Chapter 258
The basement entrance of the manor villa, where Ramiro and two bodyguards are guarding.

They apparently hadn't slept all night.

The two bodyguards looked quite energetic, but Ramiro had already started to doze off.

Hearing footsteps, the two bodyguards looked over immediately.

Seeing that it was Scott, they obviously relaxed a little, and nodded to him silently.

Scott smiled at them, walked over to Ramiro, who was dozing off in a chair, and patted him on the shoulder.


Ramiro was awakened suddenly, raised his head to see Scott and asked in surprise, "Scott, why are you here?"

He looked down at the watch on his hand, "It's still so early."

Scott said, "Can't sleep, come and see."

He walked to the entrance of the basement and asked the bodyguard next to him, "Can I go in and have a look?"

"Of course, sir." The bodyguard nodded and made a gesture of invitation.

Scott walked into the basement, and the bodyguard behind him turned on the light in the basement.

"Woo... woo woo."

The thief Fletcher was tightly bound hands and feet with thick iron chains, his eyes were blindfolded, and something was stuffed in his mouth.

Scott took a closer look and saw that his robe and boots had been stripped off, leaving only his shirt and trousers.

It seemed that Uncle Caleb was still very cautious, taking advantage of the time when the thief was under the control of Veritaserum, he completely eliminated the threat from him.

At this time, Ramiro also walked into the basement.

He pointed to the broken cardboard box in the corner of the basement, "Those are all his things, let alone, there are so many things hidden in this guy!"

Scott nodded, walked to the carton and looked down.

"You should really check his things," Ramiro said. "These things are too dirty and smelly. Here's to you."

He hands Scott an old golf club.

Scott reached out to take it, picked up the dirty robe from the cardboard box and threw it on the ground, and then used a club to pick up a few magic items in the cardboard box.

A shape-shifting lizard skin bag that was also dirty, a dusty ring with a cracked jewel, and a small lamp that was so dark that its original appearance could not be seen at all.

These three things still have some obvious magic power fluctuations.

There are also some bits and pieces of broken jewelry and decorations, and the remaining magic power on them is very weak.

Scott looked at it for a while, and carefully distinguished the rune circuit engraved on the ring and the lamp, and roughly understood the functions of these two magic items.

The main function of that ring is protection. It can roughly defend against some less powerful curses, but in fact it is not as good as the Iron Armor Curse.

The lamp is a black magic item, which can actively activate a powerful poisonous spell when used.

Although Scott doesn't know alchemy, under the education of Ravenclaw's tutor, he still has some vision.

These two magic items are only made with relatively basic alchemy, and they are not considered special treasures, let alone they are both damaged.

As for the deformed lizard skin bag, because only the owner could open it, Scott couldn't take out the contents.

Unless Fletcher dies.

Scott shook his head, ignoring the whining Fletcher, threw away the old club in his hand, and walked out of the basement with Ramiro.

Ramiro ordered the two bodyguards, and returned to the hall with Scott.

He ran to the kitchen, took two bottles of water from the refrigerator, and handed Scott one.

"I heard from my father that you are going back to England?" he asked.

Scott unscrewed the water bottle and took a sip, then nodded, "This matter must be resolved as soon as possible."

Ramiro gulped down several mouthfuls of water, put his arms around Scott's shoulders, and said with a smile, "My dear cousin, take me with you."

"Don't even think about it." Scott flatly refused, freeing his arm.

Ramiro didn't bother either.

He asked curiously, "Is there really such a big gap between wizards and ordinary people?"

Scott glanced at him and chose to tell the truth, "The number of wizards is too small, and they have to hide themselves with strict secrecy laws, all to protect themselves."

Ramiro laughed twice, "I thought wizards would look down on ordinary people."

"Of course, there are quite a few guys who can't recognize the reality." Scott said, "but all sober wizards know the real reason for the implementation of the wizard secrecy law."

Ramiro reacted quickly, "That is to say, besides the offspring of ordinary people like you, the so-called magic world also has guys who have been wizards for generations."

Scott shrugged his shoulders, "This is where the internal contradictions of wizards lie. Most wizards value bloodlines more than ordinary people."

"So you have had a hard time in the wizarding world?" Ramiro patted Scott on the shoulder.

"No, I'm doing fine." Scott smiled confidently, "Bloodline doesn't mean anything."

Ramiro froze for a moment, then patted Scott on the shoulder again, "Cool, as expected of my cousin Ramiro."

Afterwards, he enthusiastically asked many questions about wizards and the wizarding world.

He is most interested in Scott's study life at Hogwarts.

Scott just gave some short answers.

Finally, he did not forget to tell Ramiro not to tell anyone.

Ramiro patted his chest, "Of course, even if I say it everywhere, no one will believe it."

"Hey, you know what, my cousin is a wizard!" he acted out, and laughed himself out.

Scott chatted and laughed with him all morning, and he felt better.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, Caleb came down from upstairs.

"Good morning."

He didn't ask Scott why he got up so early, he said good morning and started making coffee by himself.

"Your cabin will be delivered soon."

Caleb, who was holding a coffee, said to Scott after sitting down on the sofa.

Scott nodded and begged, "Thank you, Uncle, I need to shrink the cabin and take it away, and I don't want others to see it when I cast the spell."

Caleb put down his coffee cup and took out his cell phone, "I'll let them unload the wooden house at the intersection outside."

Thanks again Scott.

At this time, Ramiro poured two cups of coffee and brought them over.

He handed the coffee in his left hand to Scott, and at the same time said to Caleb: "Dad, you are right, Scott really refuses to take me to the magic world to see and see."

Caleb just glanced at him and didn't speak.

Scott took the coffee, smiled and said to Ramiro: "Did you know that the most famous children's comic book in the British wizarding world is called "The Adventures of Martin Miggs the Crazy Muggle". Mr. Si has the same treatment, then you can try to break into the magic world."

(End of this chapter)

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