Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 228 228. Let's keep each other secret

Chapter 228 228. Let's keep each other secret
"Let me figure it out and take that route when I go back."

Scott, who has updated his arithmetic and divination skills, raised his wand and was eager to try.

"Your help is needed, Rimbaud."

He waved his wand, drew a few sparkling lines in the air, and quickly outlined a rough map of the Forbidden Forest near Hogwarts Castle.

Afterwards, under the reminder of Rimbaud, his hands kept moving, and the area covered by the simple map continued to expand.


Scott suddenly stopped what he was doing and waved his wand, causing the drawn map to disappear immediately.

"I almost forgot." He looked at Rimbaud, "I didn't know the exact location of your territory on purpose."

"Hey hey hey..."

Rimbaud laughed.

"Oh, Scott, my friend, though you're smart most of the time, you're also dumb sometimes."

"Who doesn't have time to relax." Scott smiled disapprovingly.

The real reason was that his hands were itchy.

With the help of Guan Guan, he can use arithmetic, divination and calculation without paper and pen, but he hasn't really tried it yet, so he inevitably wants to try it.

And to be honest, there is no point in calculating the route back.

Because it was Rimbaud who flew him back from high altitude, it was impossible for them to be in danger.

Arithmancy would only be needed if he was going to go through the forest on his own.

However, the estimated results may not be accurate.

The known conditions are not sufficient.

Although the terrain in the forest is fixed, the magical animals living in it are fluid.

Not to mention, it is not known whether there are any wizards in the Forbidden Forest.

In addition, many conditions are described by Rimbaud, and Rimbaud's ability to express is limited...

Scott shook his head, dismissing those thoughts.

"Take me home now, Rimbaud."

He walked up to Rimbaud and touched the feathers on its neck with his hands.

"It only needs to be sent to the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest managed by Hogwarts."

"No problem." Rimbaud turned to look at him, "Climb on my back first."

On all fours, Scott sat on its back again.

"and many more."

He took out his wand and handkerchief, turning the blue handkerchief into a black strip of cloth.

Then he cast a bubble head curse on himself.

Finally he put away his wand and covered his eyes with black strips.

Since Rimbaud was going to be flying very fast this time, he put his hands around its neck.

"It's time to go!"


Rimbaud spread his wide wings and soared into the sky.

When it accelerated its flight, Scott could only close his eyes helplessly.

He felt the gust of wind whizzing past non-stop, and his robe seemed to be torn apart by the wind.

At the same time, he is also celebrating his foresight.

If he hadn't cast the bubble head curse on himself, he would definitely be unable to breathe at this moment.

Because he covered his eyes, Scott didn't know where Rimbaud had flown.

After feeling for a long time, the howling wind around him gradually eased, and Scott untied the black cloth strips on his head.

"We have reached the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest!" Rimbaud reminded.

"Go on," Scott said.

Rimbaud responded and began to descend from a high altitude.

He passed between the canopies of several oak trees and fell slowly to the ground.

"Huh?" Rimbaud suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

Scott looked down.

A majestic gray wolf was squatting on the ground in the forest, looking up.

This is not like a lone wolf.

Scott thought.

This wolf has a vigorous body, and the fur on its body is obviously longer than that of ordinary gray wolves.

Rimbaud's fall stirred the long hair on its neck.

Scott felt that such a healthy and young wolf did not look like it would be driven out by the wolf pack.

He began to look around, to see if there was a pack of wolves nearby.

However, I don't know if it is an illusion...

When the four eyes met just now, he seemed to see the human panic in the gray wolf's eyes.

So he looked at the gray wolf again.

Due to the existence of the gray wolf, Rimbaud did not fall directly, but stopped in mid-air.

And Scott poked his head to meet Gray Wolf's eyes again.

One person and one wolf stared at each other for more than five seconds.

Suddenly, the gray wolf's eyes became more and more dazed, and a whimper sounded from its throat.

Scott watched the gray wolf shrink in size, the gray hair on the head instantly elongated and turned red, the hair on the body shortened and disappeared, revealing the smooth skin, and finally turned into a naked girl.


Scott was a little dumbfounded at this time.

And Savannah was obviously frightened.

It wasn't until Scott spoke that she fully recovered.

A scream sounded, and Savannah's body quickly shrank into a ball.

She pulled out a robe out of thin air, covering herself tightly from head to toe.

Unlike in the duel exam before, she didn't dodge for too long this time.

Soon, she reached out and lifted the robe, and stood up neatly dressed.


She looked up at Scott with a flushed face.

"Did you... see... all of them?"

she stammered.

Scott blinked.

I saw it.


It was the same flat figure as when he was 11 years old.

So he didn't want to watch it.

"Did you see it!"

Seeing that Scott didn't answer, Savannah couldn't help asking again.

"I see." Scott replied.

Before Savannah blew her hair, he said in an exclamation tone: "I didn't expect you to be an Animagus at such a young age."

He looked at the girl appreciatively.

"You are a genius, Savannah."

Listening to his compliment, the girl grinned.

She gritted her teeth, but couldn't speak.

"Go down, Rimbaud."

Scott patted Rimbaud on the neck, motioning for it to land.

Rimbaud flapped his wings and slowly landed on the ground.

Scott jumped off Rimbaud's back.

After landing, he looked at Savannah who was still staring at him, and continued to praise her, "Everyone said I was a genius of transfiguration, but I didn't expect you to be the real genius."

At this moment, Savannah seemed to have come to her senses.

She immediately nodded quickly, "Yes, it's Animagus."

Then, she added, "It's natural!"

"So that's it." Scott very cooperatively pretended to be enlightened.

Compared with a first-year little wizard learning to transform an Animagus, a natural Animagus is obviously easier to accept.

At this moment, Savannah said anxiously, "You..."

"You want me to keep it a secret?" Scott asked.

"Yes, that's right..." Savannah nodded again and again, "I...I just don't want people to misunderstand me and think of me as a werewolf!"

"It doesn't matter."

Scott took out his wand and pointed it at Rimbaud under Savannah's defensive eyes.

"Shrink quickly."

Rimbaud quickly shrunk and returned to his normal size.

It flew up from the ground and landed on Scott's shoulder.

Scott touched Rimbaud's feathers with his hand, and smiled at Savannah.

"Let's keep it secret from each other. After all, I don't want others to know that Rimbaud is my good friend."

(End of this chapter)

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