Chapter 459
"The spire is separated."

As Dumbledore waved his wand, there was a rumbling sound.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the majestic roof of the auditorium in surprise.

At this time, the rocket-shaped spire in the center of the roof had already started to rotate following Dumbledore's command.

"Hmm..." Dumbledore also raised his head, looked at the steeple with some worry, and muttered, "Even if I become the headmaster of Hogwarts, I still don't know all the secrets of this has It hasn't been activated for centuries..."

Only Scott and the others who were close to him heard some of his words.

Scott looked up and watched the tower levitate, slowly leaving the roof of the auditorium.

This tower is actually a "means of transportation"?
In the "Original Book", facing the siege of dark forces such as Voldemort and Death Eaters, the students of Hogwarts could only escape to Hogsmeade Village through secret passages. Hearing Dumbledore's words at this moment, he suspected that it was the Master Winclaw told Dumbledore.

This is the so-called butterfly effect.

Scott thought.

In the "Original Book", Ms. Gray never returned to that study, nor did she wake Ravenclaw.

Because Scott's existence changed something, Peeves, who was used to running around in Hogwarts, happened to go to that remote underground music room.

Because Peeves was captured by Medea's arrangement thousands of years ago in the underground music room, Medea's consciousness will wake up.

Because Medea's magic oath has affected many students, in order to stop her, Helena plucked up the courage to walk into that study.

When she faced up to the mistakes she made during her lifetime, she awakened Ravenclaw's consciousness sleeping in the portrait.

Perhaps, the existence of Ravenclaw's portrait now allows the professors to know more secrets of the castle, and also makes Hogwarts safer and harder to conquer.

While Scott was thinking, the steeple flew over their heads, casting a huge shadow.

Everyone raised their heads and opened their mouths wide.

Roger to Scott: "So we're going on this 'rocket' to Beauxbatons?"

"Cool!" Fred exclaimed, "That's cool!"

He was so excited that he turned around and waved vigorously at George who was in the crowd in the distance.

Amid the exclamation of the crowd, the minaret slowly landed on the lawn.

On closer inspection, Scott noticed that the minaret, although tall, was not large in size.

Judging from the appearance alone, the area of ​​this tower cannot accommodate these more than 20 people at all.

But no one worries about that.

"Now it's time to start it," said Dumbledore. "Let me think about what to do."

He waved his wand again.

"The spire is dispatched."

As he chanted the incantation, the stone wall below the minaret dented, revealing two ornate gates.

The red wooden gate is inlaid with various metals, forming the pattern of the Hogwarts school emblem.

At the same time, the bricks below the gate moved to form several wide stone stairs.

"The wild boar is coming."

Dumbledore waved his wand again.

Following his gaze, two black shadows soared into the sky from the gate of Hogwarts Castle.

The two winged stone sculptures of wild boars that usually stopped on both sides of the gate flew over and landed on the pillars on both sides of the minaret gate.

clack clack...

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound similar to mechanical rotation in the tower, and the eyes of the two wild boar stone sculptures began to glow, and white mist was sprayed from their nostrils.


The two gates opened slowly, and the red carpet extended from the inside of the minaret and was laid on the stone steps at the gate.

"Let's go, let's go."

Dumbledore walked to the door first.

Scott and the others followed him with their luggage and walked towards the tower.

"come on!"

"Win the championship!"

"Long Live Hogwarts!"

There was a lot of cheering and cheering behind him.

Turning their heads and beckoning, they stepped up the stone steps and entered the gate.

"Oh, it's a pity that Warrington didn't show up." Fred said regretfully, "I still want to thank him when I leave."

He is afraid of being mad at you!
Scott complained.

Passing through the gate, you can see an empty hall.

Sure enough, the inside of the minaret is much larger than it appears from the outside.

The decoration style in the hall looks similar to the Hogwarts Great Hall, but the area is smaller.

There is only one long table in the center, which can seat more than thirty people.

Having said that, Scott felt that this hall could accommodate all the teachers and students of Hogwarts without being too crowded.

Dumbledore walked to the right place at the long table and turned to look at everyone.

Behind him are two staircases winding upwards from both sides, leading to the upper floor.

Dumbledore waved his wand, and the door behind everyone closed, cutting off the cheers from outside the tower.

"Stand firm, let's go!"

Following his command, the entire steeple hung in the air again and flew upwards.

The whole process was very smooth, and Scott didn't have any problems standing still.

They all went to the window and waved outside.


"Hogwarts! Champion!"

They heard a few hysterical screams, and they all burst into laughter.

As the minaret rose higher and higher, the send-off crowd gradually shrank in their field of vision.

They quickly saw the whole picture of Hogwarts.

Forest, Black Lake, Hogsmeade village in the distance...

Until the minaret passed through the thick clouds, the clouds as white as cotton wool covered everyone's sight.

"That is……"

Scott looked ahead, the group of dark creatures parked in the white clouds.


"Thestrals? Where?"

Fred huddled next to Scott, leaning over the window and looking out.

"Can you see them?" Scott asked.

"Oh, I can," said Fred. "When my grandfather died, I was a kid, but I did see death."

"So this 'rocket' needs thestrals to pull it?" Roger's tone was a little disappointed.

"It's levitating, it's got a lot of room inside, and it's so light that thestrals can pull it, that's pretty amazing," Scott said with a laugh.

While speaking, densely packed ropes flew out from the tower, connecting to the reins on the Thestrals.

As all thestrals flapped their wings and flew forward, the steeple began to move forward rapidly.

At this time, Dumbledore also walked to the window.

He said cheerfully: "We are taking a way to save magic power. If we are not afraid of waste, we can use the magic power of the castle to reach Beauxbatons in an instant."

"Oh! Really?" Fred was a little excited. "This tower can 'apparate' all of us?"

Dumbledore nodded, "Although it's not apparating, the effect is similar. Of course, before taking action, you need to locate, that is, spend mana to capture Beauxbaton's mana source."

"Why not try it?" Fred asked regretfully.

Everyone looked at Dumbledore.

Scott guessed, "In that case, it will weaken the defense of Hogwarts Castle."

"That's right," Dumbledore nodded. "We must ensure that the castle is full of magic power. Only in this way can we ensure the safety of all teachers and students."

Everyone thought about the current situation and immediately understood what he meant.

"Now, you can go upstairs and find a room to live in." Dumbledore said, "Each room can accommodate four people, oh, you will all live here for the next six months."

After hearing the words, Scott and the others walked towards the stairs curiously.

Dumbledore added: "We are served by some hard-working house-elves in the Tower, and lunch is in the Great Hall at 12:00. We expect to arrive at Beauxbatons in the afternoon and join them for dinner there."

Scott followed everyone upstairs.

There are still several floors in the tower space above the hall.

The second floor is a common room decorated in the colors of the four colleges, with many sofas and tables.

Above the third floor are the bedrooms, which are connected by the spiral staircase in the center of the second floor.

In addition, men's and women's toilets, bathrooms and other facilities are also available.

There are a lot of rooms, and more than 20 people cannot fill the room.

The people randomly assigned rooms, and Scott, Roger, and Fred lived in one room.

After putting down their luggage, everyone gathered in the common room on the second floor, only Dumbledore disappeared.

Roger laughed and teased, "There are too many rooms here, and there is no need for four people to share one room. Oh, Fred, you should invite Angelina to share the same room for two people."

At this time, Angelina and several girls happened to be not far away.

The girls burst into laughter upon hearing this.

Angelina laughed and said, "Oh, as long as Fred dares to invite me..."

"How is it?" Fred asked.

Angelina laughed and said, "I'm going to smash your head in with a bat!"

"Oh, I don't think so, I'm not Roger," said Fred.

"Hey!" Roger dissatisfied.

Fred ignored him, but looked at Angelina, "What if I just invite you to be my dance partner at the Christmas ball?"

"Dance partner?" Angelina nodded generously, "Of course."


Everyone who heard their conversation booed and applauded.

And another said: "So sneaky, Fred, we're almost two months away from the Yule Ball!"

Fred raised his head proudly, "You can also invite me now."

Many boys were elated by what he said, and their eyes began to patrol among the girls.

Meanwhile, the girls are eyeing the boys.

There seemed to be some pink bubbles flying, and Scott felt as if he had strayed into some group blind date.

"Oh, I don't think you need to worry."

Roger sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, breaking the ambiguous atmosphere at the moment.

"We're not the only ones attending the ball. Beauxbatons and Durmstrang have many good boys and girls waiting for you to choose."

"Oh, Roger, that's your idea!"

"It seems that you can't wait for an exotic romance!"

Although most of the voices mocked Roger, everyone was no longer in a hurry to choose a dance partner.

"These guys are really dishonest." Roger said disdainfully, "There are many people who have the same idea as me, but they just want to put on a show."

Everyone booed him loudly.

The long-distance travel at high altitude is a bit boring, except for lunch time, Scott and the others are playing wizard chess in the common room to pass the time.

When the clouds outside the window were dyed brilliant colors by the setting sun, Dumbledore's voice came from downstairs.

"Everyone change into school uniform robes, it's time for us to land!"

Scott and the others acted immediately, went back to the dormitory to tie their ties, changed into neat and clean school uniform robes, and assembled in the hall.

Dumbledore was very well dressed.

A sharp pointed wizard hat and a robe covered with bright stars.

Even the long white beard on his chest was neatly combed, and the end was tied with a beautiful bow with pink ribbon.

"Oh, we lost to a 100-year-old man in dressing up." Fred whispered in Scott's ear.

Scott said: "If you like to look like that, I will support you."

Dumbledore said loudly: "Students, get ready, we will arrive at Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry soon."

As he spoke, the steeple began to move slowly through the clouds.

Everyone gathered in front of several windows again.

From a bird's-eye view, the breathtaking and magnificent manor of the Beauxbaton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, surrounded by vast lawns and beautiful mountains, comes directly into view.

Under the warm sunset, the scenery of the Pyrenees is beautiful.

The girls were already chattering.

"What a nice view!"

"This is completely different from Hogwarts!"

"Oh, their castles and manors do look more splendid."

The steeple continued to fall.

Outside the window, the flag belonging to Beauxbatons was flying.

The emblem on the banner is two golden crossed wands, with three stars emerging from each wand.

Looking at it up close, the architectural style here is indeed completely different from Hogwarts.

Hogwarts Castle is full of ancient and mysterious atmosphere, more rough.

Beauxbaton's buildings are more beautiful and gorgeous. Compared with the magic castle, it seems more like a group of resplendent French palaces.

There was a rumbling sound, and the minaret landed on a lawn.

The door opened slowly, and Dumbledore led everyone out of the tower.

The teachers and students of Beauxbatons were welcoming them not far away.

Most of them were wearing flowing robes made of light blue silk, and the one who attracted the most attention was undoubtedly an extremely tall witch standing in the front.

From a distance, her height was almost the same as that of Hagrid.

"Oh, that's Beauxbaton's Headmaster, Madame Maxime," said Dumbledore.

"Dear Dumbledore, you are welcome, you are welcome."

Madame Maxime walked towards this side, the black high-heeled shoes exposed under her robe looked as huge as a sleigh.

Looking at it up close, this lady is still much more beautiful and delicate than Hagrid.

She had an olive-coloured, handsome face, with large, dark, watery eyes, a pointed nose, and her hair was pulled back in a shiny bun at the base of her neck.

She was also gorgeously dressed, on par with Dumbledore's—

The gleaming black satin robe was wrapped from neck to feet, and around the neck and thick fingers were many jewels of rich opal stones, which sparkled in the setting sun.

"Oh, dear Madame Maxime, long time no see, I hope you are all well."

Dumbledore took her huge palm and kissed it with barely bending over.

Madame Maxime smiled reservedly.

"Oh, Dumbledore, the delegation from the Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry hasn't arrived yet, you and your students..."

She glanced at Scott and the others.

"Are you going to wait with us for a while, or go into a warm room to rest first?"

"I don't think we'll have to wait too long because they're already here."

Dumbledore turned his head to look at the lake surrounded by mountains in the distance.

"Oh, you're right, they did come!"

Madame Maxime also turned to the lake.

"Hey Scott!"

At this time, a figure happily ran out from Beauxbaton's people.

It was Lucio whom Scott met in Spain during the summer vacation.

Lucio ran straight up to Scott, seemingly oblivious to the disapproving expressions on the faces of his professors and classmates behind him.

"Hello, Lucio."

Although Scott saw the expressions of those people, he still greeted Lucio naturally, and introduced him, Roger and Fred to each other.

"Hello! Oh! Did you come here on this tower? It's really interesting."

Lucio just greeted Roger and Fred, and then only looked at the steeple behind Scott and the others with great interest.

"This must be an alchemy work! Otherwise, how does it move? It's amazing! I wonder if I can go in and have a look, what do you think?"

He looked at Scott eagerly.

"I don't know much about it either." Scott said, "If you want to visit, you need to ask our professor for permission."

Lucio nodded quickly, "Okay, please help me talk to your Professor Dumbledore, please!"

The conversation between the two attracted countless attention.

Whether it was Beauxbatons or Hogwarts, everyone was watching them.

Even Dumbledore and Madame Maxime glanced at them.

But Lucio didn't realize it.

Scott was a little helpless and could only remind him, "Durmstrang is here."

"Oh! I don't know how they will appear? What kind of alchemy items?"

Lucio was immediately distracted and looked at the lake in the distance.


The sound of water sounded.

The white mist floated on the lake, and the water splashed.

Then those splashes got bigger and bigger, and the waves crashed against the wet shore.

In the center of the lake, a huge vortex appeared, and a long black rod-like thing slowly rose from the vortex.

"It's a mast!" Someone exclaimed.

Slowly, a huge wooden boat rose out of the water.

The ship looked weird, like a skeleton, and looked like the remains of a shipwreck that had just been salvaged.

The portholes shone with a dim, foggy gleam that looked like ghostly eyes.

Finally, with a rumble of splashing water, the big boat came out completely, tossed over the undulating water, and began to head towards the shore of the lake.

A moment later, all heard a splash, and an anchor was thrown into the shallow water, and then, with another snap, a plank hit the shore.

"Oh, it's a ship." Lucio's voice was a little disappointed. "I should have thought of it, I mean, I've heard of it, Durmstrang..."

At this time, the people on the boat were going ashore, and Scott and the others could see the silhouettes of these people passing by the lights of the portholes.

Those silhouettes all look massive.

When they walked on the lawn, it was discovered that the reason for their large size was that they were all wearing a kind of fur cloak with very unkempt fur.

But it was a really burly wizard who led the way.

Not the Karkaroff Scott had met.

It is said that after Voldemort's resurrection, Karkaroff had fled without a trace.

"Dear Mrs. Maxime, Mr. Dumbledore."

The wizard greeted Madame Maxime and Dumbledore.

Scott heard Dumbledore and Madame Maxime address him as Professor Hartman.

Sounds like a German surname.

Of course, after the particularly burly Professor Hartmann walked in front of Mrs. Maxim, he became petite again.

The leaders of the three schools exchanged a few words of greeting. Mrs. Maxim first sent someone to take care of the Thestrals in Hogwarts, and then led them to the inside of the manor.

During this period, Viktor Krum in Durmstrang's team, as a world-renowned Quidditch star, received the most attention.

Many people are curious about him.

"Oh, maybe I can hang out with him and get him to sign some more," Fred whispered.

Both Scott and Roger looked at him in surprise, thinking that he admired Krum like everyone else.

Fred went on: "I dare say his autograph will sell for a price. The stupidest brother in our family will spend his pocket money to buy his autograph."

"Well, I shouldn't have doubted you," Scott said.

"What?" Fred didn't know why.

Scott shook his head.

Everyone came to the inside of the manor and passed the huge square in front of the beautiful castle. There was a fountain in the center of the square.

The surging spring water of the fountain is clear and bright, and a pair of tall stone statues stand in the center of the spring water.

"That's a fountain named after the LeMay couple. The spring water has the function of repairing and beautifying."

Lucio proudly introduced them to Scott.

"The castle and grounds of this school were partly funded by the alchemists Nicole Lemer and Perenal Lemer when they visited Beauxbatons in their youth."

Passing through the wide square, they climbed up the clean white stone steps, and finally entered the palace-like castle.

The students from Hogwarts and Durmstrang couldn't help but gasp in amazement when they walked into the auditorium furnished by Beauxbatons.

"This is the largest banquet hall in Beauxbatons." Lucio said, "It is usually only used when grand events are held."

Scott and the others stood on the shiny marble floor and looked around.

The magnificent and complex decoration inside this banquet hall is so gorgeous that it is dizzying to see, especially the few giant crystal chandeliers hanging on the tall dome, which are emitting blinding brilliance.

Crisp laughter came from time to time, as countless glittering fairies shuttled among the dazzling crystals, which added some dreamlike colors to this majestic banquet hall.

Roger blinked and asked Lucio, "Are you sure this is not the palace of the King of France?"

"Oh, does it look too gorgeous here?" Lucio laughed. "In order to welcome the guests, Mrs. Maxim led everyone to decorate it specially. She likes this gorgeous style."

Scott and the others didn't speak.

They all knew very well that Hogwarts couldn't become this tune no matter how they dressed.

Of course, they wouldn't envy Beauxbaton's students either.

The heavy sense of history that hits the face of Hogwarts is absent here.

"Okay, come and sit down with me."

Seeing that the professors were all seated in the upper seats of the banquet hall, Lucio hurriedly greeted Scott and the others.

"Beauxbatons isn't sorted like Hogwarts, so we can all sit wherever we want."

"You don't have different schools?" Fred asked curiously, "Then how do you go to class?"

Lucio said: "Same grades go together, so our classrooms are all very big. Of course, that was the previous few years..."

Several people walked to the long table and sat down.

"By the third grade, many people will be separated." Lucio continued to explain, "Everyone has different interests, and the school encourages us to choose which professors to study with according to our own interests. Some are similar to the traditional apprenticeship system, but there are also Big difference..."

Only then did Scott understand that Beauxbaton's teaching system was different from Hogwarts'.

In Beauxbaton, the basic courses in the first two years are all major courses, and the school will assign professors to teach new students.

From the third grade, courses become a two-way choice between professors and students.

In other words, from the third grade onwards, their teaching system is similar to that of the sixth and seventh grades at Hogwarts.

But Beauxbaton has more choices. Even for the same subject, there will be professors with different teaching emphases for students to choose from.

Soon, everyone was seated.

Lucio also introduced some of his classmates to Scott and they knew each other.

Beauxbaton's students were also very interested in Hogwarts, and chatted with them enthusiastically.

After a while, Madame Maxime, who was seated in the main seat in front, stood up from her special and particularly magnificent high-backed chair.

The moment she stood up, all of Beauxbaton's students immediately shut their mouths and straightened their sitting postures, needless to say.

It is conceivable that Beauxbaton's school is very strict with its students.

The students of Hogwarts and Durmstrang looked at this scene in surprise.

The huge banquet hall suddenly fell silent, and even the fairies who were flying above everyone stopped laughing.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and, above all, distinguished guests."

Madam Maxim's deep voice came.

"On behalf of Beauxbatons, I sincerely welcome you all. Of course, I am confident that Beauxbatons will give you a wonderful time."

She stretched out a wide palm, and gracefully picked up a special crystal goblet with a few thick fingers——

The size of the goblet complemented each other perfectly in her hands, but it was several times larger than the cups in other people's hands.

"It's a great honor that the long-suspended Triwizard Tournament will be revived in Beauxbatons, this beautiful and great magic manor."

She raised her glass with a proud look on her face.

"But before the competition starts, please enjoy our well-prepared dinner, you will like it."

As she sat down gracefully, a wide variety of steaming delicacies immediately appeared on the long table in front of Scott and the others—

In addition to the French dishes on behalf of the host, there are also some British dishes and other dishes for the guests.

But Scott and the others didn't even glance at those British dishes.

They usually have enough to eat.

Even if it's just for freshness, they are more willing to taste foreign dishes that are rarely seen at ordinary times.

During the meal, a female student with long silver hair came slowly over.

"Lucio." There was dissatisfaction in her voice, "You always like to act without authorization, aren't you afraid of making Madame Maxime angry?"

The moment she appeared seemed to bring a ray of light——

The light that is brighter than the crystal lamp above the head and the fairies complement each other, attracting everyone's attention.

This girl has long silver hair like a waterfall, hanging down to her waist like a bright moonlight. In addition, she has a pair of big blue eyes and a clean white mouth. the teeth of.


At the moment of seeing her, besides beauty, no other words will emerge in people's minds.

This is a visual impact brought by pure beauty, which has nothing to do with temperament, conversation, or anything inside.

It is simply beautiful.

Scott blinked, recovering quickly.

He already knew who it was.

He ignored Roger, who was staring at him like a dementia, and only touched Fred secretly with his foot.

What are you looking at, that's your sister-in-law!

The moment Fred came to his senses, he quickly looked at Angelina opposite.

It's a pity that Angelina had already seen his performance just now, and now she just rolled her eyes at him.

"Madam Maxime won't be angry with me, Fleur." Lucio raised his head and said confidently.

"You can't do whatever you want just because the professors love you." Fleur glared at Lucio, "According to the agreement, you should always stay by Madam Maxim's side to welcome guests, instead of..."

Lucio shrugged his shoulders and interrupted her speech indifferently, "Okay, the matter is over, Madame Maxime didn't say anything, and it's not your turn to teach me."

"Looks like I'm busy with my own business."

Fu Rong's complexion changed slightly, she snorted coldly, turned around and left.

During the whole process, she acted very arrogantly, and did not even give anyone other than Lucio a look.

Even though she was watched eagerly by many boys, she was unmoved in the slightest.

After she left, Lucio said to Scott: "Oh, that's Fleur Delacour in the seventh grade, Beauxbaton's favorite student of Madame Maxime, anyway, don't take her words to heart superior."

Scott shook his head, indicating that he didn't care.

"Fleur Delacour?" Roger muttered his name, and looked at the beautiful figure reluctantly, "Oh, sure enough, it was absolutely right for me to strive to come to Beauxbatons!"

Lucio shook his head, "You like her? I advise you not to act rashly."

"Why do you say that?" Roger asked.

Obviously, he is still very confident in himself.

Lucio said: "There are too many boys who like Fleur, you know what I mean? She has too many admirers to count, and there is no shortage of very good guys. She is used to being pursued, that is to say , no matter what kind of offensive, it can't impress her."

Having said that, he shrugged his shoulders.

"I suspect that maybe one day she will pursue a boy. But until then, she will not accept any guy who actively pursues her."

The Beauxbaton students next to his words all nodded in agreement.

"I think so too."

"Lucio is right!"

"It has been seven years, and no one has been able to pluck Delacour, the most beautiful flower of Beauxbatons."

"Forget it, you guy from Hogwarts."

They were all speaking against Roger.

But Roger seems to be unbelieving.

"Then please watch it." He smiled confidently.

Scott glanced at him, but said nothing.

He didn't really like Roger either.

In the Triwizard Tournament plot of the "Original Book", this guy Roger is still Furong's dance partner.

In the end, didn't he fail to deal with that proud girl?
He just waited to see this guy's joke.

(End of this chapter)

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