Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 357 Paragraph 337.1 Historical Seal

Chapter 357 337. A Seal of History
After Scott and the others finished their dinner, they climbed up to the eighth floor again and came to the door of Professor Flitwick's office.

Tuk, Tuk Tuk.

Scott raised his hand and knocked on the door.

The office door lock clicked open.

"Come in." Professor Flitwick's voice came.

Scott pushed open the door and entered the office, followed by the other three.

"Good evening, Professor Flitwick."

The four of them greeted the professor at the same time.

"Good evening... hello to you."

Professor Flitwick, who was writing at his desk, looked up and was a little surprised to see the combination of four people.

But he quickly came back to his senses, "Hey, what's the matter?"

After Fred entered the door, he looked left and right in the office very freely.

He pointed to the crow following Scott and said loudly; "We found a wand that can control people like the Imperius Curse, Professor."

"Imperius Curse?" Professor Flitwick raised his head abruptly.

The quill in his hand scratched heavily across the parchment, making an unpleasant rubbing sound.

Fred and George played well together and complemented each other, quickly recounting their adventures in the Room of Requirement.

Professor Flitwick looked at the long wand held by the crow in surprise, and frowned.

"Is there such a thing?"

He looked at Scott and Eddie again.

Both Scott and Eddie nodded and described Fred's behavior when he was controlled by the wand from their perspective.

Of course, the story in Eddie's mouth sounds several times more exciting than the expression in Scott's mouth.

When he spoke, even Fred, the client, listened with gusto.

After listening to the speeches of several people, Professor Flitwick's expression became more serious.

At this moment, Scott looked up at the crow.

The crow flapped over the desk, placed the long wand on it, and flew away through an open window.

Professor Flitwick put down the quill in his hand, stretched his neck and looked closely at the long wand for a while.

Then, he drew out his wand again, muttering words, a series of spell rays of different colors shot out from his wand, constantly touching the long wand.

Professor Flitwick squinted at the reaction of the long wand when it came into contact with the spell, and it took a while before he stopped and raised his head again.

"After preliminary testing, this is a special alchemy work." He said to Scott and the others, "Of course, its purpose is indeed evil."

Having said that, he paused and sighed, "This reminds me of a piece of history."

All four of Scott looked at him curiously.

"Bring it out," Professor Flitwick said to Scott. "The box from the stuffed troll."

Scott nodded, and took off the deformed lizard skin bag hanging from his belt.

He loosened the strap of the leather bag, then squatted down, and poured the square brass box out of the leather bag.

Professor Flitwick jumped down from his chair and walked over to the brass boxes, looking at the exquisite patterns on those boxes.

"Of course, you don't know these things," he said. "It's actually a kind of writing."


Scott took a closer look at the "patterns" and found that these "patterns" were indeed not coherent, and there were very few repetitions.

"It's text." Professor Flitwick smiled, "It's just that few people know it anymore."

Eddie asked curiously: "Professor, can you identify what is written on this box?"

"Sorry, I can't either." Professor Flitwick shook his head. "I think it's pretty impressive if I can recognize it as a script."

Having said that, he couldn't help laughing.

"Let's find a few more helpers... Hushen Guardian!"

As he spoke, he waved his wand.

Silver-white light gushed out from the tip of his wand, forming an exceptionally small bird, which quickly flew away from the office.

"Oh, speaking of which..." Professor Flitwick looked up at Scott, "Have you learned this spell, Scott?"

Scott also happened to be learning this particular spell recently.

"Not yet learned, Professor," said Scott.

The Patronus Charm has such a rich description in the "original book", of course Scott would be interested.

It's just that he has always preconceived that this spell has a relatively single purpose, so he didn't take the time to understand it.

Some time ago, when he was practicing spells with Professor Flitwick, he saw the professor use the Patronus Charm to send messages to other people, so he chatted about this topic out of curiosity.

At that time Professor Flitwick corrected him.

He told Scott: "The Patronus Charm is one of the most powerful and oldest defensive spells, and it is extremely difficult to cast successfully. It does more than just ward off dementors, it protects our souls." The mind is not harmed by the enemy's black magic. Of course, there is a limit."

So Scott began to learn this extremely difficult defensive spell from Professor Flitwick.

He took out his wand and waved it, "Call God for protection."

Silvery white light poured from his wand like a puff of steam, and no animal was formed.

"Oh, it's already an introduction." Professor Flitwick nodded. "Most adult wizards in the magic world can only do this. There are very few wizards who can summon a complete patron saint."

He looked at Scott with encouraging eyes, "But I believe you will succeed, I have taught you the theory of this spell."

Scott nodded again, and withdrew his wand.

"Oh, the Patronus Charm."

"I want to try too."

Fred and George whispered.

"Wonder what our Patronus will be."

Scott turned to look at them and said with a smile, "Maybe two Bludgers."

Fred and George raised their eyebrows when they heard this.

They were about to say something when a translucent white figure suddenly passed through the door and passed between the two of them again. Part of their body overlapped for a moment, causing the two of them to shiver.

He is the only ghost professor in the college, Professor of the History of Magic-Professor Binns.

"Oh, here you are, Professor Binns." Professor Flitwick waved to Professor Binns, "Look at this!"

"I saw it." Professor Binns said slowly.

His eyes were fixed on the box.

"This is……"

He knelt down, stretched out a hand, and tried to get through the box.

But his palm was blocked by the box, like he was touching something solid.

"Unbelievable!" Professor Flitwick looked at this scene with bright eyes.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the office, and then it was pushed open, and Dumbledore walked in.

"Good evening." He smiled kindly at several students, "I heard that you have taken another adventure with great rewards."

"Oh yes, Professor!"

"We found evil wands and unopenable chests!"

Fred and George answered triumphantly.

Dumbledore laughed again, nodded, walked quickly to the box, bent down and checked the box with the other two professors.

"Do you see what's coming, Professor Binns?"

Whether it is Dumbledore or Professor Flitwick, they treat Professor Binns with respect.

The existence of this ghost professor is probably relatively ancient.

"I'm still watching." Professor Binns didn't give Dumbledore any face, "Why don't you go and see that wand, you are the person who knows the most about alchemy here, Albus."

His tone of voice was as dull and emotionless as he was lecturing.

Dumbledore was not angry either, he straightened up cheerfully, walked to Professor Flitwick's desk, and began to carefully observe the long wand.

The three professors were all obsessed with those two items, but Scott and the four of them were doing nothing for a while.

And because they couldn't disturb the three professors, they became more and more bored.

Fred and George began to play "rock, paper, scissors" silently. Eddie was watching the competition between the two, and recorded the number of times they had won each other.

Scott looked back at the scene and almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

Dumbledore soon noticed the boredom of several people, so he said to them: "You can leave first, and when we have the correct conclusions about these two things, we will notify you and tell you the answer."

"Okay, Professor."

"Goodbye, Professor."

Fred and George immediately opened the office door and rushed out.

Scott and Eddie also said goodbye and walked out the door.

When Scott closed the office door, Eddie couldn't wait to say: "Quick, we must complete the order as soon as possible!"

While speaking, he took out his booklet from his pocket and shook it.

"Let's go then."

Scott turned around and walked towards the stairs first.

On the way, he asked the other three, "What did the professors see but didn't say? Aren't you curious about the history that Professor Flitwick mentioned?"

Fred and George shook their heads again and again.

"No, we don't like history."

"Especially with Professor Binns around."

Eddie said: "Although I'm curious about what treasures are in that box, I don't feel comfortable staying with three professors, and the most important thing for us now is to complete the order."

As he spoke, he shook the booklet in his hand again.

"Okay." Scott smiled helplessly.

If only he was alone, he was prepared to stay there and wait for the results of the professors' research.

After all, his magical perception couldn't penetrate that seamless box.

But now we can only maintain suspense.

While talking, the four of them quickly came to the third floor and entered the secret passage, preparing to complete the order of [Magic Crystal Player] in the studio.

After Fred lit the candles in the studio, Eddie asked, "Quick, Scott, what can we do for you?"

"What do you think?" Scott shook his head.

He took a mirror from a box piled against the wall and held it in his hand.

In order to complete the order, Eddie asked his family to customize several boxes of mirrors from the factory in the Muggle world, packed them in suitcases cast with a traceless stretching spell, and hired a group of owls to deliver them to Hogwarts .

Scott walked to the old desk and sat down, looked at the things in Fred and George's hands, and asked, "How is your magic camera?"

"Oh, it will take a while."

"It will only take a while."

Fred and George were talking, writing and drawing in their hands.

They are still piecing together the rune circuit, obviously trying to find the most concise combination——

As long as the rune circuit is confirmed, other things will be very simple.

Scott put down the mirror in his hand and took out a wooden block from the desk drawer.

"Do you think..." he asked again, "Can the rune circuit be printed like a seal?"

There are a lot of orders, and he really doesn't want to have a handwritten rune circuit with mirrors and mirrors.

"Good idea, clever Scott!"

"Of course, we who are smart have thought so too."

The twins said with a grin.

"We've tried it many times."

"But in the end they all failed."

"The rune circuit needs to be reconciled with magic power when it is inscribed or written."

"Either way, the seal can't achieve that effect."

"You can try."

"Smart Scott."

At this point, both Fred and George looked up at Scott, as if waiting to watch his failed attempt.

Scott raised his eyebrows, placed the ebony block on the mirror, and took out his wand.

He flicked his wand lightly and tapped on the block.

The wooden block quickly flattened, stretched and widened, and soon covered the mirror, turning into a board of the same size as the mirror.

When the changes stopped, he put down the wand in his hand and turned over the wooden board.

On the back of the board, there is already a raised and complete rune circuit.

The twins blinked.

"Oh... so the seal is complete."

"A hundred times more convenient than our attempt."

Eddie on the side smiled and asked, "Why don't you use this method?"

The twins turned to look at him together.

"Because our Transfiguration is not good enough."

"Just like you."

After mocking Eddie, they turned their heads to stare at the movement of Scott's hand.

Scott took out another glass bottle from the desk drawer, which contained mercury mixed with crystal powder.

He picked up his wand again and turned a small piece of wood into a brush, filled the brush with mercury, and spread it evenly on the wooden board.

When he had covered the whole board with mercury, the twins spoke again.

"Now is the most critical step."

"Activate the rune circuit on the mirror while imprinting it."

"It can't be too early, or the rune circuit will be activated on the wooden board."

"And keep the quicksilver out of the way. Hope you succeed, Scott."

Scott touched the board sideways with one hand.

Like the twins said, mercury is not a good paint for stamping, they just love to run around too much.

Fortunately, the essence of this board is ebony, the material most compatible with Scott's magic power.

The magic power gushed out from Scott's hand, and the magic power of his will barely maintained the stability of the mercury on the wooden board.

Scott quickly flipped the board over to cover the mirror.

At the same time, he picked up the wand with the other hand, and activated the rune circuit printed on the mirror the moment he lifted the wooden board.

Click, click...

The mirror was shattered.

"Oh, failed."

"It seems that I still can't be lazy in writing the magic text circuit."

The twins looked at this scene and shrugged their shoulders together.

(End of this chapter)

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