Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 48 048. The truth of the planned nickname

Chapter 48 048. The truth of the planned nickname

After Scott left the sight of the three of Potter, he immediately fished out a small piece of ebony from the deformed lizard skin bag around his waist.

He took out his wand again and used Transfiguration on the ebony to turn the block into a wood carving.

Then he engraved a simple rune circuit. After the rune circuit was engraved, he waved his wand again, and the wood carving gradually came to life, turning into a dark raven.

The raven shook its feathers, hopped in Scott's palm, spread its wings, and was responsible for finding the way in front of Scott.

Scott took the wand directly in his hand and followed the raven far away.

Basilisks, an extremely dangerous magical creature.

Any creature that makes direct eye contact with the basilisk will be killed instantly, and even indirect eye contact will be petrified.

And the basilisk that Salazar Slytherin left in the Chamber of Secrets has survived for a thousand years.

Scott recalled the information about the basilisk, but he still couldn't remember the state of the basilisk at this point in time - was it only passing through the pipe, or could it climb out of the pipe at any time?
Maybe the "original book" itself has no direct description, or maybe he forgot.But there is no doubt that the monster has been awakened.

Scott guessed that the Millennium Basilisk should have been asleep most of the time, until the Horcrux, the diary, came to Hogwarts and woke it up.

He based his judgment on the fact that Potter had never heard "strange noises" in the previous school year.

Scott trotted through the castle.

The raven always flew in front of him. If he met another student, the raven would fly back and land on his shoulder disguised as a pet.

Although he remembered that in the "original" the basilisks only started attacking the students in the castle after Halloween.

But Scott felt that if he believed too much in the so-called "original" plot, he was likely to kill himself.

Of course, if he is more careful, he can basically avoid the situation of encountering a basilisk at the corner when he has the products of polymorphism and perception magic.

At the same time, Scott began to think about his previous plan for the "Secret Room Incident".

Because of the omission of memory, the plan that he thought was perfect had preconditions.

He had planned to do it after Filch's cat was petrified on Halloween and the message "Heir to Slytherin" appeared.

At this point in time, Scott has no good way to deal with it if he doesn't want to jump too far.

There is no shadow of everything in the "room of secrets" now, except that Potter heard some "strange noises".There's no way Scott could have jumped out and done something on his own in this situation, or told others without basis that there was a basilisk lurking in the castle.

And Scott was reluctant to abandon his original plan.

Then there is only one choice.

He wants to wait for the right moment while keeping himself safe.

If the next "plot" remains the same, he will solve this pesky trouble in one fell swoop after Halloween.

After thinking about it, Scott came to the library smoothly and let the raven stay on the windowsill near the library.

It was only when he found a new issue of a basic academic journal to read that Jacob suddenly found him.

Scott glanced at Mrs. Pince, the librarian, and whispered, "Looks like you've completed my commission?"

"That's right." Jacob lowered his voice, "I have already found out how that nickname you hate came to be."

Scott smiled slightly. "Very good, you're very efficient. Now..."

Having said that, he noticed that Mrs. Pince was staring at them with bad eyes.

The Hogwarts librarian is acutely aware of everything going on in the library.

"Go out and talk."

Scott stopped talking, stood up, put the magazine back on the shelf, and beckoned Jacob out of the library together.

"Go out for a walk."

Scott doesn't want to walk around the castle right now because of the basilisk.

He took out his wand and waved it lightly, and the raven that was standing on the window sill flew up again.

"Is this your pet?"

Jacob looked curiously at the black bird flying ahead.

"you can say it this way."

Scott smiled without further explanation.

After leaving the castle, the two came all the way to the atrium.

Seeing that there were no other students nearby, Scott stopped and said to Jacob, "Just here and tell me the results of your investigation."


Jacob nodded, but then a strange smile appeared on his face.

"You can't imagine it, Scott." He seemed to be holding back his laughter. "The reason for this is completely different from what you think."

Seeing Jacob's expression, Scott frowned.

"How?" He suddenly felt that it might not be a good idea to investigate this matter by himself, so he asked angrily.

Jacob seemed to be a lot more lively than before, and he said in a somewhat exaggerated tone: "Oh! I can only say that everyone understands language differently. The original meaning of the nickname is just to praise You, but you see it as a humiliation."

"Praise?" Scott asked incomprehensibly, his eyebrows raised high. "Praise me like a dog?"

Jacob nodded affirmatively, and he explained, "Seriously, I don't think it's alright. The four major houses of Hogwarts also have their own representative animals."


Scott suddenly felt that this might be an own goal.

His cognition has always been stigmatized by his previous life, and he takes it for granted that it is an insult to be called a dog.

But the result... people don't think so?

Of course, he could also see that this kid Jacob didn't lie to him.And there is no need to deceive him with this very easy to expose fact.

Seeing that Jacob wanted to say more, he raised his hand to stop him, "Stop, don't tell me who got this nickname."

"...Really?" Jacob asked uncertainly. "Maybe you should know? That nickname came from a girl who adores you."

"I don't want to know who it is." Scott was mixed.

Jacob shrugged, "Okay, but don't worry, I've already told her that you hate this nickname."

"That's good." Scott didn't want to discuss the subject any further.

Jacob asked again, "Then my reward?"

Scott said helplessly: "Although it doesn't feel like a good deal, I won't go back on a good deal."

"Thank you." Jacob smiled sincerely.

Looking at his expression, Scott rarely felt a little aggrieved.

But as he said himself, he didn't mean to go back when he said good things.

"Is it a three-time Transfiguration guide? Yes, let me know when you need it."

After Scott said this, Jacob left with satisfaction.

Scott was no longer in the mood to continue reading books in the library, and he chose to go back to Ravenclaw Tower.


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(End of this chapter)

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