Chapter 303

A new week has arrived.

On Monday morning, Scott came to the auditorium with his roommates for breakfast with books in his arms.

"This Saturday is our first game of the school year," Roger told Scott.

"The opponent is Gryffindor." Eddie said, "Of course, this is also the first time our tactical advisory team has participated in a game. I have collected enough information about the opponent, and others have already started to formulate tactics!"

Both turned to stare at Scott as they spoke.

Even Milton said, "You can't push yourself too hard, Scott, and it's nice to watch a ball game every once in a while and relax."

"Okay, I see." Scott held up his hands in surrender, "I'll be at the game on Saturday."

Only then did his roommates smile with satisfaction.

Walking into the auditorium, Scott glanced at the Gryffindor table before taking his seat.

"What are you looking at?" Eddie, a keen "little gossip expert", immediately asked curiously.

Scott glanced at him helplessly, "Nothing."

He ignored Eddie's curious little eyes and started to eat on his own.

Scott actually wanted to see if Harry had arrived.

He suddenly realized that he could actually learn about Voldemort's current situation through Harry.

There is an invisible connection between Harry and Voldemort.

In the "Original Books," Harry saw Voldemort in his dreams immediately after he was found by Pettigrew and restored some of his powers.

Although Voldemort's recovery power at that time was limited, he could only be held in Pettigrew's arms like a baby.

When Voldemort was completely resurrected, the connection between Harry and him became closer, and he saw the scene of Nagini attacking Arthur Weasley in his dream.

Then the owl delivered a new issue of the Daily Prophet.

After reading the newspaper, the students began to denounce the Ministry of Magic's incompetence and inaction in disappointment.

"Look at the headline of today's news, "Operation to Recapture Edinburgh Castle: The Department of Mysteries' research is progressing smoothly, and a major breakthrough will be made in the near future."

"Oh, they've said that more than once!"

"In other words, the Ministry of Magic still hasn't been able to start formal action!"

"I bet they're completely stumped!"

Everyone no longer believes the so-called breakthroughs reported in the newspapers, thinking that the Ministry of Magic is fooling everyone.

"Did they just let those people occupy Edinburgh Castle?"

"They probably have nothing to do with the protective magic outside the castle!"

"The Department of Mysteries has been studying it for a week."

"Won't they invite Dumbledore over?"

Scott watched the door from time to time while eating, and it didn't take long for Harry, Ron, and Hermione to rush into the auditorium.

Scott saw the red Q-version doll on Harry's schoolbag at a glance. It was a miniature [Harry Potter], and it was also a gift Scott gave Harry as a visiting gift.

Scott didn't look back, and without a sound, his magic had connected to the [Harry Potter] doll, conveying his instructions.

From now on, whenever Harry talks about the key word [Voldemort], the [Harry Potter] doll will record his words.

And when Scott is near it, the doll can retell those conversations to Scott.

Scott did all this quietly without anyone noticing.

At this time, he noticed that the roommates around him also started to discuss the contents of today's newspaper.

"He's dead!" said Roger loudly.

"What's going on, Eddie?" Scott asked the "little gossip guy" around him.

"Oh, it's Peter Pettigrew. The Ministry of Magic issued a notice that Peter Pettigrew was confirmed dead in Azkaban." Eddie handed the newspaper to Scott.


Scott reached for the newspaper.

There was only a brief notice in the corner of the newspaper, and the words in the notice announced Pettigrew's death without emotion.

"The cause of death was natural death?" Scott looked at this conclusion in surprise.

Eddie smiled and said, "I'm surprised, I thought he was executed with the 'Dementor's Kiss'."

At this moment, the Weasley twins exclaimed loudly from the Gryffindor table next to them.

"Oh Merlin! Ron, your Scabbers is dead!"

"Poor little Lolo! You love him so much!"

Immediately afterwards, Ron yelled angrily, "Shut up! Fred! Shut up! George!"

Scott put the newspaper aside and continued eating.

Natural death?

Scott didn't believe such a story, he would rather believe that Snape finally figured out a way to kill Pettigrew.

Although Dumbledore stopped Snape from killing Pettigrew, Scott still felt that he would not let it go.

And, of course, a Potions Master is capable of giving a wizard a "natural death".

Of course, all this is just Scott's irresponsible conjecture.

A few more days passed, and the Ministry of Magic's operation to recapture Edinburgh Castle seemed to have made no real progress.

And Harry didn't give Scott any feedback.

Maybe Voldemort still hasn't regained his strength?
That was still on Scott's mind as he sat in the crowded stands Saturday morning.

That's right, Voldemort himself is just a remnant soul, like a lonely ghost, without much power.

Now he might not be able to avoid Medea in time, so how could he jump out before recovering his strength?
Mrs Hooch's whistle sounded and the Quidditch match began.

Scott sat firmly in a cheering crowd, watching the players fly up and down in the sky, while continuing to think.

It seems that the down-and-out Dark Lord needs a helper.

After all, in the "Original Book", it was only after Pettigrew went to the Albanian forest to find Voldemort's remnant soul and helped him make a baby body that could be temporarily lodged in that the Dark Lord regained some of his power.

Only now that Pettigrew is dead, Scott thought, what the Dark Lord needs now is his most loyal subordinate, Barty Crouch Jr.

Barty Crouch Jr. is the son of Barty Crouch, Director of the Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation at the Ministry of Magic.

This son is also the reason why Barty Crouch, who was the Director of Law Enforcement at the time, failed to compete for the position of Minister of Magic.

A high-ranking official of the Ministry of Magic who has tried many Death Eaters has a son who is also a Death Eater. This is a huge scandal.

And Barty Crouch Jr. is a very loyal Death Eater.

After Voldemort failed, in order to find the whereabouts of the Dark Lord, he and several Death Eaters frantically tortured the Longbottoms with the Cruciatus Curse to inquire about the news, causing them to be completely tortured and insane.

It is known that the crazy young man was sentenced to life in Azkaban by his stern father, and died there.

But Scott, who knows a lot of "original" plots, knows even more.

Barty Crouch Jr. did not die, his mother saved him.

The mother begged her husband to exchange herself and her son—

She turned into Barty Jr. through Polyjuice Potion, and died in Azkaban instead of his identity, and the real Barty Jr. was brought home using Polyjuice Potion to become his mother.

After being released from prison, Barty Sr. was disappointed to find that his son was still a fanatical supporter of Voldemort.

In the end he had to imprison his son at home with the Imperius Curse, clothe him with an invisibility cloak, and be watched over by a house-elf.

(End of this chapter)

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