Chapter 334
Once on the train, Scott sat in a compartment with his three roommates.

"How was your vacation, everyone?"

Eddie asked a symbolic question, and before Scott and the others answered, he began to talk about his experiences during the holiday.

For some reason, he was able to describe the ups and downs of the boring experience of staying at home for two weeks.

Scott smiled, but kept his adventures to himself.

I was afraid to scare you, he thought.


The door of the compartment was suddenly pushed open, and Luna stood at the door.

"What's the matter, Luna?" Scott asked over his shoulder.

"Oh, I want to come and have a chat with you." Luna walked into the cubicle without seeing anyone, and sat on the edge of Scott's seat. "Sawanna wrote me a letter."

Scott pushed Milton, who was sitting by the window, and the two squeezed in, making room for Luna.

"Thank you." Luna glanced at the faces of the other three boys, then stared at Scott again, "Sawanna said she would not go back to Hogwarts, but she didn't tell me the reason, you Do you know why?"

Before Scott could answer, she said, "Oh, you know."

Hazy smoke billowed from her silver-gray eyes, and her voice fluttered, "Can you tell me, I'm a little worried about her."

Scott felt that Luna was particularly difficult at this time.

He knew there was no point in lying to her now, even with his Occlumency.

At this time Eddie had already stopped his chattering, and he was looking at Scott and Luna together with Milton and Roger, all three of them had expressions on their faces.

"Yes, I know." Scott said softly.

Luna still turned her head to stare at him, obviously waiting for his answer.

"She will complete a trial, undergo a metamorphosis," Scott said, looking her in the eyes, "and then, she will perform her duties."

"So that's the case." Luna nodded.

The smoky color in her eyes faded, and the silver-gray eyes became bright again.

Scott smiled, "That's it."

At this time, from the corner of his eyes, he observed the surprised expressions on the faces of his roommates, so the smile on his face widened a little.

"What is it?" Eddie couldn't help asking.

Scott smiled, but didn't answer.

Eddie asked curiously again, "Is Savannah going to drop out of school? Why?"

"Are you Savanna's friend too, Eddie?" Luna turned to him and asked.

Hearing her question, Eddie's expression was a little tangled, "Yes..."

Just as he was about to lie, Luna had already withdrawn her gaze.

"You're not." She said lightly.

Her performance immediately blocked Eddie's lie.

"She's my VIP customer," Eddie muttered.

"I hope everything goes well for Savannah." Luna said to Scott again, ignoring Eddie.

Scott nodded.

Then Luna stopped talking, but she didn't leave either.

She took out a copy of "The Quibbler" magazine from her woolen satchel, held it up with both hands and read it comfortably, laughing happily while reading it.

Except for Scott, the other three looked at her in surprise.

Although it was not the first time seeing Luna go "crazy", they were still not used to it.

Scott accepted this well, and turned around to chat with Milton about his situation.

Because Milton was back at the Graves' house during the Christmas break.

Although Mr. Graves told him not to go back, Milton's grandfather asked him to go back the day after Christmas, and Milton reluctantly went back for a day.

Scott wanted to ask if he had been set upon.

"It's nothing, actually. My dad said he would help me with my family's troubles, and he did."

When talking about this, there was no sad expression on Milton's face.

"Although I don't know what my father said to them, my grandfather and relatives no longer see me as a person."

Having said that, he smiled indifferently.

"Honestly, it feels good to be ignored by them."

Scott patted him on the shoulder, "Since they have already ignored you, why did your grandfather call you back?"

"Perhaps for face?" said Milton. "Because my dad got a good job. He became Secretary-General in the Office of the Minister for Magic. To celebrate this, there will be guests at home."

Hearing the news, Scott's brows and eyes moved slightly.

Because he knew that Mrs. Graves's current wife, Mrs. Zabini, belonged to Medea, so it was inevitable that he suspected that Mr. Graves' transfer had something to do with Medea's layout in the Ministry of Magic.

Just then, the train started to move.

"Next, I have to perform my duties as a prefect."

Scott stood up, he had to go to inspect the car.

No one answered him.

Eddie was discussing the Quidditch match with Roger, and Luna was intently looking at the magazine, only Milton smiled at him.

Scott stepped out of the compartment and began to walk along the car.

Nothing unexpected happened along the way, Scott walked slowly, greeting acquaintances from time to time.

Until the last carriage.

"That house elf is really crazy! He's making a lot of noise in the house and he's keeping us from having a good Christmas!"

In the distance, Scott heard Harry's voice.

"Oh, you're out of luck, buddy."

He heard Ron say it again.

"This is your first Christmas with Professor Black."

"Who said it wasn't? That guy was already crazy enough, but now he's getting more and more crazy! He destroyed everything like crazy, and finally messed up everything!"

Harry's voice was angry.

"Do you know, it actually said that I stole Regulus's relic! But I know that monster is only targeting me! Because I am not the pure-blood wizard it said!"

Hearing this, Scott frowned.

If he remembers correctly...according to the description in the "original book"...

The so-called relic of Regulus, kept by the house-elf of the Black family, is one of Voldemort's seven Horcruxes, Slytherin's locket.

Hearing Harry's words, Scott suddenly realized that Slytherin's locket was missing.

"Oh, don't say that, Harry."

At this time, Hermione's voice sounded.

"You should be nicer to the house-elves."

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can I treat it better? It's slandering me for stealing! Sirius said nothing was lost at all!" Harry's voice grew angrier.

Originally, Scott thought the locket hidden by the Black house-elf was safe.

Voldemort hid the locket in a heavily-trapped seaside cave, and it was Regulus Black who replaced the real locket with a fake one without anyone knowing.

Before he died, he gave the real locket to his house-elf for safekeeping, and asked the house-elf to destroy it completely.

Although the house-elf failed to destroy the locket, it kept it hidden in its lair.

Who took the real locket?
Is Medea?

Or Voldemort?
It seems that someone has gone to the seaside cave where the pendant box was originally hidden, found a fake pendant box, and followed the clues to steal the real one from Black's house.

Thinking of this, Scott walked into the carriage.

"Hello." He raised his voice.

The conversation between Harry and the three of them came to an abrupt end.

"Are you three plotting loudly again?" Scott walked over and pushed open the compartment door.

He looked around and said with a smile: "Although there are only three of you in this carriage, and there are no other compartments, I can hear your voices from outside the carriage."

"We're not plotting anything, Scott." Harry's face didn't look very good. "I'm complaining about the crazy house-elf in the Black family."

Scott nodded, "I heard it, it said you stole something."

Harry's expression became even uglier.

"Is it possible that something was actually lost?" Scott said in a chatty tone. "I mean, some other thief went in and stole something."

Harry immediately denied this speculation, "That's impossible, no one else should be able to enter that house, it is protected by magic. That monster is targeting me!"

"Magic? Is it the Fidelity Charm?" Scott asked.

"I don't know." Harry shook his head blankly.

"If it wasn't for the Fidelity Charm, it's possible someone else broke into that house," Scott said.

"Okay, I'll ask Sirius." Harry said hesitantly.

Ron shrugged. "Who would go in there and steal something from a house-elf? Obviously, like Harry said, that house-elf is crazy."

"You can't talk like that!" Hermione said to the two boys with a stern face. "If it wasn't for this incident, I wouldn't know that the group of house elves has been oppressed and exploited by wizards!"

Ron looked at her incomprehensibly, "Seriously, what are you talking about? That house elf slandered Harry as a thief! Obviously, it has indeed gone mad!"

"Sure, it might be a little crazy," said Hermione, "but that's the result of being oppressed and exploited!"

"Honestly, Hermione." Harry's eyes widened, "I don't like those monsters at all! Dobby almost got me and Ron expelled from school, and broke my arm with a Bludger! Now Kreacher is slandering me again! Are you still sympathizing with them?"

From what he had said, it was clear that he had a very bad impression of house-elves.

"No matter what, wizards shouldn't enslave another intelligent creature to serve them for free!" Hermione said bluntly, "No salary, no vacation, this is obviously wrong..."

At this time, Scott had silently exited the battlefield, turned around and left the carriage.

All he cared about was Slytherin's locket, and he wanted to know in whose hands Voldemort's Horcrux had fallen.

According to what Harry said just now, the house of the Black family is still protected by magic.

But it's impossible to tell if it's the Fidelity Curse.

In the "Original Book", when Voldemort made a comeback and the Order of the Phoenix was reorganized, Sirius donated this old house as the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, and it was at that time that Dumbledore protected it with the Loyalty Curse.

The current situation is different from the "original book", and Harry does not know whether Sirius Black has cast the Fidelity Charm on the house.

If it was the Fidelity Charm, it would be easy to find out who stole the locket, but if it wasn't, then it would be difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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