Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 28 028. Sermons at Breakfast Time

Chapter 28 028. Breakfast time speech

At night, Scott lay in bed and carefully recalled what he had done in the past two days. After reconfirming that there were no mistakes, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, although he believed that he would not be found out, he was not [-]% relieved.

This is Hogwarts after all, and their headmaster is Dumbledore.He couldn't speculate on the old man who was called the strongest wizard of the century with his shallow experience in magic for three years.

But Scott is also curious about one thing.How Dumbledore would have reacted if he had known all the little things Jasmin Travers had done since he entered school.

Jasmin Travers was born into a pure-blood family loyal to the Dark Lord, and her father, a notorious Death Eater, is still imprisoned in Azkaban.

Also, as a daughter, Travers is much more promising than her father. People are not satisfied with her father crawling at the feet of the Dark Lord. She wants to become a new generation of Dark Lord herself.

such a pity.

It was a pity that Scott couldn't see Headmaster Dumbledore's expression.

He also wondered if Dumbledore would be as defensive about a little girl as he was with Tom Riddle in "The Originals."

However, he felt that the so-called pure-blood witch group should be gone, and professors who knew the truth would definitely focus on these pure-blooded witches.

But all of this is just his guess, he can't do it accurately, he just needs to wait for the result with peace of mind.

The next day at breakfast time, when Scott and his roommates came to the auditorium, they found all the professors sitting on the bench, including their headmaster, Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore may have news for us," Eddie whispered excitedly. "He must have figured out why the three girls were sick, and I guess they even cured them!"

Scott was noncommittal about Eddie's words.

If it was magical means that caused the three girls to get sick, he believed that Dumbledore could solve it quickly.But about the virus he brought from the Muggle world, and about the always arrogant Muggle wizards, they wouldn't think there.

So he guessed that there was only one cure available to the wizards - to enhance their physique with potions or magic spells, and rely on their own immunity to defeat the virus in their bodies.

Therefore, the three girls could not be discharged from the hospital in a short time.

As time passed, the students came to the auditorium one after another.All the little wizards were sitting at the long table in their academy and whispering.

It seemed that Dumbledore's presence drove away the panic, and the students were generally calmer than they were yesterday.

This is Dumbledore's deterrent.

As long as he is here, it will make people feel at ease.

Ding, ding, ding.

Professor McGonagall tapped the glass three times with a silver spoon.


Her stern gaze swept away, and the huge auditorium immediately fell silent.


Dumbledore coughed and was about to speak when Lockhart, who was sitting in the teachers' bench, suddenly stood up.

"Hello everyone!"

Lockhart grinned, revealing neat white teeth.

"I've seen a lot of young wizards in bad spirits, and that makes the most popular professor at Hogwarts, I, Professor Lockhart, deeply saddened."

Lockhart still wore a brightly colored robe and looked confident with his head held high.

Scott noticed that the other professors on the faculty seat were looking at Lockhart, who had suddenly jumped out, with unspeakable eyes.

Especially Professor Snape, who looked at Lockhart like he was looking at a Flobber caterpillar.His face was also very ugly, like the reaction after seeing a hundred Harry Potter smiles at him.

Professor McGonagall kept winking at Headmaster Dumbledore, while Dumbledore was hesitant to speak. For some reason, he did not stop Lockhart from speaking.

"I know you're worried about what happened yesterday. But you seem to have forgotten that you don't have to worry about it."

Lockhart, completely oblivious to the reaction of the other professors, played with gusto.

"I, Gilderoy Lockhart, [-]rd Class of the Order of Merlin, Honorary Member of the Defense Against the Dark Arts, five-time Witcher Weekly Award for Most Charming Smile - but I don't talk about that, I'm not Drive away female ghosts by smiling!"

He repeated his classic line again, then held his head high, as if waiting for the students' reaction.

But he was disappointed, and no one screamed or laughed, and even his most ardent admirers were not in the mood to cheer him on.

"He's such a big idiot," Roger cursed in a low voice. "That fool who can only giggle, doesn't he know that everyone is waiting for Dumbledore to tell us the result!"

No one responded, but Lockhart, who was standing on the teacher's bench, didn't feel embarrassed at all.

"Okay, okay, I know you're in a bad mood." He pretended to sigh, "But you shouldn't forget that there is a Defense Against the Dark Arts expert in the school right now."

He spread his hands helplessly, "Yes, and I'm here, what do you have to worry about?"

Having said this, he smirked again, "Don't worry, don't worry, little wizards, this matter will be resolved soon, I assure you..."

"Very good, thank you Professor Lockhart for your speech."

Dumbledore finally stood up, and he applauded softly, nodding to Lockhart, motioning him to sit down.

Lockhart, who was interrupted to speak, hesitated for a moment, and then saluted Dumbledore in a pretentious manner. When he raised his head again, the smile on his face returned to normal.

"I know everyone is concerned about what happened yesterday."

When Dumbledore started his speech, all the students in the auditorium were listening intently.

"Our Miss Rolle, Miss Avery, and Miss Travert were eventually taken to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries for unknown reasons."

Dumbledore spoke slowly, and the anxious students couldn't help stretching their necks.

"Unfortunately, we have never found their cause, and we have not yet developed a targeted treatment plan."

Hearing this, many students showed some panic again on their faces.

Dumbledore continued: "But fortunately, none of the three young ladies were life-threatening. St Mungo's therapists estimate that under conservative treatment, they will recover in three months. We will welcome them together at that time. Back to school."

"I see! Thank you Merlin!" Tears welled up in Milton's eyes again, "I thought...that's great, so it wasn't a fatal disease..."

At this time, many students were cheering.Until Professor McGonagall knocked on the glass again.

"Not too bad news, but don't forget we still haven't found the cause."

Dumbledore pressed his hands down.

"I still hope that students will remain vigilant. If anyone finds relevant clues, you are welcome to come to me or other professors. I believe that neither I nor other professors will be stingy to give him extra points."

(End of this chapter)

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