Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 49 049. Key Figures in "The Secret Room Incident"

Chapter 49 049. Key Figures in "The Secret Room Incident"
Scott was stopped by two Mr. Weasleys halfway back to Ravenclaw Tower.

"Scott!" Fred leaned over and winked at him, "I don't know if you remember, we'll be going to the conservation of magical creatures class together soon."

Scott looked at him strangely, "Of course I remember, how..."

George interrupted very quickly, "We're officially cutting off a tail for that poor puppy in this week's class!"

Scott suddenly realized, "Oh! Painless Cutting Spell! Sorry, I forgot."

Not actually forgotten, Scott thought.

It's just that this matter is not a high priority in his heart, so it has not yet come.

"Forgot? Merlin!"

George had a terrified expression on purpose, and he looked at Scott like Snape in a lace dress.

He exaggerated in a tone of disbelief: "You? Scott? Ravenclaw honors Scott? Forgot to study!"

"Fred!" He turned to look at Fred. "Are we dreaming now?"

"Maybe," Fred said dreamily at once, "but it could also be that Scott was hit with a powerful Confusion Charm!"

"Okay okay, it's my fault." Scott raised his hand in surrender, and he assured the two of them, "Don't worry, I'll get this done before this week's Conservation of Magical Creatures class!"

He smiled and said, "Or maybe another member of our team, Roger, has learned? I'll ask him."

"I hope so." Fred blinked, "At least one of our group must learn that spell, or we'll have to use 'Cut apart' to turn that puppy's two tails into eight!"

George grinned and said to his brother, "If you do that, maybe that swallowtail will bite your ass into eight pieces?"

Scott also laughed, "Speaking of which, I'm really looking forward to seeing that scene."

"Oh, wicked Scott."

Fred suddenly reached for the raven on Scott's shoulder.

"Is this your new pet? Scott."

He stroked the raven's shiny black feathers a few times with his fingers.

"What's its name?" George also stretched out a finger and poked the raven's head lightly. "Why doesn't it call?"

Scott casually made up, "Obviously, it's a wild bird, so it doesn't have a name yet."

He stretched out his hand, and the raven in Fred's hand immediately jumped to his palm.

"It may be that Filch and Hagrid have been working too hard on the deworming of the castle and surrounding area recently, which caused it to stay by my side because of lack of food."

His hand gently stroked the raven's feathers, but a cruel smile suddenly appeared on his face, "The reason why he doesn't call is because its sound is too loud and unpleasant, so I cut off its tongue. "

Fred and George immediately covered their mouths and took a step back.

At this moment, there were a few short screams from the side.

A few young wizards from the lower grades of Gryffindor happened to pass by and heard what Scott said.At this moment, they all stared at Scott in horror.

Fred and George immediately got excited. They pretended to be scared and said in unison, "You looked like you wanted to cut our tongues off!"

"A lot of the time I do have that thought." The expression on Scott's face became more and more sinister.

"Oh! Please let us go!" Fred and George pretended to be trembling.

At this time, a little girl with red hair in the lower grade next to her bravely stood up.

" can't do that!" She was a little scared, but still glared at Scott.

"Redhead?" Scott glanced at her and began to imitate Snape's tone of voice. "Another Weasley?"

"Oh! Scott!"

Fred quickly pulled the little girl behind him and pretended to be righteous.

"She's our innocent little sister!" George stepped forward, "We won't let you hurt her!"

Scott glanced coldly at the little girl behind them again.

"Really?" he said, still in Snape. "I'm not interested in your business, but you're arguing with me."

With one hand he drew his wand and stroked the raven's feathers with the tip.

He continued: "Just like this bird, you will have your tongues cut off."

"No!" Fred said angrily, "You are too cruel, we have no tongue, how can we recite the spell in the future?"

Scott's mouth twitched.

Fred's desire to perform is so strong that he even speaks in an operatic tone.

But when he noticed a few first-year little wizards out of the corner of his eyes, he couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his mouth again.

Judging from the expressions of these "audiences", they are obviously more involved than the "actors".

Scott continued. "Curse? Don't worry, maybe you can get Madam Pomfrey to take your tongues back. But remember to remind her so she doesn't confuse your tongues."

Fred and George instantly showed disgusting expressions.

But George immediately changed into the appearance of a heroic death, turned to his sister and shouted: "Ginny, you go first!"

Ginny Weasley was pale at this time, her eyes were red, but she still took out her wand tremblingly.

It seemed that she wanted to fight side by side with her brother.

The other first-year Gryffindors didn't run away, pulling out their wands with trembling hands.

Scott felt that these little wizards might "miss the gun" if it went on like this.It would be bad to provoke a professor, so he stopped performing.

The wand in his hand drew an arc, and he uttered a restoration spell from his mouth.

Afterwards, the raven that had been moving around in his hands gradually stiffened, and the grain of wood appeared on his body.

"Oh! Is it over?" George asked with a smile.

"Is this your new prank?" Fred reached out and snatched the raven wood carving from Scott's hand, and turned it over and over in his hand.

"I like this!" George clapped a few times and suggested, "It's just that your expression just wasn't evil enough, Scott."

He leaned in and whispered, "Like the tone of voice, you can imitate Snape's greasy old bat."

"I'll pay attention to improvement next time." Scott nodded in acceptance of his opinion.

"Fred! George!"

Ginny Weasley growled angrily, grabbed her book and smashed it on the twins.

"You two bastards!" After throwing away the book, she rushed up and punched and kicked the two of them.

"Oh, Ginny!"

"You look exactly like your mother when you're angry!"

Fred and George hurriedly ducked.

Scott stood aside, his eyes swept over a few sluggish little wizards, and began to observe and perceive the state of the angry Ginny Weasley secretly.

This is the key figure in the "Secret Room Incident".


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