Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 462 462. Roselle Advanced Alchemy Classroom

Chapter 462 462. Roselle Advanced Alchemy Classroom

"I am François Volin-Mauriac."

Monsieur Mauriac bowed gracefully.

"Now, I'm going to test your wands. Who shall I start with?"

He turned around lightly, with a cheerful smile on his face.

"Oh, Miss Delacour, can I begin with you?"

"Of course, Mr. Mauriac." Fleur smiled slightly, took out her wand and handed it to him with both hands, "Please."


Mauriac stretched out both hands, and took the wand with exceptionally long fingers.

"I remember, this is my work. About seven years ago, you specially asked me to customize it, that's right."

He ran his fingers along the shaft of the wand.

"24.13 centimeters long, made of maple wood, and contains a veela hair inside."

"Yes." Fleur said, "it's my grandmother's hair."

"That's right." Mr. Mauriac was a little excited, "A magical combination of materials, I have never tried it before, but it suits you very well, doesn't it?"

"Yes, I like it very much." Fleur said.

"Your satisfaction is my pleasure, Mademoiselle Delacour."

Mr. Mauriac flicked his wand lightly, and many pink and gold sparks erupted from the wand.

Then he whispered, "The orchids are blooming!"

A bouquet of flowers blooms on the wand head.

"The inspection is over, no problem." He shook his wand to make the flowers disappear, and then held the wand in both hands and handed it to Fleur, "You took good care of it."

Fleur smiled sweetly, took the wand with both hands, and walked back to Madame Maxime with light steps and sat down.


Mr. Mauriac raised his hands, turned around lightly again, and looked at Krum.

"Oh, come on, let me see your wand, boy."

Viktor Krum stood up, with slumped shoulders and splayed feet, took two listless steps, and handed Mr. Mauriac his wand with one hand.

"Oh! Boy!" Mr. Mauriac looked at Krum as if he were looking at a monster. "I don't accept anything that anyone hands me with one hand!"

"My name is Viktor Krum."

Krum frowned tightly, as if he didn't like being called "boy".

But he turned his wand around and held out his other hand.

"You don't like me calling you a boy? I must say, I'm forcing myself to call you that word too."

Mr. Mauriac took the wand with both hands, and gave Krum another sympathetic look.

He shook his head, "To be honest, you look too old. You are only 17 years old, but you have a 30-year-old face."

Krum, who was originally looking a bit bitter, now has a complicated expression and looks even more mature.

But he ignored Mr. Mauriac's poisonous tongue, and still maintained his true nature of reticence.

Mr. Mauriac received no response, gave him a blank look, and focused on the wand in his hand.


With just one glance at the wand, he immediately showed a disgusted expression.

"This original style without aesthetic feeling must be the product of that old guy Grigovich!"

He gave Krum another disgusted look.

"But it's clearly a good fit for you, Krum, heavy, stout, rigid, 26 centimeters long."

Krum still drooped his eyes, maintained a dull expression, and did not respond to him.

"Hmph, hornbeam, with the heart tendons of dragons, and flocks of birds."

Monsieur Mauriac curled his lips and waved his wand.

There was a loud bang from Krum's wand, like a pistol firing, and a flock of birds fluttered out of the wand head and out through the open window.

"no problem."

He offered his wand with both hands.

"Thank you."

Krum took the wand with both hands, turned and left, his steps were fast, as if he was escaping some kind of terrible germ or poisonous gas.

Mr. Mauriac didn't take it seriously, and turned around to look at Scott lightly again.

"Oh, it's just you, the English boy from Hogwarts."

He stretched out his hands directly.

"Good day, Monsieur Mauriac."

Scott drew his own wand, and placed both hands in his hands consciously.

"Very well, you are very polite, boy." Mr. Mauriac nodded in satisfaction, "You look like you are 17 years old, as handsome and charming as I was when I was young."

Scott twitched his lips, "Thank you."

Monsieur Mauriac began to examine his wand.

"Well, there is no doubt that it is the product of that old guy Ollivander." He muttered, "It's really gratifying. Compared with that old-fashioned Gregorovich, Ollivander at least knows a little bit of basics. aesthetics."

He still stroked the stick with his fingers.

"Ebony wood, with the dragon's nerve inside, is a reasonable match." He commented, "31.115 cm long, the length has exceeded most wands."

He flicked his wand lightly.

"Fluorescent flashes!"

A white light glowed at the tip of the wand.

"It's in great shape, no issues."

He returned the wand to Scott with both hands.

Scott hastily stretched out his hands to take it.

"Very good!" Mr. Mauriac raised his hands again. "My work has undoubtedly been completed, so please allow me to take my leave."

He looked at some furnishings in the room, especially those asymmetrical ones, and made no secret of his dislike.

"For the sake of my fragile nerves, I don't allow myself to stay in this unaesthetic place for a long time, goodbye!"

As he said that, he didn't care about Madam Maxim's ugly face at all, and left quickly.

Scott noticed that while he was walking away quickly, each step covered nearly the same distance.

The nervous "Mr. Symmetry" left as soon as he said, but he has obviously annoyed Madame Maxime, and the rest of the people can only bear the low pressure of the plus-size lady innocently.

"Oh, don't worry, Mauriac is such a weirdo!" Mr. Joly smoothed the field awkwardly, "The next step is the interview and photo session."

He clapped his hands, and two reporters came in from the door, one of them still had a magic camera in his hand.

"Hello, we are reporters from the "Furstenberg Daily". I am Alan Martin and I am in charge of the interview. This is Balmazon and I am in charge of taking pictures."

The gazes of these two French journalists were very obvious. They came here mainly for Fleur.

Subsequent visits and photographs also confirmed this.

They asked only a few simple questions when they visited Scott and Krum, and many times as many questions when they visited Fleur.

Scott was happy to be at leisure, sitting aside and watching Fu Rong deal with the endless questions from reporters, but he could only suppress his impatience.

Krum's performance surprised him a bit. Scott thought that as a star player, Krum was used to facing the media, but Krum was very uncomfortable in the interview.

When it came time to take pictures, Mr. Reporter insisted that Furong stand in the middle position, and took many single photos for her.

Scott noticed that Krum, who had been subconsciously avoiding the camera, was visibly relieved.

At breakfast the next day, Scott saw the French magic newspaper "Furstenberg Journal" in Lucio's hand.

"It's a pity." Lucio, who had dark circles on his face, yawned and handed the newspaper to Scott. "They didn't give you and Krum too much space."

Scott didn't read the newspaper first, but asked, "Did you not sleep well last night?"

"What do you say?"

Lucio pouted, took out a small leather bag from his pocket, and dumped a bunch of headphones on the table.

"Translation headphones, an optimized version, I and a few classmates rushed to make it overnight."

"Oh!" Scott laughed, picked up one earphone, and handed the other to the Hogwarts students, "Well done, Lucio."

Lucio yawned again, "You guys try it first, and we'll make adjustments if there are any problems."

Scott looked at the [R] logo on the earphone, and said very politely, "No problem, it's produced by Russell Alchemy Classroom, it should be easier to use than the previous one."

Hearing his words, Lucio, who was full of fatigue, showed a satisfied smile.

At this moment, a few students happened to pass by, and stopped immediately after hearing the words, and looked at Scott and the others with unfriendly eyes.

"I really dare to say it." The leading tall boy said, "Do you dare to speak out against our Girard alchemy classroom without knowing anything, Hogwarts?"

Before Scott could respond, Lucio stood up immediately.

At this moment, the tired look on his face has been swept away, and he has obviously entered a fighting state.

"What is slander?" He glanced at the boy. "The fact is that the translation earphones produced by you Girard made all the guests very dissatisfied, and we Roselle took action to remedy the mistakes you made!"

The face of the other party immediately turned gloomy, "Don't do unnecessary things without authorization, Lucio. Not satisfied? Why are they not satisfied? They don't have to pay anything to be able to attend all the courses, which is already a great favor!"

This time, Lucio's expression also changed.

"You did it on purpose, Waldo." He said, "I should have suspected it a long time ago. Although your alchemy level is not as good as that of our Roselle, it's just a mere translation of the earphones. How could there be such a low-level mistake? ..."

The more he said, the more gloomy the faces of the other party became.

Obviously, he was right.

The leading tall boy wanted to say something, but suddenly his expression changed, and he turned around and left.


Under his leadership, several other people who followed him also left in a hurry.

"what happened?"

Furong came over at this time.

She glanced at the backs of the group of students in Girard's alchemy classroom, and frowned at Lucio.

She lowered her voice, "Lucio, I thought you understood, at least, you shouldn't be in front of guests..."

"Oh, you must not know what those guys did." Lucio pouted, and told Fleur about the translation headset.

Furong's complexion changed.

"Don't worry about it." She said coldly, "I will tell Madame Maxime what you said."

Lucio nodded in agreement.

"That's good, I don't bother with these troublesome things."

"Sorry." Fleur smiled apologetically at Scott and the others, "I made you laugh, we will definitely deal with this matter, I wish you a happy meal, goodbye."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and left with elegant and light steps.

Her smile was obviously very lethal. Most of Scott's companions almost forgot what happened just now, and just looked at her back stupidly.

Scott glanced at the newspaper in his hand.

He found that except for a group photo, all the photos published in the newspaper were single photos of Furong.

The report also spent a lot of space praising Fleur's beauty and talent, but only briefly mentioned Scott and Klum.

Seeing this, Scott smiled with satisfaction.

He has always felt that receiving too much attention is not a good thing.

He was very fortunate that this time the Triwizard Tournament was not held at Hogwarts, so a lot of trouble could be avoided.

Otherwise, it is undoubtedly that as a British, he has attracted more attention.

After breakfast, Scott, Fred and Cedric followed Lucio to Roselle's alchemy classroom.

Among the students in the Hogwarts delegation, only Scott, Fred, and Cedric were interested in alchemy and chose this course.

On the way to the classroom, Lucio told them something, which is why the students in Girard's alchemy classroom did what they did.

It was a decision led by Madam Maxime to open all Beauxbaton classes during the Triwizard Tournament, but this decision did not win everyone's support.

A group of professors led by Professor Veronica Girard, the master of Girard's alchemy classroom, did not agree to make all the courses public, especially the alchemy class that Beauxbaton School of Witchcraft and Magic regarded as its traditional strength and core competitiveness.

But with the support of other professors, especially the owner of Roselle's alchemy classroom, Professor August Roselle, Madam Maxim's decision was approved by more people with a show of hands, so it was confirmed.

"I'm afraid even Professor Girard himself didn't expect that her apprentices would make such a small gesture to express their protest." Lucio shook his head, "If she knew, she might be worse than Madam Maxim. more angry."

Scott nodded in agreement.

Engaging in such small actions is too unrealistic.

It's simply discrediting the names of Beauxbaton and Girard.

"That fellow Valdo must have made his own decision. He has never been very smart." Lucio said gloatingly.

Hearing this, Fred said curiously: "But those students, I mean, those in Girard's alchemy classroom, seem to be headed by him."

Lucio sneered, "Because his surname is also Girard, he is Professor Girard's nephew, so even if he is a bit stupid, those people always regard him as the leader."

Next, Lucio told them more of their backstory.

The two alchemy classrooms, Roselle and Girard, have been opened in Beauxbaton for hundreds of years, and they have always been controlled by the two families of Roselle and Girard.

It may be because of the peers, the two wizard families who are all studying alchemy have accumulated many conflicts due to the long-standing competition, which has made the apprentices in the two classrooms have always been hostile to each other.

Of course, the styles of the two families are also different.

The Russell family is more open, they advocate communication, and they are not stingy in teaching others.

The Girard family is very conservative. They always like to cherish their own broom and never pass on knowledge easily.

"In short, both Professor Girard and Professor Russell are the most outstanding alchemists in Beauxbaton's time, but she is far less popular than Professor Russell."

Lucio said quietly.

"Because of the consistent conservative style of the Girard family, she recruits very few apprentices, and they are basically descendants of families who have made good friends with the Girard family. Among those apprentices, she always values ​​the one who is the same as her. Valdo of the last name, her nephew."

He smiled gloatingly again.

"This time Valdo got into trouble, Madam Maxim will definitely use this as an excuse to ask Professor Girard to lower the standard and recruit a few more students. I guess Professor Girard will have to compromise. In short, even if she No matter how much you love Waldo, you will definitely punish him severely."

Cedric asked, "Since they are not willing to recruit students, why do they come to the magic school as a professor?"

"Of course it's because it can bring them status and prestige, as well as the benefit exchange with other families." Lucio replied without thinking.

Scott and the others were thoughtful.

But these things, the three of them took it as hearing a story, and did not make any comments on it.

Only Cedric asked with concern, "Is it okay, just tell us these things."

"It's okay." Lucio didn't care too much, "These things are open secrets, everyone knows, but no one will talk about it publicly."

He suddenly smiled slyly.

"Besides, I'm a Spaniard, so what's the problem with discussing a few things about the French with the English?"

"definitely no problem!"

Both Scott and Fred gave him the thumbs up.

While joking, they arrived at their destination.

"We have arrived."

Lucio pointed to a metal door in the hallway ahead.

This door looks like gold but not gold, silver and not silver, with various patterns, engraved with dense ancient runes, and inlaid with several huge gemstones.

A beautifully carved wooden sign hung across the door.

[Roselle Alchemy Classroom]

[—beginning in 1535]

Lucio said: "The material used to cast this door is an alloy transformed by alchemy, known as Rossel Alloy. It is said that no wizard can break it, nor can it cast any magic on it."

While speaking, he put his hand in the circular pattern in the center of the door.

Drip, drop.

The jewel flickered a few times, and the door opened.

"I'm afraid you will have to come to class with me in the future, because you can't open this door yourself."

Lucio pushed the door and walked in, Scott and the others followed behind him.

"It's big," Cedric said softly.

The space inside the classroom was unexpectedly large, almost half the size of a Quidditch pitch.

Although the space is large, it does not appear empty, but rather crowded.

The huge workbench, tall and full bookshelves and shelves, and some grotesque specimens and instruments filled the entire space.

Lucio said: "The professor hasn't come yet, follow me."

He walked to a workbench by the window.

"This is my site." He turned his head and said, "Because you are auditors, so, probably, you can only use our things to operate..."

He looked at the things on the workbench with some reluctance.

"Everyone regards these as treasures, and may not be willing to let you borrow them, and I am the only one."

He sighed.

"In short, be careful not to damage anything of mine. Of course, please pay me the corresponding Galleons for the materials consumed."

Scott and the three of them looked at each other, then nodded.

Soon, other students entered the classroom one after another.

"Lucio, I heard you had a fight with Valdo?"

"What happened... oh!"

Several students came straight to Lucio as soon as they entered the door, but they quickly shut up after seeing Scott and the three of them.

Lucio said: "You know, when it comes to translating the headphones, Valdo warned us not to do redundant things, and then I found out that their mistakes were intentional."

"Oh my god..."

The others opened their mouths wide in surprise, and soon laughed again.

Perhaps because of Scott's presence, these people began to whisper together.

"did not expect……"

"He's still so stupid..."

"This time it must be..."

"Professor Girard..."

Although Scott couldn't really hear it, he was sure that they were just as gloating as Lucio.

At this moment, the closed door opened again, and a wizard in a white robe with long black hair came in.

"Professor Russell is here." Lucio whispered.

To Scott's surprise, Professor Russell looked very young, no more than 35 years old by visual estimation.

He has an exceptionally handsome face, with deep eyebrows, sharp edges and corners, and an outstanding temperament.

The apprentices immediately stopped whispering, and all stood up, including Lucio, who greeted the wizard respectfully.


Scott and the three of them also bowed.

"Professor Russell."


Professor Roselle nodded slightly, and glanced at the three of Scott.

"There are only three guests who have chosen my course, and they are all Hogwarts students. Anyway, you are welcome."

He said welcome, but the professor's expression and tone of speech were very cold.

He strode to the largest workbench in front of the classroom and stood still, took off the pure white gloves on his hands and put them away, then looked at Scott and the three of them again.

"As far as I know, Hogwarts doesn't offer alchemy as a class, so you may not be able to keep up with our progress."

While speaking, he propped his hands on the workbench and leaned forward.

"But I'm sorry, I can't change my teaching plan for you, so I can't guarantee that you will gain something in my class..."

Having said that, he straightened up again.

"I will not have any requirements on your study progress. You can withdraw from my class at any time without explaining to me."

When he said these words, his expression was still indifferent, but his eyes were always looking at Scott and the others calmly.

"If I had to say something, I would suggest you to attend the course of Duran's alchemy classroom. Together with the third-grade students, Professor Duran will start teaching from the most basic knowledge."

Hearing this, Scott and the three of them all turned to look at Lucio.

They came here, but he suggested it.

Before that, they didn't know that the alchemy classroom was divided into advanced and elementary, and neither the class schedule nor the house number said it.

Lucio responded with an innocent face.

Scott thought for a moment, then held up a hand.

Professor Russell's brows and eyes moved slightly, "Is there a problem? You are... oh, a Hogwarts warrior, Mr. Trollope?"

"Yes, Professor," Scott said, "may I ask you questions and read the books in this classroom?"


Professor Russell seemed a little surprised.

But he nodded quickly, "Yes, as long as you don't affect our teaching, of course, books can't be taken out of this classroom."

"Thank you for your generosity."

Scott bowed politely.

Fred and Cedric bowed after him.

Professor Russell nodded, motioned for them to sit down, and then started teaching.

"For today's theoretical part, we continue our in-depth study of Raymond Sluller's book, The Book of Nature's Mysteries: The Fifth Element, on page 236..."

Scott and the three of them sat next to Lucio, borrowing the book in his hand, and listening carefully.

Anyway, let's finish listening to this class first.

Soon, Fred began to lose his mind, and Cedric showed a blank look on his face.

Scott listened for a while, and soon realized that he didn't quite understand either.

After all, there is still an essential difference between Scott's path and alchemy.

Alchemy involves transformations of matter that are real transformations, whereas Transfiguration involves temporary transformations through the miraculous effects of magic.

In comparison, the former is undoubtedly more complicated.

To use alchemy to convert one substance into another requires a very cumbersome process and a very large reserve of knowledge.

But to use transfiguration to transform matter, you only need "I believe" and enough magic power reserves to do it.

Of course, alchemy has its irreplaceable status.

In the final analysis, transfiguration requires magic power to maintain, and if the magic power dissipates, it will return to its original state, and it cannot transform substances that the wizard himself cannot understand.

Whether it is making advanced magic items, developing new materials, or exploring the mysteries of new substances, alchemy is an indispensable magical discipline.

But for Scott, alchemy is only a reference for his magic system, so he has not studied this subject very deeply.

As for Fred, although he and George are very good at inventing and creating, they rely on the magic item manufacturing technology inherited from the Weasley family, which is somewhat different from orthodox alchemy.

And Cedric, he has no foundation at all.

He was only interested in auditing the class because he loved Transfiguration and seeing Scott incorporate alchemical concepts into Transfiguration.

In short, Scott and Fred are "wild ways", and Cedric is a noob. The three of them came to this advanced alchemy classroom, obviously they came to the wrong place.

It's all Lucio's fault.

Scott never felt like a class was that long.

Out of respect and for the sake of the reputation of Hogwarts, both he and Fred could only sit obediently, for fear of disturbing others, and could not doze off.

Not to mention the exemplary and good student Cedric.

It wasn't until Fred kept moving his buttocks, wriggling lightly like a bound flea, that the theoretical part of the teaching finally came to an end.

Professor Russell arranged the experimental operations for the students, and Scott and the others were able to speak.

"I thought you guys would have a certain foundation, especially Scott." Lucio said with a smile while fiddling with the tools and instruments on the table, "It seems that I overestimated your level."

Scott said angrily: "Well, what I'm good at is limited to the inscription and activation of rune circuits."

"So your alchemy is to activate rune circuits?" Lucio shook his head, "That's just part of the work of making magic items, and it's also the most rigid and simplest part of the alchemy system."

" it simple?" Cedric's eyes were full of doubts.

"Oh, ancient rune is not simple at all." Fred said with some dissatisfaction, "That is the most serious class I have taken."

Lucio gave him a sideways look.

"Ancient rune is not the same as alchemy." He kept moving his hands, "Oh...Scott must understand, let's talk about it."

Both Fred and Cedric looked at Scott.

"how to say."

Scott thought about it.

"The ancient runes course itself is a language course, and this language contains magic power, and the complexity can be imagined. It is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to learn well."

Fred and Cedric nodded repeatedly.

Scott continued: "Although the use of alchemy to create magic items also involves the knowledge of ancient runes, unless you want to become a great alchemist like Nicole May, you don't really need to study ancient magic too deeply. runes."

Lucio interjected, "Alchemy itself contains a series of knowledge such as material conversion, magic rituals, and elemental symbols, which are already huge enough, and for alchemy, material conversion is the most important and core part."

He placed a special crucible on a flat stone slab, threw a few pieces of metal of different colors into it, and picked up a few test tubes to drop liquids of different colors.

"The main pursuit of alchemists is not to create magic items. It's just a means to earn Galleons and arm themselves."

He picked up the crucible with pliers, moved the crucible away, picked up another piece of ore, and quickly drew a very beautiful but very regular pattern on the stone slab.

"For the use of ancient runes, in most cases, the existing runes circuit is copied. Therefore, I would say that is the simplest and most rigid part."

He picked up several small crystal vials and poured powders of different colors into the patterns on the slate.

"Of course, only if you are proficient in ancient runes and have the ability to create new runes circuits, can you create unique and powerful magic items."

He took the cauldron again with the tongs and placed it back in the center of the stone.

"All right."

He stood up and motioned to Scott and the others.

"You'd better stay away."

Scott and the others stood up and took a few steps back.

Lucio pulled out his wand and waved it lightly at the slate.


The small piles of powder on the slate immediately burned, forming several flames of different colors.

Lucio waved his wand again, and the small flames began to spread along the pattern he drew.

When the flames of different colors met and merged, they turned into a pure white color, and gathered together towards the crucible in the center of the stone slab.

Blazing white flames scorched the cauldron.

Lucio muttered something, and waved his wand at the inside of the cauldron.


The metal inside the crucible melted almost immediately, turning into a colorful liquid.

A satisfied smile appeared on Lucio's face.

"I really am a genius..."

He had just been complacent for a second when the liquid in the crucible turned black and sparks burst out.

"not good!"

Lucio slapped the side of the workbench and pressed a metal button.

There was a violent explosion in the cauldron, and thick smoke billowed at the same time.

But the explosion, including the thick smoke, was firmly locked in the magic barrier that suddenly appeared.

Immediately after...


Explosions rang out, almost into one piece.

"It seems that everyone has failed." Lucio said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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