Chapter 356 336.
The wand in Scott's hand shook quickly, and the radiance of the Transfiguration Charm enveloped several old desks.

The eagle chirped, and the four old desks flew to transform into giant eagles. They grabbed the shoulders of the four of Scott with their huge claws and threw them upwards, and then caught them with their backs. Fly towards the ceiling before hitting them.

"Ah ah ah..."

For a moment, Eddie and the Weasley twins were screaming loudly.

Although this room for hiding things is very tall and spacious, there are too many things that Hogwarts teachers and students have discarded for thousands of years. The piles of debris collapsed like a landslide, and the sound of rumbling was loud. non-stop.

Scott grabbed the feathers on the eagle's back with his hands, and squinted to watch the chaotic scene where the sundries kept collapsing and surging.

What is this called?

He really didn't know how to complain about Fred's luck.

To say that he was lucky, but he obviously just pulled out a wand from the pile of debris, how could it lead to the collapse of the entire room?
If he had been unlucky, how had he chosen exactly that crucial wand?
You know, nothing like this happened in the "original book"!
At this moment, the other three finally stopped exclaiming.

"It's spectacular!" Fred, who was the culprit, became excited again.

"It's all your fault, Fred!" George yelled at him. "We almost got buried in the garbage!"

Fred didn't take it seriously. He leaned on the eagle's back, laughed and waved the long wand in his hand, and also shouted loudly, "This must be an unusual wand!"

"Then you can use it in the future!" George roared.

"Then I'll try it!" Fred waved the long wand in his hand, "Whirlwind!"

A thin blue light shot out from the tip of the wand, hitting the pile of debris below.

"Stop it, you idiot!" George yelled again.

Eddie was also yelling, "Hurricane Curse? What the hell are you doing! Damn Fred!"

In the next second, a gust of hurricane rolled up at the place hit by Fred's spell, and then the area became wider and wider. Countless light-weight sundries were rolled up by the hurricane and swept towards the sky.

The giant eagle carrying four people flexibly avoided the range of the hurricane, and they separated immediately.

Scott frowned at the old books that had been swept up to the ceiling by the hurricane, then turned to look at Fred on the other side.

He pressed his wand to his throat, "The voice is loud."

"George." Scott's amplified voice spread throughout the space, "Is Fred alright?"

As soon as the words fell, Fred's voice sounded from the other side, "The wind is spinning!"

Then another hurricane took shape.

"No, he's not normal at all!" George's amplified voice came, his tone a little anxious, "That wand is definitely weird!"

The next moment, Fred laughed loudly, "Hahahaha... the wind is spinning!"

"Jesus!" Eddie almost screamed, "He's on again, do something!"


Scott never expected that such a thing would happen just by taking the three of them to see the Room of Response.

He first cast a bubble head curse on himself, and then gave the giant eagle carrying him the task of approaching Fred.

This is not an easy task. As Fred has been using the hurricane to wreak havoc, the flight of the giant eagle has begun to bump up, not to mention that there are still many debris in the air that were rolled up by the hurricane.

Scott simply leaned on the eagle's back and let the giant eagle move towards Fred's direction, and he was responsible for using spells to block or knock away the approaching sundries.

At the same time, he also remotely commanded the giant eagle carrying Fred to cooperate with him.

Scott squinted his eyes slightly, and cast a disarming spell on Fred when the giant eagle on his back and Fred's were passing by.

"Except your weapons!"

The red light of the disarming spell hit Fred accurately, and he let go of the wand, and the long wand and Fred's own wand flew towards Scott together.

At this time, Scott was unable to reach out to pick it up under the influence of the hurricane.

But he is not helpless.

"Flying flocks of birds!"

The tip of Scott's wand exploded like a gunshot.

Two black crows appeared, flew forward quickly, stretched out their claws to grab the two magic wands, and then flew back to the back of the giant eagle that Scott was riding on.

At this time, the hurricane that had not been supplemented had gradually weakened, and various items and garbage that had been rolled up began to crackle and fall down.

"Are you all right, Fred!" George yelled again.

"I'm fine!" Fred yelled back.

Eddie asked in a growling voice, "Then what the hell were you doing!"

"I don't know!" Fred yelled back.

With all the messy things that were swept up by the hurricane falling down again, the entire huge room finally slowly regained its calm.

"Go down first."

After Scott said something, he ordered the four giant eagles to slowly descend to the edge of the room.


George quickly jumped off the eagle's back, wading through the debris under his feet, and dragged Fred off the eagle's back.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm fine."

Fred had a smile on his face, but his body leaned against George's body weakly, seeming to overwhelm him.

"It's okay?" George smiled, "Then why did you become a soft slug?"

Fred said bitterly, "That damned wand sucked my energy out."

George said mockingly; "Otherwise, with your magical power, how could you use such a large-scale hurricane spell non-stop?"

Scott and Eddie also got off the eagle's back and walked up to them.

Two crows flew behind Scott, clutching their wands.

"Thank you, Scott." George turned to look at Scott, "You saved us again, especially the unlucky Fred."

"You're welcome, I brought you in," Scott said.

He looked at Fred with some amusement, "But this is the consequence of taking things indiscriminately, Fred."

"Who would have thought that." Fred blinked, "I can only blame my luck."

Eddie stared at him curiously and asked, "Speaking of which, how did you feel just now?"

"I can't tell," Fred said, laughing. "Maybe that's what the Imperius Curse feels like?"

Scott turned and removed Fred's own wand from a crow's claw.

He turned and handed the wand to Fred, imitating Mr. Ollivander's tone and saying, "Remember, the wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Weasley."

"Thank you." Fred raised his hand weakly and took his wand.

He looked up at another old wand held by a crow behind Scott, "Oh, why didn't that guy control the crow?"

"Crows don't have the ability to cast spells, of course, it doesn't even have magical powers," Scott laughed.

"What's the matter with this wand?" Eddie moved closer to observe the wand carefully. "Is there a curse inside it?"

Fred said optimistically, "Maybe it's an advanced mischief wand."

Eddie glanced at him speechlessly.

Even George disagreed with Fred's point of view, saying in a mocking tone: "If it is true, then this prank is a bit too dangerous. It almost killed us."

"Okay," said Fred compromisingly, "it's a wicked cursed wand."

Scott waved his wand to turn the giant eagle back to the desk, and then said to the three of them, "Let's go out first, I will show this wand to the professor to have a look."

The other three all agreed.

So they began to walk towards the door with difficulty, stepping over the sundries all over the floor.

At this moment, Scott looked back and stopped immediately.

"The stuffed troll," he whispered. "The head fell off."

Hearing his words, the three people walking in front of him also turned their heads.

"Is my Hurricane Curse so powerful?" Fred murmured, "Can it actually blow off the troll's head? Even though it's just a specimen."

"I gonna go see."

Under the surprised gazes of the three, Scott took out a broomstick from the deformed lizard skin pouch on his waist.

"Nimbus 2000?" Eddie exclaimed. "You have a broom?"

Scott smiled and did not answer. He straddled the broom and flew directly to the troll specimen.

At this time, the head of the giant monster specimen had gone nowhere, and the section of its neck was very flat and old, and it didn't look like it was just broken.

Obviously, the troll's head should have been cut off before making the specimen, and then spliced ​​together during the making of the specimen.

Scott took a closer look and saw something was wrong.

The broken section of the giant monster's neck is full of shriveled flesh, and there are no bones or throats.

Scott looked left and right, lowered his height, and picked up a rusty dagger from the side.

Then he flew up on the broom again, stopped at the height of the troll's shoulders, and poked the broken section of its neck with the dagger in his hand.


Like piercing a thin layer of paper, the camouflaged film on the cross section was pierced, revealing a huge black hole.

Just as Scott was about to take a closer look, a troll-specific, disgusting stench suddenly hit his face.

He hastily reflexively cast a bubble head spell on himself.

"Fluorescent flashes!"

The tip of the wand lit up, and Scott approached again, inserting the wand in his hand into the hollow in the troll's neck.

Only then did he discover that the entire troll specimen seemed to have only one skin, or a shell, and the inside was actually empty.

The wand in Scott's hand shook, and the light cluster formed by the Illuminating Charm broke away from the wand and slowly fell down.

This time Scott saw a chest, a brass chest hidden in the troll's chest.

At this time, the other three people who had been waiting for him for a long time came to the place where the giant monster specimen was located through a difficult trek.

Eddie raised his head and asked curiously, "Scott, what did you find?"

Scott didn't answer, he was thinking about how to get the box out.

Since the size of the box is larger than the diameter of the giant monster's neck, it cannot be taken out from above, but looking down at the huge sternum supporting the giant monster's chest, it is obviously not easy to break open.

Eddie took a few steps closer without waiting for Scott's answer, and then jumped away.

"It stinks!" he yelled, pinching his nose. "It smells ten times worse than before!"

George and Fred immediately stopped walking when they heard this.

Scott rode a broom and circled around the body of the troll specimen, but he never found any traces of its body being broken and repaired.

Scott turned his head, pointed at the giant again, and said to the other three, "There's a brass box hidden inside."


Eddie and the Weasley twins immediately perked up.

"Take it out!"

"Look what's in there!"

Scott shook his head, "It's not easy."


He swung his wand and struck the troll in the chest with a cutting spell.

There was a muffled sound like the beating of a drum, but the troll specimen was unharmed, not even a mark on the skin that looked chapped, shriveled, and fragile.

"Oh..." Eddie exclaimed, "A stronger spell?"

Scott moved the trio back a little, and waved his wand again.


"Smashed to pieces!"

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

The sound of the spell hitting the troll specimen was still like drumming, and the troll's skin was still undamaged.

"Smashed to pieces!"

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

This time Scott not only hit its chest, but also tried its back, neck, and even its soft stomach, but it still had no effect.

Then he tried making the brass box smaller.

Finally, he also used his best Transfiguration Charm.

But neither the giant monster specimen itself nor the brass box hidden in the specimen has changed in any way.

"Oh, Scott!" said Fred cheerfully, "you're stumped by a specimen!"

Scott had stopped what he was doing.

He was not annoyed, because the more he could do nothing, the more it proved that this specimen had an unusual origin.

He remembered the gift Luna gave him last Christmas—the horn of the poisonhorn.

But he quickly dropped the idea again.

Although the horns of the poison horn can create explosions, he has not tried it.

If the explosion power is not enough, it is not enough to break open the giant monster specimen. If the explosion power is enough, it is afraid that the box will be blown up.

Next, Eddie and the twins tried, but to no avail.

"Now there are only two options that might work," Scott said, turning again to the other three.

"What choice?" George asked.

"Go to the headmaster's office and borrow Gryffindor's sword from Dumbledore." Scott said with a smile, "or, learn his signature spell from Snape, the Shadowless Curse."

George sighed, "This is not a good choice. Of course, instead of asking the old bat, I recommend you go to Dumbledore to borrow Gryffindor's sword."

"No." Fred said, "There is another way."

Hearing what he said, all three of Scott turned to look at him.

Fred turned his head to look at the crow that was flying over.

"You still want to use this wand?" Eddie shook his head desperately, "No, this evil wand will make the person holding it attack randomly, and maybe we will be the ones who get hurt!"

George also said, "And, doesn't this wand only let you use the Hurricane Charm?"

"No, I didn't make it clear." Fred said, "I am the one who chose to use the Hurricane Curse. This wand just draws my physical strength to enhance the power of the Hurricane Curse!"

Eddie frowned at Fred. "Yourself? Why would you want to use the Hurricane Charm then?"

Fred said: "Of course I just thought about it, that's an interesting idea, isn't it, I just didn't expect that wand to make me do it!"

"Forget it." Scott denied his suggestion.

He glanced back at the long wand held by the crow, "We don't need to use such a dangerous thing."

"It's nothing to try." Fred eagerly tried, "And with you guys here, I'll be fine."

"No, you wait here..."

Just as Scott was about to say he was going straight to Dumbledore and be back soon, Fred moved.

He jumped up suddenly and snatched the long wand from Raven's Claw.

"Fred!" George's voice was anxious.

Scott quickly turned his wand on Fred.


A red light hit the troll specimen.


There was the sound of cracks spreading from the troll specimen.

At the same time, Fred completely lost his strength, and his body fell limply directly.

"Fred!" George quickly reached out to support him.

Fred paled, and the long wand fell from his hand.

"I just said, it's okay." His voice was very weak, but he still had a somewhat smug smile on his face, "Because I don't have much energy left."

George's expression was a bit dumbfounding, "You idiot, what if this damn wand completely drains you dry? Then you will become a mummy."

Fred smiled triumphantly again, his voice became weaker, "I can feel it, it won't kill me."

After speaking, he put his head on George's shoulder and fell asleep directly.

"This guy..." Eddie looked stunned at Fred falling into a coma, and muttered, "As for it?"


Scott was also a little speechless.

He also wanted to ask this question.

As for?
He is already ready to report the whole incident to Dumbledore, wouldn't it be enough to use Gryffindor's sword at that time?

As for?
"Attention." George pointed to the specimen that was still cracking, "It's about to come out."

Scott frowned, stepped back on his broomstick, and landed on both feet.

"Armor protection!"

He raised the wand in his hand and erected a magic barrier in front of George and Fred, and Eddie quickly avoided it.

Afterwards, the tall specimen of the giant monster cracked completely, and the outer shell fell off piece by piece, until finally, the entire specimen of the giant monster collapsed.

The dust was flying, and the four of them hid behind the magic barrier, but they didn't become disheartened.

Waiting until the dust settled, Scott put away the broomstick and walked forward.

He pushed the brass box aside with the short sword in his hand.

"Finally got it, it stinks!" Eddie slapped his nose with his hand, "Open it and have a look!"

Scott squatted down and looked at the brass box in front of him with some embarrassment.

The box looks old, but the carving patterns on the surface are very beautiful.

He scratched around the box with a dagger a few times, but couldn't find a place to open it. This thing is not so much a box as it is a cube that looks completely seamless.


Scott tapped again with the dagger, "It's empty inside."

Eddie squatted beside Scott, pinching his nose, carefully observing the box.

Scott was still tapping, but he still couldn't find a place to start.

"What's going on?" Eddie also frowned.

Scott shook his head.

"Put it away first." He glanced back at the twins, "Let's take Fred to the school hospital first."

As he spoke, he stood up, rinsed the stinky box with the water-making spell, dried it, and put it into the shapeshifting lizard skin bag.

At this time, the crow had picked up the long wand again and flew by Scott's side.

George used a levitation spell to make Fred float, and they walked out of the Response Room.

From the eighth floor to the school doctor's room on the second floor, the floating Fred attracted a lot of attention.

Of course, this kind of thing is not uncommon in Hogwarts, and Scott was sent to the school infirmary in this way.

Madam Pomfrey was furious when she saw Fred.

"It's you again!" She stared at George seriously, "It's only been a few days? What's going on? Are you fighting again?"

As she spoke, she looked at Scott and Eddie again.

Due to the experience in the room of Responsiveness, several people looked a little embarrassed, as if they had been in a fight.

"There was no fight, Madam Pomfrey," George said with a smile. "Fred wasn't hurt, just out of strength."

Madam Pomfrey glared at him again, "Of course I know! I can tell that he was exhausted due to too much mana consumption!"

After several people sent Fred to the hospital bed, Madam Pomfrey immediately drove them out of the school hospital.

"Go to the kitchen first." Scott rubbed his empty stomach.

He left the Room of Requirement just to go to dinner, but he was blocked by three people and missed dinner.

George and Eddie certainly had no problem.

The three of them rushed directly to the kitchen on the basement floor, and began to enjoy dinner under the overly enthusiastic reception of the house elves.

As for Fred?
They don't worry about house-elves delivering nutritious meals to students while they're in the infirmary.

Eddie looked up at the crow holding the long wand, and asked Scott. "Are you going to find Dumbledore later?"

Scott nodded, "Dumbledore or Professor Flitwick."

"Let's go to Professor Flitwick then," Eddie said.

Hearing what he said, even George nodded in agreement.

Scott glanced at George with some surprise.

"Obviously, Professor Flitwick is easier to deal with." George said with a smile, "Although Dumbledore is a Gryffindor and Professor Flitwick is a Ravenclaw, who makes Dumbledore the greatest of this century? Where's the wizard?"

Scott laughed.

Although Dumbledore looks approachable, but when you get in touch with him, the pressure is still great.

Compared with him, Professor Flitwick is really approachable and amiable.

This is probably recognized by all Hogwarts students.

(End of this chapter)

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