Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 329 329. Strange Oak Forest

Chapter 329 329. Strange Oak Forest
The light on the wand in Scott's hand lit up again, and he saw the hole blasted by the spell in the opposite wall.

Rimbaud asked, "Can we get out of there?"

"Who knows."

Scott strolled forward, standing at the entrance of the cave with his wand raised.

Ahead seemed to be a deep passage, and inside the passage, countless thick and twisted tree roots were intertwined.

And the magic fluctuations he perceived before came from these roots.

Scott did not choose to step into the passage rashly, but waved his wand again.

"Flocks of birds."

Unpleasant chirping sounds continued, and a group of pitch-black crows emerged from the tip of his wand, flying in all directions.

"Let them find the way," Scott said to Rimbaud.

Rimbaud immediately tweeted a few times.

The crows immediately fell silent after hearing Rimbaud's voice, and flew towards the passage ahead.

Scott stepped back a few more steps, used a movement spell to pile up the blasted stones on the stone wall, and finally cast a transfiguration spell.

Under the shroud of the light of the Transformation Curse, the stones quickly pieced together into the shape of a giant wolf.The stone wolf stood up and shook, and the body made of stones quickly transformed into real flesh and fur.

The huge gray wolf received Scott's order, and walked unhurriedly towards the passage full of tree roots.

After Gray Wolf walked a certain distance, Scott took out his pocket watch to check the time, and followed behind it.

"That gift was given to you by the girl who can turn into a wolf?" Rimbaud's voice sounded in the silent passage, "Why did she do that?"

"You think I'll know?" Scott said angrily.

Because those tree roots were extremely thick, the path in the passage was not easy to walk, and he had to climb up and down with his hands and feet.

"I thought you had some ideas," said Rimbaud.

Scott replied, "Unfortunately, I didn't."

"Then why don't you just leave?" Rimbaud asked again.

"Since the safety is guaranteed, let's take a look." Scott said, "See who made me come here on purpose, and what's going on."

It's very uncomfortable to be put together like this, but he will be even more unhappy if he doesn't figure out the whole story.

Only by figuring out what's going on can he find a way to deal with it and have a chance to take the initiative.

The long passage seemed endless.

Until Scott felt tired, the gray wolf walking in front of Scott never stopped, and the crows that flew out before did not come back.

"The time we entered the channel was 10:16 in the morning." Scott took out his pocket watch again, "and the current time is 11:23 in the morning, nearly an hour, and there is still no exit ahead."

He roughly calculated the flight speed of the crows, and couldn't help frowning.

If the crows still haven't returned at this moment, then the length of this passage is too amazing.


He looked around.

Where did so many tree roots come from? Could it be that there is a dense forest above the passage?
Scott called the gray wolf who was walking in front back to him, placed the Iron Armor Charm in front of him, and raised his wand to aim at the tree roots hanging from the top in front of the passage.

"The house collapsed and the ground collapsed!"

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

Two powerful spells were used in succession, and the front passage immediately collapsed in a violent explosion.

When the dust cleared in front of him, he saw the light hanging from above.

"Huh?" Scott was a little surprised.

He really didn't expect that he could break through the top of the tunnel so easily.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have to go so far!" Rimbaud yelled out what Scott hadn't said.

Scott raised his foot to the collapsed place and looked up, and there seemed to be a dense forest above.

He swung his wand quickly, and soon, the collapsed stones and broken tree roots became a staircase leading upwards.

He let Gray Wolf go up first.

It was not until the gray wolf approached the dense forest unharmed that Scott began to climb the steps.

Scott, who came to the dense forest, looked around and found that there was actually only one kind of densely grown trees here.

"Can ordinary oak trees grow so densely?" Rimbaud asked in surprise.

Scott's face darkened, "It is impossible for ordinary oak trees to have magic fluctuations."

After coming to the dense forest, he felt more clearly the magic power contained in these trees.

Although the magic power contained in each oak tree is not much, the entire dense forest seems to be boundless, forming a whole, and the total amount of magic power contained in it is astonishing.

"Which way are we going next?" Rimbaud flew up, "I'll fly up to have a look."

"Wait." Scott stopped it.

He always felt that it was not that simple here.

With a wave of the wand, the roots of the stones that formed the steps began to scatter, and with a wave of the wand again, the largest stone turned into a giant eagle.

The giant eagle spread its wings and flew out from the passage below, soaring straight into the sky.

Scott looked up.

Just when the giant eagle was about to rush out of the crowns of those oak trees, the branches of the oak trees moved.

The dense branches suddenly sprang out, binding the giant eagle like a big net.

The giant eagle turned back into a stone under the strangulation of the branch, and fell from the air to the ground, making a dull sound.

Scott's gray wolf whimpered a few times in fright.

"It seems that you can't break through from the air here." Scott said to Rimbaud.

Rimbaud was a little unconvinced, "With my speed, I can definitely rush out before these trees react."

"There's no need to take risks," Scott said. "We're not here to leave, but to figure out what's going on."

He chose a random direction for Gray Wolf to go forward, and he followed Gray Wolf not too far or too close.

There seems to be no danger in walking through the dense forest. As long as you don't try to break through the air, these oak trees are always very quiet.

Soon, another hour or so passed, but Scott still had nothing to gain.

His magic perception has spread to the largest area he can perceive, but he still can't perceive the edge of this dense forest.

Whether in his sight or in his perception, this eerie oak forest seemed to have no end at all.

"I can't stand it!" Rimbaud began to cry, "even if I like living in the forest, I can't stand it here!"

"Don't worry, we can leave at any time." Scott reassured it.

"Then let's go!" said Rimbaud, "or let me fly up and see what is in this forest."

"Do not."

Scott shook his head and vetoed its proposal, moving on.

"Don't worry, we will get something soon." He said without any haste.

"Okay, but we can only stay here for another hour at most," said Rimbaud.

"No problem." Scott nodded in agreement.

At this moment, a fluttering voice sounded.

"Gah!" came the cry of the crows.

"It's the crows!" Rimbaud exclaimed happily.

Scott stopped and looked at the group of black crows coming from the distance of the dense forest.

How did the crows get out of the underground passage?

Did he find the exit of the channel, or did he find the exit that was blown out by him?
(End of this chapter)

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