Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 257 257. Preparing for Chapter British Scott

Chapter 257. 257. Scott preparing to return to England

Scott took out his wand and cast a revealing spell on the map of Lace on the table.

"Hurry up!"

The light of the spell shrouded the map, but the map remained unchanged.

Scott put down his wand and looked at the map several times over and over again, but he still didn't see anything.

There are only two possibilities for this situation.

Either this map, like the Marauder's Map, requires a specific password to open.

Either this map is so old that the magic attached to the parchment has faded.

He looked up and asked Emilia, "Has great-grandfather ever seen a map move?"

Emilia said: "It was because I saw it by accident that my grandfather got it. After that, my grandfather retired from the gang struggle in the London underground and lived in seclusion in Spain to study the map."

Scott asked again, "So did he tell you, under what circumstances did he see the map move? Did anyone say anything at that time?"

Emilia recalled, "Grandfather told the story that a London merchant got this map of Lace, and he held a banquet for it out of show off..."

Emilia's grandfather Billy Hill, one of the most powerful gang bosses in London's underground at the time, was also invited to the banquet.

Of course, his nemesis Jack Spotter is also there.

At the banquet, the London businessman showed off the genuine map of Reis that he accidentally obtained, and tried his best to exaggerate the magic of this map——

In 1513, Piri Reis drew a map containing the Antarctic continent, and the map even showed the scene where the Antarctic continent had not been frozen many years ago.

Modern people did not discover this frozen continent until 1820.

According to the ostentatious businessman, there is nothing more magical and legendary than this map.

Billy also took a close look at the map at the invitation of the businessman.

Only a few people were able to watch it up close.

In the beginning, the few people who were invited didn't realize that the map was really magical, and even the businessman who owned the map only used it as a way of talking and showing off his capital.

But just when Billy lost his interest in the map and was about to say a few perfunctory compliments, the patterns on the map started to move.

Although it only moved for a moment, Billy knew that it was not his illusion.

Because at that moment, he saw that the faces of the other people who were watching from a close distance also changed.

Although several people, including Billy, calmly did not discuss this matter afterwards, after the banquet, several people started a bloody battle around this map.

And Billy won the final victory.

"...that's all my grandfather told me," Emilia said. "Sorry, he didn't go into great detail."

Scott pondered for a moment, then finally sighed.

It seems that it is not an easy task to unlock the secret of this map.

However, he has no time to do more research on the map.

Scott looked up at Michael and Emilia, and said softly, "I need to go back to England as soon as possible."

"You want to go back to England?" Emilia held Scott's right hand nervously, "Why do you want to go in person? If you want to give the map to others, you can ask Shay to deliver it!"

Scott shook his head, "No, it's safer for me to go in person this time."

Because he was still unwilling to just send the map like this, he finally secretly chose another somewhat risky approach.

Emilia's hands tightened, "But..."

"Don't worry, Mom." Scott smiled slightly, "Trust me, I'll be fine."

"No!" Emilia shook her head, "I can't let you go alone!"

She let go of Scott's hand suddenly and stood up.

"I'm going to tell Caleb that we can move again! Move to a place where others can't find it!" She said, turning around and rushing out of the room.

"Millie!" Michael quickly stood up and hugged her, "Calm down, Millie. We can't escape, we can't escape the earth."

Millie said angrily: "Then what should I do? Is it true that Scott should solve this matter alone? He is not yet of age!"

"Don't worry, there is no danger." Scott comforted her with a quick smile, "Trust me."

Emilia stared into Scott's eyes, "Is what you said true?"

"Of course." Scott said with a smile, "You're too nervous, Mom."

Scott and Michael looked at each other and stood up, "I'll go talk to my uncle first."

He smiled again and said to Emilia: "I plan to go only for a few days, and I will return to Madrid soon. July 7 is my birthday."

Hearing what he said, Emilia's expression improved a bit.

Scott went to the room and picked up the deformed lizard skin bag on the desk. After leaving the room, he glanced at the hall downstairs.

At this time, Caleb was sitting alone in the empty hall.

Scott walked down the stairs and sat down beside Caleb.

He said deceptively truthful words, "Uncle, I have already contacted you. This place should be safe for now, and tomorrow I will return to England with a map."

"Go back by yourself?" Caleb turned to look at his nephew, "Are you sure there is no danger?"

"Of course, it's confirmed." Scott said with a smile.

Caleb stared into his eyes for a few seconds before slowly nodding.

He took out a brand new mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Scott, "You must remember to keep in touch with us."

Scott reached for the black phone and looked at it in his hand.

Nokia 1011.

He had only seen pictures of this kind of antique in his previous life on the Internet.

He looked at Caleb with some embarrassment, "This... there should be no signal in the magic world."

Caleb raised his eyebrows, "You can always find an opportunity, whether it's a mobile phone or a landline, you should be able to find a way to contact us."

Scott could only nod, "Okay, I will remember to contact my family."

Caleb nodded in satisfaction.

"By the way, uncle." Scott said while playing with the phone, "I need you to find someone to help build an all-in-one log cabin."

He took out a notebook and a pen from the shape-shifting lizard leather bag, wrote down the dimensions of the cabin, tore off the paper and handed it to Caleb.

Caleb didn't ask him what he needed a log cabin for. He just took the paper and looked at it, and said directly to him, "You will see it in the manor tomorrow morning."

After speaking, he started calling to find someone to build the wooden house overnight.

Scott didn't sleep well that night.

He suddenly woke up from a dreamless light sleep at 4 o'clock in the morning.

After waking up, Scott had no intention of going back to sleep.

After washing and dressing, he went directly downstairs and followed the magic perception to the place where the thief Fletcher was being held.

(End of this chapter)

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