Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 318 318. Planning a new play

Chapter 318 318. Planning a new play
In the bedroom, listening to Milton's description, the expressions of Roger and Eddie gradually became serious.

The two went to Scott's bed and looked at the stool whose paint had been ruined by poison.

Roger turned his head and said to Scott: "I agree with Milton on this matter. I think you should really tell the professor."

"What kind of poison is this?" Eddie said with an ugly face, "Even a wooden stool can become like this, let alone human skin."

"Who knows." Scott didn't have a clue either.

"It's a yellow powder that explodes into smoke when it encounters air. It spreads quickly." Milton still had lingering fears.

"If Scott hadn't been on guard and didn't open the letter himself..." His face turned pale when he said this.

"Scott, what do you think?" Roger asked Scott, "Is this the case?"

Scott smiled: "Of course I won't let it go like this, but I don't think it makes much sense to tell the professor and make trouble to the Ministry of Magic."

"Oh? It seems that you don't believe that the Ministry of Magic can resolve this matter fairly?" Eddie chuckled, "Do you want to take revenge yourself? I don't think so."

Scott asked with a smile, "Maybe you have a good idea?"

"There is no good way, you can also write a letter with additional information and send it back to her." Eddie said.

"No!" Milton objected immediately.

Eddie asked him, "What's the matter, can't you bear it?"

"Of course not." Milton frowned, "What you're doing is passing the case to someone else. The Ministry of Magic may be unfair to Scott, but it may not necessarily be unfair to Rolle, who was born in a pure-blood family. "

"It's fine as long as we don't find out about us." Eddie argued unconvinced.

Roger said angrily: "Do they need to investigate? Luo Er knows what he did, as long as you do what you say, the other party will definitely know who did it."

"We can be more cautious, so that the other party can't find any evidence." Eddie rolled his eyes, "Unless Rolle first admits that he sent Scott an additional letter first."

"Maybe they don't need evidence. Pure-blood families can always do a lot of unreasonable things.""

Milton still shook his head in disapproval.

"Also, if pleading guilty first would get Scott convicted, I don't think Rolle would hesitate to do so. If you haven't seen that letter, she's probably out of her mind."

"Then what should we do? Is this really the way to go?" Eddie asked.

"Let's tell the professor about this, and then inform the Ministry of Magic. At least in this way, maybe Rolle will restrain himself." Milton looked at Scott and said.

Speaking of this, he seemed to have suddenly made a big decision, and continued: "Also, I can ask my father to help, although he is only a small employee, but... if he can ask Mrs. Zabini to help If so, maybe you can succeed in making Luo Er get the punishment he deserves."

Roger also said: "My father also has friends in the Ministry of Magic, maybe they can help."

"Sorry." Eddie shrugged, "I can't help you with this."

Scott laughed immediately when he heard the words. He knew that his roommates really wanted to help, so he couldn't help but feel happy.

"I'm glad to hear you say that," he said, "but no, you don't make things difficult for Mr. Graves and Mr. Davis."

Milton and Roger wanted to say something more, but Scott stopped them.

"Needless to say, let me settle this matter myself." He said in an unquestionable tone.

"So how are you going to solve it?" Eddie asked curiously.

Scott pretended to be mysterious and smiled, "For some things, the fewer people who know about them, the better."

Next, regardless of Eddie's curious questioning, scratching his head, he still refused to say what he was going to do.

Milton and Roger were not that curious. They just told Scott that no matter what he was going to do, it would be better to talk about it after a while, and don't let the other party catch it.

Of course Scott agreed.

Just now, he already had some ideas.

In short, the cousins, Carlo and Roll, have offended him thoroughly. If he doesn't fight back, he won't be Scott.

Moreover, his counterattack will not only target Carlo or Roll alone.

As for how to do it, he still needs to prepare for a while.

After taking a shower, Scott took out his ancient rune notes and sat on the bed to read them.

After a while, Eddie, whose curiosity was still unsatisfied, sneaked up to him and took a peek, wondering if he had forgotten Scott's magic perception ability.

In this regard, Ste Ke just smiled and let him watch.

"Is this an ancient rune?" Eddie said disappointedly, "I thought you were preparing a method of revenge, why did you suddenly start learning it?"

Scott glanced at Eddie's anxious expression, wanting to say that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry.

But because no one could understand the sentence, he swallowed it back.

Of course, he would not tell Eddie that the set of rune circuits he was looking at in the notebook at the moment was exactly his means of revenge.

This is a set of rune circuits with a confusing effect, derived from the letter William wrote to him.

At that time, Scott discovered the tricks in the letter with the help of Ravenclaw, and later mastered this set of rune circuits under the guidance of Ravenclaw.

Of course, the rune circuits mastered by Scott are different from the set William hid in the letter. In other words, Ravenclaw has optimized this set of rune circuits.

Scott was caught at the time, and the confusing effect of the rune hidden in the letter immediately gave him the idea of ​​going to the appointment, but this idea was not deep, and it could be easily dispelled after discovery.

After Ravenclaw optimized this set of rune circuits, the effect has changed somewhat.

The optimized rune circuit, its confusing effect will not take effect immediately, but tends to subtly engrave certain thoughts in people's minds.

As time goes by, this kind of thought will become more and more profound, until it is deeply rooted, it can no longer be easily broken.

Scott's plan was to find a way to give Carlo a gift, preferably one he would love.

Scott can hide the rune circuit in the gift, and subtly implant an idea into Carlo until that idea blossoms and bears fruit.

Of course, he also needs to pay attention to the fact that the implanted thoughts should not be blunt. It is best to strengthen or transform some of Carlo's original thoughts, so that they can be traced.

Scott's plan starts with the emotional problems of Carlo and Rolle, cousins ​​and fiancée.

Carol would risk attacking Scott for Roll's sake. Obviously, he likes his fiancée.

But Rolle was different. The girl's heart and eyes were full of the dead Miss Travers.

What Scott wants to direct is a play that licks dogs and blackens them.

(End of this chapter)

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