Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 398 398. This is Hogwarts

Chapter 398 398. This is Hogwarts
In the joke prop studio, Scott briefly fell silent after briefly going through the video material imported into [Magic Mirror].

"Are you sure?"

He looked up and asked Fred and George.

"Are you sure these can be used as the content of the promotional video for Gryffindor College?"

He roughly estimated that 60% of these materials are scenes of these two guys teasing people inside Gryffindor College, 20% are Quidditch matches, 10% are the greatest wizards in the world, 5% % is the Boy Who Lived, and the remaining 5% is some serious introduction to Gryffindor House.

Facing his doubts and questions, the twins nodded decisively.

"Of course."

"What's wrong with that?"

"There's nothing wrong with that..." Scott said.

Although a little hesitant, but whatever.

"Just be happy."

He nodded and started playing the music the twins had prepared again.

The music is quite normal, and it sounds enthusiastic, which is also in line with people's impression of Gryffindor College.


"Is this your secret weapon?" He asked again in doubt, "Although it is still beautiful, it is no better than Milton's "Ravenclaw Impressions."

He was being merciful, and if he said it seriously, this piece of music was even a little blunt, or too well-behaved.

Milton is a rare genius in music. Although his level of composition is not stable yet, the aura that blows over his face is something that most people don't have.

Fred and George didn't seem to understand Scott's implication.

"This is our secret weapon!"

The two brothers had smug expressions on their faces.

Scott blinked for a moment of self-doubt, then listened again.

He still hadn't heard anything about this song that deserved their pride.

Perhaps it was because the puzzled look on his face was too obvious, Fred gave him the answer directly.

"The composer of this piece is Professor McGonagall!"

"No wonder it sounds so good." Scott said with a smile, "It really is a secret weapon."

"It was played by members of the classical music club among the Gryffindor students, and members of the Toad Choir sang the vocal part." George further added.

"Very good." Scott nodded, "After I get familiar with the structure and rhythm of the song, I will edit the video material."

Although the music and the content of the video do not match, there is also a kind of absurd sense of humor when combined, which can be regarded as an alternative match...

Scott complained.

These two guys must not have shown Professor McGonagall what they filmed, or at least part of it.

"I think you'd better not say that I did you a favor."

That's all he asked for.

Although the promotional video is not long, editing and post-production work cannot be done overnight.

Scott wasn't in a rush to finish either.

"We want to play it at the school leaving dinner!" said Fred.

It was May 5th, half a month before the school leaving dinner at the end of the school year.

There is another week of exams in June, and Scott is not that busy during the exams, and he still has time to take it slowly.


School leaving dinner?

Although the promo isn't finished yet, Scott has already begun to feel embarrassed for the rest of the Gryffindor students.

Especially Ron and Percy, who are the most photographed among the people who were teased by the twins, and Harry, who was secretly photographed by them.

Scott could already imagine the wonderful expressions on their faces when the time came.

"Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus."

A new day, sunrise.

Scott stood in front of the bedroom window, pointed his wand to his heart, and completed the ceremony.

At this time, Milton reminded, "The Ministry of Magic has strict control over Animagus, requiring all Animagus' transformed animals and characteristics to be registered with the Ministry of Magic's Prohibition of Misuse of Magic Office."

"I know." Scott turned back, "I will register after I succeed."

No way, it's no secret that he's practicing Animagus. If he doesn't take the initiative to register, it's tantamount to giving others a handle.

Anyway, after carefully weighing the pros and cons, he decided to become a legal Animagus.

Although the effect of surprise is lost, it is not a loss.

Unless he's always tucked away, there will always be times when someone else will use it.

"Let's go!" Eddie urged, "Let's witness the birth of this school year's Quidditch champion!"

"What's the rush?" Roger said angrily.

He was arranging his hair in front of the mirror, and every movement was slow.

"Oh, Roger." Eddie patted him on the shoulder. "It wasn't your fault."

"Go away." Roger said angrily.

The Ravenclaw house team has lost the chance to compete for the championship, ranking third in the standings.

This made Roger feel a little bad.

Slytherin ranked first, and Gryffindor ranked second. The points gap between the two colleges was not that big.

In other words, just today, the champion of this school year will be born between the two houses of Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Scott knew that for Roger, it was always a sad thing to have to witness someone else win.

Whether Slytherin won the championship or Gryffindor won the championship, he would not be happy.

But this is also impossible.

Ravenclaw College has never been strong in the Quidditch competition. In addition, the old team members have graduated and left, and there are no newcomers who are eye-catching. The overall strength of the team has declined.

Roger also took many measures after he was ordered in danger. Whether it was training hard or following Scott's suggestion to set up a tactical advisory group, it was all his efforts.

Although these efforts have achieved some results, they are not enough to push the results of the Ravenclaw house team to the championship.

Scott also patted Roger on the shoulder, "Well, brother, no one will blame you."

When the hard power is poor, it is useless to think about more tricks.

These methods are just icing on the cake, but the icing on the cake must have the icing on the cake.

"I'm fine." Roger said softly.

When the four of them came to the Quidditch stadium, the stands of the stadium were full of seats.

In addition to the students from the four colleges, the professors of the colleges, there were also many outsiders who came to watch the competition.

At this time, the competition had not officially started, and the students from the two houses of Gryffindor and Slytherin had already started to compete with each other with their voices.

Scott boarded the Ravenclaw stand, took out the panoramic binoculars from the shapeshifting lizard leather bag, and looked into the main stand.

In the main stand, Dumbledore and Fudge sat in the center together, surrounded by some Ministry of Magic officials and students' parents.

Interestingly, the parents of those Slytherin and Gryffindor students also sat on both sides clearly.

Old Malfoy and Mr. Weasley also came, a white head and a red head, they were very conspicuous in the crowd, and the two were making unfriendly eye contact across the crowd.

Scott looked over one by one, and inadvertently saw a few "acquaintances".

Sitting behind the old Malfoy, the Carlo brothers and sisters were conspicuous, and Mr. Bird, who was sitting in an inconspicuous corner, was easily overlooked.

The Carlo brothers didn't notice Scott's gaze through the telescope, but Mr. Bode seemed to be a little sensitive to his eyes, and immediately looked up to Scott's side.

Scott didn't change his stance.

He made eye contact with Mr. Bird for several seconds.

Even through the telescope, he can be sure that the other party is looking at him.

Logically speaking, the distance is far away, and Scott is sitting in a dense crowd, and he is not the only one in the crowd observing the main stand with a telescope. Mr. Bird should not be able to accurately determine who is observing him. .

But Mr. Bode's gaze was precisely on Scott.

This may not really mean anything.

But Scott still trusted his instincts.

It is also more certain of the results of my previous speculation and arithmetic divination.

Sure enough, Mr. Bird is Mr. B.

He knew that this gentleman must have observed him and investigated him. He knew some of his secrets and wanted him to use what he obeyed.

It's just that Scott still doesn't know what this gentleman wants him to do.


At this moment, Luna got out of the crowd in front of the stands with some difficulty.


Scott put down the binoculars and reached out to give her a hand.

"Why did you come to the back row?" He asked, "You can see better if you are in the front row."

"I want to watch it with you," Luna said.

"Oh, you sit here, Luna."

Eddie, who had been sitting next to Scott, stood up and made way for him.

He winked at Scott and slipped to the other side.

"Thank you." Luna sat down after thanking her.

The game started.


During the game, Luna has been cheering on Gryffindor.

Of course, between Gryffindor and Slytherin, Scott will also support Gryffindor.

On the court, most Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students waved small flags with [Gryffindor] in their hands.

The Gryffindor players did not disappoint the support of most of the school. After several hours of fierce competition, they defeated the Slytherin house team with difficulty and won the championship.

In the main stand, Professor McGonagall smiled unreservedly, and Mr. Weasley and other Gryffindor parents even laughed to death.

Old Malfoy and the other Slytherin parents were ashen-faced. Snape was better than them. Although his face was not good-looking, he still pretended to clap.

All the Gryffindors were having a blast.

Not only the students, but Sirius was so excited, he jumped down from the high stands, rushed into the field like a mad dog, and hugged his godson tightly.

"They're so happy," Luna said.

"Of course I will be happy to win the championship." Scott said, "But it doesn't matter, this year's Academy Cup is still our Ravenclaw."

Luna suddenly laughed, "We will be very happy then..."

Just then, she glanced back.

"Scott." She pulled Lascott's sleeve and pointed in the direction of the Forbidden Forest. "Look, it's flying."

Scott looked in the direction she was pointing, and realized that she was talking about the little Thestral.

"It has grown up and learned to fly." Luna said with some relief, "It's great."

"Yeah." Scott echoed.

Both of them looked up at the little thestral flying unsteadily over the Forbidden Forest in the distance.

Suddenly, the movement of the little Thestral's wings flapping in the air seemed to become stiff.

"No." Scott squinted his eyes, "It doesn't seem to be able to fly."

As soon as he finished speaking, the little Thestral's wings completely stopped moving, and its whole body began to plummet.

"Come on!"

Luna hurriedly dragged Scott to run down the stands.

"What happened?" Roger asked behind him.

"In the Forbidden Forest, that thestral was injured." Scott replied hastily, and then quickened his pace.

"Let's help too!"

Roger followed with Milton and Eddie.

Scott led Luna and ran away, and soon came to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

"what happened?"

Behind him, Eddie asked out of breath.

"The little thestral flew for the first time and fell from the sky." Scott explained to the three roommates who couldn't see the thestral.

"Then go and have a look." Milton said worriedly, "I hope it's okay."

The group walked into the Forbidden Forest like this.

After entering the Forbidden Forest, their speed inevitably slowed down, but they still arrived at the injured little Thestral within 20 minutes.

"it's here!"

Scott relied on magic perception to find the little Thestral lying in the grass.

Luna quickly squatted down and took a closer look, "It broke two legs."

Scott whipped out his wand.

"Heal as before!"

"I can only see some blood." Roger asked. "Is it all right?"

"It's not life-threatening, but I can only give simple treatment."

Scott raised his wand, letting white light shroud the little Thestral's wound.

Luna squatted on the ground, stroking the Thestral's head and neck with her hands, soothing it gently.

"We need to send it to Madam Pomfrey later," Scott added.

He asked his three roommates to make a simple stretcher and told them the approximate dimensions needed.

The three roommates responded, and ran to the side to use the cutting spell to cut branches and vines that could be used.

At this moment, Scott's face changed.

He turned around and threw Luna directly to the ground.

A red curse flew over the heads of the two and hit the tree trunk beside them.

At the same time, the wand in Scott's hand trembled.

"Armor protection!"

Another red spell flew from another direction and collided with the transparent magic barrier that appeared in front of Roger.

"Be careful!" Scott reminded loudly.

This is, Eddie cleverly pulled Milton and ran to Roger.

Scott slowly got up from the ground vigilantly, but he was not attacked again.

He looked at a big tree in the distance with a clear goal.

"Amycus Caro, Alecto Caro," he said aloud, "I have sensed your magic."

"Hey hey hey..."

"Good job, little Mudblood."

The Carrows came out from behind the tree with dark smiles on their faces.

"What do you want to do?" Scott pointed at the two with his wand, "Don't forget, this is Hogwarts."

(End of this chapter)

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