Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 505 505. The first round begins

Chapter 505 505. The third round begins

After breakfast, Scott walked out of the Hogwarts tower with the others.

"Good morning!"

Lucio waved to them from outside the tower.

"Today I will lead you to the competition venue again!"

His expression looked very excited, as if he knew something about the inside story of this round of competition.

"Good morning."

Scott walked up to him.

"sorry to bother you."

"You're welcome, let's go."

Lucio smiled, turned and walked towards the castle.

"Oh, Lucio..."

"The venue for this round of competition is in the castle?"

Fred and Roger stepped forward, each holding Lucio between them, putting their arms around his shoulders.

"Yes, in the castle."

Lucio said calmly.

"I know what you want to do, but I will never say more."

"Oh, you're thinking too much, Lucio."

"We didn't want to inquire about the game."

Fred and Roger said happily.

"Is today's game interesting?"

"You look looking forward to it."

Lucio insisted, "I'm not going to tell you any more."

At this time, Durmstrang's students also got off the boat and came over.

"Good morning, Viktor."

Scott offered to greet Krum.

"Good morning."

Krum was still very silent, and after responding to Scott, he stopped talking.

But his eyes kept wandering, looking at Caccini in the Hogwarts team from time to time.

Scott noticed the scene, but said nothing.

He has no habit of meddling in other people's emotional problems.

But what he didn't expect was that Krum actually took the initiative to speak.

"Did she mention it?"

He lowered his voice, looking a bit embarrassed.

"I mean, did Caccini mention me?"

"Sorry, I'm not sure."

Scott smiled apologetically.

"You know, girls usually only talk to girls about this kind of topic."

Krum nodded and fell silent again.

But after a while, he spoke again.

"Are you friends with her?"

"Yes." Scott nodded.

"Do you think... based on what you know about her..."

He looked even more embarrassed.

"Why did she reject me?"


Scott silently glanced at Roger who was still on Lucio's body.

At this time, Caccini and Angelina rushed forward suddenly, pulled Fred and Roger away, and rescued Lucio who was entangled by them.

"What a shame!"

Caccini kicked Roger very fiercely.

"What's the use of asking now, we just have to trust Scott!"

"You bitch!"

"What did you say? Louder!"

Although these two people were fighting, everyone could see that there was something real between them.

"Sure enough, is it because of Davis?"

Krum looked calm.

"He is a playboy. I don't understand why Caccini likes him."


The question stumped Scott.

To be honest, he doesn't understand either!
He is not a relationship counseling expert.

If you want him to say, maybe Caccini is blind?

Fortunately, Krum didn't really want an answer from him.

He glanced at Caccini and Roger, who were fighting together, and returned to Durmstrang's team silently.

At this time, Cedric walked up to Scott, and got closer while looking at him.

Scott gave him a puzzled look.

"Feel sorry."

Cedric laughed.

"I always feel that some kind of huge change has taken place in you, but it's a little uncertain."

Scott didn't deny it.

He just said: "Maybe your magic power perception has already begun to show signs."

"Really?" Cedric said in surprise, "It's all thanks to you, who told me how to practice."

"No, it's all your own effort."

Scott didn't expect that Cedric could really develop a little feeling.

He told Cedric the practice method at the beginning, but he just felt that the effect of that method in improving Transfiguration was notable.

Of course, he was also pleasantly surprised.

He said excitedly: "If you can develop real magic perception, Cedric, maybe we have created a way to open up magic perception."

While talking, they walked through the fountain square in front of the castle, climbed the steps, and came inside the castle.

Lucio and another Beauxbaton student led them through several corridors and into the basement of the castle.

In the end, they came to a very spacious and tall underground lobby.

There are towering, several-story-high columns, and walls full of latticework.

Various alchemy works are displayed in those large and small grids.

There are everything from ferocious alchemy beasts to small jewelry.

"Welcome to the Beauxbatons Alchemy Museum."

Lucio introduced them to Scott.

"On display here are all the best alchemy works of Beauxbaton wizards in the past."

At this time, everyone's eyes were already attracted by the ceiling of the lobby.

Obviously, this place is right under the Fountain Square.

Looking up from this lobby, its ceiling is transparent, and you can clearly look up at the statue of the LeMay couple in the fountain.

The sun shines through the sparkling fountain water, adding some lively charm.

"Everyone can enter the auditorium except Scott."

Lucio signaled others to enter the auditorium that had been set up in the museum.

"Come on, Scott."

"The champion is none other than you!"

Scott's companions encouraged him one after another, and then walked into the lobby.

"Wait, Fred."

Scott found out the [Magic Mirror] and handed it to Fred.

"Don't forget you still have a job."

"Oh!" Fred took the [Magic Mirror], "Let me tell you first, I won't give you too many shots."

Scott ignored his pretentious arrogance and waved him away.

"Come on, Krum!"

"You are the champion in our hearts!"

"The final victory belongs to you!"

At this time, the Durmstrang students who were also parked by the gate were not to be outdone, and began to cheer for Krum.

"Come on, I think you'll enjoy today's game."

Lucio led Scott around the gate to a small black door on the other side of the corridor.

"The Warriors' lounge is here, go in and get ready! Come on for the game."

Lucio smiled at Scott and turned to leave.

Scott opened the door and walked in, Krum following behind him.

Inside the door is a lounge that looks fairly spacious.

There is also a door on the other wall of this lounge, which also appears to lead to the lobby.

At this time, Fu Rong was already sitting on the sofa in the lounge.

"Scott, Krum, you are here."

"Good morning, Fleur."

"Good morning."

Scott and Krum walked into the lounge and each occupied a sofa.

After that, the three of them didn't speak any more.

It's just that, compared to Scott's comfort, both Fleur and Krum looked a little nervous.

Fu Rong kept rubbing her cuffs for a while, and then began to arrange her hairstyle again.

And Krum stood up and took two steps for a while, and sat down again for a while.

Until the familiar voice of Mr. Jolly came.


"Welcome to the Triwizard Tournament, the final round!"

"Just today, right here, the final champion of this year's Triwizard Tournament is about to be born!"

Applause and cheers sounded at the same time, clearly entering the lounge.

Fleur and Krum seemed more tense, both looking restless.

"Before the game starts, let's take a look at the rankings of the three warriors so far. Please check the rankings!"


"The current No.1 is the warrior from Hogwarts, Scott Trollope, with a total of 94 points in the first two rounds!"

"No.2, the warrior from Beauxbatons, Fleur Delacour, with a total of 89 points!"

"No.3, the warrior from Durmstrang, Viktor Krum, with a total of 85 points!"

"Of course, this is just the current ranking and points."

"Warriors who lag behind still have a chance."

"Just today, everything has to wait until today's game is over, and the total points of the three rounds will be added up to determine the final winner!"

With the instigation of Mr. Jolly, the voices of cheering for Scott and his three warriors became louder and louder.

"Next, let's invite our three warriors to enter!"

Another door of the lounge opened, and applause and cheers came in more clearly.

Scott and the others were a little surprised, but stood up obediently and walked into the lobby through the door.

Cheers and applause instantly drowned out Mr. Jolly's voice, and he shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Oh! Welcome! Come, warriors!"

"Please go to your designated location!"

Scott looked around and found the so-called designated location.

On the ground near the wall on the side of the lobby, there are three glittering names written on it.

The three of them walked to their respective names and stood still.

After standing still, Scott quickly glanced across the auditorium, and after finding the position of the Hogwarts delegation, he glanced at the highest jury.

Dumbledore met his gaze and nodded at him.

"Okay, the last round of competition is about to begin!"

Mr. Jolly, standing behind the jury table, held his wand to his throat.

"It's my great honor to announce the program of this competition... oh, forgive me, I'm so excited!"

Having said that, he made a fool of himself, which caused a lot of boos.

Mr. Jolly turned up the volume.

"This event is from the greatest alchemist in the history of Beauxbatons, Nicolas Flamel!"

"Audiences, warriors, you heard me right, this is a checkpoint set by Master Nicolas before his death!"

"Of course, these levels are not set up for the Triwizard Tournament."

"Master Nicolas set the checkpoints to test the students."

"Only students who pass these checkpoints can enter his alchemy laboratory in Beauxbaton!"

Hearing this news, Scott and Krum looked at each other, looking at Fleur standing between them.

"I haven't been there, and I haven't even heard of it!" Furong said angrily.

Whether it was a coincidence or not, Mr. Jolly's next words also confirmed her statement.

"Because of the extremely high difficulty of the level, for a long time, only Professor Beauxbaton tried to enter Nicolas's alchemy laboratory."

"Of course, to Master Nicolas, the professors are just his students."

"This is the first time that it is truly open to students!"

"Thank you Beauxbaton School of Magic and Madame Maxime for your generosity!"

"All of this is to facilitate a perfect Triwizard Tournament..."

Mr. Jolly was still giving an impassioned speech, but the voice of protest from the Durmstrang delegation suddenly sounded.

"Oh, what are you talking about?"

"Unfair? Because Krum doesn't know alchemy?"

"Oh, don't worry, our game is of course fair!"

he emphasized loudly.

"Our alchemists have specially adjusted the level, and the whole game does not involve alchemy!"

"Through the magic of alchemy, the game process will be presented in front of everyone at the scene, so please look forward to it!"

He explained a few words, then raised his wand, sending a stream of golden sparks off.

"I declare, the game begins!"

As Mr. Jolly announced the start of the competition, the grid displaying alchemy works on the wall in front of Scott and the three of them moved.

The large and small grids moved up and down like a jigsaw puzzle, and soon, a door appeared in front of the three of them.

Scott drew his wand and pushed open the door in front of him.

When he walked through that door, a straight corridor appeared in front of him.

The whole corridor is white, empty, nothing.

Scott took two steps forward.


The door behind him closed automatically.

Magic perception, unfold!

Soon, a smile appeared on Scott's face.

After being promoted to super magic, Scott's magic perception range has been further expanded.

At this time, this so-called competition level was useless in front of him.

He can even pass quickly without touching all the level settings.

But he wasn't prepared to do that.

Because in that case, in the eyes of others, he would look like a candidate who already knew all the answers in advance, which would inevitably cause some controversy.

In order to win without controversy, Scott decided to use another method to pass the level——

Use absolute strength to crush the past.

After making a decision, he took action and strode forward.

As he moved, he waved the wand in his hand.

"Armor protection!"

A spherical magic barrier formed instantly, wrapping him tightly.

What's even more amazing is that this spherical magic barrier is still moving as he walks.


Several beams of different colors shot towards him from different angles.

The light beam hit the magic barrier without any ripples.

Scott didn't care about those attacks at all, and passed the corridor as fast as he could, and came to a circular stone room.

When he stepped into the ground of the stone chamber, the originally bare walls seemed to come alive suddenly, with many bumps appearing.

Soon, those bumps turned into the shape of huge palms.

It's like there are many giants reaching out behind a curtain.

As Scott moved on, those palms completely grew out of the wall.

First the full palm, then the wrist, then the arm.

In a blink of an eye, countless huge and thick arms grew out of the wall, either clenched their fists or opened their palms, and attacked him from all directions, front, back, left, and right.

(End of this chapter)

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