Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 221 221. The Last Travers Dies

Chapter 221 221. The Last Travers Dies
Scott could see that the disrespectful attitude of Milton and the others made Mr. Graves a little annoyed.

But the gentleman managed to maintain the surface temperature after all.

"That's good, it's almost summer vacation anyway," he said to Milton. "Then we can talk about it when you get home from vacation."

"Okay, father." Milton still replied politely.

Mr. Graves said with some embarrassment: "Then... we will go back first."

Milton nodded, "Goodbye father, goodbye ma'am."

Mr. Graves glanced at him, turned and left, taking Mrs. Zabini's arm.

Scott heard him say to Mrs. Zabini in a flattering tone, "Honey, aren't we going to see that Brace kid?"

"No, the child doesn't like to be disturbed," said Mrs. Zabini.

The two walked away until their back disappeared into the eyes of several people.

Milton still stood there in a daze.

Behind him, Eddie and Roger winked desperately at Scott to talk to Milton.

Scott glanced at them angrily, stepped forward and patted Milton on the back hard.


He put his arm around Milton's shoulders and walked forward.

"Everyone is hungry, let's go have a big meal!"

Milton was led forward by him for several steps before he came back to his senses.

"Okay, I'm hungry too." He said with a smile.

Then he broke free from Scott's grasp.

"Thank you just now."

He glanced at Scott and smoothed his long, silky brown hair.

"But don't get too close to me, I don't like to be in close contact with anyone."

Scott choked on his words, while Roger and Eddie laughed.

Due to the end of the exam, the school did not arrange classes in the afternoon.

After lunch, Scott walked alone to the edge of the Forbidden Forest and sat down against a big tree.

Not long after, Rimbaud descended from the sky in front of him.

"Good afternoon, Scott." It greeted Scott excitedly.

"Hello, Rimbaud."

Scott took out his wand and placed a soundproofing charm around it.

"I've done it!"

Rimbaud jumped on Scott's lap, begging for praise.

"Travers is dead!"

"Thank you, Rimbaud."

Scott laughed.

Killing a notorious Death Eater, he wouldn't hesitate.

In other words, Scott has no psychological burden to kill any guy who wants to die.

Why did the Yaxley family do anything to Scott?

It's not because Travers gave them the conditions that made their hearts beat.

He reached out and stroked the raven's stiff feathers.

"Nobody noticed you?" he asked.

"Of course not." Rimbaud said proudly, "I flew over with a group of crows."

It told Scott what had happened.

Since its language expression ability is limited after all, it speaks in a stuttering manner. Fortunately, Scott can also understand its meaning.

Since Rimbaud was known as the Crow King of the Forbidden Forest, the crows he led had a territory in the Forbidden Forest.

Where exactly, even Scott didn't know.

Of course, he deliberately didn't want to know.

After Rimbaud had a territory, Scott handed over some sensitive things about himself to it to hide.

Such as viruses, such as poisons.

This time Travers was killed with the infamous ricin poison.

This toxin is often used as a toxin warfare agent weapon for international spies, intelligence personnel and terrorists to carry out assassination and sabotage activities.

The ricin in Scott's hands was left to him by Michael before he left England.

Of course, he didn't know where Michael got it from.

The lethal dose of this powerful toxin is about 7mg.

A few hours after the poisoning, it will become shock and drowsiness, and finally die from circulatory failure.

Considering that the vitality of wizards is much stronger than that of Muggles, the amount of ricin Scott prepared for Travers was much more than 7mg.

Rimbaud's process of killing Travers is also very simple.

Azkaban is located on an isolated island in the North Sea, which is full of terrible creatures like dementors.

Although the Ministry of Magic also arranged for a few wizards to guard there, but the wizards are all on the periphery and will not approach the dementor's territory.

And dementors don't attack animals.

The island is not short of prisoners who died suddenly and were dumped in the wilderness, so scavengers such as crows already existed.

So there is no obstacle for Rimbaud to enter Azkaban with other crows.

All it has to do is fly into the prison and find Travers.

Then inject him with ricin with a syringe while he sleeps, wait until Travers is confirmed dead, leave, and throw the syringe into the ocean.

After listening to Rimbaud's narration, Scott felt that the operation went smoothly.

The last member of the Travers family has died.

The next step is to wait for things to ferment.

Once this news comes, the Travers family, which owns a large amount of property, will usher in the hyena's food.

As for the Yaxley family, the family that planned to kill Scott, they will definitely be very unwilling to see the property they are about to acquire change.

Thinking of this, Scott laughed.

Driven by unwillingness, the Yaxley family will definitely compete with other pure-blood families.

And as long as there is competition, there will be conflicts.

What if a member of the Yaxley family died for no reason at the height of conflict?

Then no one would think that it was other families who did it.

In order to compete for the property of the Travers family.

Scott smiled again, and took off the silver snake necklace wrapped around his hand.

Then, he took out a small glass bottle containing mercury from the deformed lizard pocket on his waist, and soaked the snake-shaped necklace in the mercury.

"Take this away."

He capped the glass bottle tightly and gave it to Rimbaud.

"Take it to your site, bury it in the ground, and take it out to me after three days."

"what is this?"

Rimbaud grabbed the glass bottle with his paws and tilted his head.

"The untraceable Portkey," Scott replied.

Rimbaud tilted his head to the other side again, "Portkey?"

Scott explained: "After three days, it will record the buried location, and no matter where I am in the future, I can instantly reach the recorded place through the port key."

"Really? That's great!" Rimbaud gripped the glass bottle tightly.

"I have been inviting you to my place as a guest, but you have not gone." It flapped its wings and flew up.

"I deliberately don't have your territory in mind," Scott said. "It will be my safe house in the future."

"Okay, I want to find a good place to bury the bottle as soon as possible!" Rimbaud shouted, and flew directly into the Forbidden Forest.

"and many more."

Scott shouted, but due to the existence of the spell, Rimbaud didn't hear his voice and flew away.

He was a little helpless.

He also wanted Rimbaud to tell the crows to go and see who would be interested in the property of the Travers family.

Forget it.

There is still time after three days.

Or rather, the timing was just right.

Scott stood up, removed the previously arranged spell, and walked towards the castle.

(End of this chapter)

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