Chapter 397
For Scott, every day this May has seemed extraordinarily long.

Because he has to live with a mandrake leaf in his mouth with great care and attention.

Not only that, but during this month he will be busy collecting other materials for the Animagus potion - dew and the chrysalis of the ghost moth.

Among them, he successfully bought the chrysalis of the ghost moth through mail order, but the real trouble was the dew.

The dew he needs must be gathered from places where there has been no sunlight or human contact for seven full days.

Scott could only ask Rimbaud to lead the crows to help, find a place with lush vegetation in the Forbidden Forest that would not be exposed to the sun, and then collect dew himself every morning.

Luna also took the initiative to help after hearing about it.

On this day, Scott got up again while his roommates were still asleep, washed carefully, and came to the common room to meet Luna.

"Good morning."

Not long after, Luna was bouncing down the stairs.

"Good morning……"

Scott looked down, at her bare feet beneath her robes.

"What's wrong?" Luna stepped on the carpet with bare feet, ran to Scott, and tugged on his sleeve, "Let's go!"

Scott had to speak, "Luna, we're going into the forest, I think you'd better put on your shoes."

"Really?" Luna looked down at her feet and turned her toes.

Scott just waved her off.

Luna nodded, turned around and ran back to the bedroom like a gust of wind.

When she came out again, she had obediently put on her stockings and leather boots.

Scott just nodded.

After that, the two left Ravenclaw Tower and headed straight for the Forbidden Forest.

In the early morning, the sun did not appear, and there was still mist in the back garden of Hogwarts Castle.

Scott and Luna shuttled through the winding garden.

Scott still kept silent while wearing a mask. Luna kept looking around while walking, observing the dewy flowers in the garden, and seemed to be in a good mood.

Not long after, the two walked through the garden and into the Forbidden Forest.

Not long after they entered the Forbidden Forest, Rimbaud flew over and took the initiative to lead the way for Scott.

"Hello, Rimbaud." Luna greeted Rimbaud proactively and friendly, "I'm Luna, Luna Lovegood."

Rimbaud in flight glanced at her, then at Scott.

Scott nodded at Rimbaud.

"Hello, Luna." Rimbaud replied.

Luna suddenly became happy. She obviously liked Rimbaud very much and kept talking to him along the way.

Rimbaud was a bit reserved at first, but after a while, he talked with Luna.

Seeing that Luna and Rimbaud were chatting passionately, Scott didn't stop him.

In his magical perception, there was no one else nearby at this time, and he was not worried about the exposure of Rimbaud who could speak.

Luna, who is always full of whimsy, makes Rimbaud very happy.

For example, she would ask, "Are you the king of the crow kingdom?"

Rimbaud was overjoyed when he heard it.

"You can really talk, Luna." It said happily, pretending to be modest, "Of course I'm not a king, I just own a territory and more than 1000 obedient crow subjects."

Scott couldn't help but slander when he heard the words, the "subjects" said it all, and said that you don't want to be a king!
Although Rimbaud is too stinky, Luna is very cooperative.

"Then call you the lord!" She said enthusiastically, "How about the black wing lord?"

"Hey hey hey hey..."

Rimbaud couldn't help letting out an ugly laugh.

"You are too polite!" it said pretendingly, "but I like this title!"

Luna talked with Rimbaud about how to expand its territory and power, and strive to be promoted from lord to king as soon as possible.

Listening to the little girl's playful conversation with Raven, although Scott didn't speak, he couldn't help but smile.

When they finally arrived at their destination, Rimbaud and Luna had become good friends.

Scott took out two glass bottles from the shapeshifting lizard skin bag and handed one of them to Luna.

"Be careful." He reminded aloud, "The dew that has been in contact with humans cannot be used."

Luna nodded seriously.

The two squatted down together and began to collect dew seriously.

Since the dew cannot be touched, they took the method of pinching the roots of the plants with their hands and shaking them, so that the dew would naturally roll down into the bottle.

Since Scott wanted dew in a place where there was no sun for seven days, this required a place where the sun didn't shine from all angles.

Although the vegetation in the Forbidden Forest is generally dense, such a place is not easy to find, let alone a place that no one has touched.

Rimbaud and the crows searched for several days before they found such a small place where the sun could not shine at any time of the season, and no one would come to it normally.

Due to the small area, Scott and Luna worked hard all morning, and only a little dew was collected.

If you drink it, it will only add up to moisten your lips.

Fortunately, Scott only needed one teaspoon of silver.

When leaving, Scott said to Rimbaud: "Let the crow take care of this place. We will come back in seven days. Two more times should be enough."

"I hope the weather won't change." Luna said, "If it rains, the dew won't work, right?"

Scott nodded.

He has nothing to do about it.

If you want to learn Animagus, the required conditions are so troublesome, or how can you say that success requires some luck.

Fortunately, this time his luck was not bad. After that, he collected it twice more, and successfully collected all the dew needed.

In short, Scott finally passed the long month smoothly.

The materials are ready, and the mandrake leaves in his mouth are still intact.

Seeing that May 5 is coming, Scott is worried about another thing.

He was worried about the weather on the day of the full moon.

This is another test of his luck——

He had to take out the leaves when the moon was full, fill a crystal phial with saliva, soak the leaves in it, and let it receive the pure moonlight.

If the night was cloudy and moonless, all he could do was find a new mandrake leaf and start over.

This also means that all his previous efforts will be in vain.

Scott certainly didn't want to see this happen.

But when the 25th came, Scott got up in the morning and looked at the continuous rain outside the window, and his heart was half cold.

But not long after, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and soon relaxed again.

"Oh no! It's raining!"

Just then, he heard Eddie's exclamation.

Scott's roommates also knew what he was doing during this time, and when they saw the rain outside the window, they all changed their expressions in the same way.


Milton called out to Scott.

He seemed to want to say something to comfort him, but he didn't know what to say.

There was silence in the dormitory. At this time, even Eddie, who was always talkative, didn't seem to know how to speak.

Roger got up from the bed, walked up to Scott, and patted him on the shoulder.

Scott couldn't help laughing when he saw that his roommates looked more unacceptable than himself.

"Scott, what's wrong with you?" Roger, who was closest to him, looked at him in surprise, "Are you okay?"

Scott shook his head.

"Scott, don't be sad, you... you will definitely succeed next time." Eddie rarely stuttered, "This time... just forget it."

"Yes... yes." Milton echoed without any confidence.

"I'm fine," Scott said softly.

Now he has learned the technique of keeping his mouth as still as possible when speaking.

Roger glanced at him again, and patted him on the shoulder vigorously again.

"That's right!" He said in an encouraging tone, "It's not time to give up yet!"

Milton's eyes lit up, "Maybe the rain will stop after a while!"

"As long as you can see the full moon at night!" Eddie gave a cheering gesture, "It will definitely work!"

Scott would get the wrong idea when he saw them, so he said directly: "It doesn't matter if it doesn't stop raining. Even if it rains in the Scottish Highlands, it won't rain all over Britain."

Eddie immediately understood what he meant, and continued quickly: "Even if it rains all over Britain, it won't rain all over the world!"

Roger also laughed, "Although there are some troubles, you can always find a place with moonlight tonight."

Scott nodded in agreement.

He just thought of this before relaxing.

"Are you going to ask Professor Flitwick for help?" Milton asked.

Scott nodded again.

As always, after washing carefully and changing his clothes, he waved to his roommates and left the dormitory first.

When he came to the common room, he saw Luna who was standing in front of the window watching the rain running in front of him.

She said to Scott: "Although it's raining at Hogwarts, you can find a place with moonlight."

"I know." Scott smiled.

Luna also smiled slightly, "Then I'm relieved."

After saying goodbye to her, Scott went straight to Professor Flitwick's office.

Without Scott opening his mouth, Professor Flitwick took the initiative to say when he saw him: "Oh, Scott, I was thinking about you just now."

He looked out the window at the rain, then smiled at Scott.

"Seeing that you are not too anxious, I know you have already thought about it." He said, "If there is no moonlight at night, I will take you to a place with moonlight."

"Thank you, Professor." Scott bowed respectfully.

"Go." Professor Flitwick smiled and waved his hand.

The rain never stopped.

During the first class in the morning, Professor McGonagall also found Scott and called him out of class.

After hearing Scott tell his plan, she was relieved.

She adjusted her glasses and said to Scott: "I always thought you could think of this, but I was worried that if you didn't think of it, you would give up a month of hard work."

During this period of time, Scott's good luck seemed to be gone, and the rain did not stop until night.

After dinner, Professor Flitwick took the initiative to find him.

"I asked, it's not raining in London today," he said to Scott. "Let's go there first."

Scott, of course, had no problem.

Afterwards, they pass through the fireplace in Professor McGonagall's office to the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley.

"It's been a long time, Professor Flitwick!" The bar owner warmly greeted Professor Flitwick, "Would you like a drink?"

"No, Tom, I have something to do," said Professor Flitwick.

He led Scott hurriedly through the crowd, nodding in response to greetings from time to time, and after walking out of the bar, he held out his hand to Scott.

He said, "Come on, it's too noisy here, I'll take you to a quieter place."

Scott held Professor Flitwick's hand and was taken to a forest by the professor's apparition.

"Right here." Professor Flitwick let go of his hand and stepped aside, beckoning him to start. "You know what to do."

Scott nodded, took out a crystal phial from his pocket, and began to collect his saliva.

It took a long time, and when the saliva filled most of the bottle, he finally stopped, and then took out the mandrake leaves that had been in his mouth for a month and soaked them in his saliva.

When the leaf finally left his mouth, he couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, opened his mouth and moved his mandible to make some exaggerated movements.

Feeling the freedom of his mouth being completely liberated, he lifted the small medicine bottle and let it bathe in the moonlight, receiving the pure moonlight.

Not long after, some subtle changes took place in the disgusting saliva bubble leaves in the bottle——

The saliva became clearer, and the mandrake leaf stretched a lot.

After that, he took out the prepared materials and added them to the small medicine bottle.

One of your own hair, a teaspoon of dew, and the chrysalis of a hawkmoth.

Under the moonlight, these materials quickly reacted more clearly.

Whether it was the mandrake leaf, Scott's hair, or the chrysalis of the hawk moth, they all melted slowly under the moonlight.

After all the ingredients were completely melted, Scott got a bottle of a cloudy-looking colorless mixture.

He hastily closed the vial with a cork, and then sealed it with melted wax.

"Is it done?" Professor Flitwick looked at the small medicine bottle in his hand, "You must immediately put it in a completely quiet and dark place, and of course, the best way is to bury it in the ground. "

Scott nodded, and put the medicine bottle into the deformed lizard skin pouch on his waist.

"Then I'll go first, thank you, Professor."

He shook the silver snake-shaped necklace on his left hand at Professor Flitwick, and immediately pushed the portkey after Professor Flitwick nodded.

After a whirlwind, Scott appeared in the crow's territory.

At this time, the rain in the Scottish Highlands had stopped, but the sky was overcast with clouds, and there was no moonlight in sight.

It was extremely dark in the forest.

Scott first removed the [truncated arm bone] to activate, then pulled out his wand.

"Fluorescent flashes!"

At the same time he lit his wand, Rimbaud flew down from the top of the oak tree.

"Scott, are you done?" it asked with concern.

"Good evening." Scott nodded, and said in a teasing tone, "Lord Black Wing."


Hearing this title, Rimbaud couldn't help laughing again.

"Oh, you can still call me Rimbaud." It said modestly, "You are my best friend."

"Okay, take me to the place you're looking for." Scott said with a smile.

He waved his wand to make Rimbaud bigger, and let it fly him to a bare cliff.

"There are no birds nesting here, no other animals living here, and it will always be quiet," it said to Scott.

"Okay." Scott said with satisfaction.

Jumping off Rimbaud's back, he made a deep hole in the ground with a wave of his wand, then took out the vial and buried it in the ground.

After that, he let a huge stone fly over and press down on this small piece of land.

"That way there won't be any accidents."

He clapped his hands, climbed on Rimbaud's back again, let it send him back to the Forbidden Forest, and then returned to Hogwarts Castle alone.

After returning to the castle, Scott went to Professor Flitwick to thank him again, and then returned to the Ravenclaw common room through the secret passage in the professor's office.

"How is it, Scott?"

Milton, who was writing a paper in the common room, immediately asked with concern when he saw him.

"It's going well," Scott said with a smile.

His voice was muffled.

Milton gave him a surprised look.

"Oh, I'm not used to it yet." Scott rubbed his face, "I always feel like there's something in my mouth."

Milton smiled understandingly.

"I still need to wait for a thunderstorm to collect the potion." Scott added, "Of course, there are rituals that must be completed while waiting."

As he spoke, he took out his wand, pointed it at his heart, and chanted the spell, "Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus."

Nothing happens.

Scott explained to Milton, "Doing this every sunrise and sunset while waiting for the storm to come, gives me a second heartbeat."

"Storm with thunder and rain?" Milton said. "You shouldn't have to wait long. Summer is coming, and this kind of weather will be more common."

"I hope so." Scott shrugged.

After saying goodbye to Milton, Scott found Luna who was reading in the college library and told her that the operation went well.


Helena floated out from nowhere and heard the conversation between the two.

"There aren't many Animagus from Ravenclaw House," Helena said. "You'd better be an eagle, of course, and a raven would be nice, too."

Both are Ravenclaw house related animals.

Scott told her, "It's the peregrine falcon, and my patron saint is the peregrine falcon."

Helena immediately glanced at him appreciatively, "Very good."


At this moment, Ethan Cooper walked into the library and called Scott.

"There's someone looking for you," he said. "It's the Weasley twins. They're outside the common room door."

"Thank you."

Scott thanked him and went outside the common room door.

"Hi Scott."

"Guess what we came to find you for."

Fred and George were standing at one side window.

"I guess your promotional video is finished?" Scott walked in front of the two with a smile.

Fred and George showed smug expressions at the same time.

"I have to say, we've done a masterpiece!"

"Perfect than your Eddie's work!"

"But we need a little help."

"Like borrowing your little mirror and your big mirror."

Scott understood immediately.

He said: "I see, you need to borrow my [magic mirror] for editing and post-production, and you need to borrow that big mirror for the screening."

Fred and George nodded first, and then both showed embarrassed expressions.

Of course, the look of embarrassment on their faces looks a bit fake.

"You are right."

"But it's more than that."

The two sang together.

"Although we also want to borrow [magic mirror]."

"But we may not be able to handle the editing and post-production you mentioned."

As they spoke, the two put their hands together at the same time, and said with a smile: "I can only leave this matter to you, respected Mr. Trollope."

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Scott deliberately showed a malicious smile, "How dare you trust me with the promotional video of Gryffindor College? I'm a Ravenclaw."

"Of course, Scott."

"Although you are a Ravenclaw."

Fred and George, left and right, put their hands on Scott's shoulders.

"Among the friends we know, there is no one who is kinder than you."

"You are the friend of Gryffindor in our hearts!"

As they spoke, the two also shouted slogans in enthusiastic tones.

"Praise friendship, long live the friendship between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw!"

At this time, the Ravenclaws who came in and out of the common room door looked at them in shock.

But Fred and George still didn't feel embarrassed or ashamed, and gave these Ravenclaws warm smiles.


Scott couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Look, Scott!"

"Everyone was moved by the profound friendship between us!"

Seeing that the two were still cheering, Scott quickly stopped their playful behavior.

"Okay, I admit defeat." He had to raise his hands in surrender, "I promise you."

Upon hearing this, Fred and George immediately withdrew their hands from his shoulders and gave each other a high-five.

Scott curled his lips and reminded them, "What about the music? A good edit must match the rhythm of the music."

"Don't worry." Fred gave a thumbs up, "We're ready."

George put his hands on his hips, "I have to remind you, Scott, that there are Gryffindor students among the members of the Classical Music Club and the Toad Choir."

"So what." Scott shrugged his shoulders, "Good performers and singers are not necessarily good composers."

"But we have a secret weapon!" Fred blinked pretending to be mysterious.

George also emphasized, "You will be surprised."

Scott wasn't too curious.

It was a promo for Gryffindor House, and he wasn't going to pick and choose the music they chose, as long as they felt right.

"Then bring the material, is it in your magic camera?"

He just held out his hand and asked the twins to give him their footage.

But Fred and George didn't play their cards according to common sense.

The two clasped their hands together again facing Scott.

"It needs to be kept secret until the promotional video is released."


The two supported Scott, one left and one right, and "hijacked" him into the joke prop studio located in the secret passage with brisk steps.

(End of this chapter)

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