Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 471 471. The accident that happened in the Christmas chapter

Chapter 471. 471. The Accident at Christmas
There was a burst of crisp laughter.

Scott looked up.

A swarm of tiny glittering things flew out of the green sages and ivy above the crowd.

These are a group of small magical creatures that look like fairies.

Compared with fairies, they are larger in size, but they are also delicate and cute, with a pair of thin green transparent wings behind them.

They wore dresses made of flowers and vines, and held various small and exquisite musical instruments in their hands. While playing joyful Christmas music, they flew around the banquet hall and sprinkled bits and pieces of light along the way.

Soon, with music and laughter, they were on higher ground again, and separated, swinging as if in a garland of mistletoe and ivy.

The music stopped, and the forest fairies also stopped laughing.

When they played the instruments in their hands again, they also sang beautiful and melodious songs.

Madame Maxime stretched out her hand, beckoning the warriors to enter the dance floor.

Scott turned and bowed slightly, holding out a hand at the same time.

Furong smiled slightly, and gently placed her hand on his.

They walked into the star-studded dance floor holding hands, Krum and Caccini walking behind them.

After entering the middle of the dance floor, Scott turned around again, put his other hand on Fleur's waist, and they began to move to the rhythm of the music.

Soon, the rest of the students came onto the dance floor.

"Have you heard?"

Fleur suddenly whispered.


Scott raised an eyebrow.

Fu Rong's voice was lowered.

"Waldo has been making trouble since he came to his senses. He desperately wanted to take revenge on you, but Professor Girard sent him home."

Scott shook his head slightly.

"No wonder he didn't show up on this occasion today."

"It's not the style of the Girard family," Fleur said. "If it was in the past, they would have done something."

Scott didn't speak, but kept a smile on his face.

Fu Rong said again: "I inquired about the reason, and it's because the Roselle family has contributed, and they don't allow you to suffer any harm in France."

She looked at Scott curiously.

"Can you tell me why the Russell family would do this?"

Scott also lowered his voice, "Probably, they are looking at Professor Dumbledore's sake."

"you are lying."

Fu Rong gave him a blank look.

"Although the Roselle family is more enlightened than the Girard family, they are still pure-blood families. Pure-blood families don't care about favors, they only care about benefits."

"You're right." Scott said, "Maybe it's because Professor Dumbledore has some deals with the Russell family."

Of course Furong didn't believe it.

"Of course, if you don't want to say that, forget it."

Seeing that she couldn't ask why, she didn't ask any more.

The two began to concentrate on dancing.

Scott glanced at the others on the dance floor while he was spinning.

It was clear that Fred had clearly achieved what he wanted.

He, who was covered in red, and Angelina, who was wearing a long red dress, were dancing happily, like two shaking red roaring letters, attracting attention especially.

In addition, the combination of Dumbledore and Madame Maxime is also very eye-catching.

Although Madame Maxime's dance steps are very elegant, the size difference between the two is too large, which makes Dumbledore's movements look very funny.

At certain moments he even had to jump up to make her dance.

Because compared with Madame Maxime, Dumbledore was like a dwarf, and the top of his pointed hat just touched her chin.

After the song ended, Scott and Fleur immediately let go of each other's hands and walked out of the dance floor.

Fu Rong said to him: "Very well, our task today has ended perfectly."

"Yeah." Scott said with an exclamation tone, "Just for these few minutes, it caused a lot of trouble."

Furong looked up at the forest fairies who started singing again.

"Sorry, I didn't think of it." She whispered, "During the Triwizard Tournament, I thought he would be more scruples."

Scott shook his head, "You don't need to apologize, it's not your fault. What's more, I invited you, didn't I?"

Hearing what he said, Fu Rong laughed, "Oh, you're right."

Scott shrugged.

"Okay, let's separate like this." Fu Rong said, "To avoid trouble, I have to go back quickly."

"Are you going to be absent from the next dance?" Scott asked.

"Yes, I have already made an agreement with Madame Maxime."

Fleur turned her head and glanced at Madame Maxime who was still waltzing with Dumbledore on the dance floor.

"I don't want to deal with invitations from too many people."

She said this as a matter of course.

Indeed, when Scott and she left the dance floor and stood here talking, many boys were already looking at this side frequently.

Scott had no doubt that as soon as he left, someone would rush up to invite Fleur to dance.

Witnessing those eyes looking at Furong helplessly, Scott nodded in understanding.

"Indeed, if you're not prepared to develop a romantic relationship, avoidance is the best way to deal with it."

Fu Rong secretly rolled her eyes again.

"Oh Scott, if you were sensible, this is the time to say you'll dance with me all night."

Scott raised his eyebrows, "Is this what you hoped for?"

"Forget it." Fleur looked at Scott carefully and waved her hand, "Although you are handsome, I don't like boys younger than me."

"Oh, that's a pity." Scott spread his hands.

"Really, your tone is not regretful at all."

Fleur laughed.

"Of course, you can invite some other little girls after I leave, and they will be happy to dance with you."

"If I had thought that way, I wouldn't have invited you in the first place," Scott said.

"Then I don't care about it." Fu Rong waved her hand, "I hope you have a good time, good night."

With that said, she turned and left, and soon disappeared behind the row of Christmas trees.

Scott looked around, walked over to a table and sat down.

Cedric was sitting here by himself.

"Cedric, where's your partner?" Scott asked.

"I didn't invite a partner, and I didn't go to the dance," said Cedric. "That wasn't necessary. I'm not a warrior, after all."

Scott teased him with a smile, "Oh, you are such a loyal and good boyfriend, don't worry, I will tell Qiu the situation, and she will definitely like you even more after she knows."

"No, I've told her," said Cedric.

Scott suddenly remembered that Cedric came to the dormitory to borrow the [Magic Mirror] that day.

He immediately looked at Cedric with admiration, "You really show your loyalty."

"Don't talk about me." Cedric smiled, "Where's your dance partner? Just now, many people were envious of you being able to dance with Miss Delacour..."

Just then, several boys approached.

"Trolope, where is Mademoiselle Delacour?"

"Where did she go?"

They all looked at Scott eagerly.

Among them were students of Beauxbatons, but also of Durmstrang.

Scott told them, "She was a little unwell and had left early."

"That is to say, she won't show up again all night?" a Durmstrang boy asked eagerly.

Scott nodded, "I think so."

Hearing this news, several boys slumped their shoulders, as if they had received some kind of major blow.

Immediately afterwards, they walked away listlessly, without even saying goodbye to Scott politely.

"This is really..."

Scott kindly sympathized with them for a second.

Then a few more girls came up and asked Scott to dance, and of course Cedric, but they all declined.

"I don't understand why you refuse?" said Cedric. "I never heard you had a girlfriend."

"Because I don't like this kind of activity in the first place." Scott said.

Cedric didn't say anything more, and the two bored people sat aside and began to enjoy observing others.

"Oh, look how happy Roger is dancing."

On the dance floor, Roger was dancing with his arms around a blonde girl, both of them had happy smiles on their faces.

"Did that Krum guy never come out of the dance floor?"

Krum and Caccini seemed to be dancing with Roger, and they couldn't stop dancing.

"How long do you think Dumbledore can last?"

"Fred and Angelina have become one with the red curtain in the corner."

It didn't take long for Scott and Cedric to be so bored that they had nothing to say.

"I think we can go back first," Scott said.

Cedric immediately agreed, "Good idea, I'm already hungry, we can go to the house-elf for something to eat."

So they got up and left the lively banquet hall.

When they walked into the ice and snow forest on the square, they realized that the banquet hall might not be the only one that was bustling.

When passing through this ice and snow forest, they accidentally disturbed many couples who secretly had a tryst here, hugged or kissed together.

It made them say sorry all the way.

It wasn't until they left the square that they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Back in the tower, they had another big meal before going back to their dorms.

Walking into the dormitory, Scott picked up the [magic mirror] on the table and found that there were several missed communications and some messages.

Scott opened up the messages, which were basically questions from friends.

Everyone seems to be envious of them being able to attend the Yule Ball, and curious about their experience at the ball.

Only George's message was cursing on Fred, and the red suit that was cursing him shredded like a howler letter to a mission, preferably in full view.

Scott was about to reply to a few messages when another communication came through.

It's Luna.

"Good evening, Scott, and Merry Christmas."

Luna who appeared in the mirror waved her hand.

The background is at the Lovegood house, in her room.

Luna, wrapped in a thick blanket, sat by a small fire.

"Merry Christmas, Luna, and thank you for the gift," Scott said.

Luna's eyes suddenly widened, "Why are you in the dormitory instead of at the dance?"

Scott told her, "Prom is boring, I've come back early."

Luna disagreed and said, "You should be happy when you are happy."

"I think today is fun enough..."

Scott talked about how everyone arranged the tower together during the day, and walked out of the tower holding the [magic mirror], and showed Luna their results.

Luna loved the ice sculptures Scott made, but thought maybe it would be more creative to add a couple of giant airship Lees.

The two were chatting about the creativity and artistry of ice sculptures, and the [Magic Mirror] showed that George's communication had been picked up.

Scott connected to George at the same time.

"Scott, find Dumbledore, Harry has been attacked!"

George, whose background is in the school hospital, has bad news.

"What? At Hogwarts?" Scott asked in surprise.

In half of the mirror, Luna, who heard the news at the same time, also widened her eyes in shock.

George nodded, "Yes, just now, we don't know who did it, but Harry got hurt."

"Doesn't he know who it is?"

Scott turned around and strode towards Beauxbaton Castle.

"He was approached from behind, then knocked unconscious, and when he woke up, he didn't know who attacked him." George said, "The professors haven't found the murderer yet."

Scott said: "Can't even Professor Moody find the murderer? It should be the people who stayed in the school during the holidays. Are there many people who stayed?"

"There are several in each college, and the professors are investigating."

"So, is Harry seriously injured?"

"He had his wrists cut and he lost a lot of blood."

"Assaulted him, but didn't take the opportunity to kill him?"

"Harry fell in the corridor on the fourth floor, and was found by Professor Moody. It may be because he heard Professor Moody's footsteps, the murderer escaped early. You know, Professor Moody has a wooden leg, and the footsteps Loud."

"It seems that it was really dangerous at that time."

"Yes, Professor Moody also said someone had secretly taken Harry's blood. Madam Pomfrey said that there was indeed less blood left at the scene than normal."

"I see. I will notify Dumbledore as soon as possible. Anyway, I will contact you later."

Scott disconnected George, said goodbye to Luna, and then disconnected her.

He quickened his pace and walked through the snowy forest on the square.

This time, he didn't care whether it would affect those couples who had a secret tryst. He just strode past them and heard a scream from time to time.

Until he met Fred and Angelina.

These two red guys are too conspicuous in a white world.

But the two who were embracing each other did not notice him.

Scott had to cough.

Hearing the cough, Angelina quickly pushed Fred away.

The girl who used to play Quidditch had such strong hands that she almost pushed Fred to the ground.

Anyway, Fred staggered a few times before he regained his footing.

After seeing that it was Scott, the two of them turned black at the same time.

Of course, Angelina's face was already very dark.

"Oh Scott, what the hell are you doing!" Fred asked extremely angrily, "Didn't you see that we are busy?"

Angelina was also extremely tough, "Or do you want to join us?"

"Cough cough..."

Scott, who was about to speak, was choked by her words.

"Don't even think about it!" cried Fred at once.

"Of course, I'm not ready to agree to him." Angelina said.

"Ahem! Sorry." Scott said quickly, "I just wanted to ask if Dumbledore is still in the banquet hall. Just now George sent a message saying that Harry was attacked at Hogwarts."


Hearing this news, Fred and Angelina were in no mood to joke anymore.

"Dumbledore was still in the ballroom, at least when we left."

"Then I'll go find him first." Scott walked forward, "Go ahead, I wish you a happy day."

"and many more!"

Fred and Angelina quickly caught up.

"You have to tell us first what happened!"

"Oh poor Harry, is he all right?"

As he walked quickly, Scott gave a quick account of what George had told him.

"I can't believe it!" Angelina exclaimed, "That's in Hogwarts!"

Fred said solemnly: "Remember what Dumbledore said, the protective magic of Hogwarts has been upgraded, and wizards outside cannot get in at all."

Angelina exclaimed again, "You mean..."

"That's what you think it is," said Fred. "Someone from the school must have done it."

Scott said: "And the murderer was very cautious. He didn't use magic during the whole process, so he wasn't afraid of being checked for a wand."

They discussed a few words as they walked, but when they approached the castle they immediately shut up, afraid of being overheard.

Re-entering the banquet hall, Scott saw Dumbledore sitting on the seat directly in front of him at a glance.

At this time, he was having a cordial conversation with the two French Ministry of Magic officials who participated in the Triwizard Tournament.

Scott made Fred and Angelina wait at the door, walked around the dance floor to Dumbledore's table by himself.

"Sorry to interrupt, Professor Dumbledore, Mr. Lefeble, Mr. Jolly."

He bowed.

"There is a message from Hogwarts that needs to be handled by Professor Dumbledore himself."

As he spoke, he winked at Dumbledore.

Although the two officials looked at him inquiringly, they politely asked Dumbledore not to ask more questions, but to deal with urgent matters first.

Dumbledore said sorry, and left the banquet hall with Scott.

Fred and Angelina followed them.

When he came to a place where there was no one, Scott quickly told the story again.

After listening to Scott's narration, Dumbledore had no expression on his face, but nodded slightly.

"Sorry, I might have to break my promise." He said apologetically, "I need to go back to Hogwarts and tell the others that I will try my best to come here tomorrow."

Scott nodded, "I see, Professor."


Dumbledore snapped his fingers.

"Lulu is here!"

A sharp voice sounded, and the house elf named Lulu burst out of the air.

It stared at a pair of big round eyes, looking up at Dumbledore.

"Dear Mr. Principal, what do you need Lulu to do?"

"Take me out of the range of Beauxbatons, Lulu."

Dumbledore ordered.

"Lulu obey!"

said the house-elf, reaching out its hand to take Dumbledore's.

With a "pop", their figures disappeared.

Scott took out the [Magic Mirror] again and connected to George.

"I've told Dumbledore, and he's gone," he told George.

"Very good." George turned his head and looked aside, "Did you hear that, Professor McGonagall, Harry, Dumbledore has rushed back."

Professor McGonagall's voice came, "I heard it, thank you for your help, Mr. Weasley, you can go back to the dormitory."

George quit immediately, "Oh no, I want to stay here and wait for the development of the incident. I also helped to contact Dumbledore just now!"

"That's because our Mr. Trollope probably doesn't have a very good memory."

Professor McGonagall's voice was a little unhappy.

"He forgot to send a communication tool to his Transfiguration professor. Felius is not at school, so I can only come to you for help."

Hearing her words, Scott was a little embarrassed.

Probably Professor McGonagall is too strict, whenever there is something interesting, he always subconsciously forgets to share it with her.

Fortunately, Professor McGonagall didn't talk much about this topic. She said to George sternly: "Although I have an emergency method to contact Dumbledore, it's not fast. Anyway, thank you for your help, Mr. Weasley, You can go back."

George suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed, "Dumbledore is back! He is so fast! Oh! It was the phoenix who brought him back!"

"Mr. Weasley!" Professor McGonagall's voice sounded again.

"Oh, I'll be right back, Professor."

George quickened his pace and left the school hospital.

Scott and the others also saw Dumbledore passing him by in the mirror.

"George, is Harry's injury healed?" Angelina asked.

"The wound on his hand has been healed by Madam Pomfrey," George said, "but he is still weak and needs to drink a lot of potions to replace the lost blood."

Fred nodded, "Anyway, Dumbledore is back, remember to tell us all about the subsequent development of the matter."

"It depends on your mood." George said with pouted lips, "I'm also very busy."

He was clearly still upset that Fred had refused to broadcast him the Yule Ball earlier.

Fred laughed casually, "Oh, you'll tell us, George."

"Hope, remember to pray to me every night, Fred." George grinned and turned off the communication.

Afterwards, Scott returned to the tower with Fred and Angelina.

After this happened, Fred and Angelina were not in the mood to kiss my love anymore.

In the common room, Cedric, who had already put on his pajamas and was sitting by the fireplace reading a book, suddenly showed a puzzled expression when he saw the three of them walking in together.

Scott had to tell the story all over again.

So Cedric stopped reading, and the four of them sat together on the sofa by the fireplace, discussing this matter without any basis.

Fred said, "Who, you say, is trying to steal Harry's blood? What's the use of that blood?"

"Could it be that he wants to curse Harry with that blood?" Angelina guessed.

"Then why didn't he just kill Harry?" Fred said. "If the murderer didn't cut Harry's wrist to get blood, he obviously had time to kill Harry."

Hearing the word "kill", Angelina couldn't help shivering, and hugged Fred's arm.

"Stop it." She shook her head, "Fortunately, Harry is fine."

"Anyway, this thing must have been done by Harry's enemy," Cedric said, "I just don't know if this enemy is hiding in Hogwarts, or is using black magic to manipulate a certain student."

Angelina leaned on Fred again, "This is too scary, maybe there are dark wizards or people manipulated by dark wizards hiding in Hogwarts... I don't know which situation will be worse. "

"Don't worry, Angelina." Fred put his arms around her shoulders, "Dumbledore has gone back, I believe he will find the murderer soon, no matter whether the murderer is a dark wizard or a student being manipulated, he will definitely not be able to escape his eyes."

Upon hearing Dumbledore's name, Angelina obviously relaxed a lot.

"Hopefully we'll hear good news tomorrow."

Cedric also said: "I hope Harry's blood can be found back. In short, the person who stole the blood must be trying to do something bad with that blood. My dad told me that some dark wizards can connect with me through blood." Do some weird magic."

"I'm afraid it's too late," Scott said. "Just an owl to send that blood away."

At the same time, he also had some guesses about what happened this time.

No matter who did this thing, the person behind the scenes must be Voldemort.

Voldemort's previous resurrection did not know which of his enemies' blood was used, but for Voldemort, it was destined to be imperfect.

Harry's mother, Lily Potter, cast a powerful spell at the cost of her life before she died-

The mother's selfless love melted into Harry's blood, protecting him from Voldemort.

As long as he still called the place where his mother's blood flowed home, he would be safe from Voldemort.

Because of blood magic, Voldemort couldn't kill Harry, or even touch him.

That's how Professor Quirrell, who was possessed by Voldemort's remnant soul, died in the year Harry entered school.

Only Voldemort had access to Harry's blood, and incorporated that blood into his own body, to avoid the protective magic Lily Potter left in Harry's body.

Of course, this may also be why the murderer who attacked Harry tonight didn't kill him.

With Voldemort's personality, he probably wanted to kill Harry himself after eliminating the threat of blood magic.

The fact that Harry's blood was stolen is obvious.

Scott believes that Dumbledore, who has always known the existence of blood magic, should have thought of it immediately.

"Scott, what are you thinking?"

Hearing Fred's voice, Scott looked up, and saw the other three were looking at him.

"I'm wondering who's behind this, what's his purpose," Scott said.

Although he knew a lot of clues and guesses, he obviously couldn't share them.

After all, he couldn't explain his source of information.

"Didn't we just discuss this topic?" Fred was puzzled.

Scott could only say, "Harry's identity is very special. He is the 'Boy Who Lived', the 'savior' who made Voldemort taste failure not long after he was born. This incident may indicate something."

"Oh Scott! Don't say that name!"

Angelina screamed immediately upon hearing Voldemort's name.

The faces of Fred and Cedric were also slightly pale.

Scott said: "Dumbledore said that as long as more and more people no longer fear him, boldly call his name, and face him squarely, Voldemort will lose his invincible power."

But his words had no effect on the other three.

Their fear of Voldemort has been ingrained in their ears since childhood, and it has been deeply rooted in their bones.

Even Fred, who is not lacking in courage, is not afraid of Voldemort in his true heart, but he still feels habitual discomfort after hearing that name.

"Okay, My-Know-Who." Scott changed his address.

Cedric said with some embarrassment: "Maybe what Dumbledore said is right, the mysterious man will draw strength from people's fear. But unfortunately, people have become accustomed to this fear, including me."

Angelina said: "All wizards in England are afraid to hear that name. It is said that the mysterious man cast a spell on his name, and he will sense the location of everyone who speaks that name!"

Fred said: "If I said that name at home, my mother would beat me up and move us overnight."

"Don't worry." Scott smiled. "This is Beauxbatons, France. Even if the mysterious person senses my location, he won't come here."

Angelina doesn't think she can sleep peacefully abroad.

"Who knows," she said. "Don't forget, even the Quidditch World Cup final, where a hundred thousand wizards from all over the world gathered, that man broke into it."

Fred nodded, "Yes, that time he wanted to take Harry away, but Dumbledore stopped him."

"This incident must have been instigated by him." Cedric guessed, "As Scott said, Harry has a special identity. Perhaps, even the mysterious man wants to use Harry's blood to study him. The reason why you lost to a baby."

Angelina's eyes widened, "No wonder he's been hiding since the World Cup final. He won't start a war until he finds out the reason for the failure. But maybe after that..."

As she spoke, she seemed frightened by her guess, showing a frightened expression.

"So to say……"

"Don't worry, he may not succeed in the research." Fred said, "Harry looks normal, except for the scar, there is nothing special about it. Maybe the reason why he can defeat the mysterious man can't be explained by anyone of……"

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more solemn, Scott quickly said, "Okay, let's stop thinking about it here. In short, Dumbledore will definitely find the murderer. Let's ask tomorrow."

"You're right," said Cedric. "It's pointless to speculate here."

"So, let's have some fun."

Scott pulled out his wand, used Transfiguration to make a simple flying chess, and played with them.

(End of this chapter)

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