Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 333 333. Christmas Chapter Holidays Are Over

Chapter 333 333. The End of the Christmas Holiday

Early the next morning, Scott received a letter from Savannah.

After repeatedly checking that there was no mystery in the letter, Scott used the transfiguration technique to conjure a monkey and opened the envelope far away from him.

After finally confirming that there was no danger in the letter, Scott took the letter from the monkey and began to read it.

[Scott, are you okay?

sorry Sorry sorry……]
The word [sorry] is written on half of this parchment with messy handwriting.

Scott skimmed over these meaningless apologies, and looked directly at Savannah's explanation behind.

[Sorry, I have hidden a lot from you.

It is also because of me that my brother Aaron found the opportunity to do bad things...]
In this letter, Savannah did not hide her identity as before, but revealed everything.

Scott also began to understand the ins and outs of things.

The Doherty family where Savannah belongs is located in Northern Ireland. This family has long adhered to the traditional Celtic beliefs and the Druid sect.

In other words, the members of the Doherty family are all the druids left in modern times.

And as time goes by, the druid spells they can inherit become weaker and weaker.

After Savannah's elder brother Aaron was born, their parents and elders found that Aaron's talent was not outstanding, especially after Aaron awakened and transformed into a druid.

[They think this is the fate of Druids, those former glory will be weakened from generation to generation, until they disappear completely...]
Until Savannah's birth changed all that.

Savannah's talent is higher than that of previous generations.

She awakened her magical power at the age of 5, completed the transformation of the nature of her magical power at the age of 7, and passed the preliminary test at the age of 9 to become an official druid.

[Aaron has changed since then. ]
Perhaps out of unwillingness and jealousy, the boy who once loved his sister took another path.

[Aaron once said to me that he would shoulder all the responsibilities, and I just needed to grow up happily.

He wasn't happy for me after I became a druid, he just looked at me sadly and said he might break his promise and everything will fall on my shoulders.

Perhaps because he was not reconciled, he quietly left home and began to search for the ruins left by the ancient druids everywhere. Later, he simply cut off contact with us, and no one knows what he has experienced...]
Seeing this, Scott smiled softly.

Unable to accept that the younger sister who originally needed to be protected by herself became stronger than herself?
In the next letter, Savannah introduced the dense oak forest that Scott had been to.

[That is the Sea of ​​Oaks, where there are oaks cultivated by all the druids of the Dougherty family from ancient times to the present, as well as the oldest holy tree.

The temple under the sacred tree is the place where druids are promoted to priests...]
At some point, Aaron secretly returned to Northern Ireland and dived into the Sea of ​​Oaks.

He started the priest promotion ceremony without anyone presiding over it, but it failed.

[When I heard the result calculated by you with arithmetic divination, I knew what happened.

The body is asleep, the consciousness is half asleep, and the spirit is active.

Such a result shows that he has failed. Although it is not a complete failure, his body, consciousness, and spirit cannot be integrated, and he will never be able to complete the last step of promotion. ]
Savannah wrote a letter to tell the elders about it.

During the summer vacation of 1993, Savannah and her parents and elders all tried to awaken Aaron's consciousness, but they all failed.

[After I started school, my grandfather finally couldn't bear Aaron's sinking like this, and finally awakened his consciousness at a huge cost. ]
This incident caused Savannah's grandfather to drop from the level of a druid priest and become an ordinary druid.

[We need a priest, otherwise the power of the Sea of ​​Oaks will slowly weaken.

Neither my father nor my uncle had the talent to be a priest.

At this time, only by becoming a priest and guarding the temple can I guarantee the continuation of the druids. ]
Seeing this, Scott immediately understood that the Sea of ​​Oaks was the reason why Savannah and the Druid family continued to this day.

After all, even Ravenclaw is surprised that druids have survived into modern times.

[After Aaron's consciousness awakened, in order to protect his safety, grandfather put his consciousness and spirit into the holy tree.

The grandfather hopes that Aaron's consciousness and spirit can be united with the help of the power of the holy tree, only then can he have a chance to return to his body. ]
At this point, several dots of ink appeared on the parchment. It seemed that Savannah's hands began to shake after writing this, and the following handwriting became even more scribbled.

[Sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned you while talking with Aaron.

He learned a lot about you from me...]
Scott speeded up and read this paragraph at a glance.

Aaron learned about Scott's basic situation from Savannah, so he had an evil idea-sacrifice.

As long as he sacrificed Scott, the genius that Savannah called, Aaron would be able to get rid of the current predicament, complete the last step of promotion, and become a druid priest.

In Scott's view, this method is very familiar, and it seems to be exactly the same method used by Medea.

[We didn't expect that in the days when he was searching for magic relics, he didn't know where he got such an evil magic ritual.

When he knew you were a genius, he tried to get you to the Sea of ​​Oaks. If you walked into the temple, the sacrifice would start. ]
"Who is helping him? That kid is only conscious now, and it is impossible to accomplish these things alone!" said Rimbaud, who was reading the letter with Scott.

"Keep watching and you'll find out," Scott said.

"Oh! It's her cousin! Her uncle's daughter! Oh! Her cousin is in love with his brother!" Rimbaud yelled while watching, "I remember this is not allowed in human beings, I mean the Muggles, of course."

Scott nodded, showing disgust, "In order to ensure the purity of the blood, intermarriages of the same surname are not uncommon in pure-blood families, and the Gunter family even has blood marriages."

Of course, Muggles once had such a thing.

Only in the country where Scott lived in his previous life would there be no intermarriage of the same surname.

"Anyway, that cousin helped Aaron exchange the gift that Savannah prepared for you." Rimbaud said while reading the letter, "And Aaron took the opportunity to steal the power of some sacred trees..."

"That's why he was able to prepare for the sacrificial ceremony." Scott said calmly.

"That guy really has bad intentions, and he told you to save his sister, you were almost cheated by him!" Rimbaud chattered a little, "Fortunately, you are really not Savannah's boyfriend, otherwise wouldn't you Really cheated?"

"Is this the benefit of being single?" Scott was a little dumbfounded.

Anyway, he couldn't imagine what it would be like to fall in love now.

Would he let his guard down for a girl?Or willing to take risks?

Scott shook his head, thinking it was unlikely.

He continued to read the letter.

[Sorry, I need to apologize to you.

I'm really really sorry, it's all my fault.

I will do my best to make it up to you. ]
[Sorry] began to be repeated later in the letter, so Scott didn't read it carefully.

Rimbaud raised his head and asked Scott, "Do you think that girl can go back to Hogwarts?"

Scott shook his head, "She won't go back. If she succeeds in being promoted to a priest, she will have to guard the Sea of ​​Oaks all the time. If she fails in promoting, the result may not be better than Aaron."

"Then how will she compensate you?" Rimbaud was curious.

"Who knows." Scott didn't take the so-called compensation to heart.

Rimbaud asked again, "Will you take revenge on Aaron?"

"Who knows."

Scott found the necklace that took him to the Sea of ​​Oaks and put it in the original wooden box, then smiled silently.

"Oh, you look malicious." Rimbaud chuckled a few times.

Scott ignored it.

Whether to retaliate or not depends on the sincerity of the so-called compensation.

If he can get satisfactory compensation, Scott can also temporarily put this matter aside.

The premise is that Aaron will not appear in front of him from now on.

If Aaron appeared in front of him again, he would take revenge no matter whether he got satisfactory compensation or not.

After collecting the letters, Scott went downstairs and made a phone call to his parents in Madrid.

"My dear son, are you home?"

Emilia was surprised to hear that Scott had returned to Hastings.

"I cleaned the house and started gardening today," Scott said. "Maybe we should get a professional broker to help maintain the house."

Emilia agreed with his suggestion, "We left in a hurry and didn't think about it. Don't worry about it, I will let your father call someone to help with this matter. Don't forget, there is another building where you The old house left by my grandfather."

Scott agreed.

After eating some casual breakfast, he found some tools in the basement, changed into old clothes, and started to trim his garden.

Although he could ask a brokerage company to help maintain it, he still decided to trim the garden into a model that suits his own preferences.

It took Scott a whole day to tidy up the garden because it was so dilapidated.

"It's been a long time since I worked like a Muggle."

In the evening, he said to Rimbaud while rubbing his sore shoulder.

Rimbaud said, "You can use magic secretly in the dead of night."

"That wouldn't make sense," Scott laughs. "I just miss working at home for pocket money as a kid."

Rimbaud did not understand his hypocrisy.

The next few days passed without incident, and Scott spent the rest of the holiday peacefully at his home in Hastings.

After the Christmas holidays, he arrived at King's Cross Station in London on time and boarded the express train to Hogwarts.

(End of this chapter)

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