Chapter 304
Since Voldemort needs a helper, give him one.

Scott thought.

After making up his mind, he finally began to watch the game seriously.

It has to be said that everyone can see that the hard power of the Ravenclaw team is not as good as that of the Gryffindor team.

Especially the Seekers on both sides.

Ravenclaw Seeker Zhang Qiu's flying skills and broomsticks are not as good as Gryffindor's Harry.

It can be seen that Ravenclaw has made some adjustments to the formation and strategy during the game, but it may be due to lack of proficiency, and the effect shown is not very satisfactory.

"Oh! Damn, Gryffindor scored again!" Eddie yelled beside Scott. "Oh! Roger! Fly faster, Roger!"

Roger, who was flying in the air on a broom, couldn't hear Eddie's voice. He was holding the Quaffle and was struggling to shuttle through the siege of Gryffindor players.

He dodges Angelina's charge, dodges a Bludger slapped at him by George, and runs toward Wood's goal behind Chambers' cover.

"Rush! Rush! Rush!"

In the stands, Eddie was almost screaming out.

"Oh look! Roger Davis, the captain of Ravenclaw, is approaching the goal. Can he successfully break through the hole guarded by Gryffindor captain Oliver Wood?"

The commentator of the game, Li Qiaodan, spoke fast and rhythmically, as if performing a quick rap.

"Davis pitched, he pitched! Wood intercepted! Intercepted! Bludger! Oh! Ball in! Pity Wood didn't block the ball, he almost got hit by the Bludger! Ravenclaw's shot Assisted the ball!"

In an instant, there were deafening cheers from the Ravenclaw stands.

Eddie and Milton, who were sitting next to Scott, were waving the small blue flags in their hands excitedly.

The game continued into the afternoon, and the players who hadn't had lunch ended up too hungry.

At 14:45 in the afternoon, Harry finally caught the Snitch, ending the fierce competition.

Ravenclaw lost by a score of 190:350.

Scott walked down the stands with the other Ravenclaws, and he and Eddie helped Roger, who was tired and weak in legs, slowly moved back to the auditorium.

Although he lost the game, Roger was not too depressed.

"The Tactical Advisory Group is useful." He repeated, "We just need a few more games to hone our lineup, and then we can scare our opponents!"

After eating, Roger and the other team members recovered some strength.

Back in the common room of the college, the Quidditch players and members of the tactical advisory group got together and began to summarize the game.

Scott did not participate in the observation, he left the Ravenclaw Tower again and came to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Rimbaud quickly flew out of the forest.

Scott sat against the root of a big tree, and after laying out the spell as usual, he began to talk to Rimbaud.

"There is something you need to do." Scott said, "Find the home of Barty Crouch, Director of the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department."

Rimbaud said, "Oh, the homes of these wizards are hard to find. They usually travel and come home by the fireplace."

"I know, but there is always a chance. He will always participate in some ostentatious banquets or entertainment." Scott said with a smile.

"Follow the carriage like you did when you found the Yaxleys' castle?" Rimbaud asked.

Scott nodded.

Rimbaud asked again, "Will the Crouch family also hold a banquet?"

"Of course not, or absolutely not," said Scott. "You can only follow his carriage home."

"This kind of opportunity doesn't come often!" Rimbaud said with some dissatisfaction.

"Just let a few crows keep an eye on Director Crouch." Scott smiled.

"What happens after you find Crouch's house?" Rimbaud tilted his head and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Scott lowered his head and told Rimbaud about Barty Crouch Jr. and what he wanted to do.

Rimbaud shook his head quickly, "You want to wake up a person controlled by the Imperius Curse? Do you want to go there yourself? Can you do this kind of thing?"

Scott also shook his head, "Of course I won't go."

Rimbaud immediately flew up and pecked at his hand, "Then you let me go, of course I can't do it!"

"I have a simple method that I can try." Scott smiled again, "Let's find the Crouch's house first."

"Then I'm leaving first." Rimbaud said, "I have to go to the Ministry of Magic to find Crouch first, and then let the other crows remember who Barty Crouch is before I can come back."

It flapped its wings and flew up.

"Then please, my friend."

Scott waved at it and watched it go away.

Scott stood up, cleared the spell, and patted grass clippings on his robes.

At this time, two familiar waves of magic power entered his perception range.

Soon, he saw Luna and Savannah coming out of the Forbidden Forest together.

"Good afternoon, Scott!"

Luna waved her hand and ran up to Scott.

"We went to see that poor little thestral."

"Is it all right, little one?" Scott asked.

Luna shook her head, "It refused to follow Hagrid back to his hut to live. Hagrid built a shed for it in the Forbidden Forest, but it was very lonely."

At this time, Savannah also walked over slowly, bowed her head and greeted softly, "Good afternoon, Scott."

"Hi, Savannah." Scott lowered his head and could only see the hair on the top of the girl's head, "Have you also gone to see the little Thestral?"

"When...of course!"

Savannah raised her head and glanced at Scott, as if she felt that her voice was a bit loud, she quickly lowered her head again.

"I like it, too," she said softly.

It seems that this is also a child who has witnessed death.

Luna smiled and said, "Oh, Savannah is very nice. She knows the forest better than me. That's very interesting. She is also very friendly to animals. I like her very much."

As she spoke, she took the initiative to hold Savanna's hand.

"Thank...thank you, Luna, I like you too."

Savanna turned her head to look at Luna, although her cheeks were a little red, but she was much more generous than when she faced Scott.

The two girls looked at each other and smiled, as if they had become good friends.

What kind of friendship mode is this for kindergarten children.

Scott thought to himself.

He couldn't help asking, "I remember you both are second-year Ravenclaws, didn't you know each other before?"

Facing his question, the two girls shook their heads at the same time.

Scott understood that the two girls were somewhat independent, and among the classmates of the same class, they probably didn't get close to anyone.

"That's how we become friends."

At this time, Luna asked happily.

She looked at Savannah, then at Scott, with a look of uncertainty on her face.

"It should be?" Savannah's expression was also a little confused.


Scott was tempted to say that he was not their friendship teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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