Chapter 328

"Come on, let's go to London."

Scott got up and went out, using the expansion spell to enlarge Rimbaud's size and riding on its back.

After quietly arriving in London, he used Polyjuice Potion to change his identity again, and mailed the letter at the Owl Post Office in Diagon Alley.

Of course, due to the lesson learned last time, he didn't borrow Roger's identity again, but a passerby's hair.

After sending the letter, Scott quickly left Diagon Alley, took the subway to Charing Cross Station, and then took the train to Hastings.

There are still a few days left in the Christmas holidays, which he plans to spend at home in Hastings.

The town of Hastings is not big, and Scott, who came back here again, inevitably met many acquaintances.

Along the way, he had to explain Michael and Emilia's departure many times.

Of course, in his mouth, Michael and Emilia had gone to North America, and he came back to look at the house.

After some delay on the road, Scott finally arrived at the door.

The garden in the yard is almost deserted after not being taken care of for a year.

It is winter at this time, all kinds of plants are growing randomly, and it looks like a depression.

Scott walked across the yard and opened the door to the house.

The furniture in the house was covered with white cloth, and there was a thick layer of dust on the floor.

Rimbaud, who had been silent just now, finally couldn't bear it anymore, "Oh, is this your home? Although it's very big, it doesn't look very good."

Scott could only roll up his sleeves and start cleaning.

With the existence of magic, cleaning the house was not difficult for him, and it didn't take long for the whole house to return to its original appearance.

Out for a dinner, Scott lifted the magic that blocked his name.

When he woke up the next morning and opened the door of the house, Scott found that the door was already full of gifts, and several owls holding gifts were falling from the sky.

Scott smiled and moved these gifts into his room.

As in previous years, the most gifts he received were books, and there were even many duplicates.

Even the gifts the professors gave him were notes or books.

"If this continues, you can open a bookstore." Rimbaud said.

Scott shrugged helplessly, and put the books on the shelf by category.

Next, he looked at the remaining presents, which were all from his friends.

Eddie gave a valuable pen, Roger gave several game discs, and Milton gave a book of world famous paintings.

Harry still sent a bag of candy, of course, Scott gave him candy too.

Ron still sent a greeting card, Hermione a postcard.

Luna's gift comes in a large box, which Scott opens to find an animal horn.

"The horn of the Crooked Snork?"

Scott glanced at Luna's note, then at the corner of the box.

"This is clearly the horn of the Poison Horned Beast." He couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.

This is a dangerous thing.

The Horn's horns are capable of piercing everything from skin to metal, and the horns contain a deadly fluid that will cause anything infused with the venom to explode.

"But it's still a pretty good weapon?" Scott smiled helplessly, closed the box, and put it into his deformed lizard skin pouch.

"This is?" He looked at a wooden box next to him.

It's a black wooden box with some green leaves on it.

He took off the letter pasted on the wooden box and opened it.


Scott suddenly remembered the arithmetic divination he gave Savannah.

That girl is probably going through a druid's trial.

Savanna didn't write that in her letter, but simply wished him a Merry Christmas.

Putting down the letter, Scott reached out and opened the wooden box.

Inside the wooden box lay a necklace, a necklace made of wooden beads, animal teeth, and feathers strung together with animal skin ropes, very similar to the necklace that Savannah took out that belonged to her brother.

He reached out to pick up the necklace and looked at it, but found nothing special, so he tentatively injected some magic power.

But he immediately regretted it.

The dizzying sight told him that he had activated a portkey.

Scott couldn't help but swear.

But if he hadn't been able to confirm that the letter was indeed written by Savannah, he wouldn't be so careless.

It didn't take long for Scott's space shuttle journey to end.

Because he was unprepared this time, he failed to land safely, but fell hard to the ground.

"What's going on!" Rimbaud yelled.

It followed suit.

At the critical moment, it grabbed the necklace in Scott's hand with its claws, and was brought over by the Portkey.

"I don't know," Scott said.

It was pitch black with no light source.

The smooth slate floor below him and the gap between the slates made Scott understand that the place he was in was artificially constructed.

He stood up quickly and drew out his wand as fast as he could.

Faced with such an unexpected situation, Scott did not panic too much. With a special portkey, he could leave this place at any time, which gave him the confidence to not rush.

Rimbaud flew onto his shoulder, "Let's get out of here!"

"Do not worry."

After activating [Truncated Arm Bone] as usual, Scott used the lighting spell to light up the space he was in.

He looked around and found that it was an almost completely sealed stone chamber. The stone chamber was all made of smooth stone slabs, and there was nothing else.

Unwilling to give up, Scott walked around the wall and found that all the stone slabs were bare, with no words or patterns.

Scott put away the necklace that brought him here, then raised his hand to look at the silver snake-shaped necklace wrapped around his left hand, and did not leave in a hurry.

He could feel that there was air circulation in this seemingly sealed stone room.

After the magic power perception unfolded, Scott quickly discovered something strange, there was a weak magic power fluctuation in a certain wall.

Following his perception, he came to the wall and reached out to touch the smooth stone slab.

"What's wrong?" Rambo asked.

"Magic fluctuations."

At this moment, Scott's perception became clearer.

The magic fluctuations in the wall are a bit strange.

"This wave of magic power does not come from wizards, nor does it come from magic items."

Then he held his wand to his head.

"Super perceptive."

The perception was further strengthened with the help of the spell, and Scott once again focused on sensing the magic fluctuations in the wall.

"It's not a magical animal, it seems to be a plant?" he murmured.

Then he backed away, until he reached another wall, and after turning off the Illumination Charm with a flick of his wand, he immediately cast another.

"The house collapsed and the ground collapsed!"

"Armor protection!"

The light of the curse broke through the darkness and hit the opposite wall, causing a violent explosion.

The stone slabs on the wall were blasted, and the flying gravel was blocked by the Iron Armor Charm in front of Scott.

He lit up the darkness again with the Illumination Charm.

(End of this chapter)

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