Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 475 475. Redesign of "Summoned Beast"

Chapter 475 475. Redesign of "Summoned Beast"
The game has entered the final moment.

Fleur just happened to be free when Krum was imprisoned at foothold 13.

If Fleur can finish the game first within 5 seconds of Krum being imprisoned, No.2 can be locked.

And what she has to do is to go directly from the No. 5 foothold to the finish line within 12 seconds, which means spanning a distance of about 800 meters.

At this time, Fleur had used the sail made of a hat to cross the No. 13 foothold and surpassed Krum.

Krum's root time expires for 2 seconds.


Furong didn't stop at the No. 14 foothold and called her racing partner directly.

Hippocrini, who was flying below the track, flew up, Fleur lightly landed on its back, and tightly grasped the long silver mane on its neck.

The whole process again takes 1 second.

"Accelerate!" Fleur shouted.

Hippocrini flapped his wings and took Furong to speed up towards the circle where the end point was.

"Miss Delacour handed over the final sprint to her partner, and there are 2 seconds left before she can stay on the horse!" Mr. Jolly said loudly at an extremely fast speed.

Similarly, there are 2 seconds left for Krum to be imprisoned.

2 seconds is a short time.

But this is enough for a strong rune horse to fly a distance of about 500 meters.

The moment Krum lifted the restraint, Fleur had already crossed the finish line with Hippocrini on her horse.

"Oh she succeeded! Miss Delacour successfully won No.2!"

With Mr. Jolly shouting, Fleur jumped off the horse and landed lightly on the large platform where Scott was.

At this time, Krum also crossed the finish line.

When the three warriors gathered on the platform, Mr. Jolly announced the end of the round.


Although Krum's face was a bit ugly, he still congratulated Fleur and Scott in a very gracious manner.

"You're out of luck, Viktor." Fleur said with a smile.

Krum nodded.

Fleur said to Scott again: "I have to say, your advantage is too great, Scott, even if Animagus is banned."

Scott shrugged.

"But that's what you deserve, you're really good." Klum also looked at Scott and said, "Among my peers, I've never seen a guy as good as you."

"No, he's one year younger than the two of us." Furong said a little sourly.

Scott could only smile and said: "There is still a third round of competition, and the final result can't be said right now."

At this moment, Mr. Jolly also came to their platform.

He interviewed the three warriors with great interest.

"First of all, congratulations to all of you who successfully completed the competition without any accidents! I must say, you all performed brilliantly!"

"Thank you."

"Mr. Trollope." Mr. Jolly asked Scott very interestedly, "I'm curious, is your 'flock of birds' different?"

Fleur and Krum were obviously also curious about this question, and they both turned their heads to look at Scott, wanting to hear what he had to say.

Scott replied with a smile, "It is indeed a little different. I like this spell very much, and I also like crows. I have made some changes to it with the help of the professors in the past."

Of course, he's talking serious nonsense.

Anyway, no one will break it.

"Reformation?" Mr. Jolly became even more curious. "Is it because of this transformation that you cast the expansion spell on the crow to make it bigger?"

Scott replied, "Of course not. The transformation of 'Flock of Birds' is just to replace the transformed birds with crows. The expansion spell on the crows stems from my personal research on transfiguration."

Mr. Jolly seemed to be really interested, and continued to ask him, "I believe many people have noticed that the transformation technique you showed in the last round of competition is already amazing enough. If I read correctly, it is the combination of transformation technique and A combination of rune circuits?"

"Yes." Scott nodded.

"It's Transfiguration and Charm again, isn't it? How did you do it?" Mr. Jolly continued.

Scott glanced at him.

Mr. Jolly's eyes were full of curiosity, but Scott was not sure whether he was just curious or wanted to inquire about something.

So he continued to answer, "Because of my personal love for the subject of Transfiguration and the help of the professors. All along, the professors at Hogwarts are willing to support the students' bold innovations and spare no effort to help us."

Mr. Jolly seemed dissatisfied with this unusually "official" answer, and asked, "Really?"

"Yes." Scott nodded firmly.

Mr. Jolly and Scott looked at each other, probably seeing that Scott's expression was too firm, he turned to chat with the other two warriors.

But Krum was not very cooperative with his interview, and he was not too willing to speak. Only Fleur cooperated with him and said something.

"Okay, now it's time for the judges to score."

Mr. Jolly ended the interview with some embarrassment.

"Now, audience friends, let me bring our warriors back to the ground first!"

As soon as his words fell, the platform under their feet began to fall vertically steadily.

Three rune horses who also participated in the competition circled around the platform and flew to the ground with them.

Compared with Chrysaor and Hippocrini, the victorious Pegasus was extraordinarily pompous, hissing excitedly from time to time.

When the platform slowly came over the Pegasus Ranch, they were greeted with deafening applause and cheers.

Finally, the platform stopped next to the high platform where the jury was.

"Okay, you guys are waiting here, I'm going to rate you!"

Mr. Jolly walked up to the high platform and took a seat on the bench of the jury.

He used his loud voice to announce to the audience——

"Since the three warriors have already decided their rankings in this competition, we have new rules for scoring."

"Scott Trollope, who won the No.1 game, will add 2 extra points to the referee's score."

"No.2 Fleur Delacour gets 1 extra point."

"No.3 Viktor Krum has no extra points."

"Okay, judges, please take out your wands and score for our Mr. Krum first! Oh, I'll go first!"

He raised his wand aloft, and sprayed a large number from it,[8].

"8 points."

Next came Mr. Lefeble.

"It's also 8 points."

Professor Hartman raised his wand.

"9 points!"

Madam Maxim glanced at Hartman and showed the score.

"Oh, 7 points."

And finally Dumbledore.

"8 points!"

"Then, Mr. Kroom's final score for this round is... 40 points! The total points for the two rounds is 85 points!"

On the scoreboard at the side, the number of points after Klum's name changed immediately, from [45] to [85], temporarily still ranking first.

Krum bowed in the direction of the jury.

The audience at the scene gave him applause in time.

"Very good, next, let's score Miss Delacour."

"I gave... 9 points!"

"9 points!"

"9 points!"

"9 points!"

"Still 9 points!"

"A total of 45 points, plus an extra point, a total of 1 points, Fleur Delacour's total points in the two rounds... 46 points!"

Accompanied by applause and cheers, Furong's points on the standings also changed, and at the same time she overtook Krum and temporarily took the first place.

Fleur also bowed in gratitude.

"Finally, No.1 of this round, Scott Trollope from Hogwarts, start scoring!"

"For Trollope's wonderful performance, I give... 10 points!"

"10 points!"

"9 points? Oh...Professor Hartman gave the same score to the three warriors."

Professor Hackman still showed the number [9], which immediately caused a burst of boos.

"Are you sure, Professor Hartman?"

Facing Mr. Jolly's inquiry, Professor Hartman nodded firmly.

"Of course, this is not against the rules. This is your right as a referee. Well, next, we invite our respected Mrs. Maxim."

"Mrs. Maxim showed 10 points!"

"The last is Professor Dumbledore, also with 10 points!"

After scoring, before Mr. Jolly could make a conclusion, the Hogwarts delegation in the audience shouted hoarsely.

"Scott, champion!"

"Scott, champion!"

"Scott, champion!"


They shouted very rhythmically, and there were only more than 20 people, but they shouted with the momentum of a hundred people.

Scott turned his head and saw Fred standing in front of the auditorium, pretending to be directing.

"Oh, the audience from Hogwarts was very enthusiastic in expressing their support for the Hogwarts warriors."

Mr. Jolly also increased his volume.

"Mr. Trollope got 49 points from the referee in this round, plus 2 extra points, a total of 51 points. Then, the total points he got in the two rounds is... 94 points!"

On the standings, Scott's name surpassed Krum and Fleur in an instant and reached the top of the list.

Applause and cheers sounded again, and Scott also bowed in the direction of the referees and the audience.

"I announce that this round of competition is officially over! Please look forward to the third and final round on June 6!"

"Believe me, it will be more exciting than the previous two rounds!"

"Our three warriors will also compete for the final championship!"

The game is over and the spectators start to leave.

The platform Scott and the others were standing on dropped again and landed on the grass.

Soon, Scott's companions all ran over and surrounded him.

Fred hugged Scott excitedly, "It's so exciting! Cool! That's an altitude of [-] meters! None of us thought of it!"

He let go of Scott and handed the [Magic Mirror] in front of him.

"Everyone is watching your performance, big star, say hello to the audience!"

Scott glanced at the picture presented in [Magic Mirror].

It seemed that everyone at Hogwarts had gathered in the Great Hall to watch him play.

Many people are waving at him.


Scott waved too.

"We're all sweating for you!" Roger pushed Fred away and patted Scott on the shoulder, "But you finished it beautifully, and you have an absolute advantage!"

"Good job, Scott."

"You are number one again."

"The champion must belong to our Hogwarts!"


Others also praised him one after another.

A little later, Mr. Jolly came over again and called the three warriors together.

The three of Scott were a little apprehensive.

For nothing else, they are afraid of troublesome things like wine making.

Mr. Jolly seemed to see their concerns.

"Don't worry." He said with a smile, "You don't need to prepare anything before the next round of competition begins."

Hearing the news, Scott couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Fu Rong took the initiative to ask, "So, can you tell us in advance about the third round?"

Mr. Jolly smiled again.

Scott thought his smile looked malicious no matter what.

Mr. Jolly said: "I can only tell you that the third round will be more difficult than the first two rounds, and it will be a test for you in all aspects."

"Is that all?" Scott asked.

Mr. Jolly nodded, "Yes, I can't reveal more. In short, I hope you will maintain your state and present us with a more exciting game."

After saying this, he turned and left.

"Didn't you say nothing?" Fu Rong couldn't help complaining.

"Yeah, it seems that this time there is really no need for any advance preparation." Scott said.

After the three separated, Scott and his companions returned to the Hogwarts tower.

They will once again throw a party to celebrate Scott's return to the top of the standings.

"The Frenchman's plot has failed!"

"Even if 5 points are deducted, Scott is still No.1 without any suspense!"

"The Frenchman's calculations are useless!"

After returning to their own territory, everyone let go of their speech, mercilessly mocking the group of Frenchmen.

Everyone was very happy and raised their glasses to Scott.

Scott was forced to drink butterbeer.

"So what's the next round?" Fred began to care about the last game.

"do not know."

Scott answered bluntly, and then told everyone what Mr. Jolly had said.

In short, the organizer did not disclose any information, and everyone can only guess.

Fred felt that this time the competition was in the sky, and the next competition would be in summer, and he might need to go into the water, so Scott could train his underwater survivability.

Roger disagrees with this.

He felt that the final round should be a ring battle between the three warriors, and he was sure that neither Fleur nor Krum was Scott's opponent.

He vowed: "As long as you don't show mercy to Fu Rong, the champion will be yours."

Cedric felt that they might have to face an exam, which was more rigorous than OWLs and NEWTs, so that they could test them in all aspects as Mr. Jolly said.

Fred protested loudly against his speculation.

"Give us a break!" said Fred. "A test? It's not a good game at all!"

Others also started to speculate.

Fighting fire dragons, avoiding the pursuit of giants, etc...

In short, one is more outrageous than the other.

"There is no such danger."

Scott said for sure.

"Have you noticed? It may be that the lessons of the past have been summed up. The competitions set up in this competition are relatively safe."

In short, the organizers are trying their best to avoid the situation of casualties as in the past.

And Beauxbaton also has this condition.

Compared with uncontrolled dangerous animals like fire dragons, alchemy beasts controlled by alchemists and rune horses domesticated by wizards are much safer.

"Perhaps, there will be elements of alchemy in the final round of competition." Scott guessed, "It is controllable and can avoid accidents."

"If that's the case, it will also be convenient for those Frenchmen to secretly release water for their warriors."

Scott's companions felt that other things were fairer to him and Krum than the alchemical products manipulated by the Frenchman.

In the following days, Scott was busy designing his "summoned beast" when he was not in normal class.

Among them, the nesting diagram of the multiple runic circuits of the two attributes of water and fire "summoned beasts" has been designed.

The name of the fire raven with fire attributes is Edgar, which is taken from the American writer Edgar Allan Poe who wrote the famous poem "The Raven".

Edgar will have three "skills", namely [Arson], [Wire of Fire], and [Flying].

The sailfish of the water attribute is named Syrain, which is taken from the legendary Scottish sea monster Syrainkron.

Sirene also has three "skills", namely [Water Prison], [Water Blade], and [Concealment].

The next thing Scott has to do is to design the "summoned beast" that represents the two elements of wind and earth.

Wind is the representative element of Ravenclaw College. The "summoned beast" envisioned by Scott is a golden eagle, the most ferocious large raptor in the eagle family.

He also selected three rune circuits, which he named [Wind Cut], [Gust], and [Sharp] according to their effects.

In his vision, this golden eagle can spit out sharp invisible blades, its wings can whip up strong winds, and its beak and claws for direct attacks will be extremely sharp.

The name he set for the golden eagle is Horus, which is taken from Horus Hammadi, the falcon-headed and human-body god in Egyptian mythology.

The basic setting of the "summoned beast" of the earth element has been thought of long ago.

In terms of image, Scott chose the Komodo dragon known as the "Dragon" among Muggles.

For this reason, he also selected three sets of rune circuits, namely [Rock Armor], [Drilling] and [Venom].

In terms of setting, this Komodo dragon is a "front-line fighter". Although it has no long-range skills, it has strong defense, is elusive, has amazing biting ability and is highly toxic.

Scott named it Gorzan, which was taken from the super ancient monster Gorzan that appeared in the first episode of "Ultraman Tiga". commemorate.

Different from Edgar and Sirin's design, because Scott has successfully used the transfiguration technique to create one-off fire crows and swordfish many times, he already has some confidence.

Along with experiments, the design of Horus and Gorzan took Scott more time.

After many experiments to transform the golden eagle and Komodo dragon with a single "skill", Scott, who had a certain degree of confidence, began to design the corresponding multiple rune loop embedding diagrams based on his own experience in practical applications.

At this point, with the help of arithmetic divination, Scott's design process progressed a little faster.

When all four design drawings are completed, the time has come to the end of March.

To be on the safe side, Scott did not create the "summoned beast" directly, but called for Ravenclaw's portrait when there was no one in the dormitory, and asked his mentor to help him check for any mistakes.

"Master Ravenclaw..."

After Ravenclaw's portrait appeared, Scott talked about his design, showing the drawings and the materials Lúcio gave him.

After listening to his narration, the Ravenclaw mentor commented lightly, "It's a good toy."

This comment made Scott a little frustrated.

"It's nothing to be frustrated about." Ravenclaw said with a smile, "It proves that you have taken a critical step, and then you will continue to grow and continue to improve them in practice."

Scott nodded, understanding in his heart.

Although this is not the first time such an attempt, it is indeed a crucial step for me to get rid of the help of the one-time magic stone this time.

Ravenclaw carefully looked at the blueprint Scott showed, and nodded slightly.

"I didn't find anything wrong."

She glanced at him appreciatively.

"You are already proficient in the use of ancient rune and rune circuits. The next progress is just the accumulation of practice. I have nothing to teach you in this regard."

As she spoke, she took another look at the materials in the box, and then made an evaluation.

"Based on visual observation, such materials are still qualified, but that's all."

"If you're also going to make them stronger, you need better materials."

"Yes." Scott replied, "I've been focusing on alchemy recently."

Ravenclaw smiled slightly, "Now you should also realize the importance of alchemy. I haven't reminded you, because you can only truly agree with it after experiencing the difference."

She was right.

In the past, Scott did not pay much attention to the subject of alchemy, because it was too cumbersome, and it took too much time, money, and energy to learn.

He thought that there was Transfiguration anyway, and that he could use magic to change the properties of matter in the form of deformation, and alchemy didn't seem to be necessary.

It's like turning matches into needles in the first transformation class.

Although the transfiguration technique cannot really transform matter, under the effect of magic power, the originally fragile match still has the appearance and hardness of an iron needle.

From this point of view, although the material conversion of alchemy is more thorough, it seems that it can be replaced by transfiguration, or it can directly find stronger Muggle materials.

But thinking about it now, this idea is undoubtedly wrong.

A good material can not only reduce the difficulty of deformation and improve the strength of the deformation product, but more importantly, it can save magic power and make the deformation product last longer.

If Scott just uses a stone to conjure the fire raven, then it includes not only changing the properties of the material, but also changing the shape and structure, and giving the stone a false life.

The fire crow transformed in this way consumes the magic power to maintain the transformation very quickly, coupled with the loss caused by each operation of the rune circuit, and the problem of being easily destroyed, it is destined not to exist for too long.

Although it doesn't seem to be a fatal flaw that it can't exist for too long, what is really important is that this one-time transformation product cannot accumulate experience and then produce thinking evolution like Rimbaud.

But suitable materials can solve those problems to a certain extent.

The materials produced by alchemy are not only durable and not easy to damage, but also match the rune circuit he wants to engrave, producing a multiplier effect.

In short, alchemy is already a skill that must be learned for Scott.

Just a little expensive.

After the design drawing was approved by the Ravenclaw mentor, Scott began the formal production.

Of course, in order to make the "summoned beast" last longer, it is impossible for Scott to complete the production of four at a time.

He estimated that without the help of a one-time magic stone, with his current magic power, making one at a time should be a bit more than enough, but making two at a time is not enough, and he must wait for the magic power to recover. continue.

After thinking about it, Scott chose to make the most familiar Edgar the Fire Raven first.

He took out the red piece of metal from the small wooden box and placed it on the slate on the table, then drew his wand.

Reviewing the setting that made him unshakable in his mind, Scott chanted a spell, then raised his hand, and waved his wand firmly.

Under the radiance of Transfiguration, dense rune patterns first appeared on the knuckle-sized red metal, and then it was wrapped in a ball of fire.

The flame trembled, then moved.

First there was a small beak, and then a pair of similarly miniature wings. When the flames gradually died down, a small dark red crow appeared on the stone slab.

The material is only as big as a knuckle, and the transformed Edgar is only one-fifth of Rimbaud's size, which is extraordinarily small and miniature.

"Hello, Edgar."

Scott smiled slightly and held out his left hand.


Edgar opened his mouth and let out a childish cry, rubbed against Scott's fingers, then flapped his wings and jumped onto his palm, lying in his palm.

Scott suddenly felt his palms warm.

He lifted Edgar's left hand, and gently stroked its feathers with his right hand.

Edgar seemed to enjoy being close to him, making cheerful meows.

Unlike Rimbaud, Edgar can't speak.

This is not because Scott can't do it, but on purpose.

In the final analysis, the positioning is still different.

Although Scott can be said to have used his own strength to do what he could do with the help of a one-time magic stone, it refers more to combat performance.

In essence, the Sorcerer's Stone still has its irreplaceable role-no matter how Scott progresses, his transfiguration products will not be as close to real life as Rimbaud, and can exist forever.

Rimbaud, on the other hand, doesn't need to be involved in much combat, and Scott can treat it as his closest companion.

But for Edgar who must participate in the battle, Scott is not prepared to invest too much emotion.

Not only considering the damage in the battle, Scott will continue to upgrade them afterwards. Under this premise, their positioning is more tools and weapons.

Scott bowed his head and said to Edgar who was lying in his palm: "Shouldn't you demonstrate it in actual combat and let me see your ability?"

Edgar opened his squinted eyes and stood up, screaming a few times with excitement.

Although it cannot speak, as a product of Scott's transfiguration, it has a direct connection with him. Even if it is not as smart as Rimbaud, it can basically understand his speech.

"Not here," Scott said. "We've got to find a place where there's no one."

As he spoke, he put Edgar in his pocket, left the tower, walked for a distance along the lake, and finally came to a remote small valley.

There is a small hill across from Durmstrang's ghost ship, which cuts off the line of sight from the ship.

"Come out, Edgar."


Edgar got out of his pocket, flapped his wings, and flew happily.


Edgar accelerated instantly, and flew around Scott a few times at a speed that Scott couldn't see clearly with his naked eyes.


Edgar didn't slow down, and directly turned into a small fireball flying wildly.


An exceptionally slender white line flashed in the air, and a charred black hole suddenly appeared on the tree trunk in front of Scott, and then began to smoke, and then burned directly.

Scott quickly drew his wand.

"Clear water is like a spring!"

After dousing the flames with water, Scott ordered again, "Normal, slow down."

Edgar immediately restrained the flames covering his body, and flew much slower.

"Very well, the next step is to test how big you can get."

Scott waved his wand at Edgar.

"Get bigger fast!"

Edgar's small size instantly swelled, and then grew bigger and bigger.

Soon, its feet were on the ground, and its head was over Scott's shoulders.

At this point, Scott withdrew his wand.

"It seems that the maximum size is like this." He nodded, "It is enough."

Edgar called again.

As its size grew, its barking became rougher.

Scott pointed to the rock beside him, "Try the line of fire again."

Edgar opened his mouth, leaned his neck back, and then spat out a hot line of fire.

At this time, even Scott felt a burst of unbearable heat, and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Under the attack of the high-temperature fire wire, the rock made a crackling sound and soon cracked.


Scott stopped Edgar, and flicked his wand to return him to his original size.

"here you go."

He boasted.

Sure enough, the materials are different, and the effects are also different. The temperature of the flame is higher than that of the previously transformed Fire Crow, and the duration of the spit of fire is longer.

He was very satisfied with this.

Let Edgar fly a few more laps, and when the temperature on his body became lower, Scott put it in his pocket again and left the small valley.

He missed Hogwarts a little. After all, Beauxbatons was someone else's territory, and it was inconvenient to do anything.

When he returned to the tower, Fred and Roger had also returned to the dormitory.

"Are you done dating?" Scott asked.

"It's not us dating, it's me dating Angelina!" Fred retorted loudly. "As for Roger, maybe it's with his third French girlfriend!"

"It's the fourth term," Roger reminded him.

"who cares!"

Scott shrugged his shoulders, walked to the desk and sat down, took out the piece of metal doused with salamander blood, and prepared to continue making the unfinished dagger.

(End of this chapter)

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