Chapter 470
"Come and see!"

Fred lay down in front of the bedroom window, calling out to Scott and Roger.

Scott and Roger walked up to him and looked out through the closed glass windows.

Beauxbaton's graceful and magnificent building has completely changed. Now, it looks like a crystal clear ice and snow castle.

On the huge fountain square in front of the castle, there are countless ice sculptures of different shapes, large and small, and even the statue of the Lemay couple in the center of the fountain is covered with ice and snow.

Seen from a distance through the snowflakes falling like feathers, everything in front of me is full of dreamlike atmosphere.


Roger and Scott let out an exclamation at the same time.

"Beauxbatons is a big deal," said Roger. "Frenchies really like to blow everything up."

Then you haven't seen Mrs. Maxim's office in the sky garden, which is full of dreamy girlish atmosphere.

Scott groaned.

"Quick, put on your clothes, let's go take a look."

Fred turned and ran back to the bed to start changing.

Scott went to the bathroom first, then changed out of his pajamas, put on a thick cloak, and went to the lobby on the first floor with his two roommates.

Everyone is enjoying breakfast at this time.

"Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas!"

They greeted each other, and the three of them began to eat after they sat down.

"You've all seen it!" Angelina said, "Beauxbaton's Christmas costume!"

Fred took a sip of the hot soup and nodded in response, "I see, they really don't mind the trouble."

"I said, don't you have any ideas?" Angelina looked at everyone present.

Fred looked up. "What idea? Should we envy them?"

"That's not what I meant!" Angelina glanced at him unhappily.

Caccini turned to her and asked, "You want to decorate our tower?"

"That's right." Angelina took Caccini's hand and looked at Fred, "It seems that Caccini and I have a better understanding!"

Fred blinked, "What's the point of decorating the tower?"

"Of course it's to show our Hogwarts demeanor and not be compared to those hateful Frenchmen." Angelina said as a matter of course.

Her statement was immediately echoed by some people, especially girls.

Anyway, since Scott's match points were deducted, everyone at Hogwarts has had a problem with the Frenchies.

"However, this tower is only a part of our Hogwarts." Fred compared a small distance between his thumb and index finger, "a small part."

"So what, we can't lose anyway!" Caccini said.

Angelina glared at Fred, "Or, you don't want to support my proposal?"

"No." Fred changed his face instantly, "You have a good idea, Angelina! The Christmas ball will start at night, and we happen to have nothing to do!"

The boys present all looked at him expressionlessly.

But the thick-skinned Fred didn't care. Instead, he changed his face and said, "What's the matter, am I wrong? Move me, boys, this is the wish of girls!"

Although the boys all wanted to beat Fred hard, they were all defeated by the girls' pleading eyes.


After breakfast, the work of "decorating the best tower and defeating the hateful Frenchman" officially began.

"Very good, everyone, let's act quickly." Angelina said excitedly.

After that, the girls got together and chatted about how to decorate the tower more gorgeously.

The boys looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do for a while.

Scott, who couldn't stand it anymore, stood up, "Okay, before we start, we must make a plan that everyone is satisfied with. After the plan is confirmed, we will assign tasks to each of you."

When everyone looked over, Scott took out his wand and waved it lightly, chanting a spell, turning the empty long table into a tower as tall as one person.

Of course, the appearance was exactly the same as the tower they lived in.

"Try out the decor on this model first, and then do it when it's finalized," he said.

"Oh Scott, that's a good idea!"

The girls got excited and started spinning around the model of the tower.

Soon, several people who were good at transfiguration were picked out, using the branches they picked up to conjure various decorations.

Others consulted with each other on decoration plans, trying to make this tower amazing for all Frenchmen.

On a whim, Scott came up with some interesting ideas while using Transfiguration to create ornaments.

Time passed quickly, they kept overturning and starting over again, and finally decorated the tower model to everyone's satisfaction two hours later, and determined the final plan.


"They will be surprised!"

"Jaws dropped!"

Looking at their results, the girls were all very excited.

"Okay, let's start assigning tasks now." Scott clapped his hands.

"No, I think there are still big problems." Ethan pointed to the gorgeous tower model, "Where are we going to find the real things for these decorations?"

In an instant, everyone became calm.

Ethan said again: "Well... Even if we use transfiguration, we need materials of similar size. Are we going to chop down trees?"

"Scott can use a spell on the Transfiguration product!" Fred raised his hand, "A expansion spell can solve this problem!"

Everyone looked at Scott.

Scott suddenly had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, Angelina said happily: "Really, it seems that we don't need to assign tasks, as long as Scott enlarges all the decorations on the model!"

Just as Scott was about to speak, everyone interrupted him.


"Come on, Scott!"

"The most difficult task is entrusted to you!"

"You are our warrior!"

"Of course... no problem." Scott laughed, "But you are not idle."

He waved his wand, causing the model to float, and then walked out of the tower.

"First of all, students from the Quidditch teams of each college, I will leave the work of installing the decorations to you."

"We didn't bring broomsticks!" exclaimed Fred.

"It's ok."

Scott stood still in front of the tower, placed the model of the tower in the snow, and then waved his wand again.

"Flying flocks of birds!"


A flock of crows was summoned by him, and they chirped cheerfully.

"Get bigger fast!"

"Get bigger fast!"


Scott used several expansion spells one after another to make the crows huge, then pointed at them and said, "This is your flying mount!"

"Oh! Cool!" Fred's eyes lit up, eager to try.

"I haven't tried riding a crow yet." Roger was also very interested.

"No, I definitely don't want to fly around on a crow!" Angelina refused loudly.

Scott shrugged his shoulders, "Of course, how to assign tasks is up to you."

He turned around and used the moving spell to remove all the decorations on the tower model and put them away neatly.

"Okay, you have to pick up these things and fly to the corresponding places, so that I can make them into a suitable size."

The boys all picked up the decorations and climbed onto the crow's back.

As the only female Quidditch player, Angelina was let off by them.

Scott said to the "pilots": "These crows have been trained to understand simple commands, such as up, down, left, right, etc., very good, let's take off!"


The crows yelled excitedly, and quickly flew up.

"Oh hoo!"


The "pilots" also shouted excitedly.

Soon, they all flew to the corresponding positions.

"What should I do next?"

Fred yelled from above.


Scott instantly transformed into a peregrine falcon and soared into the sky, and when he flew to the top of the tower, next to Fred, he changed back to human form.

At the same time, the cloak on his body fluttered up, allowing him to float in the air for a short period of time.

"Oh Scott, you're such a cunning little guy." Fred said dissatisfied, "You only care about being handsome."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Scott waved the wand in his hand, and cast an expansion spell on the golden star in Fred's hand.

"Wait!" Fred yelled. "I'm going to put it on the top of the tower! Damn it! How am I going to fix it!"

Scott swung his wand again and applied a Permanent Pasting Charm.

"Oh...permanent sticking charm?" Fred blinked, "How will I take it off then?"

Scott said, "Maybe it's... using the spell to end?"

"Okay, never mind."

Fred waved to Dumbledore who was standing in the top room.

Dumbledore pushed open the window and said to them cheerfully, "Oh, do it well, lads."

"Got it, Professor Dumbledore!"

Fred saluted strangely.

Scott turned into a peregrine falcon again, flew to where Cedric was, and returned to human form again.

"I'm thinking about a problem."

Cedric to Scott.

"What?" Scott asked.

"You don't need us at all, you can still cast movement spells on them," Cedric said.

"Shhh." Scott made a silent gesture, and then said with a smile, "It's fun too, isn't it?"

"'re right." Cedric thought for a while and then laughed.

Scott winked at him, and turned into a peregrine again and flew to the other side.

After working for more than an hour, they finally completed the rough work.

Of course, the first floor of the tower was completed by students other than the "pilot".

When the work was done, Scott reduced the crows back to their original size, and all ran to the edge of the lawn to survey the success of their labor from a distance.

But they were quick to offer a more nuanced assessment of their work.


"do not know why……"

"Looks like a giant Christmas tree."

Isn't the pointed tower with various decorations like a huge Christmas tree?

Scott had expected this.

But he thought it was interesting, so he didn't make a sound just now.

"Why didn't you feel it when you looked at the model just now?" Angelina's tone was full of confusion.

"There's nothing wrong with a Christmas tree." Fred said hastily. "At least, it's bigger than all the Christmas trees in Beauxbatons!"

Angelina added: "Oh, and maybe some little sparkly lights need to be installed, so that it will look good at night."

Hearing her suggestion, the girls' eyes lit up again.

Scott immediately said, "The work of making small lanterns can be handed over to Fred, he is best at making some interesting gadgets."

"That's right!"

"I leave it to you, Fred!"

"That's what you do best!"

"It's just a magic lamp, it shouldn't bother you!"

The boys quickly echoed Scott's words, and handed over this glorious and arduous task to Fred.

"You can't worry about installation problems."

Scott took out his broomstick from the shapeshifting lizard pouch and handed it to Fred.

"I'll lend you my broomstick!"

Fred looked at Scott in disbelief.

"very good!"

Seeing that Fred didn't move, Angelina reached out to take Scott's broomstick, and patted Fred on the back hard.

"Quick! Quick! Get moving, Fred!"

"No, you're mistaken," said Fred, scowling. "George is good at making gadgets..."

"Stop being wordy!"

Angelina glared at him again.

Fred wanted to drag Scott into the water, "Scott..."

But the moment he looked over, Scott turned around immediately.

"Go! Let's go to the lake to get some ice and make some ice sculptures too!"

Saying that, he turned and left.

"good idea!"

The other boys cheered and followed behind him.

At this moment, Scott seemed to hear Fred's heartbreaking voice.

But he didn't look back, but strode relentlessly away.

A group of people ran to the lake and couldn't help laughing, which made the Durmstrang students in the ghost ship poke their heads out of the cabin.

Scott said with a smile: "It's not difficult to make a magic lamp, but think about it, how many magic lamps does Fred need to make if he wants to decorate the entire tower?"

"Obviously, the answer is countless, and we can't use the duplication spell on the magic lamp." Cedric shook his head.

Roger said: "Oh poor Fred, I'm afraid he won't be able to go to the Yule Ball tonight!"

This is an easy reason to think through, but girls are sometimes reluctant to reason.

In short, poor Fred can only work hard until Angelina really realizes the reality.

"Look at the ice..."

Scott took a few steps forward and attempted a cutting spell on the ice.

But unfortunately, his cutting spell failed to destroy the thick layer of ice, and only left a few deep white marks on the ice surface.

"Smashed to pieces!"

Roger used a more destructive Shattering Charm.

The ice layer that had been damaged by Scott exploded in an instant, turning into flying fragments, and everyone hurriedly cursed and avoided.

"It doesn't seem to work?"

Roger smiled, and put away his wand.

"I will try again."

Scott once again flew to the middle of the lake as a peregrine falcon, and then changed back to human form in the air.

Using the cloak to temporarily float in the air, he drew his wand and waved it downward.

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

At the moment when the spell was issued, he turned into a peregrine falcon and flew higher.

First there was a loud noise from below.

Click, click...

Cracks in the ice began to spread.

After all the movement stopped, Scott landed on the undamaged part of the ice and waved to the group of people on the shore.

His classmates quickly ran over.

Scott pointed to the largest piece of the split ice, "Let's use the movement spell together to bring it back."

Everyone took out their wands and cast spells on the ice.

Under the combined effect of everyone's spells, huge ice cubes slowly rose and floated in the air.

"Go, let's take it back first!"

Scott directed everyone to bring the huge block of ice to the tower.

The girls all ran out of the tower, and of course Fred outran them all.

"Oh my god, what a big piece of ice!" His expression was exaggerated, "Do you need my help?"

No one paid any attention to him.

Cedric patted Scott on the shoulder, "I think it's time to watch your performance."

Hearing his words, the others stepped back and handed over the venue to Scott.

Scott didn't refuse either, he thought about it and soon had an idea in his mind.

He walked forward holding the wand, slowly reciting the spell in his mouth, while waving the wand firmly, and finally put the tip of the wand directly on the ice.

Soon, the originally very hard ice became soft and flowed like ooze.

At the same time, a string of ancient runes centered on the tip of Scott's wand began to spread across the surface of the ice.

The flowing ice layer was elongated, and then moved, first winding upwards around the surface of the tower, and quickly pinched into a specific shape out of thin air.

When the ice became solid again, Scott's transfiguration magic ended this time.

The ice cube was turned into four crystal clear animals by him.

On the top of the tower is a vigorous eagle. The eagle is holding the top of the tower with its claws, its wings are spread, and it is about to fly.

The body of the tower is a winding snake. The body of the long snake is wrapped around the body of the tower, and its huge mouth is open, which looks like hunting.

On the side of the tower is a majestic lion. The male lion is lying on the side of the tower, his eyes are slightly narrowed, and his expression is lazy.

In front of the tower is a naive badger. The honey badger rests its forelimbs on the steps of the gate, looking back and looking sideways, alert and agile.

Although the bodies of the four huge animals are made of ice, they are full of details and lifelike.

Scott looked at his work, estimated his remaining magic power, and was satisfied.

If he cast such a large-scale transformation before drinking the magic enhancement potion, he would definitely have little magic power left, but now he can do it with ease, and he can even cast it again.

Everyone looked up for a while before commenting.

"Nice job, Scott."

"I have to say that the tower now looks much better than before."

"Very good! Prestigious and beautiful!"

Soon they were arguing with each other again.

"I like that eagle best."

"No, the snake is more powerful."

"If you want me to say, the lion is the most powerful!"

Cedric did not fight for the reputation of the badger representing Hufflepuff, but asked Scott curiously, "I noticed that you also engraved the rune circuit at the same time just now, does it have any effect?"

"Nothing else," Scott said with a laugh, "just glowing."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, the bodies of the four crystal clear animals emitted light of different colors.

Against the backdrop of these lights, the ice sculptures suddenly became radiant and extremely gorgeous.


Seeing such a change, everyone let out an exclamation.

Scott nodded in satisfaction, "It's daytime now, so it's not too obvious. It should look better at night."

"Great!" exclaimed Fred. "I don't have to make those goddamn magic lamps anymore!"

He looked overjoyed.

But at the same time, he also ushered in Angelina's "death sight".

"Tell me, Fred," Angelina said, "what's 'those damn magic lamps'?"

Fred corrected himself immediately, "Oh, you heard me wrong, Angelina. I said 'those beautiful magic lamps'."

"You are too perfunctory!" Angelina hammered him, "I am not deaf! The pronunciation of 'damn' and 'beautiful' are not the same at all!"

Fred quickly dodged her iron fist.

"This is my mouth fetish, I usually like to use 'damn' instead of 'pretty', it's cooler!"

"Why didn't I know you had such a mouth fetish!"

"You didn't notice."

"Really, do you think I'm pretty? Come on, compliment me with 'damn'!"

"Oh Angelina, you look so damn pretty today!"

"You... Forget it, um, I'll let you go for now."

Angelina was satisfied, and Fred escaped.

This made the onlookers Scott and the others feel very sorry.

What they were expecting was a one-sided beating, why did it suddenly turn into flirting?
Is this reasonable?

The exaggerated towers of Hogwarts quickly attracted crowds.

Both Beauxbaton and Durmstrang students were amazed by their results.

Scott also heard several Durmstrang students propose decorating their ghost ship as well, but most Durmstrang students rejected their proposal.

Scott felt that their decision was obviously very wise.

The shape of that ship is weird, and it has a hellish temperament. No matter how it is decorated, it probably won't help.

It is incompatible with the joyful atmosphere of Christmas, but it can perfectly integrate into the festive atmosphere of Halloween without any decoration.

Today's Christmas ball starts at seven o'clock in the evening.

After dinner, everyone in the Hogwarts tower got busy with their personal appearances.

Several girls gathered in the common room. They were all busy with skin care, applying makeup to each other, and using hair care potions to style their hair, laughing happily from time to time.

Scott and the others also went back to the dormitory, trying to arrange their hairstyles to be more handsome, and then put on their respective dresses.

Scott cast a drying charm, then used the wand as a hair dryer to straighten his slightly curly hair.

After getting his hair done, he sprayed on the styling lotion again.

The setting potion was prepared by Roger, but Scott and Fred used more than half of it.

Afterwards, Scott finds out the ready gown.

His gown had been custom-made before coming to Beauxbatons, in Hogsmeade's Favorable Wizarding Clothing Shop.

It starts with fitted trousers, a white shirt with a black tie, and a black waistcoat.

Then came a dark blue satin gown.

The satin of this robe is embroidered with silver patterns. These patterns are generally not very eye-catching, but they can sparkle under the light, which is very suitable for the atmosphere of the ball.

Scott put on his robe, tidied it up in front of the mirror, and finally pinned a Hogwarts badge on the lapel of his chest.

"Are you all dressed?"

He looked back at the other two.

Roger and Fred's dresses were also new.

Roger was in calm black, but Fred was in dazzling red.

"Aren't you exaggerating a little?" said Roger to Fred. "Your gown and hair have melted into one, and oh, and the red freckles on your face, it's a disaster. "

Fred himself was satisfied.

He straightened his tie in the mirror, lifted his chin and said, "This is exactly what I want. I've inquired about it. Angelina's dress is also red."

Roger disagreed and said: "I think your red hair is enough to match her red dress. You should wear a black dress to set off her skin, which is obviously more ingenious."

"No!" Fred didn't accept his opinion, "I just want to shine, so that everyone can see at a glance that Angelina and I are a couple!"

"If so, then you must be very successful." Roger looked away.

After the three of them took care of themselves, they were about to leave the dormitory when the [Magic Mirror] that Scott placed on the table suddenly lit up.

Fred went over to connect to the communication, and George's face appeared in the mirror.

"Oh my God." George stared at his twin with wide eyes, "Fred, you're like a red howling letter!"

"That's right, I just want to attract everyone's attention like shouting a letter!" Fred continued confidently.

George nodded. "Obviously, when you put this on, you don't have to work hard to do it."

"Thank you for the compliment, George," said Fred, "but I don't have time to tell you. We're going to the ball."

"Go ahead and remember to bring the [magic mirror]," George said. "We're all curious about your Yule Ball scene."

"No, I don't have time to do this kind of thing today." Fred refused.

George said immediately, "Then we should talk about the fact that you embezzled our joint funds to buy this red Howler jacket."

"I don't care about these things." Fred waved his hand, "Today is Christmas, and I'm going to the ball with the girl I like. Don't let me foolishly hold up a mirror and broadcast live to you!"

With that said, he hung up the communication directly.

"Come on, we should go out."

He said to Scott and Roger.

Scott turned his head and glanced at the [Magic Mirror] on the table.

"Never mind." Fred pushed his back. "At most, we'll wait until the dance is over and we'll show them the tower we decorated, oh, if they haven't slept by then."

It was indeed inconvenient to "live broadcast" today, so Scott didn't say anything.

The three walked out of the dormitory and returned to the common room.

At this time, the boys had already taken care of themselves and sat on the sofa, but the girls hadn't appeared yet.

"Do we need to wait here?" Roger asked, "Except for the guy whose partner is his own, can we go first, after all, we can't let girls wait there."

"Oh Roger, can't you wait to see your Katrine?"

Caccini, wearing a long white dress, came down the stairs.

She didn't listen to Roger's advice and put on a wig, but with make-up and jewelry, even though her hair was short, she didn't look like a boy anymore.

"Oh Caccini, thank God." Roger looked her up a few times. "After seeing you, I couldn't help but feel relieved for Krum. He will no longer be suspected of his sexual orientation."

Caccini glared at him, "It's not convenient for me to teach you a lesson now, but I will remember."

Just then, Dumbledore came downstairs.

"Is everything ready?" he asked aloud.


The girls quickly ran out of the dormitory, each of them dressed up beautifully.

"Very well, then let's go together."

Dumbledore went downstairs again.

"Good evening, Angelina."

Fred took the initiative to walk to Angelina who was wearing a red dress.

"Oh, you……"

Angelina stared dumbfounded at Fred, who was covered in red all over.

Fred puffed out his chest and asked her with a smile, "How is it? Does it match your outfit?"


Angelina covered her mouth and kept laughing.

"Okay, now there are two Howler letters." Roger muttered next to Scott.

When everyone walked out of the tower, they couldn't help but stop to appreciate the performance of their achievements in the night.

At this moment, the four animals representing the four major colleges of Hogwarts were shining brightly, very eye-catching.

"Oh Scott, you should do the same thing at Hogwarts." Dumbledore said with a smile.

When they came to the square in front of Beauxbaton Castle, they found that the ice sculptures here were of different styles.

This place seems to have turned into a forest carved out of ice and snow. The forest is full of magical animals of different shapes, and of course, there are also all kinds of exotic flowers and plants.

Walking into this ice and snow forest, they felt like walking into a pure white world. Everything they saw was pure white. A hazy white mist rose from the ground, and there were still tiny stars twinkling in the mist.

Through this forest, they entered the ice-covered castle.

And Beauxbaton's huge banquet hall has changed style again.

The ice and snow are flying, the Christmas trees are neatly arranged, ice sculptures like diamond statues are scattered under the trees, the dance floor is decorated with stars, mistletoe, ivy and golden bells are hung everywhere...all of them constitute a dreamy scene. And a beautiful picture.

Accompanied by cheerful music, students from the three schools walked slowly into the banquet hall in gorgeous dresses.

At this time, Madame Maxim, who was also dressed in fine clothes, walked to the dance floor.

"Warriors, please bring your dance partners here." Her deep voice sounded.

Scott walked up to her and joined Fleur in a powder-blue dress. Soon, Krum and Caccini also came.

"Everyone please take a seat."

Madame Maxime said to the others.

Everyone took their seats.

Dumbledore and the members of the jury walked to the front seat together.

Madam Maxim clapped her hands and announced happily, "Next, let's invite the Forest Fairy Choir!"

There was immediate applause in the banquet hall.

Obviously, upon hearing the news, Beauxbaton's students seemed very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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