "light saber" with the heavy shield in his hand.


Sparks splashed, and the sound of friction between the "light saber" and the shield was extremely ear-piercing.

Scott raised an eyebrow in surprise.

It is indeed the work of Master Nicolas May, it is not so easy to be destroyed!

At this time, other alchemy puppets had already surrounded him.

The only thing that didn't move was the knight on horseback guarding the exit.

"In this case……"

Scott smiled, flipping his wrist.

While the wand was retracted, the "light saber" disappeared.

With the rotation of his wrist, the spherical magic barrier closed again and expanded instantly.

Accompanied by a loud noise, all the alchemy dolls that came under siege were knocked away by the suddenly expanding magic barrier.

Scott waved his wrist smoothly, and the magic barrier cracked again.

"Clear water is like a spring."

A torrent spurted from the tip of his wand, quickly sweeping through the chamber.

The water was spinning rapidly, quickly forming huge water prisons, trapping all the alchemy puppets who fell to the ground just now.

blah blah blah...

The sound of clanging horseshoes continued.

The alchemy puppet in the shape of a knight is manipulating its horse to move around, avoiding the pursuit of the water.

"There are many obstacles."

With a flick of the wand in Scott's hand, the horse under the "knight" staggered a few steps, and was caught up by the raging water.

At this point, all the alchemy dolls have been trapped by the constantly rotating water prison.

Scott retracted his wand and walked on.

Walking out of this stone room, what appeared in front of him was a long, upward staircase.

Scott kept walking, picking up the steps.

When he stepped on the stairs, the surroundings instantly became dark until it was pitch black.

Just in the blink of an eye, everything else is hidden in darkness.

All he could see was the stairs under his feet, and the door at the end of the stairs above, which was far away, emitting a warm light.

At the same time, the range of his magic perception was continuously compressed in an instant, and he could only perceive a range of more than ten meters around him.

Scott looked up at the door, turned into a peregrine falcon again, and wanted to fly up as fast as possible.

But he didn't fly.

Even with the flapping of the wings, the body still does not leave the steps under the feet.

On this ladder, flying is prohibited.

Turning back into human form, Scott turned his head and looked at the way he came from.

He found that the stairs behind him were broken, and after a few steps, the next step was pure darkness.

Withdrawing his gaze, he continued to climb upwards.

After more than ten minutes, he stopped.

Looking back, there are still those few steps behind him, and there is endless darkness under the steps.

Looking up, the glowing door at the end of the stairs above is still so far away.

"Fluorescent flashes."

The wand in Scott's hand shook slightly, and balls of light flew up one after another.

But after these light clusters left the range of the steps, they immediately went out in the surrounding darkness.

He raised his head again, aiming his wand at the glowing door above.

A red spark shot out, like a signal flare, and shot towards the door.

But the spark didn't make it to the finish line.

After flying for a short distance, the red sparks exploded like fireworks, turning into sparks and scattered in all directions.

Scott frowned.

According to his estimation, this spark should have flown far beyond this distance.

He climbed up again for a while.

Another 10 minutes passed, and he still couldn't see the change in his position on the ladder.

Scott, who stopped again, turned decisively and walked down.

When he reached the last step that was close to the darkness below, he suddenly burst out laughing.

According to his magical perception, the darkness below is actually not that deep.

Only half a meter high.

With a light leap, Scott jumped down the stairs.

When he landed, his eyes suddenly lit up again, and he found that he was already in a bright square stone room.

Right in front of it was a red wooden door with several lines of ancient runes engraved on the bronze plate on the door.

Scott walked to the door and quickly translated the meaning expressed by these lines of ancient runes.

"Glittering dreams are always so far away, blindly chasing will not bring us closer to it."

"Stop and look behind, maybe there will be unexpected gains."


As Scott said this, the brass lock on the side of the wooden door opened automatically.

He pushed open the door and walked in.

Behind the door is a crazy mechanical world.

Countless machines with complex structures are running crazily, but the noise is very small.

At the same time, Scott felt very clearly that these machines with different shapes and connected with each other seemed to be alive.

They can run at full capacity without anyone controlling them, and many of them have even grown hands and feet to move and climb flexibly in various places.

Scott walked through the gaps of these machines, climbed up the cold red ladder, passed the huge pipeline, and finally passed several rows of tall bookshelves that could not be seen from the top, and came to a very warmly furnished living room .

Professor Russell in a white robe was sitting on the sofa, holding a book as thick as a brick in his hand.

"You are here, you are the first."

He looked up at Scott.

"Hello, Professor Russell."

Scott stepped onto the spongy living room rug.

"Is this the end?"

Professor Russell nodded.

"That's right, the game is over here. The referees will score your previous performance."

Scott looked around, "So how do I get out?"

"No, you don't have to rush out."

Professor Russell said.

"Before the last warrior comes here, you can move freely here, this is your reward."


Scott looked at the rows of tall bookshelves, and then at the alchemy laboratory leading to the other door in the living room.

"It means that I can read all the books here, and even visit the alchemy laboratory of Master Nicolas?"

"That's it."

Professor Russell nodded affirmatively.

"Of course, you can't take anything away from here."

"Thank you, I see!"

Scott walked quickly to the bookshelf, and glanced at the dazzling array of various books on the bookshelf, and his eyes were dazzled for a moment.

After thinking about it, he turned to Professor Roselle, "Do you have any recommendations?"

"I recommend you to enter the laboratory."

Professor Russell said.

"You don't have much time, and it's not enough time to get through any of the books here."

"I think you're right."

Scott accepted his suggestion decisively, and walked to the door that said [Flame Alchemy Laboratory].

With a slight push of his hand, the door opened.

As he walked into the laboratory, the door closed automatically again.

Scott didn't pay attention to the door behind him, but observed the huge laboratory.

The first thing that catches his eyes are all kinds of huge equipment that he can't name.

These devices seem to be connected to the machines outside the laboratory, and they are operating stably, making "whining" sounds from time to time, and emitting various colors of light and gas.

In the middle of the laboratory is a huge experimental table.

Various utensils were placed on the experimental table, as well as many stone slabs of different colors engraved with alchemy circles.

On one side of the countertop, there is also a panel that looks full of cyberpunk style, and there are some densely packed buttons on the panel.

Scott walked to the experimental table and looked at the stone slabs engraved with alchemy circles.

Perhaps, the most precious thing here are these alchemy formations.

Just as he was thinking like this, he suddenly saw a familiar red from the corner of his eyes.

It was a shelf on the side of the laboratory, and materials of various materials, large and small, were placed on the multi-layered shelves.

And in the room on the upper level of the shelf, there is a beautiful red stone.

That is……

Magic stone?
Scott's eyes widened for a moment.

Can't go wrong.

Although he had never seen a real Philosopher's Stone before, he had gotten a one-off Philosopher's Stone and still has one.

He can easily judge that it is a real Philosopher's Stone.

Scott was surprised.

Beauxbaton put the Philosopher's Stone here like this?

Aren't you afraid that he will pick it up and run away?
Thinking of this, Scott suddenly felt that the Philosopher's Stone became extremely attractive.

With it, I can live forever.

With it, I can form an endless army of "summoned beasts".

With it...

He couldn't help taking a step forward, and accidentally bumped into the experiment table.

No, something is wrong.

The moment such thoughts popped up, Scott became vigilant like a conditioned reflex.

Occlumency, fully operational!

Magic perception, fully unfolded!

Like a basin of cold water poured down, it cools down the hot head.

Scott immediately judged that this was a trap.

At this time, in his magic perception, the "Magic Stone" has revealed its true colors.

It's just a red, high-magic gemstone, which is completely incomparable with the Philosopher's Stone.

Scott also reacted.

Professor Russell was not telling the truth.

The game did not end just now.

In other words, both Professor Russell himself and the "Magic Stone" are part of the competition!
Scott withdrew his gaze, looked at the stone slab on the experimental table, and silently memorized the alchemy formations in his mind.


Suddenly, a straight slit opened on the surface of the experimental table, and the table moved horizontally, revealing a piece of parchment.

[Uncontrollable greed is an obstacle to the pursuit of truth.

Congratulations, Warrior, you've completed the round!
Since you are the first warrior to clear the level, please choose your reward.

A. A magic item from a certain professor of Beauxbatons (magic items can be selected in attack form and defense form)
B. Open the virtual alchemy test bench (the virtual alchemy test bench can 100% simulate most alchemical reactions, which can speed up the reaction process without consuming any materials)]

"I choose B!"

Scott said decisively.

(End of this chapter)

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