Chapter 280

"Unfortunately, I didn't get to see the actual duel exam you guys had in June at the end of last school year."

Blake tossed his hair casually.

"Everyone knows that I was still imprisoned in Azkaban at that time."

Scott felt that he might have made a mistake in bringing up Azkaban in a nonchalant tone, since he had underestimated the curiosity of the Ravenclaw students.

If Black didn't mention it, the students wouldn't show his scars without winking, but after he showed that he didn't care, more than one Ravenclaw student immediately took the initiative to ask questions——

"Professor Black, is Azkaban really as scary as the rumors say?"

"Professor, what kind of monsters are dementors? Are they magical animals or real demons?"

"If the dementors are as scary as the legends say, how did you persist for 12 years?"

As several Ravenclaw students asked questions, the Hufflepuff students also stared at Black curiously.

But Scott found Blake apparently a bit dazed in the bombardment of questions from the students.

He clearly saw Black showing a embarrassed expression for a moment.

But the new professor is clearly trying to make a good impression on the students.

He forced himself to speak, but it seemed that he suddenly fell into a terrible memory.

"Well, Azkaban... I have to say, that is definitely not a good memory."

He spoke intermittently, with a look of pain flashing across his face.

"Dementors... yes, they are a group of devils, they bring only coldness and darkness, but they can easily take away all happiness and leave people with endless pain..."

Judging from his performance, just two months after he was released from prison is really far from enough to free him from the influence of 12 years in prison.

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, and the students around him also showed surprised expressions, Scott quickly stood up.

There is no way, as a prefect, he has to take care of things that he could stand on the sidelines before.

"Thank you for your answer, Professor Black."

He smiled at Blake.

"This makes us look forward to the next combat class even more. I really hope to hear more about your past duel experience with dark wizards."

When Scott spoke, he deliberately slowed down a lot.

"A wizard with rich combat experience like you is a suitable professor for this class. I think, maybe Principal Dumbledore finally made the right choice."

After Scott spoke, the students around Black immediately fell silent.

And as Scott slowly finished a long paragraph, Blake also came to his senses.

He glanced at Scott gratefully, and put a calm smile on his face again.

"I heard from Professor Flitwick that you formed your own dueling club last semester."

He took the initiative to mention the Dueling Club, looked around the students, and shook the parchment with the student list in his hand.

"Who can tell me, among the students present, who performed best in the activities of the Dueling Club?"



The Ravenclaws voted for Scott, while the Hufflepuffs called out Cedric.

"Oh, very good! Mr. Trollope." Black glanced at the parchment in his hand. "Also, Mr. Diggory."

He glanced at Scott, "I would like to invite the two gentlemen to give us a demonstration duel, so that I can know the level of outstanding students among you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the other students from the two colleges took several big steps back, leaving only Scott and Cedric standing still.

Cedric glanced back at his classmate in some surprise.

"Sorry, Professor Black." He said to Black, "Compared to Scott, I am obviously not good enough."

"There is no need to be modest, Mr Diggory, your grades are quite good."

Black waved the wand in his hand, causing other students to retreat to the edge of the classroom, and began to direct Scott and Cedric to their positions without any explanation.

Scott and Cedric could only cooperate and stand face to face at a distance.

Blake announced the start of the duel crisply.

"Except your weapons!"


Cedric started with a disarming spell, and after Scott calmly dodged his spell with his magic perception, he immediately hid himself in the thick smoke.

Although Cedric used the Hurricane Charm, he failed to blow all the smoke away.

As the smoke continued to fill, it soon enveloped the entire classroom.

Scott heard many complaints from his classmates.

They can't see the duel either!
After Cedric lost his vision, Scott simply ended the duel with a petrification spell.

after awhile.Blake's voice sounded.

"Whirlwind Sweep (Tergeo)!"

Subsequently, a continuously rotating wind produced a siphon effect in the classroom, and the volume of the smoke continued to shrink, and finally condensed into a cloud and dissipated with the wind.

Everyone regained their sight.

"Stop the curse!"

Black swung his wand to free Cedric from petrification.

"Unfortunately, Mr Diggory, you did not cast the proper spell."

he said to Cedric.

"Facing Mr. Trollope's Smoke Curse, the whirlwind used to clean the room is obviously better than the Hurricane Spell that can blow away wizards."

He looked at Scott again.

"You did a good job, Mr. Trollope. The use of the Smoke Curse made full use of my strength in magic power perception. But please note that this spell is easier to clear when used indoors."

Both Scott and Cedric thanked him for his teaching.

Scott really didn't expect that this tactic would be restrained by a cleaning spell when used indoors.

But that's what makes magic so interesting.

Many seemingly powerful spells are countered by some neglected life spells or mischief spells.

But this requires some experience or whimsy.

Just like Scott once used the Mind Confusion Charm to destroy the space magic of the house-elves, and the Happy Charm to make Brandon Yaxley lose control of the Fiercefire Curse.

For the next time, Black put all the students in pairs and started dueling practice at the same time.

He shuttled through the huge practice classroom, giving some advice to the students from time to time.

Both Scott and Cedric were abandoned by their fellow students and had to form another team.

At Cedric's request, the two began to compete with Transfiguration.

Cedric learned Scott's good habits, and also took some materials for transformation with him.

Neither of them used magic spells, but each manipulated two transformation products to fight, and the battle was a bit stalemate for a while.

"Congratulations, you've made great progress," Scott said.

I haven't seen him for a while, but Cedric has been able to control the two animals very flexibly, which shows that he is also working hard during the summer vacation.

(End of this chapter)

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