Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 433 433. William regrets, magic phone

Chapter 433 433. William regrets, magic phone

At noon, Scott came to the West Brompton neighborhood of London according to the address written by William, and landed on the roof of a department store.

There was no one on the roof, and Scott directly turned into a human form.

He walked to the edge of the roof and looked down.

The community where William's family lives is near this building, only separated by a small park, and he can now clearly see several rows of residential buildings in that community.

"Why don't you just go there?" Rimbaud asked.

"To be on the safe side, let's investigate first before making a decision."

Scott smiled, and after activating the [truncated arm bone], he took out his wand and mirror.

Facing the mirror, he transformed himself into the blond-haired, bronze-skinned boy again.

He gave Rimbaud a few words, then turned and walked to the locked door on the top floor.

"Araho Cave is open."

Using the unlocking spell to open the door, Scott, dressed in Muggle attire, smoothly blended into the customers in the mall.

After turning around on the top floor, Scott, who found the elevator, went directly down to the first floor and walked out of the mall.

On the street, listening to the sound of cars passing by, watching the pedestrians coming and going around, feeling the bustle of the city, Scott, who has lived alone in the forest for more than ten days, feels like he has not seen it for a long time.

In an instant, he realized something.

While many wizards like to live in isolation, that may not be a good thing.

Many wizards may become weird and crazy because of this.

As a Muggle-born wizard, being in the crowd didn't make Scott feel uncomfortable, but made him feel a little lighter.

Standing at the intersection, Scott raised his head and smiled relaxedly. After seeing the street lights change, he walked along the sidewalk with the crowd.

Walking into the small park next to the street, he saw Rimbaud parked on a tree.

After waving at Rimbaud, Scott walked through the park with cheerful steps, ignoring the eyes of others, and approached the residential community on the other side of the park.

"Sorry ma'am, may I ask..."

He walked up to an elderly lady with silver hair and spoke politely.

"Does the Brown family live in this community? Oh, I'm a classmate of William Brown."

The lady raised her head slowly, pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and looked at him appraisingly.

Scott immediately gave her a smile.

He observed it in the mirror, and unlike his own cold facial features, the face he has changed now has a particularly sunny smile and is full of affinity.

Perhaps infected by his smile, the lady's expression softened.

"That's right here. Little William's family lives on the 26th." She answered Scott's question truthfully.

"Great! Thank you, ma'am!"

Scott quickly thanked him politely.

After bidding farewell to the lady, he asked several people nearby one after another, and all got affirmative answers.

Only then did he confirm that the address William had given him was true.

But even after confirming this, he didn't rush to the door, but turned back to the park and sat on a bench by the woods.

Rimbaud flew down from the tree tacitly and landed on the back of the bench.

Scott took out the prepared note and handed it to Rimbaud, "Go to Brown's house on the 26th."

Rimbaud nodded, grabbed the note and flew away.

Scott sat comfortably on the bench under the shade of the tree, and the magic perception unfolded secretly, waiting for William's arrival.

After more than ten minutes, William, who was sweating profusely, hurried to the park.

Of course, he didn't recognize Scott who had changed his face, so he could only keep pacing and looking around anxiously.

Scott beckoned to him as he looked over again.

William looked at him hesitantly.

Scott waved again.

With a vigilant expression, William walked up to Scott step by step.

He wiped the sweat off his brow, looked at Scott's face with strange eyes, "Who are you?"

"It's me." Scott said.

William's eyes widened, "You..."


Scott held up a finger to his mouth, stopping his words from coming out.

William's expression changed, and he looked at Scott's face carefully.

"I'm not a born Transfiguration Magus, but I can use the Body Transfiguration so finely."

He sighed.

"As expected of you."

"Thank you for the compliment." Scott said with a smile, "You asked me to meet, did you want to say something to me?"

William had a bitter smile on his face.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I think I should solemnly apologize to you."

Scott raised his eyebrows, "Ah, that?"

William nodded.

"I won't say any excuses or reasons. That matter is that I'm sorry for you."

His eyes and tone were very sincere, at least, Scott couldn't see or hear any flaws.

Even in Scott's perception, William's magical state just had some normal ups and downs, nothing unusual.

The smile on Scott's face didn't fade away. He waved his hand and said in a relaxed tone, "I'm very glad to receive your apology. I forgive you."

"Thank you." William wiped the sweat from his forehead again.

Scott put his hands on the back of the chair and looked up at William standing in front of him.

William looks a little more mature and thinner than when he graduated more than a year ago.

His condition also looked a little bad, with sunken eye sockets and a haggard look.

Scott, who accepted the apology, asked directly, "William, I think...that's not the only reason you're looking for me, is it?"

"of course."

William smiled bitterly again.

Then, his eyes on Scott gradually became firmer.

"I want to leave the All Witches Council." He said seriously.

Scott gave him a surprised look.

Break away from the All Witches?
Although it is a good thing, what does this matter have to do with him?
William undoubtedly understood Scott's eyes, and his expression was a little embarrassed.

But Scott didn't come here to embarrass him, so he asked curiously, "Why do you want to leave?"

William hesitated to speak, but under Scott's gaze, he still explained the reason.

"It's too cruel." William closed his eyes, "You may have heard about the battle in Azkaban some time ago."

As if recalling the terrible scene at that time, his face turned pale.

"Many people died." He said painfully, "I watched those people die and be called back, and finally they inevitably turned into ashes. The reason why I am still alive is purely because of luck."

Scott also thought of those who were turned into ceramic figurines by Medea, and finally died again because of Voldemort's curse.

He still remembers that scene.

Well, it was cruel indeed.

William gritted his teeth, "More importantly, I can see that Ms. Slytherin's actions are not consistent with the bright future she articulated."

"You should have known this a long time ago, William." Scott said calmly.

Medea is a cruel guy.

"At the beginning, Professor Lockhart and another wizard died because of her appearance." He reminded William.

"But I couldn't resist the temptation to increase my strength and status." William smiled bitterly again, "Scott, you are a really smart person. Although that lady has expressed her appreciation for you many times, you still don't think about it. moved."

"Maybe it's just because I prefer freedom." Scott replied lazily.

"My eyes were blinded by my own greed, and I only saw beautiful visions." William continued to state his mental journey, "I didn't finally wake up until after this battle with the mysterious man."

Scott smiled, and said truthfully: "I'm a little surprised, William, I mean, I thought Medea's brainwashing methods would be more advanced."

William said: "It may be because my status and strength are not high. I am just a marginal figure. I don't have much contact with that lady, but I still have some reason."

Scott nodded noncommittally.

William gritted his teeth and said directly: "I need your help, Scott, of course, it's not for free."

"How can I help you, William?" Scott asked in surprise.

He asked sincerely, because he really couldn't think of anything he could do to help the other party.

"If you want to leave the Witchcraft Council and get rid of subsequent troubles, now is the best time."

He tried to advise William.

"Medea is not in a good condition now, isn't she? As long as you take your family far away, Asia, America, Africa, or Australia, wherever, I don't think anyone will go across the ocean to trouble you."

William shook his head.

"I know, but things are not as simple as you said. When I said to break away from the All-Witches Association, I was only talking about it. It is impossible to do it now." He said angrily.

Scott asked curiously, "How?"

William didn't answer, but stretched out his left hand to him, and pulled away the wristband worn on his wrist, revealing a complex tattoo pattern.

It was a bust of a puppet with a blank face and no facial features. The lines forming the pattern were so fine that it had a strange beauty.

"This..." Scott moved closer and took a closer look, "Is it the same as the Dark Mark that Voldemort gave Death Eaters?"

He searched carefully with his magic perception, and discovered the difference between it and the Dark Mark.

He could perceive magic power that didn't belong to him from Snape's Dark Mark, but he couldn't perceive anything from the puppet mark in William's hand.

It seems like a tattoo that doesn't do much.


William shook his head, pulled off the wristband, and covered the pattern again.

Scott shrugged his shoulders, "If the help you mentioned refers to this thing, then I can tell you now that you think highly of me, and there is nothing I can do."

"I know." William held his left wrist with his right hand, "but that's not what I want to ask for."

Scott motioned him to continue with his eyes.

"I would like you to tell Professor Flitwick, of course, Dumbledore is the best." William's voice was extremely low, "I would like to pass on the news of that lady and the All Witches."

Scott immediately raised his head when he heard the words, stared into William's eyes, but found that his eyes were full of seriousness.

Facing Scott's undisguised suspicion, William smiled frankly and said: "Don't doubt me, Scott, we are all Ravenclaws, and in this case, we will instinctively choose what is best for us." Way."

"No, what are you doing wrong, William, being a spy is very dangerous." Scott said, "It may not be the best way for you."

"That's it, I believe you know." William said firmly.

Scott didn't argue.

To be honest, he didn't fully believe William's words.

But he believed that William's request to withdraw from the All-Witches Council was true.

Just why is up for debate.

Rather than saying it was because of Medea's danger and cruelty, it was better to say that he was not optimistic about the future of Medea and the All Witches.

But it doesn't matter what the reason is, what matters is that this matter is beneficial to Scott.

In other words, it was what he originally wanted to promote.

Before he said anything, William took the initiative to mention it. I have to say, this may still be a surprise.

Although it was a surprise, Scott did not rush to respond.

He asked cautiously, "Why don't you go talk to Professor Flitwick yourself? You can write to me, and you can also write to him."

"Maybe I can find an opportunity to write a letter, but I can't write to the professor very often, it's too dangerous."

William explained seriously.

"Only you, that lady also gave you the communication fireplace, didn't she, I can pass the news to you through the fireplace, and then you will pass it on to the professors."

"Fireplace?" Scott was even more surprised, "I don't believe it's not under Medea's control."

There is no security at all.

William quickly said: "Don't worry about this, that special Floo network is still operating on the basis of the Floo network built by the Ministry of Magic, and even that lady can't fully control it. I have studied it for a long time, anyway. , I can find some opportunities, opportunities that will not be discovered."

Although he said so, Scott is not optimistic.

"For the sake of your safety, it's better not to do this." He said, "I've said it before, it's dangerous to go undercover, so it's better not to take chances."

Not to mention...

"Also, is your Occlumency skill qualified? It's not the level where people can't read the memory, you need to be able to freely create fake memories to deceive the mind."

William said very confidently: "I am also a Ravenclaw, Scott, I will not act impulsively without preparation."

"If that's the case, I promise you."

Scott stood up and looked William at the same level.

Without waiting for William to speak, Scott continued: "But I still don't recommend using the fireplace to contact."

William frowned, "But, whether it's meeting or writing, it will be more..."

"just wait."

Scott patted him on the shoulder and smiled mysteriously.

"I'll send you the right tools later."

"What?" William asked.

But Scott just told him to wait without any intention of explaining.

"Then, we still have the last step." He said to William, "Sign a contract and use a fair magic contract to restrain each other's behavior."

William froze for a moment, but didn't object.

In this way, they reached an agreement on this matter.

Both of them are smart people, and they both understand that only a magic contract can make each other feel at ease.

They discussed the content of the contract and finally determined their respective conditions.

After the contract was signed, Scott waved his hand and turned to leave.

William didn't say anything, just stood there and watched him leave.

After walking out of the park, Scott walked through a few streets casually. Instead of going back in a hurry, he booked a room in a hotel.

After hanging the Do Not Disturb sign at the door of the hotel room, Scott, who had recovered his true colors, lay on the bed and called home on his mobile phone.

Emilia was very happy at first when she received the call, but soon became angry.

"You are always like this, my dear son. Even the summer vacation can't be spent at home honestly. I just went to Vienna to attend a concert, but I ran back to the UK, and I couldn't even get through the mobile phone. It always made me Worrying about you..."

Although Emilia's tone was very gentle, she kept talking for a long time, which made Scott feel guilty and apologized again and again.

But Emilia didn't seem to want to let go of his ears easily, and chattered for a long time, so long that Scott was about to fall asleep.

In the end it was Michael who rescued him.

The conversation between father and son was much more straightforward. Michael just asked him about his current situation, and then ended the call with a few casual instructions.

Scott put away his phone, just as Rimbaud flew into the room through the window.

"He went home after you left." It reported to Scott, "Didn't follow you, didn't leave, and didn't contact anyone. I saw that he was reading a book."

"So, William really didn't play other tricks?"

Scott sat up in bed.

"Then let's get started."

He walked to the desk and sat down, preparing to use alchemy to create a small thing.

"What are you going to do?"

Rimbaud followed and flew to the desk, asking curiously.

"Things like a mobile phone." Scott replied, "It is connected to my [magic mirror], but it is not for monitoring. It allows the holder to send messages and talk to me at a distance."

Through the rune circuit he has mastered, he can even make video calls.

Rimbaud was a little dissatisfied after listening to his description.

It yelled, "You should have given me such an alchemy item earlier, instead of giving me a mobile phone with no signal in the forest!"

"It's my fault." Scott admitted his mistake very simply, "I'm going to make a few more and give them to my friends."

In the following time, he began to devote himself to this matter, and he didn't even have time to eat dinner.

Throughout the night, several failures, adjustments, and failures, until dawn, he finally had his first finished product.

"Magic phone! Start the ninth test now!"

Despite a sleepless night, Scott was still hyper.

On the table in front of him were two mirrors, one large and one small.

One A4 paper-sized mirror wrapped in a delicate blue plastic case is his [Magic Mirror], and the other palm-sized mirror is a freshly baked [Magic Phone].

Stretch out your finger and click on the small mirror, input the magic power, and a few rows of dot patterns appear on the mirror surface. Scott slides his finger, connects the dots, and finally draws a hexagram pattern.

Mirror flashes, and a somewhat rough interface appears.

Scott happily began to experiment with various functions, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Looks like I succeeded."

He was overjoyed.

This [magic phone] has no other functions, but it can do basic sending of messages, calls, and video calls.

Of course, due to technical problems, it can only be done between [Magic Phone] and [Magic Mirror] as the "matrix".

That is to say, even if Scott makes a lot of [magic mobile phones] for his friends, other friends can’t communicate with each other directly, and can only convey them through him.

If you want to connect every wizard who holds the [Book of Prometheus] like the [Knowledge Bank], Scott is undoubtedly unable to do it now.

But that's enough for now.

For the time being, he doesn't plan to spend a lot of time on further research.

Scott took out a piece of paper, wrote down the usage of the [magic phone], and handed the paper and mirror to Rimbaud.

"Send it to William." He ordered, "But before sending it to him, you need to confirm whether his place is really safe."

Rimbaud leads the way and leaves.

Scott just stretched his waist and took a bath slowly.

After that, he walked out of the room to enjoy a hearty breakfast, and went back to the room and fell asleep.

When he woke up again, it was already evening.

"Things have been sent to William."

Seeing him wake up, Rimbaud who was guarding the room hurriedly reported.

Scott rubbed his eyes, took out the [Magic Mirror] and looked, and sure enough there were several messages from William.

Scott replied briefly, and on a whim, began to check the real-time monitoring of Azkaban.


He watched the people coming and going in the picture and heard their conversation.


Dumbledore leaves England, Medea sleeps, and Voldemort is on the move again.

Or rather, the action is over.

This time his prison robbery has been a great success, and now under real-time monitoring, it is the people from the Ministry of Magic who are doing dispensable aftermath.

"what is this……"

As a bystander, Scott vomited for the Aurors.

So much had been sacrificed before to catch some Death Eaters, and now they were all sacrificed in vain.

Even those Death Eaters who were imprisoned more than ten years ago also left with Voldemort.

"Why don't you just kill those guys." Scott muttered a little angrily, "Killing them won't kill them all, tsk."

He really felt that the current approach was too pedantic.

New men were sent to guard Azkaban, and new sacrifices were made.

In short, the person who gave the order was too inconsiderate.

"Fortunately, I killed everyone I wanted to kill, and even Mr. Bird became an idiot." He said to Rimbaud, "Otherwise I would explode with anger."

Shaking his head, he no longer took the position of those Aurors, so as not to be really angry with himself.

New news emerged from [Magic Mirror].

William also learned of Voldemort's successful jailbreak from other sources and sent it to Scott.

Scott pretended not to know and talked with him a few words.

William was clearly in a hurry.

In his message, he persuaded Scott like this——

[The mysterious man has made a comeback, or we can persuade Dumbledore to take advantage of Ms. MS's weakness and defeat her and the All-Wizard Council first. Only in this way can we do our best to deal with the mysterious man. ]
[I will convey your meaning. ]
Scott did not express his position, but responded like this.

[This is the best time!One side is weak, and the other needs to be integrated! ]

William insisted persistently.

[I will pass on. ]
Scott still answered the same.

Perhaps because Scott's attitude was too firm, William gave up continuing to persuade.

Scott didn't care.

What he promised to help was to convey, and of course he would not do anything rashly.

He decided to wait for William to discover the place where Medea slept before talking about anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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