Chapter 227

"How is it? It's spectacular, isn't it?"

Rimbaud asked Scott proudly.

"I didn't expect..." Scott said, "Your group is already so huge."

He looked at the crows who were quietly sitting on the branches, serving as background boards.

"Of course!"

Hearing what Scott said, Rimbaud became even more proud.

"Not only the crows of the Forbidden Forest," it said, "I have brought back many companions from other places."

When it said this, the other crows all raised their heads very cooperatively.

This scene is a bit spectacular.

Scott thought.

At this moment, Rimbaud waved his wings and let out a rattling cry.

In an instant, all the crows on the huge oak tree flew up together, and scattered like a thick black cloud.

Because there were so many of them, the sound of their flapping wings was intertwined and almost deafening.

Scott couldn't help but rejoice that these crows had been tamed by Rimbaud, and none of them called out.

Otherwise his ears would suffer even more.

After all the crows had dispersed and returned to their respective nests, Rimbaud flew down from the branch and landed on the ground in front of Scott.

Like a child eager to show off and share, it happily said: "Go, I'll show you my nest!"

"it is good."

Scott nodded curiously, aiming his wand at Rimbaud.

"Quickly zoom in!"

The radiance of the curse enveloped Rimbaud, and its body expanded rapidly, becoming extremely huge in an instant.

Scott put away his wand and climbed onto its back.

"Let's go!"

Rimbaud spread his wings, beat the air vigorously, and rose into the sky.

Its flight speed this time was not fast, it was very stable, and Scott, who was sitting on its back, hardly felt too many bumps.

"I searched for several days in the Forbidden Forest, and finally found this good place!"

Rimbaud spiraled around the huge oak tree, as if to give Scott a good look at the surrounding scenery.

"This was originally the territory of a group of fairies, but I drove them away with a group of crows!" Rimbaud was still talking about his "great achievements".

Soon, it flew out of the area covered by trees and came to the sky above the Forbidden Forest.

Scott looked down and saw a huge nest built in the canopy of an oak tree.

If Rimbaud's original size is used, this nest can hold dozens of them.

And the nest is quite aesthetically decorated with countless shiny things.

"Go down!"

Rimbaud flapped his wings and descended slowly, landing in the nest.

Scott jumped off his back.

He found that the nest was built very firmly, and even though the huge Rimbaud and he were in it at the moment, there was no sign of collapsing.

He looked around.

The edge of the lair was almost as high as his shoulders, and countless shiny decorations were shining.

Galleons, silver Sickles, copper Knuts, Muggle coins, jewelry, gemstones, crystal balls, broken glass, broken china, plastic flowers, Muggle toys...

It can be described as varied.

"Where did you find so many things?" Scott asked curiously.

Rimbaud said proudly, "I didn't look for it on purpose. The crows gave it to me when they found it."

Scott gives it a thumbs up.

Then he walked to the edge of the lair.

Standing on the top of the huge oak tree, he can look down at the endless forest.

He looked back in the direction of Hogwarts, and found that he could no longer see the majestic castle.

This place is far out of the jurisdiction of Hogwarts.

Strictly speaking, this place can no longer be called the Forbidden Forest.

The Forbidden Forest is only a small part of this vast forest.

The sun is shining, the wind is blowing, and the green waves of the forest are surging like the sea.

Scott didn't speak for a moment.

Facing such a scene, his mood became vast and stable.

He just let the wind mess up his hair, enjoying the state of mind at this moment comfortably.

Until Rimbaud broke the silence, "Scott, you can also build a nest in this tree, we can be neighbors!"

Scott turned to look at it.

Rimbaud raised his head and said, "You know, I invited you because you are my best friend. I didn't allow other crows to nest in this tree!"

Scott laughed instantly.

"Good idea," he responded, "just do it."

Rimbaud flapped his wings happily, poked his head out from the nest, and screamed loudly for a while.

In an instant, the sound of countless flapping wings resounded in the forest, and all the crows obeyed and acted.

When the number of groups accumulates to a certain level, many things become easier.

Scott watched countless crows come and go, and soon built a similar bird's nest in the canopy of the huge oak tree, a place lower than Rimbaud's nest.

Almost identical to Rimbaud's nest, except without the decorations.

At this moment, he heard Rimbaud say hesitantly: "Well, if you want, I can share some of my collection with you."

Scott was a little dumbfounded.

Rimbaud thought he was jealous of its collection when he compared the two nests?

"I don't want it, you'd better keep it for yourself." He said, "Such a nest is inconvenient for me, and I still need to modify it."

"Really?" Rimbaud asked again, "You really don't want it?"

He couldn't hide the joy in his tone.

"Really, I don't want it." Scott answered affirmatively, reassuring it.

Rimbaud pretended again, "Since you don't want it yourself, there's nothing you can do about it."

Scott glanced back at it.

Suddenly want to change my mind.

But he really didn't need that kind of "decoration", so he didn't change his words after all.

He started thinking about how to build his own tree house.

He had already thought about it just now. The nests built by the crows are very strong, which can be used as a "foundation".

But after thinking about it, he felt that it was too troublesome to build a tree house by himself.

Although he can easily build it with Transfiguration, the things transformed by Transfiguration cannot last for a long time after all.

He'll talk about it later.

He could go back to Muggle society and find someone to build a suitable cabin and bring it over with the Shrinking Charm.

At that time, he only needs to fix it with a permanent adhesive spell.

Don't take it easy.

Since you have money, why not take it easy.

After figuring this out, Scott immediately let go of the matter.

"I think I'm going back, Rimbaud."

He said to Rimbaud.

"Because there is no door key on the way back, I have to start early."

"Don't worry, Scott, I can take you back." Rimbaud reluctantly persuaded him to stay.

"You can drive me a distance," Scott said. "I don't want you and the crows to be seen."

If it is known that Scott can control the crows, it will not be so easy for him to use the crows to inquire about information in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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