Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 432 432. Request from William

Chapter 432 432. Request from William

For the next few days, Scott spent most of his time drawing non-stop.

It was originally the interest of the two lifetimes, and he quickly found the original fun in it, even a little obsessed.

He often travels through the forest with his painting tools, looking for satisfactory materials for sketching.

Sometimes it's a landscape, sometimes it's a certain animal.

As time passed, more and more paintings hung on the walls inside the wooden house.

I have to say that it is a great fortune to have a mentor like Ravenclaw.

When Scott gradually found real joy in painting, he also received positive feedback.

His thinking has also become clearer, and he has never lost control of his emotions. Instead, he has an indescribable sense of transparency.

That feeling is very mysterious, like tearing off a layer of tulle covering my eyes, and like sweeping away the dust in my heart.

Of course, in addition to painting, communication with the Sailor Astrolabe is also a must-do homework every day.

A few days passed, and some content was filled in that incomplete star map.

In addition, he will also take some time every day to pay attention to the general changes in the situation in the magic world.

This mainly depends on the newspapers and the news that Rimbaud led the crows to inquire.

"There is more and more fun to watch."

Another morning, Scott put down the Daily Prophet.

The biggest news of the day was the resignation of Barty Crouch, director of the Department of International Magical Cooperation.

His reputation is now controversial due to his inability to explain why his son, Barty Crouch Jr., who should have died in Azkaban, reappeared.

Moreover, the Department of International Magical Cooperation did not elect a new director in time, resulting in the department being leaderless.

Scott was a little curious. Given the turbulent and chaotic current situation of the British Ministry of Magic, the Triwizard Tournament, which was supposed to be jointly promoted by the Ministry of Magic of several countries, might not be so easy to hold on time.

It's not just the UK, because the headmaster is the Death Eater traitor Karkaroff. Now that Voldemort is resurrected, the Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which is also a member of the top three, is bound to be affected.

But it's still early...

Withdrawing his divergent thinking, Scott quickly settled the breakfast on the table.


Rimbaud flew into the house from the window and stopped on the small dining table.

"You're finally back." Scott laughed, "How is it?"

Rimbaud shook his head.

"Except for those wizards with positions in the Ministry of Magic who are still working normally, there is no news of Medea and other members of the All-Wizards Association showing up. No one knows where Medea is hiding now."

"It's a matter of course." Scott was not surprised by this result.

Rimbaud added: "Voldemort and the Death Eaters are also silent, but Voldemort should still be in Malfoy Manor."

"Did Voldemort have no follow-up actions..."

Scott tapped his fingers on the table.

He originally wanted to see if Voldemort could find Medea.

Rimbaud muttered, "Who knows what those people are planning."

Scott shrugged.

All he knew was that Ms. Burns' faction dominated the Ministry of Magic these days.

Their idea should be to elect a new minister as soon as possible and fully integrate their forces so that they can attack the other two forces.

Of course, the strength of Ms. Burns' faction is seriously insufficient.

Those people, even with Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix, have their hands full just getting Dementor-turned-Azkaban back on track.

Not to mention, they also need a large number of people to serve as Azkaban's guards after the dementors leave, to prevent Voldemort from another jailbreak at any time.

Scott isn't too optimistic about it.

Unless Dumbledore can stay in Azkaban at all times, if Voldemort moves again, no one can stop him.

If Scott were to make a decision, he would choose to execute the Death Eaters imprisoned in Azkaban directly, or make them lose their fighting power completely.

As he had done with Mr Bird, with a simple and crude Oblivion Charm, and turned them all into idiots.

Scott was thinking about it, and Rimbaud revealed a new piece of news.

"By the way, your principal Dumbledore seems to have gone abroad."

"Going abroad?"

"I heard someone should I say, oh I remembered, it's the upcoming meeting of the International Federation of Wizards."

"International Federation of Wizards?"

The International Confederation of Wizards is the wizarding world's intergovernmental organization, roughly equivalent to the Muggle world's United Nations.

Scott didn't know much about this, only that Dumbledore was also the president of the International Federation of Wizards.

He thought about it, and this should be something that hadn't appeared in the "original book".

Of course, he couldn't figure out why.

"Forget it, let's go sketching."

Scott puts his drawing board on his back, picks up his toolbox, and rides out on his broomstick.

This time he chose the cliff where he buried the Animagus potion for sketching.

However, just as he and Rimbaud reached the cliff, they encountered an unexpected guest——

A messenger owl.

After Scott reached for the letter, he found another letter in a blank envelope.

Scott, who is vigilant about this, chooses to hand over the work of opening the letter to the product of Transfiguration.

However, this is just an ordinary letter.

However, the person who sent him the letter surprised Scott.

The letter was from William Brown, a Ravenclaw graduate three years older than Scott.

William, who had aspired to be a lawyer, joined the All-Wizards after graduation and participated in the battle in Azkaban that night.

Of course, William was lucky not to lose his life.

Scott and William originally had a good relationship, but later they had a feud.

Scott invites William to defend one of Hagrid's lawsuits, but William tries to bring Scott to Medea with a venomous letter.

Although it was a little strange that William would write a letter to himself, Scott read the very short letter at a glance.

William wanted to meet him again.

But this time the meeting took place in London, in the territory of Muggles.

Scott looked at the writing on the parchment and rubbed his temples.

In order to show his innocence this time, William even wrote his home address and used a requesting tone in the letter.

This made Scott, who originally planned to ignore it, hesitate a bit.

He wasn't afraid that William would deceive him. Whether it was William's home or not, he only needed to do a secret search to find out.

After thinking about it, Scott quickly made a decision.

It's a little risky, but it's not a big problem. He needs to get some news about Medea from William.

"Let's go to London."

After deciding.Scott stood up and put the drawing board and toolbox into the deformed lizard skin bag.

Then he turned into a peregrine falcon and flew towards London together with Rimbaud.

 Sorry, I'm too sleepy today, that's all.

  Tomorrow's update will add additional words.

(End of this chapter)

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