Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 29 029. Snape's Potions Lesson

Chapter 29 029. Snape's Potions Lesson

"Finally, I would like to emphasize one point." Dumbledore said to the students, "Although we do not know the specific reasons for the illness of the three students, after testing by the therapists at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries, this disease does not It can spread from person to person."

Of course, Scott thought.

If this virus can spread from person to person, things will become a big mess, and it will attract more people's attention, which is not in line with his expectations.

Now, who would have thought that this is a Muggle virus that can only be transmitted by a few specific species of mosquitoes.

At this time, when the students heard the conclusion that it would not spread from person to person, all of them had smiles on their faces.

Only when they were ready to cheer again, Dumbledore warned again: "This means that we have not found the specific transmission route of this disease. So I think students should still be vigilant."

The students who wanted to jump and cheer just now fell silent, and their high emotions fell silent again.

"Next, we will do our best to prevent the disease from recurring."

Dumbledore smiled reassuringly at the students again.

"First of all, our esteemed Head Nurse Madam Pomfrey, and your Potions professor, Professor Snape, will conduct research on this disease, and I believe they will soon be able to invent targeted treatments and magic medicine."

At this moment, Madam Pomfrey and Professor Snape nodded.

"Very good, I believe in their abilities."

Dumbledore encouraged the two and continued: "Next, our castle keeper Mr. Filch, and our gamekeeper Mr. Hagrid, they will clean up Hogwarts Castle and the surrounding area, Dealing with small animals like bugs and mice that spread disease..."

Dumbledore methodically made arrangements for cleaning up the campus, but Scott didn't listen.

As the initiator of this incident, of course he would not worry about any disease.On the contrary, for him, most of the dangers against him have been successfully eliminated, and there is only one last thing left.

Scott turned his head to look at Jacob Kent, who was sitting at the end of the long table.

He still remembered that Jasmine Travers once said something like "let him do that thing", but he didn't know what she would let Jacob do, and whether this kid would do it now.

Seemingly sensing Scott's sight, Jacob, who had been bowing his head just now, raised his head and met Scott's eyes.

Scott raised the corners of his mouth slightly and gave Jacob an imperceptible smile.

Jacob's eyes flickered and he lowered his head again.

Scott stared at him for a few more seconds before looking back.

Unfortunately, for this boy, he can no longer move.After all, walking will leave traces, and the more you do, the easier it will be exposed.

But Scott is not worried, he can see a lot of things from a wizard's magical state, Jacob is undoubtedly a smart man.By now, he shouldn't dare to do anything.

When Dumbledore's speech ended, Scott and the others finally had breakfast.

After breakfast, the other three deans, except Professor McGonagall, called some students away from their college ranks.

Although the name is that they have had close contact with three patients recently, they need to check their bodies.But Scott keenly noticed that most of the students who were called away were little witches in the lower grades.

Sure enough, the professors had discovered Travers' small group.

Scott's roommates also discovered this fact.

[I'll just say it! ]

Eddie winked at Scott and the others with a smug look.

The three of Scott ignored him, and they separated from Eddie and went to the potions classroom located in the basement of the castle.

Ravenclaw is still taking this Potions class with Hufflepuff.The students sat in groups as usual, and since Professor Snape had not come, everyone was discussing Dumbledore's morning speech enthusiastically.

Scott and Milton sat together.At some point, Roger met another Hufflepuff schoolgirl, and they sat in the front row of Scott and Milton, whispering together.

On the other side, Roger's ex-girlfriend, Miss Mill, was constantly turning her head to stare at the two of them.

"What we're trying to concoct today should be an antidote." Milton opened the textbook, "I have to read the steps again."

"I remember you've previewed it three times, Milton." Scott was busy putting the potion-making tools handy.

Milton didn't look up. "No, every time Professor Snape stood next to me, I would lose my memory and forget what to do next."

"I don't think it has anything to do with memory," Scott said helplessly. "You're just too nervous. Don't worry about Professor Snape, remember we're a group, and I'll give you a hint."

Milton gave him a grateful look. "Oh, thank you, Scott! I'll have to watch it again though."

Scott was speechless.Because it's always like this.Whenever he was paired with Milton in Potions class, Scott was always in need of constant rescue.

Because Snape would always slide around the classroom, staring sullenly at every student.Those students with poor psychological quality are hard not to make mistakes under his watch.

Like Milton.

And whenever someone made a mistake, Snape would curl up his upper lip and start spraying venom in his characteristic tone—often making the erring student even more flustered.

And students who make mistakes again will be deducted by Snape.

Scott seriously doubted that Snape was deliberately looking for opportunities in this way, in order to deduct all the house points from the other three houses except Slytherin.

By the way, Milton was one of Snape's key targets in the classroom.

However, Snape was rarely able to deduct points from Milton because Scott was always saving the game in time.That's why Scott thought Snape didn't feel good about him.

As for Scott's own potion grades, it can only be said that it is not good or bad.He just can strictly follow the steps in the textbook to make the level.

"Rigid! No creativity!"

This is Snape's assessment of him.

Scott always doesn't care--

He didn't want to study and develop in-depth potions, and his requirements were not so high.

He felt that it was enough that he could make it according to the existing recipe.


Snape suddenly pushed open the classroom door and strode toward the podium.The wide black robe on his body tumbled like a mass of black smoke.

"Open your textbook."

His dark and empty eyes scanned the classroom, the students all bowed their heads, and no one wanted to look at him.

"Antidote. I think you should have reviewed the content of the textbook," he said. "Now! Send a student from each group to take your potion materials!"

(End of this chapter)

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