Chapter 319
"Two things."

In the Forbidden Forest, Scott said to Rimbaud.

"First, investigate Elijah Caro's preferences, and second, find an item that contains his magic power."

Rimbaud stood on the branch, listened quietly at first, then flapped his wings and shouted, "You are embarrassing me, Rimbaud!"

Scott smiled and said, "I believe in you, you can do it."

"No! I can't do it!" Rimbaud said angrily, "Or you can teach me how to do it!"

Scott thought for a while, "Wait for the Christmas holidays. If Carlo returns to England during the holidays, things will be easier."

"What if he doesn't come back?" asked Rimbaud.

"Go to Durmstrang, then," said Scott. "You can wait until next year, of course."

"It's almost New Years now," said Rimbaud.

"During this time, go find the location of the Carlo family first, the old way." Scott said.

"I see."

Essentially, as a product of Scott's transfiguration, Rimbaud would not disobey Scott's orders, so it reluctantly accepted the task.

Watching Rimbaud fly away, Scott showed a relieved smile.

Obviously, Rimbaud is already a mature raven.

Over time, it will grow smarter and more human, allowing it to perform more difficult tasks.

Will Transfiguration products also grow?This is what Scott did not think of in advance.

Of course, he figured it out later, all this was thanks to the one-time magic stone, and only such a treasure could endow the Raven, a product of Transfiguration, with infinite possibilities.

Thinking of this, Scott couldn't help coveting the secret room belonging to Slytherin and Medea, perhaps there was a way to make a one-time Sorcerer's Stone in it.

But he quickly suppressed the greed in his heart.

Because he felt that this possibility should not be great.

He also didn't have the idea of ​​rushing into that secret room.

Not to mention whether he can break through the door of the secret room, even if he can break through, there is no guarantee that there will be no Medea's backhands in it.

After all, there is still a portrait of Medea in her youth in the Chamber of Secrets.

And Medea also has a special portkey in her hand, which is why she was able to escape from Dumbledore's eyes. Who knows if she can use that portkey to return to that secret room in an instant?
It's better not to take risks.

Scott removed the spell he had arranged and prepared to leave the Forbidden Forest.

At this time, he saw Graplan coming out from the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

So he stopped.

When Graplan got closer, Scott greeted, "Hello, Miss Graplan."

"Hello." Graplan still smiled very kindly, "Meet you again, boy, can I call you Scott?"

"Of course." Scott smiled.

Graplan spit out a puff of white smoke, the corners of his lips curled up, and two deep dimples appeared on his somewhat round face, "You can also call me Wilmina."

Scott nodded.

The two walked out of the Forbidden Forest all the way, and Graplan rubbed the dirt on his boots on the grass.

Scott had no intention of continuing to communicate with the teaching assistant, so he said goodbye to her.

Graplan said in a joking tone: "Last night, plus now, this is the second time I caught you sneaking into the Forbidden Forest in a short period of time, Scott."

Scott chose to thank you directly, "Thank you for not deducting points for me, Wilmina."

Graplan glanced at him with a smile, "I won't ask you what you did in the Forbidden Forest, everyone has their own secrets."

Scott smiled back.

Graplan shook the pipe in his hand, "Go, yes, remember to remind the two Ravenclaw girls that if you want to enter the Forbidden Forest to visit that little guy, you'd better find me first and let me take you there." They go."

"I'll tell them what you said, goodbye, Wilmina." Scott waved his hand and turned to leave.

He didn't look back, and in his perception, Graplan stood there without moving, as if watching his back.

Scott was sure the Miss Teaching Assistant had a secret.

She probably wasn't the real Wilmina Graplan.

The real Wilmina Graplan graduated from Gryffindor House, a fact that Scott has confirmed, but the Miss Teaching Assistant is more likely to be a Ravenclaw.

Of course, such a conclusion is not only due to Luna's intuition, but also from Scott's own perception.

He didn't tell Luna that in his perception, the magic of the teaching assistant was more of Ravenclaw's "color".

Although the teaching assistant has not shown any abnormalities so far, at Scott's request, the crows have not let go of their surveillance on her.

Of course, this teaching assistant was recruited by Dumbledore, or it may be specially arranged by the old headmaster.

Scott decided to find a chance to talk to Dumbledore.

Of course, he didn't plan to go to Dumbledore specifically, but planned to talk about it when he met the old headmaster.

After entering the castle, Scott quickly stopped in his tracks.

Around the corner ahead, Harry, Ron, and Neville were confronting Malfoy's group.

"The trial has already begun." Malfoy said arrogantly, "Wait, Potter, Hagrid will be fired soon!"

"Maybe they will be imprisoned in Azkaban!" Parkinson echoed in a sharp voice.

"Of course, that damned beast will also be sentenced to death." Malfoy said eccentrically, "You will cry by then, Potter, because you lost two good friends at Hogwarts. "

Malfoy's two bulky squires laughed gloatingly.

Harry said angrily, "Shut up, Malfoy, your father won't succeed, Hagrid won't be expelled, and Buckbeak won't be executed!"

"It's not up to you, Potter." Malfoy said triumphantly, "Anyway, just wait!"

"Come on, Harry, leave him alone, we all know that Dumbledore has the final say on this school." Ron said to Harry.

"Dumbledore is not in charge of the Ministry of Magic, Weasley." Malfoy looked at Ron with disdain. "Of course, it's not your poor dad who has the final say. He has no rights in the Ministry of Magic."

"You bastard!" Ron was immediately enraged, wanting to pounce on Malfoy and punch him.

Now it was Harry's turn to hold Ron down.

Malfoy snorted coldly, and walked away from Harry and the others with a few followers.

When they saw Scott standing at the other end of the corridor, they immediately restrained a lot, lowered their heads and passed him quickly.

At this time, the three of Harry also saw Scott.

"Hey, Scott." Harry hurried over, "Hagrid's lawsuit has already started, just today, you know?"

Scott shook his head. "Sorry, I didn't know it was today."

"That..." Harry asked a little nervously, "Do you think...William can help Hagrid win this lawsuit?"

(End of this chapter)

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