Chapter 461
Scott chatted with his friends on the [Magic Mirror], and after having breakfast in the banquet hall, he left Beauxbaton Castle and went back to their tower.

In the common room of the tower, Scott connected the magic mirror to the large mirror hanging there.

Soon, a picture of the Hogwarts auditorium appeared in the large mirror.

From time to time, some students walked up to the "camera" and greeted members of their delegation.

Scott and the others spent most of the day in this way.

That evening, when they walked into the banquet hall again, they found that the costumes had changed again.

The original bright and regal atmosphere has disappeared.

Opaque black curtains were hung on the surrounding walls, and the bright crystal lamps were replaced with dim yellow pumpkin lanterns and black candles.

In addition, there are white skeletons everywhere, as well as scarecrows with scary pumpkin heads.

Even the group of glittering fairies was gone, replaced by a group of red-eyed bats covered in jet black.

Everything you see is a Halloween element, embellished with a strong festive atmosphere.

It can be seen that the teachers and students of Beauxbatons have spent a lot of thought on expressing all this.

From the moment he walked into the banquet hall, Fred raised the [Magic Mirror] so that the teachers and students of Hogwarts could see the scene here.

And the picture in the [Magic Mirror] mirror also shows the Halloween dinner at Hogwarts.

"After the dinner, the warriors belonging to the three schools will be born!" Fred said to [the magic mirror].

While talking, they still came to the old position and sat down.

Lucio also quickly ran over and sat with Scott.

This time, he finally noticed the [Magic Mirror] in Fred's hand.

"It doesn't appear to be a two-way mirror."

His eyes were fixed on the mirror in Fred's hand.

"This is [magic mirror], my alchemy work." Scott said, "The magic text circuit was obtained and simplified from the "Knowledge Bank Core (Alchemy Part) Construction Record", you should know that book."

Lucio's eyes widened.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." He said a little excitedly, "You mean the book that Nicolas left in the knowledge bank, which can be exchanged for only 1 credit?"

"That's the one." Scott said with certainty.

"How come? Did you understand that book?" Lucio looked shocked, "No, probably not, I probably know your alchemy level, but you Hogwarts didn't offer alchemy class, and there is no famous alchemist..."

He seemed to be in a moment of confusion.

Scott raised his eyebrows, "Who said Hogwarts doesn't have a famous alchemist? Don't forget that our headmaster, Dumbledore, once worked with Nicolas and invented 12 uses of dragon's blood. "

It was impossible for him to tell about the existence of the Ravenclaw mentor, so he put the credit for deciphering the book on Dumbledore.

Lucio was stunned, "Could it be that Dumbledore's alchemy level is better than all the alchemy professors in Beauxbatons? Since I joined the Scholars Union, I have been studying that book with the help of the professors, but we There hasn’t been much progress.”

He turned his head to look at Dumbledore, who was chatting with Mrs. Maxime on the teacher's bench, with fanaticism in his eyes.

"You said, can I ask Professor Dumbledore for advice?" He asked in a dreamy tone, "I am a student of Beauxbatons, will Dumbledore answer my question?"

As he said that, he turned his head again and looked at Scott with burning eyes, "You are really lucky, Scott, tell me, how about I transfer to Hogwarts? Can it be successful?"

Scott has been stunned by his performance.

Fred didn't bother to talk to [Magic Mirror], and looked at Lucio with surprised eyes.

"Oh...transfer? No need." Scott said, "You can ask Professor Dumbledore, he is happy to answer questions for young wizards."

Lucio was immediately excited, "Really? Great! I can't wait!"

Scott quickly changed the subject, "Before I came, didn't you say that you would give me a surprise?"

"Oh, the surprise is the stone platform where the [Goblet of Fire] is placed." Lucio said in a dull tone, "You have broken through it."

At this moment, Madam Maxim who was on the main seat got up again and began to speak.

"Before the Halloween dinner begins, I need to clarify two things."

"First of all, the study of the students of the Hogwarts and Durmstrang delegations."

With a wave of her hand, a pamphlet appeared in front of all Hogwarts and Durmstrang students.

"Because the Triwizard Tournament will last for the entire school year, in order not to affect your study progress, you are free to choose any of Beauxbaton's classes to attend."

"The introduction of all the courses, as well as the detailed class schedule, are in the booklet in front of you."

Hearing her words, Scott picked up the beautifully printed booklet in front of him.

On the cover of the booklet, there are several lines of large and small words——

[Welcome to Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry]
[For guests of Hogwarts and Durmstrang]

[This is a guide book that can guarantee you a pleasant study and life in Beauxbatons]
Randomly flipped through the booklet, which contained a comprehensive introduction to Beauxbaton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, including the school's history, maps, courses, professors, etc., with pictures and texts in great detail.

Among them, the manor map in the brochure even has the function of automatic navigation.

"It was also made by me," Lucio said, "Of course, but it took me a lot of time."

"Thank you, your preparations are so thoughtful." Scott sighed.

At this time, Dumbledore and Professor Hartman also read the pamphlet, and expressed their thanks to Mrs. Maxim on behalf of their respective schools.

Madam Maxim nodded reservedly, "This is what we should do."

Then, she raised her voice again, "Also, the results of the selection of warriors will be announced publicly after the dinner."

With that said, she announced the official start of the Halloween dinner.

The dishes tonight are very different from those at the welcome banquet yesterday.

All the dishes and drinks are made in a Halloween style, which looks a little spooky.

The meat is made into a bloody look, and many of them are internal organs, the pudding looks like a brain, and the juice drink looks like a glass of blood.

But I have to say, the taste is not bad.

But the atmosphere of this banquet was not warm, and most of the students were not in the mood to eat.

It's not because the shape of the dishes is too disgusting, but because everyone is looking forward to the birth of the three warriors.

Finally, when the dishes on the table disappeared and turned into piles of small jack-o-lanterns and candies, Madam Maxim stood up again.

This time she did not stand on the seat, but walked out of the seat and boarded the stone platform where the [Goblet of Fire] was placed.

At this moment, the banquet hall became silent.

Tension, anticipation.

Everyone stared at Mrs. Maxim's movements intently.

"[The Goblet of Fire] is about to make a decision!" Madam Maxim opened her hands, "The name of a warrior will be born in the flames, let us start looking forward..."

While she was speaking, all the candles were gradually extinguished, and the banquet hall became darker and darker.

Only the blue-white flame in the [Goblet of Fire] burned more and more vigorously, sparking continuously.


A large area of ​​sparks burst out concentratedly, and in an instant, the blue-white flame turned red.

Immediately afterwards, a tongue of flame shot up high into the air.

A piece of charred parchment flew out of the fire and fell into Madame Maxime's hands.

Madame Maxim gently pinched the piece of paper with two thick fingers, squinting her eyes.

The flame turned blue and white again at this time.

Everyone waited with bated breath, waiting for her to read the name on the slip of paper.

"First, first, the warrior from Durmstrang." Madam Maxim's voice was low at first, and then gradually raised, "Victor Krum!"

Cheers and applause broke out instantly, sweeping the entire banquet hall.

"Come on, Mr. Krum." Mrs. Maxim beckoned to Krum who stood up, "Come to the front."

Krum stepped forward quickly and stood in front of the stone platform.

When the flames turned red again, the name of the second warrior appeared.

"Second place, the warrior from Beauxbatons..."

Madam Maxim paused for a moment, then smiled with satisfaction.

She pronounced the name proudly.

"Fleur Delacour!"

Furong stood up with more enthusiastic applause and cheers, and walked forward with her silver hair shaking.

She bowed to Madame Maxime, then turned and stood beside Krum.

At this moment, the third piece of parchment flew out of the bursting red flames.

Madam Maxim stretched out her hand to pick up the piece of paper, and there was a momentary surprise on her face.

But she quickly restrained her expression and read the name on the piece of paper aloud.

"The third place, the warrior from Hogwarts, Scott Trollope!"

"Oh, it's me."

Scott stood up.

"Oh! It's you! Scott!"

"Nice job, Scott!"

Both Fred and Roger stood up and hugged Scott, more excited than Scott himself.

Scott also heard cheers and applause from [the mirror].

"Congratulations, Scott!" Lucio applauded too.

Scott nodded and left his seat.

"Come on, Scott!"

Scott turned his head, and Cedric was making a "come on" gesture to him.

"I will."

Scott smiled slightly, walked forward, first bowed politely to Mrs. Maxime, then turned and stood beside Fleur.

"Three warriors representing three schools have been born!" Madam Maxim's voice came from behind, "Let us congratulate them!"

There was another round of lively cheers and applause.

When the sound stopped, Madam Maxim stepped down from the stone platform.

"Next, the Warriors need to go to the side hall lounge to receive preliminary guidance before the game."

Madame Maxime gestured to Fleur with her eyes.

"Lead the two gentlemen to the lounge, Fleur, you know where it is."

"Yes, Madame Maxime."

Fleur behaved very well in front of Mrs. Maxim.

"Gentlemen, please follow me."

Scott and Krum looked at each other and followed Fleur.

They walked through several layers of opaque black curtains, came to a corridor, and then walked into a lounge with light blue sofas.

The fire in the fireplace was burning brightly, very warm.

After breaking away from the crowd, Furong seemed to become a little more lively.

"Sit down, gentlemen, by the way, may I call your names?"

"Of course." Scott responded politely.

But the taciturn Krum just nodded expressionlessly.

He seemed a little withdrawn, and when he sat down, he was separated from Scott and Fleur by a large distance.

Fleur glanced at him, then looked at Scott, "Scott, I didn't expect you to be successful, how long will it take for you to turn 17?"

There was an inquiring look in her eyes, as if she wanted to inquire about Scott's information.

"Half a year." Scott replied.

The two chatted like this, and Fu Rong changed her previous arrogance and began to ask some questions.

Scott soon realized that the other party was indeed spying on him.

But as time passed, Scott never said anything useful, and an impatient look began to appear between Fleur's brows and eyes.

Although she disappeared quickly, Scott was still keenly aware of it.

Just then, two gentlemen came in.

The French Ministry of Magic, Mr. Lefeble, Director of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, and Mr. Joly, Director of the Department of Sports.

Lefeble, who was meticulous all over his body, just greeted them, and then sat aside with a serious face.

Mr. Jolly was far more cordial.

"First of all, congratulations, three warriors." He seemed to be accustomed to using rich body language when speaking, "Now we need to give you some necessary guidance."

While speaking, he turned his head to look at Mr. Lefeble.

"You tell them, Ang," said Mr. Lefeble in a deep voice.

"Okay, no problem."

Mr. Jolly nodded cheerfully.

"The first project is to test your mettle."

He turned to Scott and the three of them again.

"So I'm not going to tell you the specific content of the game."

"In short, we believe that facing the unknown is an important quality of a wizard, which is very important!"

"The first event will be held on November 11. There will be a lot of spectators, and the jury will score your performance."

"Warriors may not solicit or accept any assistance from others in completing their game."

"In the first round of the challenge, the only weapons in your hands are your own wands."

"They didn't learn about the second project until after the first project was over."

"By the way, there is another good news for you, the three of you don't need to take the end-of-year exams of your respective schools!"

"Is there anything else you need to add, Antoine?" He looked at Mr. Lefeble on the other side.

"No." M. Lefeble rose. "We must go back to the Ministry."

"Oh, bloody work, endless."

Mr. Jolly complained, said goodbye to Scott and the three of them, and then left the lounge with Mr. Lefeble.

Not long after they left, Dumbledore, Mrs. Maxime, and Professor Hartman walked in.

"It's time for you to celebrate." Madame Maxime smiled and looked at Fleur, "Let's go, Fleur, your friends are waiting for you."

Professor Hartman was very excited, "Oh, I knew it must be you, Viktor, everyone will be proud of you!"

He hugged Krum warmly.

Scott was at an angle just enough to see Krum's expression.

After being hugged by Hartman Hunk, his face became even more gloomy.

Scott moved his eyes away from the hot-eyed picture of the macho men embracing each other, got up and walked in front of Dumbledore.


"Come on, child, everyone is waiting for you." Dumbledore said with a smile, "You can have fun and make a lot of noise tonight."

Scott followed him out of the castle, toward the tower resting on the lawn.

"I heard that you broke through the barriers set by Beauxbatons with your superb body transfiguration." Dumbledore said, "I think Minerva will be proud."

"I should also thank Professor McGonagall for his teaching." Scott said with a smile.

He suddenly remembered that he had lied to Lucio before, so he told Dumbledore about it.

Dumbledore shook his head amusedly, "What should I do? I'm probably going to be overwhelmed by Beauxbaton's little alchemy genius! Although I'm friends with Nico, I'm actually not good at alchemy, let alone with Lavin. Ms Crowe's level compared."

Scott didn't believe his words, "I'm afraid your weakness is only compared with what you are good at. I believe that even if you are not good at alchemy, you should be able to surpass many wizards."

"This is really giving me a problem." Dumbledore complained casually.

While talking, the two entered the tower.

At this time, all the members of the Hogwarts delegation gathered in the hall on the first floor, and several house-elves were busy bringing them food and drinks.

The big mirror was also moved to the wall of the hall by them, and Fred was interacting passionately with the audience on the other side.

Scott walked into the hall and everyone started applauding.

"Welcome Scott, a warrior representing Hogwarts!"

Fred shouted loudly, and in the mirror, the people on the other side were also applauding.

Dumbledore stepped forward and stretched out his hand to press down.

After everyone, including the people on the other side of the mirror, quieted down, he began to speak.

"I just want to tell you one thing. After I finish speaking, you can make a big noise without any scruples."

"What I want to say is, don't relax your studies just because you don't have familiar professors to supervise you."

"Beauxbaton's courses are unique, and there are many contents that are different from Hogwarts."

"In some classrooms dominated by professors, even Beauxbaton's own students want to go in and listen to the lectures, but they are turned away because they do not meet the professor's recruitment standards."

"During the Triwizard Tournament, all of Beauxbaton's courses will not set thresholds for you. This is a very rare opportunity. I hope you don't miss it."

Having said that, he clapped his hands.

"Okay, that's all I want to say, next, let's start your celebration!"

His figure suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"The party has begun!"

Fred's shout kicked off the carnival.

Scott had to stand there, receive congratulations from everyone, including the students on the other side of the mirror, and listen to their expectations for winning the championship.

Especially the Ravenclaws at Hogwarts, they were already very happy.

Although not everyone in Hogwarts would support Scott as a warrior, no one dared to say anything in front of him because of his strong fighting power.

After the celebration party, Scott and Fred went back to the dormitory together to study Beauxbaton's lessons.

Roger went somewhere in the middle of the party, and Scott ignored him.

"We can go to class tomorrow," Scott said. "We'd better make a schedule of our own."

This school year, Scott chose six courses at Hogwarts: Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Ancient Runes, and Arithmetic Divination, so his choice goal at Beauxbatons was still the same. these doors.

Of course, when you come to Beauxbatons, you can't miss their unique alchemy class.

"I'm going to take alchemy too," said Fred. "It seems like it would be useful for our inventions."

Scott questioned Lucio through [Book of Prometheus].

Lucio quickly wrote back.

[Please choose Roselle's alchemy classroom, Professor Roselle is my tutor, and he is the best alchemist in Beauxbatons. ]
Scott is as good as he gets.

Then, according to his suggestion and the schedule of the courses, other courses were selected and a schedule was made.

Fred asked as he sorted out his class schedule, "We're just sitting in, so don't we have to do any homework?"

Having said that, he stared at Scott with envy.

"Warriors don't need to take end-of-year exams, you guy, didn't you know this for a long time before you worked so hard to become a warrior?"

"No." Scott replied calmly.

Moreover, the exam is not an unavoidable problem for him.

Just then, Roger came back.

But his complexion was a little ugly.

"What's the matter with you?" Scott shook the parchment in his hand, "We have already selected the courses, so hurry up and choose yours."

"Oh, don't mention it." Roger covered his face with one hand.

Scott looked at his expression, raised his eyebrows, and asked a little funny, "Did you go to Miss Delacour? Did you hit a snag?"

"more or less."

Roger got up and took Scott's timetable.

"But I didn't take the initiative to find her, she took the initiative to find me."

"What are you talking about?" Fred expressed disbelief. "Everyone can see how arrogant that girl is."

Roger's face was downcast, "Well, she took the initiative to ask me out, just to get information about Scott."

"Huh?" Scott turned his head in surprise.

"That's it." Roger said, "She thinks you are a strong opponent, in order to compete for the championship, so she wants to know more about you."

Scott shrugged, "In the waiting room, that girl was trying to talk to me, but she failed."

Unexpectedly, he embarked on the road of saving the country with a curve.

"Fortunately, it was me who she was looking for, and I quickly saw through her intentions." Roger said with some pride, "I admit that I am overwhelmed by her amazing beauty, but that doesn't mean that I will lose money because of her." Be sensible and betray your friends."

Scott said with a smile: "It seems that it is good to have more love, at least you won't be coaxed around by beautiful girls."

Roger nodded approvingly.

"So, I think we need to warn other people that sooner or later they're going to hear something from some idiot."

Scott didn't want to do that.

"Feel free, even if you hear about my usual performance at Hogwarts, I don't think there is any weakness that can be targeted."

They didn't talk much about it, and from the next day, they started their life of studying in Beauxbatons.

Roger also quickly changed his target.

He gave up so quickly that Scott was a little surprised too.

"I admit that Miss Delacour is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, but she is not a good choice for love." Roger said, "I just want to enjoy love, and I don't want to be unhappy because of love, and, Beauxbatons beautiful girls and many more..."

A few days later, they experienced all the courses that Hogwarts also had.

But most Hogwarts students didn't adjust too well.

The level of Beauxbaton's professors is not bad, but the language problem is the first obstacle that Scott needs to overcome.

Beauxbatons taught in French.

Although Beauxbaton thoughtfully prepared alchemy items that could translate simultaneously for these foreign students who were observing, it was not a panacea.

In other words, alchemy items can only translate some everyday expressions and common written language.

The jargon and terminology involved in many disciplines will make the translator go on strike.

Scott, who also doesn't speak French, found Lucio and asked him to optimize his translator.

"Did you also participate in the production of this?"

Scott puts an earphone-shaped simultaneous translator into Lucio's hand.

"You've got to expand its vocabulary, otherwise it's not going to be a lecture at all."

"Oh, you're wrong, Scott." Lucio squeezed the earphone with two fingers, "This is not a work from Russell's alchemy classroom, look, there is a [G] here, this is Gila Those guys from the Alchemy Classroom made it."

Scott smiled nonchalantly, "Oh, it doesn't matter, it's the same whether it's Girard or Russell, they both represent Beauxbatons."

He patted Lucio on the shoulder.

"In short, for the sake of Beauxbaton's reputation, you are responsible for helping me make it more usable."

"I must emphasize that Russell and Girard are not the same." Lucio's face was a little ugly.

"I said, I don't care, and neither do others."

Scott shrugged.

"It's all Beauxbatons to me, just like you look at our different houses at Hogwarts."

He also specially emphasized, "In short, many people now have complaints about this thing, and I think the students of Durmstrang are the same."

Lucio frowned, "It's all the fault of those guys in Girard's classroom!"

Scott said: "It's rare for Beauxbaton to be so generous and let us sit in on the course. Mrs. Maxim must also want to be perfect, isn't she?"

"Okay." Lucio reluctantly agreed.

"Don't make such an expression." Scott patted him on the shoulder again, "You should do this happily."

Lucio squinted, "Huh? Am I an idiot?"

Scott lowered his voice, "Doesn't this matter just prove that you Roselle are much better than Girard? After taking the initiative to solve this matter, Mrs. Maxim will praise you when she finds out, and maybe there will be rewards." Woolen cloth."

"I'll do it now," Lucio said immediately.

"Of course, this is not for rewards, we don't care about rewards. Nor is it to prove that we are stronger than Girard, because everyone in Beauxbatons knows this." He emphasized, "In short, everything is for Beauxbatons reputation!"

Scott gave him a thumbs up.

Watching Lucio leave in a hurry, Scott made an "OK" gesture to the students behind him.

Everyone praised him one after another.

"Nice job."

"Very good, hope they can get it done soon."

"If this continues, I will lose my confidence in class."

"Heroes of Hogwarts!" A girl in Beauxbaton's school uniform ran over at this moment, "Mr. Trollope!"

"Here I am." Scott turned around.

"Mr. Trollope." The girl was a little breathless.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" Scott asked.

"That..." The girl looked up at him, blushing and said, "Madam Maxim asked me to inform you that you must go to the classroom on the right on the third floor to test the wand, and all the warriors must go. "

"I see, thank you for notifying me." Scott said politely.

"No, no thanks."

The girl turned and ran away blushing.

Scott also separated from the others and came to the third floor alone.

From a distance, he saw Dumbledore.

"Here, Scott."

Dumbledore waved to him.

Scott hurried over quickly.

"Professor Dumbledore."

"Come on." Dumbledore beckoned him in, "They need to test your wand..."


Mr. Jolly poked his head out of the door.

"We have to check that your wands are fully functional and in good condition, because they will be your most important equipment in future competitions."

He gestured with his hand, and Scott and Dumbledore walked into the classroom together.

The other two warriors are already here.

Besides the members of the jury, there was also a tall and thin wizard in the classroom.

He was dressed very neatly all over, but he looked a little awkward.

Scott took a closer look before discovering the clue.

If Mr. Lefeble's clothes are acceptable to ordinary people, then this gentleman must have a serious obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Because everything about him is symmetrical—

The wizard hat was worn squarely on his head, with the same white feathers adorning both sides of the hat.

Wearing a straight, almost wrinkle-free plain gown, with the same brooch pinned to both sides of the skirt.

The two hands on the waist, the ring fingers are wearing the same ring.

The place that best reflects this gentleman's obsessive-compulsive disorder is the mole in the corner of his eye. There is a mole of the same size in the corner of both eyes, and the position of the mole is absolutely symmetrical.

Scott guessed that one of them must have been painted on.

If it could be measured with a ruler, Scott was sure that the two mustaches on this gentleman's lips would be exactly the same length.

"This is Mr. Mauriac." Jolly pointed to "Mr. Symmetry" and introduced, "The most famous master of wand making in France, most of the wands of French wizards come from his hands."

(End of this chapter)

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