Chapter 281 281. The end of the first day of the new school year

The delightful duel class came to an end quickly, and Blake did not hesitate to give college points to the students who performed well, among which Scott got the highest score of 10 points.

In general, the first class of the new professor Blake was a resounding success.

But Scott's good mood didn't last long.

After dinner, he met the Potions Master head-to-head in a corridor.

"Good evening, Professor Snape." Scott greeted proactively.

Snape stopped in his tracks.

He repeated what Scott had said in Defense Against the Dark Arts, rhetorically.

"Dumbledore finally made the right choice?"

His unique tone of voice can always easily stir up other people's unpleasant mood.

"Is this your true assessment of Black, Mr. Trollope. I have to say that the vision of the genius Trollope is really disappointing."

Snape stared at Scott with his dark, emotionless eyes.


What is this gentleman doing sneering at me?
At this moment, Scott really wanted to roll his eyes at him.

Of course he knew that the Potions professor had coveted the Defense Against the Dark Arts professorship for a long time, which led him to harbor malice towards any Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Not to mention that it was Black, his enemy.

This is simply the superimposition of old and new hatred.

But it's none of my business!
Is he trying to force me to stand in line?

There were endless thoughts in Scott's mind.

He had been stared at by Snape, and had to answer his question.

He didn't want to offend Snape again, but he couldn't deny what he said, so Scott had to think carefully about what he said.

"I did say so, Professor. After all, the previous professors of this course were not so satisfactory. Professor Black is at least much better than Professor Quirrell and Professor Lockhart, isn't he?"


Snape glanced at him and snorted coldly.

"Indeed, your disgusting flattery about Blake will make sense if you compare it with those two idiots."

After finishing his sentence with his chin raised, he flicked his robe and strode away.

Watching Snape's back disappear around the corner, Scott couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief.

It seemed that he had to pay attention in the future and try to stay away from the struggle between Snape and Black, the old enemies.

He was just a Ravenclaw boy, and he didn't want to be cannon fodder in a war between two old Slytherin and Gryffindor men.

Let this arduous task be handed over to Harry, the "savior" who has a close relationship with both of them!

As a "savior", the burden on his shoulders is always heavier than that of ordinary people.

Scott just wanted to watch the action, not participate in it.

Afterwards, Scott did not hang around in the castle, but returned to the common room, preparing to finish his thesis homework for the day in the college library.

Jacob approached him when he was halfway through writing his dissertation.

"what happened?"

Scott looked up at Jacob, and did not stop writing.

Jacob leaned on the bookshelf beside him, and asked Scott in a low voice, "Since experiencing Lockhart, everyone understands that you can't trust the so-called fame, well, I just want to ask you, Professor Black, what's wrong with you?" Sample?"

Scott didn't look up, "I think many of my classmates have already discussed it."

Jacob said disapprovingly: "Lohart was also liked by many people back then. Heroes are always more popular than novelists."

Scott looked up, "You can trust most Ravenclaw students, we are usually more sensible."

"Then why don't you give an objective evaluation?" Jacob asked.


Scott put down the quill.

"Professor Black's advantage is that he has rich practical experience and is not weak in theory. The disadvantage is that he is not emotionally stable and lacks teaching experience. In short, he is qualified for this position."

Only then did Jacob thank him with satisfaction and leave.

Scott continued to work on the paper, and had only written a few lines when someone found him again.

"I...I want to come to thank you." Savannah was still a little unnatural when talking to him.

"Thank you?" Scott looked at her in surprise.

"About my brother," Savannah said. "We found him."

Scott was really surprised, "Congratulations."

At the beginning, he didn't figure out where her missing brother was, but only figured out his state.

He still remembered the results of his calculations. Although Savannah's brother Aaron was still alive, his body was in a deep sleep, his consciousness was half-dream and half-awake, but his spirit was very active.

Scott once speculated that he might have been under some special spell, or it might be related to the Druid spell inherited by the Savannah family.

Of course, these guesses are just guesses, after all, he knows nothing about the so-called druids.

"Aaron, is that his name?" Scott asked curiously, "Is he fully awake?"

Savanna shook her head, hesitated to speak, and finally said in general: "We just found him, but we haven't been able to wake him up yet."

After all, she did not tell the specific situation, and left after thanking again.

Scott looked at the girl's back, and suddenly remembered that she had completely turned into a wolf.

The druid's beast shapeshifted, and Scott was intrigued.

It is said that Druid's beast transformation can change more than one kind of beast, which seems to be superior to Animagus who can only transform into one fixed animal?
He decided to ask the Ravenclaw tutor again on Saturday.

That night, Scott heard Roger muttering in the dormitory, "When I was in class today, I always felt that Caccini looked at me wrongly."

There was great confusion on his face.

"Of course, not only in class, but also when eating in the auditorium..."

"Is there something wrong?" Eddie asked with a smile, "Isn't it the look in the eyes of the heartbroken? Just like Miss Mill."

Scott, who was leaning on the bed and flipping through a book, felt his heart skip a beat when he heard Roger's words.

He remembered the embarrassing incident of being blocked by Caccini in Diagon Alley in Roger's face during the summer vacation.

He continued to flip through the book calmly, listening to the conversation between Roger and Eddie.

"No." Roger said confused. "The whole summer vacation has passed. I thought that Caccini's dissatisfaction with my breakup would be diluted by time. I don't know why..."

"You find that she hates you even more?" Eddie asked gloatingly.

Milton suggested, "Maybe you should talk to her."

Roger said with some hesitation: "The way she looks at me is really unreasonable. Maybe I should really talk to her."

At this moment Scott wanted him to dismiss the idea, or tell him the truth directly.

But he held back.

He couldn't ask Roger to cancel his plan to talk to Caccini.

He would never do such a thing as mixing with the feelings of giving advice to others, it was not in line with his character.

Nor could he tell Roger the truth directly.

He sneaked back to England during the summer holidays and did some very dangerous things. To be on the safe side, he couldn't let people know that he had been in England during the summer holidays.

Let this be a complete unsolved case.

In the end, Scott thought he was very bachelor and a little guilty.

 Happy National day! ! !

  Today's holidays are a bit slack, so there are only two updates.

  Three shifts will resume tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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