Chapter 474 474. Scott easily won the first place
"Okay! Audience friends!"

Mr. Jolly spoke loudly into the air.

"We are now at a height above [-] meters above sea level..."

Scott looked at him with interest, and then spread his magic perception to observe his surroundings.

Scott is very curious about how Beauxbaton's "live broadcast system" works.

But for a while, he didn't perceive the existence of the "lens".

So Scott focused his perception on the track ahead.

I didn't feel it from the "live screen" before, but now I look at it up close, and the footholds on the track, the distance between each cube is very far, about 200 meters.

A total of 15 cubes, plus the ring at the end, the entire track is about 3000 meters.

For the distance of 3000 meters, if they do not use tools, it will take a few minutes for them.

But for a rune horse that can fly and is huge, this time should be shortened a lot.

From this point of view, the difficulty of this game is less than he imagined.

Normally, what the contestants need to pay attention to is how to allocate time reasonably. The time they can stay on the rune horse is 10 seconds.

With these 10 seconds, coupled with the footholds every 200 meters, and their respective magic means, they can indeed reach the end point without accidents.

Of course, the 15 traps hidden in the 3 footholds also need to be considered, which may affect the game.

Triggering the trap will imprison you for 5 seconds.

Fortunately, this condition is fair, everyone will face 3 traps, unless someone can overcome it.

Scott tried to identify the traps hidden in the cubes, but he couldn't perceive anything unusual in the closest cubes.

"Very well, our horses are here too!"

Accompanied by a few neighings, the three rune horses that had been left behind by them just now broke through the clouds and flew behind them.

"Attention, warriors, security measures will disappear next..."

As soon as Mr. Jolly finished speaking, the magic barrier surrounding Scott's body disappeared.

Scott turned his upper body and reached out directly.

"Pegasus," he said to the horse, "you may leave me alone and fly as fast as you can across the finish line."

Pegasus blinked his bright red eyes.

Scott didn't know if it understood what he meant.

The others looked at him in surprise.

Even Mr. Jolly stopped talking.

"Are you kidding?" Fu Rong couldn't help but make a sound.

"I must remind you, Mr. Trollope," said Mr. Jolly, "that the use of Animagus is prohibited this round."

"Broomsticks are also banned," Kroom said.

"I know the limitations of the game." Scott drew out his wand and shook it. "I don't know how to use any tools, except the wand."

Mr. Jolly smiled and said to him: "It seems that you haven't missed anything, so I can rest assured."

He looked at Fleur and Krum.

"And you too, Miss Delacour and Mr Krum."

"If you have any questions, please ask me now."

"After the game starts, everyone on the referee team, including me who is closest to you, will carefully observe your performance."

"This is the basis for us to score you."

Scott and the three of them shook their heads, indicating that they had no doubts.

"Very well, then the game will officially begin."

Mr. Jolly said very happily.

"Now, invite the three warriors to step onto the starting point of the track!"

The three of Scott looked at each other.

At this time, although the cube under their feet brought them close to the track, it was still about 10 meters away from the starting point.

If there is no run-up, this distance can never be reached by standing jump alone.

It depends on the respective means this time.

"Mr. Jolly, will it take less than 10 seconds for Chrysauer to lead me there?" Krum asked immediately.

"Oh, no," said Mr. Jolly, "because the game hasn't officially started yet."

"That's good." Furong smiled.

At this moment, Krum took the lead.

He glanced back at Chrysaor, squatted down slightly, and then jumped forward.

Chrysaor hissed, and spread his wings and flew forward.

When Krum's body fell, it flew just below him.

Krum ran a few steps forward on Chrysaor's broad back, jumped up again, and finally landed firmly on the cube as the starting point.

Then, Furong also started to act.

"Wingardim Leviosa!"

She cast a floating spell on the robe on her body, and then leaped forward lightly with the help of the robe's floating power.

Unlike Krum, she landed lightly at the starting point without the help of Hippocrini's power.

Hippocrini followed her and flew to her side.

At this time, only Scott remained still.

Several people turned to look at him.

Pegasus also seemed anxious, hissing.

"Don't worry, Pegasus, the game hasn't started yet." Scott turned his head and smiled reassuringly at it.

"Wingardim Leviosa."

He waved his magic wand, using the same method as Fleur, and came to the starting foothold.

"Wingardim Leviosa."

In the next second, Krum also cast a levitating spell on the robe on his body.

Probably because he was worried that he was too big, he cast several floating spells on other clothes on his body one after another.

"I must warn you!"

Fu Rong, who had her homework copied by the two, was obviously very upset.

"It's very difficult to control where you land with this method."

"I have been practicing for a long time since I learned that the competition is above the sky!"

Neither Scott nor Klum made a sound, and neither seemed concerned that they wouldn't be able to land their jumps exactly where they would land on the track.

Seeing that they didn't respond, Fu Rong snorted coldly and stopped talking.

At this moment, Mr. Jolly spoke again.

"Warriors, one last time, are you ready?"


The three answered in unison.

"Very good, listen to my password, one, two, three, the game begins!"

Following Mr. Jolly's order, the three warriors jumped forward at the same time, and the three rune horses also spread their wings and flew forward.

In order to match the warriors' competition, the flying heights of the three horses are all below the warriors.

During the jump, there were also differences in the actions of the three warriors.

The starting foothold is about 200 meters away from the second foothold. This distance, even if it is floated with the help of clothes, it is impossible to reach it directly.

Their jumping power is not strong enough to send them 200 meters away.

Fleur and Krum begin to tap into the power of their match partners.

They all chose to use the horse's body as a temporary foothold.

Moreover, they all pay attention to time, and they only step on the horse's back lightly as a leverage, and the process of contacting the horse takes less than a second.

But Scott chose not to do so.

Pegasus seemed to understand what he meant, did not cooperate with him at all, and flew straight towards the finish line.

When Scott's body began to fall, there was no foothold below him.

"Mr Trollope told his racing partner to leave him alone, but now he appears to be in mortal danger!"

Mr. Jolly resumed his passionate narration.

"Oh my God! He's going to fall!"

Both Fleur and Krum looked back at Scott with surprise.

"Flocks of birds."

Scott waved his wand.


A flock of black crows flew out from the tip of his wand, croaking around him.

"Take me forward."

Scott gave the order.


The crows grabbed his cloak with their claws and flew forward with him.

"Oh what did I see!"

Mr. Jolly exclaimed.

"Mr. Trollope casts a special 'flock of birds' and lets the birds carry him along!"

It seems to have heard Mr. Jolly's prompt.

Although Fleur and Krum in front of Scott didn't turn their heads, they also waved their wands and cast a flock of birds in the same way.

It's a pity that their Flock of Birds is a normal version, but a group of colorful birds.

Because those little birds are too small and there are not too many of them, the help to them is extremely limited.

"Why! Why is Mr. Trollope's 'Flock of Birds' different from everyone else's!"

Of course not.

Scott smiled.

Other people's flock of birds is polymorph, while his flock of birds is summoning.

These crows were not conjured by him, but real crows summoned.

This is the magic he has already accomplished in the second half of the fourth grade.

The technology of contract and summoning comes from an ancient book in Helena's study.

Although much of ancient magic is outdated, it is not lacking in merit.

There is a contract. In fact, Scott did not use spells when summoning the crows, and he chanted "flocks of birds" in his mouth just to confuse other people.

So although he used this magic often, few people could see it in the past.

Dumbledore, Professor Flitwick, and Professor McGonagall, who are familiar with him, should be able to see it, but they can't say it.

At this point, Scott didn't have to do anything, just like a vampire in a Muggle fantasy story, being led forward by a group of dark creatures.

Soon, he surpassed Fleur and Krum, and came to the No.1 position.

It would be more like a bat instead of a crow.

Scott thought.

"If this continues, Trollope will undoubtedly gain an absolute advantage!"

Mr. Jolly shouted.

"See, he doesn't need the cooperation of Pegasus, and he doesn't even need to stay on the box at the foothold. He will perfectly avoid the three traps that imprison him for 5 seconds!"

"Miss Delacour and Mr. Krum must adjust their strategies!"

"How will they restore the decline? Can they do it? Let us look forward to their performance together!"

Scott turned his head and saw Fleur and Krum's response.

Krum's method was relatively simple and rude. He cast a powerful hurricane spell in front of him, and then jumped into the wind, letting the hurricane push him forward at high speed, and he passed Scott in a blink of an eye.

Not to be outdone, Fu Rong raised her hand to untie the tie of the hat on her head, enlarged the hat, and tied the tie around herself.

Also used the Hurricane Curse, but she cast it on the hat.

The gigantic hat was like a sail, taking her faster than Scott and overtaking Krum.

Ahead, Scott's partner, Pegasus, crossed the finishing circle at this moment.

It turned its head and saw that Scott was behind, and immediately let out a burst of anxious neighing.

Chrysaor and Hippocrini who were following Krum and Fleur responded to it with cheerful hisses.

"It seems that I can't be handsome, after all, I can't make my partner worry."

Scott said with a smile, and waved his wand at a crow beside him.

"Get bigger fast!"

The crow grows rapidly until it can carry Scott on its back.

Scott landed lightly on the back of the giant crow and cast a bubble head spell on himself to block the wind.


Following his order, the crow carrying him gave a "quack" and flew forward.

The next game has no suspense.

Whatever Fleur and Krum's means, it's impossible for them to surpass the birds born to fly, unless they ride the rune horse the whole time.

But obviously, that won't work.

They must use those 10 seconds carefully, always remembering the time they have used.

The crow quickly brought Scott to the finish line, passed through the huge metal ring, and landed on a huge suspended platform behind the finish line.

Scott first reduced the crow back to its original size, then waved the crows away.

Pegasus, who had always been very reserved, finally flew over on his own initiative, lowered his head and rubbed against Scott.

"O Pegasus, does victory over Chrysaor and Hippocrine make you so happy?"

Scott reached out and stroked the smooth silver mane on its neck.

Pegasus snorted happily.

"The No. 1 of this round has undoubtedly appeared!"

"He is the warrior from Hogwarts, Scott Trollope!"

"He won No.1 effortlessly with his exquisite magic spell!"

"Oh! Even I would love to learn the spell 'Flock of Birds' from him!"

In the sound of Mr. Jolly's commentary, Scott turned to look at the track.

At this time, the other two were also close to the finish line.

Fleur was close to the 12th foothold, with Krum in the 10th.

This match seems to be Fleur having an advantage over him.

But in the next second, when Fu Rong's feet stepped on the 12th foothold, the cube under her feet began to flash red light.

"Oh my God, the trap has finally been triggered! This is the first time today!" Mr. Jolly shouted. "Miss Delacour will be imprisoned for five seconds!"

Imaginary chains suddenly appeared, swirling around Fleur.

The effect of confinement appeared for the first time!

In the previous game, the trap has not been triggered, it seems that they were lucky to step over.

Krum has now reached his 11th foothold.

He waved his wand to summon a powerful hurricane, and rode on.

Immediately afterwards, he used Chrysaor's body to borrow strength, crossed the 12th foothold, and finally landed on the 13th foothold.

But unfortunately...

His feet began to flash red.

Illusory chains representing imprisonment swirled around him.

"Oh! Mr. Krum also encountered a trap! Although he cleverly jumped over box 12!"

Mr. Jolly shouted excitedly.

"But I want to tell you, Mr. Krum, the location of the trap is random, and Miss Delacour's experience cannot be used as your reference!"

At this time, Fleur's imprisonment had been lifted, and she quickly surpassed Krum again.

 Sorry, I'm being lazy today, only 4000.

  Tomorrow will continue to update 8000.

(End of this chapter)

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