Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 458 458. Hogwarts is about to depart

Chapter 458 458. Hogwarts is about to depart
The block-shaped ebony wood under Scott's feet elongated rapidly under the light of the Transformation Charm.

Soon, a fish with a body length of more than two meters appeared.

The body of this fish is elongated and flattened, covered with fine scales, and there are grayish-white round spots on the blue-brown fish body.

The upper jaw of the fish mouth is very prominent like a sharp long sword.

The first dorsal fin on the back of the fish exceeds the height of the body, like a sail, and also like a flying flag.

This is the fastest swimming fish in the sea - sailfish.

At the same time, a huge and fierce-looking hound appeared in front of Cedric.


Cedric looked at the sailfish that Scott had conjured up in surprise.

There is no water here. Although the sailfish looks fierce, they can only flop on the ground, which does not seem to have any deterrent effect.

Regarding the opponent's question, Scott just smiled, "That's right, this is my latest design."

Soon, blue light flashed on the blue scales of the sailfish, forming ancient runes of various shapes.

There was a splashing sound of water, and transparent water flowed out of thin air, forming a huge round water ball that slowly floated up, enveloping the sailfish.

The ferocious big fish began to swim freely in the water polo, and the huge water polo wrapped around it was also constantly moving with its swimming direction.


Cedric watched in shock, forgetting to command his hounds to attack.

Not only him, everyone was dumbfounded at the huge water polo and the sailfish swimming freely in it.

At this moment, the empty classroom was unbelievably quiet.

"Sure enough, you have surpassed me by a lot." Cedric, who came back to his senses, was a little frustrated, "I don't even know how you did it. Everyone knows that Transfiguration can't transform magical animals with magic , but you broke the shackles."

Scott gave him a hint, "Remember, that paper Bill Weasley published, we discussed it at the Transfiguration Club."

Cedric quickly remembered.

"Is it the article "A Conjecture, Maybe We Can Make Transformation More Complicated" that was published in "Transfiguration Today" two years ago?"

But he was also more shocked.

"I still remember! At that time, everyone concluded that it was just a theoretical conjecture, but it was too difficult to implement in practice, and it was almost impossible to realize it!"

He looked at Scott with new eyes.

"But you did it and made the impossible possible."

Scott nodded, "This is the product of the combination of Transfiguration and Rune Circuit."

At this time, other students in the classroom had already reacted and began to talk about Scott's achievements.

Most students are well aware of the difficulty of combining Transfiguration with the power of rune circuits.

Even with the examples in front of them, they still can't believe that anyone can do this.

As a result, many people began to ask Professor McGonagall.

"It's true, Trollope really did it." Professor McGonagall gave an affirmative answer, "His talent in transfiguration is beyond doubt."

"It seems that there is no need for a competition between us." Cedric said to Scott with a wry smile.

Scott looked at the sailfish wagging its head and tail in the water, and said to Cedric, "Its combat effectiveness has not been tested yet, and it would be great if you would help."

"Is that so?"

Cedric seemed to have some interest.

"Then let me help."

While speaking, he threw some wooden blocks and turned them all into identical hounds.


He waved his hand, and the eight hounds moved together.

Scott looked at the eight hounds who advanced and retreated slowly and cooperated with each other tacitly, and said with appreciation: "It seems that you have made great progress, Cedric."

Cedric has returned to his usual demeanor, "Although I'm still nothing compared to you, I still haven't stood still."

The black hound moved like the wind, and soon surrounded the water polo floating in the air.

Then the hounds lowered their bodies, bared their teeth, and let out low growls.

They did not attack rashly, but moved slowly and observed.

The sailfish in the center of the water polo no longer swims leisurely.

It stopped swimming and pointed its sword-like upper jaw at one of the hounds.

As it swung its tail, everyone felt their eyes blur. The swordfish had already moved to the edge of the water polo, and its long sword-like upper jaw directly penetrated the body of a hound.

The two nearby hounds rushed over quickly, but the sailfish had already thrown off the penetrated hound in the next second and returned to the center of the water polo.

The pierced hound instantly turned back into splintered wood and fell to the ground of the stage.

Next, a fine stream of water extended from the edge of the water polo, skillfully completing a 360-degree sweep.

That stream of water was like a sharp magic weapon, cutting the rest of the hounds in half.

Sawdust flew on the duel arena, and the hounds fell as split blocks.

At the same time, cracks appeared on the body of the swordfish in the water polo, and it soon became a splintered piece of wood.


The originally condensed water polo began to disperse into a stream of water.

"Can't bear the power of the explosion? It seems that we have to find some more suitable materials."

Scott waved his wand, and the water floated up again, flying out of the window like a transparent ribbon, and falling into the black lake in the distance.

Cedric looked at the scattered wooden blocks on the duel stage, and smiled helplessly, "It's really merciless, Scott, aren't you afraid that I won't be able to bear this kind of blow?"

Scott asked him directly, "So would you?"

"It's a little bit, after all, it's really shocking." Cedric shrugged, "But at the same time, I'm also a little excited, because I see a higher goal."

Scott laughed. "That's it. This is the Cedric I know."

Cedric sighed, "Should I say thank you for the compliment?"

"That's not necessary."

Scott swung his wand again to gather all the lumber and sawdust into a heap, and then vanished them all with the Vanishing Charm.

"Mr. Trollope, although this is not the first time I have seen this kind of operation, I still have to say something amazing."

Professor Moody applauded.

"Of course, Mr. Diggory's performance has surpassed many others. I hope you will consider joining the Ministry of Magic and becoming Aurors after graduation."

"Thank you for the compliment, Professor, we will consider it."

Both Scott and Cedric bowed to Professor Moody and walked off the dueling stage.

Scott noticed that because he showed his hand, many of the students present were looking at him in awe.

He didn't pay attention to this, and walked straight through the crowd to return to his friends.

"It's always unexpected." Eddie deliberately looked Scott up and down, "Oh, Scott, so you are such a showy person?"

Roger also said: "Did you just find out, Eddie, this kid is very cunning, either he is not in the limelight, or he is big."

Fred and George put their hands on Scott's left and right shoulders.

"Being a Ravenclaw."

"Actually delusional to become the favorite student of the head of Gryffindor."

"As Gryffindor, we will absolutely stop you!"

"Defend the glory of Gryffindor to the death!"

Scott looked around and asked angrily, "Do you two want to be my wings?"



Fred and George let go immediately.

Milton said seriously at this time: "Scott, I think, if you can become a warrior representing Hogwarts, you will definitely be able to win the Triwizard Tournament."

Seeing Milton's sincere expression, Scott felt relieved.

Sure enough, my friends couldn't all be jerks.

"Thank you for your encouragement, I will try my best," he said.

Milton nodded, "I believe you can."

Look, this is the normal style of painting between friends.

Scott glanced sideways at the others.

This day's actual combat training lasted a whole day.

Later, Professor Moody and Professor Flitwick went into battle in person, giving advice to the students of each delegation.

In short, everyone has gained a lot.

In the next period of time, the club activities were almost canceled every night, and the three professors began to use the evening time to conduct various surprise training for 25 students.

It's not just the actual combat of the duel, Professor McGonagall also needs to make sure everyone doesn't lose face at the Yule Ball, so he offers dance lessons.

In dance classes, Fred is often chosen to dance with Professor McGonagall as demonstrations.

At times like this, it was as if Fred had put on a mask of pain.

Laughing at Fred's funny looks was a happy hour for everyone.

It must be mentioned that Angelina laughed especially loudly at this time.

The time soon came to the end of October, and Scott and the others will set off on October 10 to the Beauxbaton School of Magic in France.

The night before departure, Scott was chatting with a group of people in the common room.

He sits with a few selected Ravenclaws.

Almost every Ravenclaw student came over to wish them well and wish them well.

"Better be a warrior!" Everyone said that.

They think the most likely warriors are seventh grade prefect Ethan Cooper and sixth grader Scott.

All Ravenclaws agree that Ethan is the best representative of all 17-year-olds, and Scott is the best of them all.

For some reason, most people had so much faith in Scott that they didn't even think about the age limit.

"Oh, I'm starting to get nervous now," Ethan whispered to Scott, "I don't think I'm any better than Cedric Diggory of Hufflepuff, even though he's as good as you. Sixth grade, but he's over 17, isn't he?"

Probably because of nervousness, he became talkative.

"I have to say that in the seventh grade, I mean our class, none of the four colleges seems to have any outstanding students."

"Be normal, Ethan." Scott could only persuade him, "Don't think too much, try to win the championship if you are selected, and cheer for our warriors if you are not selected."

Hearing Scott's words, Ethan immediately collapsed on the sofa like a salted fish.

"Okay, I get it, that's how it should be."

He waved his hand.

"In short, the responsibility to uphold Ravenclaw's honor rests with you, Scott."


Scott groaned in dissatisfaction.

This guy, his attitude has changed too quickly!

"I suddenly thought of something." Roger walked over and said, "From February next year, Hogwarts will offer Apparition classes for our sixth grade students, but we will still be in Beauxbatons by then. Tsk, this is the last course I don’t want to miss.”

Scott didn't worry about it, "Don't worry, the professors will always find a way for us to learn to apparate."

"Let's hope so," said Roger. "If we don't get a license to Apparate from the Ministry of Magic, we won't be able to use that magic legally."

Ethan said to him: "Don't worry, the school will definitely take this into consideration."

At this moment, Scott saw Luna standing by the windowsill in the distance and beckoning to him.

Scott got up and walked over to her.

"I have prepared something for you," Luna said. "It's my father's invention, and I asked him to send it over."

She dragged Scott to the side table, and took out some weird things from the wool satchel.

A headdress with two curved, gold hearing aid-like devices on it.

A headband with two tiny blue wings that sparkle.

A small orange radish.

Scott remembered seeing a few of these, in the second-floor studio of Luna's house, worn on the head of a Ravenclaw statue.

Luna pointed to the headgear with the earpiece, "This is the siphon of the disturbing horsefly, which can exclude all surrounding areas that disturb the thinker."

"And this," she pointed to the headband with small wings, "is the aura booster, which can lead to advanced thinking states."

Finally, the orange radishes.

"This is the airship Li, which can improve the ability to accept abnormal things."

Luna shoves all three into Scott's hands.

"I think they must be of some help to you."


Scott looked at the three wonderful inventions of Mr. Lovegood in his hand.

Luna looked up at him.

"I know you don't quite believe these things." She said erratically, "but you have to take them, maybe they can come in handy?"

"Okay, I'll take it."

It doesn't take up much space anyway.

Scott stuffed all three into his shapeshifting lizard pouch.

"That's good." Luna laughed, "You will definitely become a warrior, Scott."

Scott smiled too, "I hope so."

Early the next morning, after breakfast, everyone in Hogwarts gathered on the wide lawn outside the castle.

Dumbledore led a 25-member student delegation to the side, and other professors headed by Professor McGonagall took the rest of the students off.

"The time is almost up."

Dumbledore drew the Elder Wand.

"We're leaving."

Scott stared at his movements curiously.

So far, he doesn't know what kind of transportation they will take to go to France.

He had been looking forward to this for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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